Bush Ignored Multiple 911 Warnings/Lied About WMDs in Iraq.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Bush Ignored Multiple 911 Warnings/Lied About WMDs in Iraq.
And where was the “outrage” that we are having about 4 American killed in a fire in Benghazi, Libya U.S. Consulate.
*uckabee; “If this was the Bush administration that lied about 911 we would be outraged?” WTF? and excuse my language. Didn’t Bush ignore multiple warning about terrorist planning to attack and a plane penetrated the world trade center, two planes, and murdered 3,000 people and no outrage by *uckabee, Foxnews and the Radial Right. Then he lied about WMDs in Iraq and 6,000 died and no “outrage.”
I cannot *ucking believe that I am hearing this from Foxnews. *ucking unbelievable.

New Gov. Documents Show President Bush Ignored Numerous Warnings Prior to 9/11 Attack

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nb3Ojns7fuA]Hard Evidence Bush LIED About Iraq - YouTube[/ame]
Much bigger lie that was extremely catastrophic. Republicans keep acting outraged over Libya.

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