bye bye bernie, goodbye socialism blues...


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
hillary too. one of the great benefits to/of a President Trump will be the abatement of this insane march toward the socialismic animal farm.

no one will be seizing any wealth or noodling with the bill of rights, that's my platform too

In one of the greater ironies of his fundraising escapades, Sanders attended a fundraiser at the home of a Rockefeller family descendant, the same family whose wealth he thought should be confiscated during the ‘70s and ‘80s by the federal government. One of those families was the Rockefeller family.

Senator Sanders didn’t just sell out to big donors and corporate America to win elections. No, he also sold out to those who opposed gay marriage. Like so many other exaggerated claims by Sanders, he also maintains he’s a pioneer of gay rights, but there is no indication that the LGBT community was even a distant concern for him before he became a politician. In 1972 sounding much like a libertarian he said the US government should abolish laws against many activities including sexual behavior, but there is no indication that he was endorsing gay marriage. Sanders likes to ballyhoo his vote against DOMA as evidence he supported gay marriage, but neither his voting statement nor the explanation given by wife Jane Sanders in July of 1996 support his current revision. Mrs. Sanders stated in an interview that Sanders “’opposed the law because it weakened the section of the Constitution that says states must respect laws that are made in other states.’” In fact, Mrs. Sanders went on to say, “’we’re not legislating values. We have to follow the Constitution. And anything that weakens the Constitution should be (addressed) by a constitutional amendment, not by a law passed by Congress.’”

The late Peter Freyne, Vermont political observer and chronicler, wrote that Sanders deserved the “’Wishy-Washy Award hands down” for his “carefully crafted non-statement statement’” on whether the Vermont legislature should allow civil unions for LGBT citizens of Vermont. An exasperated Freyne also complained that pinning down Sanders’ position on gay marriage “’was like pulling teeth 
 from a rhinoceros.’” Sound familiar? Not coincidentally this was also an election year and in Freyne’s words, “’The Bern’s gut-level paranoia is acting up.’” When Sanders was asked by a reporter whether Vermont should legalize same-sex marriage, his reply seems odd for a revolutionary, “’Not right now, not after what we went through.’” In the 2006 Senatorial Debate Sanders, when he was put on the spot with a question about whether or not the federal government should make gay marriage legal, he again fell back on his states’ right defense.

In the very same 2006 election where he neutralized the Democratic Party opposition, Sanders received campaign financing of $37,300 directly from the DSCC along with $60,000 in ad buys. Among the donors some money came from Goldman Sachs, Citigroup and other major banks. As a matter of fact Sen. Sanders, known as one of the very productive Democratic fundraisers, on occasion even hosts retreats for the “Majority Trust,” a group of donors who give more than $30,000 a year.

whoopsie daisy ! then there are the unions. see nobody's perfect.
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i don't think most people are clear on how close we came to being like europe,.

believe me if the swiss guard is overwhelmed and the pope is in danger, guess who comes running to save the day. same is true on seven continents except for libya.

f16's fly over the superbowl, just not benghazi under hillary and fidel obama, who's first priority is to make cuba great again.

that's what we're voting for. ending socialism in these united states.

that i can tell you.

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