Bush didn't just lie........

No, "the democrats" in the House didn't, some of them didn't

You said the Democrats got us into the war. No, they didn't. The Democrats in the House voted down the resolution,

which means it was dead as far as the Democrats were concerned.

Truism, you said the Democrats are not responsible, you put no limit on that statement

They are not responsible because if the Democrats had had their way the Iraq resolution would have died in the House.

Begging the question

You have no idea what begging the question means.

Actually you don't know what it means, but you sure know how to do it
Once again we see rightwing nuts who supported the Iraq war now trying to blame it on the Democrats,

thus proving they are admitting they were wrong to support it.

You also have a libertarian who isn't a bitch of the Republican or Democratic party like you blaming you both for it.

Just so you know, I don't give a shit if you think I'm a Republican. However, if you keep using your arguing W points with me when I don't agree with W, you will go back on ignore. It would be like before, you didn't piss me off, so I would let you off next April just like the last one. It's just boring as shit when you say I am a Republican and supported the war when I am neither

We have a two term president who opposed the war.

As did I. We were right when it mattered. Keep defending those who were wrong.

You are too stupid to breathe. When I am blaming both sides, WTF am I defending? You are defending the Democrats, I'm saying both sides are guilty. There is something seriously, seriously wrong with you
They were viewed as being involved in terror. They were. 70% were not even knowledgeable enough on the middle east to have that specific view, so it was a bull shit poll. Half the country can't name the Vice President
Stop kazzing ... some 70% believed Hussein was involved in 9.11. Funny how so many people believed a message from the Bush administration you deny they were pushing.
Only morons thought that... are you a moron?
You're a fucking retard. There is no other explanation for how you can call 70% of Americans, "morons," for believing the president and his administration. Even funnier -- a plurality of that poll who you call morons, were righties. :lmao:
Yes or no... did you or did you not think Iraq was behind 9.11? Easy question Faun. You can do it... YES [ ] or NO [ ]. Place your x.

I assure you, being a moron has nothing to do with being on the left or right of the political aisle. There are plenty of morons to go around.
Of course I believed the Bush administration. At that time, who could imagine they were lying?

What's moronic is calling 70% of the country morons for believing them.
ROFL what a moron. This guy believed that Iraq was behind 9.11. ROFL I'll bet he believes in the tooth fairy too.
Last edited:
Once again we see rightwing nuts who supported the Iraq war now trying to blame it on the Democrats,

thus proving they are admitting they were wrong to support it.

You also have a libertarian who isn't a bitch of the Republican or Democratic party like you blaming you both for it.

Just so you know, I don't give a shit if you think I'm a Republican. However, if you keep using your arguing W points with me when I don't agree with W, you will go back on ignore. It would be like before, you didn't piss me off, so I would let you off next April just like the last one. It's just boring as shit when you say I am a Republican and supported the war when I am neither

We have a two term president who opposed the war.

As did I. We were right when it mattered. Keep defending those who were wrong.

Also, that two term president finished W's timeline, some opposition
My lord - I don't know whether its the horse shit or bull crap you are better at spewing - lets just call it donkey dung shall we .

You completely ignore and seek to sweep under the carpet all overwhelming evidence that does not support the Liberal narrative - its has been flung in your clown face time and time again - You are "So Damn Insane" if you honestly believe that Saddam Hussein was not tinkering with WMD

"........did not vanish from the Iraqi battlefield. Remnants of Saddam’s toxic arsenal, largely destroyed after the Gulf War, remained. Jihadists, insurgents and foreign (possibly Iranian) agitators turned to these stockpiles during the Iraq conflict — and may have brewed up their own deadly agents.

In August 2004, for instance, American forces surreptitiously purchased what they believed to be containers of liquid sulfur mustard, a toxic “blister agent” used as a chemical weapon since World War I. The troops tested the liquid, and “reported two positive results for blister.” The chemical was then “triple-sealed and transported to a secure site” outside their base. …

Nearly three years later, American troops were still finding WMD in the region. An armored Buffalo vehicle unearthed a cache of artillery shells “that was covered by sacks and leaves under an Iraqi Community Watch checkpoint. “The 155mm rounds are filled with an unknown liquid, and several of which are leaking a black tar-like substance.” Initial tests were inconclusive. But later.the rounds tested positive for mustard.Wikileaks documents show WMDs found in Iraq Hot Air

Tuwaitha Nuclear Power facility ....

"During the process of Uranium enrichment, they produced a form of "yellowcake" a powdery yellow substance that can be absorbed through the skin, ingested, or inhaled. The only recourse the Iraqi Government had was to encase the powder in cement. Once in the body the substance which is a Uranium calcate makes it way to the bones where it bonds with calcium and basically stops prodution of bone marrow, leading to organ shutdown and a slow withering death. By the time we arrived and secured the site, a neighboring village had taken many barrels of yellowcake, dumped them out and were using them to store water and rice, etc. in. I can only imagine what has happened to those people by now. The main toxic waste facility was a cement building stocked full of the yellowcake drums but there were cement patches on the ground outside where our radiometers would go off and you could see spilled yellowcake also. We had to put a unit guarding that portion 24-7 to ensure it would not be further looted and to secure the radioactive material. U.S. personel were definetly exposed as the strong winds would mix the spilled yellowcake with the airborne dust."

Talk Saddam nuke lab at Tuwaitha Iraq clean up photo - WikiLeaks

"......Yet other sections of the same report were hardly reassuring. “Stockpiles of chemical munitions are still stored there,” it stated. “The most dangerous ones have been declared to the UN and are sealed in bunkers. Although declared, the bunkers’ contents have yet to be confirmed.” It added, “These areas of the compound pose a hazard to civilians and potential black-marketers.”

"Another report paints an even more disturbing picture of the Muthanna facility. It warned that the number and status of Saddam’s sarin-filled rockets was unknown because facilities were not able to be inspected, leaving investigators only able to surmise about the weapons’ condition. Even in degraded conditions, the report said, these rockets still posed a proliferation risk:"

Another flaming imbecile. :cuckoo: We know he wasn't "tinkering" with WMD. The only WMD found were some old leftovers from the first Gulf War that were scattered around the country. There were no stockpiles Bush was telling us about. No mobile weapons labs. No weapons programs. None are so committed to idiocy as you rightwingers. Despite 13 years of witnessing this shit unfold, y'all cling to the same old thoroughly debunked bullshit ... like the Bush administration didn't lie .... like Hussein was building and stockpiling WMD ... like every country thought Hussein had WMD ... like Iraq and Al-Qaeda were working together .... Rightardism is a mental disease.

Wow, great point. Democrats are fucking LIARS. You must hate them to have gotten us into that war arm in arm with W
Your non-sequitur is noted and dismissed. Now watch as I point out how failed to address anything in my post, no less, refute anything.

Meanwhile, your lie that every country thought Hussein was building WMD is thoroughly dismantled. Which of course, is why you tried to deflect with that lame non-sequitur. :mm:
So when we blame Republicans who got us into the war, blaming Democrats who got us into the war too would be a non-sequitur. Classic.

LOL, that always cracks me up when you liberals try to repeat my pointing out your logical fallacies to you, and you try to do it back and just show you don't know what the fallacies mean
Your reply to my post had nothing to do with what I posted.

That is called a "non-sequitur."

Educate yourself.

It has everything to do with what you said. I say both parties are guilty, you say no, when they did the same thing, it was all the Republicans fault. You considered applying the same standard to both parties to be a non-sequitur, that's ridiculous
Another flaming imbecile. :cuckoo: We know he wasn't "tinkering" with WMD. The only WMD found were some old leftovers from the first Gulf War that were scattered around the country. There were no stockpiles Bush was telling us about. No mobile weapons labs. No weapons programs. None are so committed to idiocy as you rightwingers. Despite 13 years of witnessing this shit unfold, y'all cling to the same old thoroughly debunked bullshit ... like the Bush administration didn't lie .... like Hussein was building and stockpiling WMD ... like every country thought Hussein had WMD ... like Iraq and Al-Qaeda were working together .... Rightardism is a mental disease.

Wow, great point. Democrats are fucking LIARS. You must hate them to have gotten us into that war arm in arm with W
Your non-sequitur is noted and dismissed. Now watch as I point out how failed to address anything in my post, no less, refute anything.

Meanwhile, your lie that every country thought Hussein was building WMD is thoroughly dismantled. Which of course, is why you tried to deflect with that lame non-sequitur. :mm:
So when we blame Republicans who got us into the war, blaming Democrats who got us into the war too would be a non-sequitur. Classic.

LOL, that always cracks me up when you liberals try to repeat my pointing out your logical fallacies to you, and you try to do it back and just show you don't know what the fallacies mean
Your reply to my post had nothing to do with what I posted.

That is called a "non-sequitur."

Educate yourself.

It has everything to do with what you said. I say both parties are guilty, you say no, when they did the same thing, it was all the Republicans fault. You considered applying the same standard to both parties to be a non-sequitur, that's ridiculous

21 times as many Democrats as Republicans voted against the Iraq War.

That is hardly an equal distribution of guilt.
Did you see where W took a $100,000 speaking fee from a homeless shelter. Admittedly, it was ill-advised to offer that kind of a fee to anyone. But as an ex-president, you would think that Bush would speak for free at such an event. Compassionate conservative, my ASS!
I dont see you complaining about Bill Clinton's half million dollar speaking fees in Kazakhstan, you little hypocrite.

If Bill Clinton took a six figure sum of money (or ANY money, for that matter) to speak at a homeless shelter, I'd criticize him six ways to Sunday. There's no doubt in my mind that you would to. But I guess you don't see a problem with it if Bush does it. Know what that makes you?
OK so you pulled that story out of your ass. Got it.
I heard Bill Clinton got 200,000 for speaking at a whorehouse.
Did you see where W took a $100,000 speaking fee from a homeless shelter. Admittedly, it was ill-advised to offer that kind of a fee to anyone. But as an ex-president, you would think that Bush would speak for free at such an event. Compassionate conservative, my ASS!
I dont see you complaining about Bill Clinton's half million dollar speaking fees in Kazakhstan, you little hypocrite.

If Bill Clinton took a six figure sum of money (or ANY money, for that matter) to speak at a homeless shelter, I'd criticize him six ways to Sunday. There's no doubt in my mind that you would to. But I guess you don't see a problem with it if Bush does it. Know what that makes you?
OK so you pulled that story out of your ass. Got it.
I heard Bill Clinton got 200,000 for speaking at a whorehouse.

For your sake, stop embarrassing yourself!

According to a recent story by the news site Politico, George W. Bush has earned around $100,000 to $175,000 for each of the 200-plus paid speaking engagements he has had since leaving office in 2009.

The sponsoring groups have included the National Association of Chain Drug Stores, global wealth management firms, chambers of commerce, and even the Bowling Proprietors' Association of America where he reportedly said, "Bowling is fun."

Apparently, he was also one of the more affordable speakers to hire, as a homeless shelter who paid him $100,000 considered other notable figures including Hillary Clinton whose rate was around $250,000.

Politico reveals George W. Bush s sizable speaking income - AOL.com
Did you see where W took a $100,000 speaking fee from a homeless shelter. Admittedly, it was ill-advised to offer that kind of a fee to anyone. But as an ex-president, you would think that Bush would speak for free at such an event. Compassionate conservative, my ASS!
I dont see you complaining about Bill Clinton's half million dollar speaking fees in Kazakhstan, you little hypocrite.

If Bill Clinton took a six figure sum of money (or ANY money, for that matter) to speak at a homeless shelter, I'd criticize him six ways to Sunday. There's no doubt in my mind that you would to. But I guess you don't see a problem with it if Bush does it. Know what that makes you?
OK so you pulled that story out of your ass. Got it.
I heard Bill Clinton got 200,000 for speaking at a whorehouse.

For your sake, stop embarrassing yourself!

According to a recent story by the news site Politico, George W. Bush has earned around $100,000 to $175,000 for each of the 200-plus paid speaking engagements he has had since leaving office in 2009.

The sponsoring groups have included the National Association of Chain Drug Stores, global wealth management firms, chambers of commerce, and even the Bowling Proprietors' Association of America where he reportedly said, "Bowling is fun."

Apparently, he was also one of the more affordable speakers to hire, as a homeless shelter who paid him $100,000 considered other notable figures including Hillary Clinton whose rate was around $250,000.

Politico reveals George W. Bush s sizable speaking income - AOL.com
100 bucks would be WASTED money on that bumbling buffoon.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Stop kazzing ... some 70% believed Hussein was involved in 9.11. Funny how so many people believed a message from the Bush administration you deny they were pushing.
Only morons thought that... are you a moron?
You're a fucking retard. There is no other explanation for how you can call 70% of Americans, "morons," for believing the president and his administration. Even funnier -- a plurality of that poll who you call morons, were righties. :lmao:
Yes or no... did you or did you not think Iraq was behind 9.11? Easy question Faun. You can do it... YES [ ] or NO [ ]. Place your x.

I assure you, being a moron has nothing to do with being on the left or right of the political aisle. There are plenty of morons to go around.
Of course I believed the Bush administration. At that time, who could imagine they were lying?

What's moronic is calling 70% of the country morons for believing them.
ROFL what a moron. This guy believed that Iraq was behind 9.11. ROFL I'll bet he believes in the tooth fairy too.
Again, you're an idiot who thinks 70% of the nation are morons for believing the Bush administration.
Another flaming imbecile. :cuckoo: We know he wasn't "tinkering" with WMD. The only WMD found were some old leftovers from the first Gulf War that were scattered around the country. There were no stockpiles Bush was telling us about. No mobile weapons labs. No weapons programs. None are so committed to idiocy as you rightwingers. Despite 13 years of witnessing this shit unfold, y'all cling to the same old thoroughly debunked bullshit ... like the Bush administration didn't lie .... like Hussein was building and stockpiling WMD ... like every country thought Hussein had WMD ... like Iraq and Al-Qaeda were working together .... Rightardism is a mental disease.

Wow, great point. Democrats are fucking LIARS. You must hate them to have gotten us into that war arm in arm with W
Your non-sequitur is noted and dismissed. Now watch as I point out how failed to address anything in my post, no less, refute anything.

Meanwhile, your lie that every country thought Hussein was building WMD is thoroughly dismantled. Which of course, is why you tried to deflect with that lame non-sequitur. :mm:
So when we blame Republicans who got us into the war, blaming Democrats who got us into the war too would be a non-sequitur. Classic.

LOL, that always cracks me up when you liberals try to repeat my pointing out your logical fallacies to you, and you try to do it back and just show you don't know what the fallacies mean
Your reply to my post had nothing to do with what I posted.

That is called a "non-sequitur."

Educate yourself.

It has everything to do with what you said. I say both parties are guilty, you say no, when they did the same thing, it was all the Republicans fault. You considered applying the same standard to both parties to be a non-sequitur, that's ridiculous
You're reply had nothing to do with my post. You even just said, you think my post was about blaming Republicans ... it wasn't. It was about you lying and you're not a Republican.

You're too fucking retarded to know what I was talking about so it is feasible you're just too stupid to know your post was a non-sequitur.
Only morons thought that... are you a moron?
You're a fucking retard. There is no other explanation for how you can call 70% of Americans, "morons," for believing the president and his administration. Even funnier -- a plurality of that poll who you call morons, were righties. :lmao:
Yes or no... did you or did you not think Iraq was behind 9.11? Easy question Faun. You can do it... YES [ ] or NO [ ]. Place your x.

I assure you, being a moron has nothing to do with being on the left or right of the political aisle. There are plenty of morons to go around.
Of course I believed the Bush administration. At that time, who could imagine they were lying?

What's moronic is calling 70% of the country morons for believing them.
ROFL what a moron. This guy believed that Iraq was behind 9.11. ROFL I'll bet he believes in the tooth fairy too.
Again, you're an idiot who thinks 70% of the nation are morons for believing the Bush administration.

it was bad intel, 70% of the entire world believed it. Including both clintons who had access to exactly the same intel that Bush had.
You're a fucking retard. There is no other explanation for how you can call 70% of Americans, "morons," for believing the president and his administration. Even funnier -- a plurality of that poll who you call morons, were righties. :lmao:
Yes or no... did you or did you not think Iraq was behind 9.11? Easy question Faun. You can do it... YES [ ] or NO [ ]. Place your x.

I assure you, being a moron has nothing to do with being on the left or right of the political aisle. There are plenty of morons to go around.
Of course I believed the Bush administration. At that time, who could imagine they were lying?

What's moronic is calling 70% of the country morons for believing them.
ROFL what a moron. This guy believed that Iraq was behind 9.11. ROFL I'll bet he believes in the tooth fairy too.
Again, you're an idiot who thinks 70% of the nation are morons for believing the Bush administration.

it was bad intel, 70% of the entire world believed it. Including both clintons who had access to exactly the same intel that Bush had.

More praise due then for the majority of Democrats who voted against the war.
You're a fucking retard. There is no other explanation for how you can call 70% of Americans, "morons," for believing the president and his administration. Even funnier -- a plurality of that poll who you call morons, were righties. :lmao:
Yes or no... did you or did you not think Iraq was behind 9.11? Easy question Faun. You can do it... YES [ ] or NO [ ]. Place your x.

I assure you, being a moron has nothing to do with being on the left or right of the political aisle. There are plenty of morons to go around.
Of course I believed the Bush administration. At that time, who could imagine they were lying?

What's moronic is calling 70% of the country morons for believing them.
ROFL what a moron. This guy believed that Iraq was behind 9.11. ROFL I'll bet he believes in the tooth fairy too.
Again, you're an idiot who thinks 70% of the nation are morons for believing the Bush administration.

it was bad intel, 70% of the entire world believed it. Including both clintons who had access to exactly the same intel that Bush had.
You're a fucking moron. The intel informed the Bush administration that 9.11 hijacker Mohammad Atta did not meet with Iraqi officials in Prague. The intel was right. It was the Bush administration which lied about that.

Again... who would expect the Bush administration would lie and let America believe there was a connection between Iraq and 9.11, when in fact, there was no connection and the administration knew it.
Only morons thought that... are you a moron?
You're a fucking retard. There is no other explanation for how you can call 70% of Americans, "morons," for believing the president and his administration. Even funnier -- a plurality of that poll who you call morons, were righties. :lmao:
Yes or no... did you or did you not think Iraq was behind 9.11? Easy question Faun. You can do it... YES [ ] or NO [ ]. Place your x.

I assure you, being a moron has nothing to do with being on the left or right of the political aisle. There are plenty of morons to go around.
Of course I believed the Bush administration. At that time, who could imagine they were lying?

What's moronic is calling 70% of the country morons for believing them.
ROFL what a moron. This guy believed that Iraq was behind 9.11. ROFL I'll bet he believes in the tooth fairy too.
Again, you're an idiot who thinks 70% of the nation are morons for believing the Bush administration.

Public support for the invasion in early 2003 was the direct result of a successful propaganda campaign to sell the war,

perpetrated by the Bush administration.
Yes or no... did you or did you not think Iraq was behind 9.11? Easy question Faun. You can do it... YES [ ] or NO [ ]. Place your x.

I assure you, being a moron has nothing to do with being on the left or right of the political aisle. There are plenty of morons to go around.
Of course I believed the Bush administration. At that time, who could imagine they were lying?

What's moronic is calling 70% of the country morons for believing them.
ROFL what a moron. This guy believed that Iraq was behind 9.11. ROFL I'll bet he believes in the tooth fairy too.
Again, you're an idiot who thinks 70% of the nation are morons for believing the Bush administration.

it was bad intel, 70% of the entire world believed it. Including both clintons who had access to exactly the same intel that Bush had.

More praise due then for the majority of Democrats who voted against the war.

The prominent dems were for it. Including both clintons. Why haven't you called them scumbags and liars? They came to the same erroneous conclusions as Bush using exactly the same intel.
You're a fucking retard. There is no other explanation for how you can call 70% of Americans, "morons," for believing the president and his administration. Even funnier -- a plurality of that poll who you call morons, were righties. :lmao:
Yes or no... did you or did you not think Iraq was behind 9.11? Easy question Faun. You can do it... YES [ ] or NO [ ]. Place your x.

I assure you, being a moron has nothing to do with being on the left or right of the political aisle. There are plenty of morons to go around.
Of course I believed the Bush administration. At that time, who could imagine they were lying?

What's moronic is calling 70% of the country morons for believing them.
ROFL what a moron. This guy believed that Iraq was behind 9.11. ROFL I'll bet he believes in the tooth fairy too.
Again, you're an idiot who thinks 70% of the nation are morons for believing the Bush administration.

Public support for the invasion in early 2003 was the direct result of a successful propaganda campaign to sell the war,

perpetrated by the Bush administration.

Kinda like the propaganda campaign "if you like your plan you can keep it" . ?

In both cases the speaker beleived what he was saying, so technically neither of them was lying.
Yes or no... did you or did you not think Iraq was behind 9.11? Easy question Faun. You can do it... YES [ ] or NO [ ]. Place your x.

I assure you, being a moron has nothing to do with being on the left or right of the political aisle. There are plenty of morons to go around.
Of course I believed the Bush administration. At that time, who could imagine they were lying?

What's moronic is calling 70% of the country morons for believing them.
ROFL what a moron. This guy believed that Iraq was behind 9.11. ROFL I'll bet he believes in the tooth fairy too.
Again, you're an idiot who thinks 70% of the nation are morons for believing the Bush administration.

it was bad intel, 70% of the entire world believed it. Including both clintons who had access to exactly the same intel that Bush had.
You're a fucking moron. The intel informed the Bush administration that 9.11 hijacker Mohammad Atta did not meet with Iraqi officials in Prague. The intel was right. It was the Bush administration which lied about that.

Again... who would expect the Bush administration would lie and let America believe there was a connection between Iraq and 9.11, when in fact, there was no connection and the administration knew it.

You are the fucking moron, you prove it on this forum every day. So go fuck yourself asshole, you are a waste of my time dealing with your bullshit, talking points, and lies.

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