Bush & Banks Bring Puerto Rico to its Knees


Did you read it?????

It starts with:

Major policies the Left wants are already the rule in Puerto Rico. And that’s why Puerto Rico’s a massive disaster.
Perhaps we can bail them out and make them the 51st state......
For the votes !!!!!!
It started long before Bush. In another thread with the same link (what's with you idiots?), it blames the left. Also wrong.

Instead of this constant RW stupidity of blaming everyone else (blacks, Hispanics, women, gays, and of course, ALWAYS the left) grow up and educate yourselves. Go back in history and you find the US has wiped out their entire economy - their agriculture and manufacturing, and left them no way to rebuild.

Why don't you look at what we did to them before WWII? And then look at what we're doing to the now.

As noted in the other thread, your hero Drumpf has done his bit to ruin any chance of them making a comeback and the US has completely tied their hands.

Oh yeah and the damn tee potties have been in power in San Juan long enough to completely corrupt the city.

The problem is that PUERTO RICO put those liberal policies in place, and they failed miserably..... And Obozo and Hillary want to take us down the same road!!!

Puerto Rico wants to be able to declare bankruptcy - Jun. 29 2015
Puerto Rico wants to be able to declare bankruptcy
June 29


Puerto Rico's governor has a message for Washington D.C: change the law, we want the right to declare bankruptcy.

On the brink of default, Governor Alejandro García Padilla demanded that the U.S. government allow Puerto Rico, a commonwealth, access to chapter 9 bankruptcy. That's what Detroit used when it went belly up. At the moment, only cities, towns and other municipalities are able to declare bankruptcy.
It started long before Bush. In another thread with the same link (what's with you idiots?), it blames the left. Also wrong.

Instead of this constant RW stupidity of blaming everyone else (blacks, Hispanics, women, gays, and of course, ALWAYS the left) grow up and educate yourselves. Go back in history and you find the US has wiped out their entire economy - their agriculture and manufacturing, and left them no way to rebuild.

Why don't you look at what we did to them before WWII? And then look at what we're doing to the now.

As noted in the other thread, your hero Drumpf has done his bit to ruin any chance of them making a comeback and the US has completely tied their hands.

Oh yeah and the damn tee potties have been in power in San Juan long enough to completely corrupt the city.
here's a history lesson that you wont learn from;
in 1920 there was a depression, Harding (R) cut taxes and Fed spending in 1/2, the depression lasted 18 months and gave birth to the Roaring 20s
FDR (D) got a Depression, he increased taxes and ramped up spending forcing the depression to last years and years, decades really.
obama got a recession, he copied fdr's bad idea and the economy dragged

so, you see one success but it has an (R) so you can't do that, and you see 2 fails with (D)'s, so you have to lie about the fails and insist that the world keep doing what you should know are bad ideas, but you don't care b/c you refuse to learn from history since you are told what you want to hear and refuse to learn for yourself.

leftist fucked over PR and leftist ideas will keep in fucked over.
Well let's break down luddy said reply because it is the same as every left wing poster on usmb. First the insults and character assassinations, why are you such haters, rightwingnuts, why do you blame blacks, women, gays and Hispanics. There are never any facts like are in the op, just propaganda honed for,the election.

Before ww2 democrats were in charge, like Roosevelt.. Luddy neglects to point out that Puerto Ricans have elected their govt and put themselves in this mess. Luddy does not believe in personal responsibility or that any problem is not caused by right wingers or that any problem has a right wing solution. All that is as sure as the sun coming up. The poor Puerto Ricans that the evil white man has subjugated for all these years.

U.S. Gives 1 3 of Puerto Rico Food Stamps - Judicial Watch

And those food stamps are a freebie from us...

Tax Topics - Topic 901 Is a Person With Income From Puerto Rico Required to File a U.S. Federal Income Tax Return

Topic 901 - Is a Person With Income From Puerto Rico Required to File a U.S. Federal Income Tax Return?

If you are a United States citizen or resident alien and are a bona fide resident of Puerto Rico during the entire tax year, you generally are not required to file a U.S. federal income tax return if your only income is from sources within Puerto Rico. However, if you also have income from sources outside of Puerto Rico, including from U.S. sources, you are required to file a U.S. federal income tax return if such amount is above the U.S. filing threshold. Nevertheless, a bona fide resident of Puerto Rico with a U.S. filing obligation, generally will not report Puerto Rican source income on a U.S. income tax return. A tax year for calendar year filers is January 1 to December 31.

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