Buttigieg nailed on Biden regime lies on job creation.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
2.7 million..................19 million..............what's the difference?

Buttigeig: We should have been more precise. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Chris Wallace grills Buttigieg on false jobs claim: 'Why mislead people?'
Buttigieg, who overstated projected jobs created by over 16M, says 'I should have been more precise'

"Fox News Sunday" anchor Chris Wallace on Sunday grilled Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg for exaggerating the number of jobs that would be created by President Biden's $2 trillion-plus spending proposal.

Wallace noted that Buttigieg and other Biden administration officials overstated the number of jobs that would be created by Biden's "American Jobs Plan" last Sunday and then asked, "Why mislead people?"

"You're right. I should have been more precise," Buttigieg said.

Buttigieg then attempted to spin the projected number of jobs created by saying that there would be over 2 million more jobs created with the "infrastructure" plan than if there wasn't a plan.

Wallace said there was a huge difference between 2 million jobs created and 19 million jobs, prompting Buttigieg to say it's "very important" for Americans to know 2.7 million jobs will be created. He then asked Buttigieg whether he agrees that he and other Biden administration officials exaggerated the "jobs impact."

2.7 million..................19 million..............what's the difference?

Buttigeig: We should have been more precise. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Chris Wallace grills Buttigieg on false jobs claim: 'Why mislead people?'
Buttigieg, who overstated projected jobs created by over 16M, says 'I should have been more precise'

"Fox News Sunday" anchor Chris Wallace on Sunday grilled Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg for exaggerating the number of jobs that would be created by President Biden's $2 trillion-plus spending proposal.

Wallace noted that Buttigieg and other Biden administration officials overstated the number of jobs that would be created by Biden's "American Jobs Plan" last Sunday and then asked, "Why mislead people?"

"You're right. I should have been more precise," Buttigieg said.

Buttigieg then attempted to spin the projected number of jobs created by saying that there would be over 2 million more jobs created with the "infrastructure" plan than if there wasn't a plan.

Wallace said there was a huge difference between 2 million jobs created and 19 million jobs, prompting Buttigieg to say it's "very important" for Americans to know 2.7 million jobs will be created. He then asked Buttigieg whether he agrees that he and other Biden administration officials exaggerated the "jobs impact."

Those aren't jobs, those are welfare recipients holding signs
So what else is new? Dimbo’s and Pubs love to exaggerate, depending upon ones political affiliation the press only calls out Pubs. Dimbo’s get an automatic get out of jail card on their BS because they know no better:)?
Oh you crazy lefties....always fucking lying.

2 million....19 million.....same thing.

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