Buyer's remorse from Trump voters? Not so much - Trumpy would win AGAIN if we had a "do over"


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
This is according to WaPo of all places...

As someone who was a reluctant Trump supporter, I already knew this.

He was not my choice in the primaries because I did not think he could win & I wasn't sure that I trusted him, but I have been pleasantly surprised with his performance as POTUS - he has either fulfilled his promises or at least attempted to do so (I do not hold Trump responsible for things the Republican controlled Congress has failed to pass/implement)

Most conservatives on this forum have been echoing the same sentiment. Happy with Trump at a 5-1 clip sounds about right, and there is really NOTHING Clinton could do to get more people excited, at least not in the states that matter - in fact, if the election was held again TODAY, not only would Trump win, it is likely he would take the popular vote as well - I have to admit that is super encouraging to see!

Analysis | Trump voters don’t have buyer’s remorse. But some Hillary Clinton voters do.

I argued last week that anecdotal stories about disillusioned Trump supporters were overdone. The fact is that, on a broad scale, Trump supporters say they aren't disappointed. In fact, a poll showed they were more pleased than disappointed, by about 5 to 1:

...The Pew Research Center released a poll showing very little buyer's remorse among Trump voters. The poll showed just 7 percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents say Trump has performed worse than they expected him to. Fully 38 percent — five times as many — say he has performed better.

A new Washington Post-ABC News poll confirms this — in spades. And, in fact, it shows more buyer's remorse for Trump's opponent in the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton. And were the 2016 election held again today, it shows Trump would avenge his popular-vote loss.
The Pew Research Center released a poll showing very little buyer's remorse among Trump voters. The poll showed just 7 percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents say Trump has performed worse than they expected him to.
Assuming that 7% were to vote for someone other than Trump, he'd quite likely have lost the election. How so? Do the math. Reduce Trump's vote tally in each state by 7% and see who'd won the electors from those states.

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