Bush Out of Political Capital Over Amnesty


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
So Lugar is probably not the only one ready to throw Iraq over:


Political Capital

On immigration, President Bush has gone way beyond spending political capital; he has now maxed out his political credit cards. He will not be able to ask Congress for anything else. Which raises the question: What happens when the surge comes up for review in September? Has the president in effect sacrificed Iraq for immigration amnesty?

06/26 09:48 AM
So how important is this amnesty thing to Bush? More important than Iraq:


Bush facing GOP mutiny over immigration
By: Patrick O'Connor
June 28, 2007 06:07 AM EST

The bitter fight over a comprehensive immigration overhaul has pushed President Bush and his fellow Republicans to the brink of divorce -- and, for the first time, the opportunities for reconciliation appear severely limited.

House leaders played down the friction Wednesday, but Republicans have predicted a showdown with the White House over immigration since Democrats took control of Congress last fall. And that longstanding tension spilled out Tuesday when GOP lawmakers voted overwhelmingly to reject the Senate -- and, by turns, the White House -- immigration overhaul.

This immigration fight marks yet another low ebb for the White House, and the path forward looks rocky, as GOP support for the war in Iraq teeters.

Thank God some on Capital Hill are coming to their senses

The loud people must have been heard

I agree about the amnesty thing. You do understand what this means to the WOT? To the elections coming up in about a year and a half? This was foolhardy of the Republican leadership and almost seems contrived to break the GOP.
I agree about the amnesty thing. You do understand what this means to the WOT? To the elections coming up in about a year and a half? This was foolhardy of the Republican leadership and almost seems contrived to break the GOP.

I agree with you. Perhaps the current Republicans are paying attention. If not there are plenty of Reagan conservatives who, I hope, will step up, and take them on in the primaries
I agree with you. Perhaps the current Republicans are paying attention. If not there are plenty of Reagan conservatives who, I hope, will step up, and take them on in the primaries

I think you are misunderstanding. No one can 'revive' twenty years ago. Might their be someone that can communicate ideas as well as Reagan? I'm not seeing anyone IN THE RACE yet that can. Thompson? So far he says all the right things on his own blog and in editorials-but hasn't faced questioning from the media, the people, or any opponents.

He would have to 'walk on water' to save what is going to be left if this bill should fail. Impossible if it were to pass.
I think you are misunderstanding. No one can 'revive' twenty years ago. Might their be someone that can communicate ideas as well as Reagan? I'm not seeing anyone IN THE RACE yet that can. Thompson? So far he says all the right things on his own blog and in editorials-but hasn't faced questioning from the media, the people, or any opponents.

He would have to 'walk on water' to save what is going to be left if this bill should fail. Impossible if it were to pass.

Kathy, NOBODY could ever be another Ronald Reagan. I have many pictures of him in my home. He was the best President in my lifetime, and there will never be another Reagan

Now, can someone come along and stand by the conservative principals of Reagan - yes

Fred Thompson could be that man. The liberal media is starting their attacks -which should tell you something
Kathy, NOBODY could ever be another Ronald Reagan. I have many pictures of him in my home. He was the best President in my lifetime, and there will never be another Reagan

Now, can someone come along and stand by the conservative principals of Reagan - yes

Fred Thompson could be that man. The liberal media is starting their attacks -which should tell you something

I'm not that big a Reagan booster, though admire how he managed to repair the party and bring the country back from anomie brought on by Watergate and Vietnam.

I deplore what he did to the census and Beirut.
I'm not that big a Reagan booster, though admire how he managed to repair the party and bring the country back from anomie brought on by Watergate and Vietnam.

I deplore what he did to the census and Beirut.

Was he perfect - of course not

But he was the right man at the right time. He cleaned up the mess Pres Peanut left behind
typical RSR...never wanting to own up to the horrible message sent to Islamic extremists by Reagan running away in the dead of night from our commitments in Beirut. total cowardice (or incompetence,for that matter) on the part of republicans always gets a free pass from mindless ass-licking bushbots.
Reagan ran up the deficit, nearly got us into a nuclear war, ignored pressing social problems and lucked out that he was president when Gorbachev came into office.
Reagan ran up the deficit, nearly got us into a nuclear war, ignored pressing social problems and lucked out that he was president when Gorbachev came into office.

Pres Reagan cut the top tax rate from 70% to 28%. Revenues DOUBLED in his eight years. The Dem Congress spent the money like water

When Pres Reagan took office the US had double digit inflation, double digit interest rates, and near double digit unemployment

It was so bad under Pres Peanut. they came up with the Misery Index

The US has humilated by Iran for 444 days - Pres Peanut did nothing. We had long gas lines, people could not buy heating oil. Pres peanut then sits in the WH and tells the nation to wear a sweater

Pres Reagan brought down the Soviet Union without firing a shot

Libs continue to try and rewrite history
The US has humilated by Iran for 444 days - Pres Peanut did nothing. We had long gas lines, people could not buy heating oil. Pres peanut then sits in the WH and tells the nation to wear a sweater

Pres Reagan brought down the Soviet Union without firing a shot

Libs continue to try and rewrite history

and rsr continues to ignore it. the arab extremists killed 252 of our marines with one truck bomb, and your hero Ronnie ran away with his tail between his legs...and you continue to minimize the empowering effect that cowardice had on our enemies. why IS that?
and for the record, I can vividly remember sitting in the wardroom of the USS Wichita in Alameda when news of the embassy takeover broke on the television.

The wardroom was unified in hoping that former naval officer Jimmy Carter would have a set of balls and give Tehran an ultimatum to either return our embassies and our people within 24 hours or we would level Tehran to the ground with a massive air attack.

I was super pissed that he didn't... was, instead soon on my way to the IO and spent the next eight months in the northern arabian sea gassing up carrier battle groups.... the shittiest deployment of my entire career.
and for the record, I can vividly remember sitting in the wardroom of the USS Wichita in Alameda when news of the embassy takeover broke on the television.

The wardroom was unified in hoping that former naval officer Jimmy Carter would have a set of balls and give Tehran an ultimatum to either return our embassies and our people within 24 hours or we would level Tehran to the ground with a massive air attack.

I was super pissed that he didn't... was, instead soon on my way to the IO and spent the next eight months in the northern arabian sea gassing up carrier battle groups.... the shittiest deployment of my entire career.

Sounds logical reactions to me.

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