Bullshit Artists


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Any tyrant worth anything has at LEAST one bullshit artist. Hitler had one and Stalin had one and not to be out done Hillary Clinton and the DNC have one. And make no mistake after that crap the DNC pulled on Sanders this week Hillary Clinton and the DNC ARE one and the same.

Now for HER bullshit artist. He is a fat slob of a man and total liar. {Guessing yet?}
This rotund sack of filth and lies has been the media driving force of every low down nasty back handed lie and gossip ever spread, But his latest stunt he may have left the rails.

HER liberal fat ass bullshit artist is TRYING to RE-spin some of the following. NOTE: Maybe TO GRAPHIC for some readers.

1, Women who did NOT cover their faces and had acid thrown in them

Spin that crap Hillary, go ahead.
Jewish volunteers at a muslim orphanage

What does filth teach youth?

Keep spinning Hillary, just keep spinning.



YOU maybe asking yourself at this point who in there right mind would even attempt to spin this load of filth as human? Enter THIS fat ass liberal slob.


The CDC could use this mans face to induce vomiting. So what IS the spin you ask? Here it comes.

As of right now according to the Clinton machine and the DNC you are ALL muslims. I really avoid spelling certain words out here at USMB not because of a rule but just being well nice. To Micheal Moore and Hillary Clinton and the DNC FUCK YOU YOU TREASON POWERED LYING ASS SELL OUTS to liberty to justice and the rule of law.

I AM American and I AM Christian and while FAR from perfect I will NOT condone or support child rape, acid thrown in faces or homo's thrown of buildings, NOT ONE. I will NOT condone or support the beheading the stoning or ANY religion to be FORCED on anyone.


We are NOT all muslim Micheal Moore or Hillary Clinton! NOT even close and the sooner America stands and gets rid of your filth your "party" the better off America IS.



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