Bush should heal the wounds


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Bush doesn't like President Trump.
In fact Bush likes Obama much more than Trump.
Obama assaulted our democracy for 8 years.
Obama used our own CIA, FBI and DOJ like his secret police in some sort of Banana Republic.
Bush needs to do the right thing for our country and endorse President Trump.

Bush doesn't like President Trump.
In fact Bush likes Obama much more than Trump.
Obama assaulted our democracy for 8 years.
Obama used our own CIA, FBI and DOJ like his secret police in some sort of Banana Republic.
Bush needs to do the right thing for our country and endorse President Trump.

View attachment 404288
Trump crushed his "low energy" brother last election. That isnt the kind of thing he is going to forget very easily.
Bush doesn't like President Trump.
In fact Bush likes Obama much more than Trump.
Obama assaulted our democracy for 8 years.
Obama used our own CIA, FBI and DOJ like his secret police in some sort of Banana Republic.
Bush needs to do the right thing for our country and endorse President Trump.

View attachment 404288
The Bushes are globalist scum, just like the two other reptilians he's posing with....He couldn't care less about Murica as a sovereign nation.

And he's perfectly good with abusing the police/spook state as Oboingo did....He likely would have done the same under similar circumstances.

Fuck Bush.
Bush doesn't like President Trump.
In fact Bush likes Obama much more than Trump.
Obama assaulted our democracy for 8 years.
Obama used our own CIA, FBI and DOJ like his secret police in some sort of Banana Republic.
Bush needs to do the right thing for our country and endorse President Trump.

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WHAT???? The Bushes are the very twats running the Lincoln Project. They are NWO assholes and they are pissed that Jeb didn't get them a 4th term.

In the words of....the...Revhereanhend Jesse Jackson:
"Stay out the Bushes."
I used to have some respect for Bush years ago....it's zero now.
Bush sucks up to Obama who blamed Bush for everything for eight years.
I don't understand how the swamp works.
When Bush and the establishment Repungnacratics reached across the aisle to fuck the US with support of NAFTA, the creation of FISA courts(saw how well that went) and No Child LEFT BEHIND, along with "Free Prescription Drugs for the rich elderly", i knew that Georgie was just like his Prog Father Bush 41. We see 3 Progs in the picture all chumming it up. I wonder if Bush 43 got a taste of Fantasy Island of Jeff Epstein.
GW is in good company with the Kenyan mongrel bastard and the sex-offender. The reason all of them hate Trump is because President Trump has succeeded at everything they failed at, and it didn't even take two whole terms.
I used to have some respect for Bush years ago....it's zero now.
Bush sucks up to Obama who blamed Bush for everything for eight years.
I don't understand how the swamp works.
I personally think he now sees how he has been used. I find it telling several of his past administrations people now lean towards Trump. They didn’t until the truth came out about the Russian crap.
GW is in good company with the Kenyan mongrel bastard and the sex-offender. The reason all of them hate Trump is because President Trump has succeeded at everything they failed at, and it didn't even take two whole terms.
In the next debate, I hope Trump mentions that he has REDUCED THE COVID MORTALITY RATE 90% since last April. Incredibly, I don't think that has been mentioned in any of these debates or town halls so far.

Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
National Center for Health Statistics
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