Build-A-Bear Has Gone Woke

And to you. Why do you care, he has the problem, not you.

All men seem to have problems. I wake up every morning thanking Mother Gaia that I found the love of my life, Sue. I was once married to a wonderful Black man. But he started doing drugs and ran off with another woman, leaving me behind with three children. I have no idea where he and his blonde whore are now, but he can keep her, as far as I'm concerned.
All men seem to have problems. I wake up every morning thanking Mother Gaia that I found the love of my live, Sue. I was once married to a wonderful Black man. But he started doing drugs and ran off with another woman, leaving me behind with three children. I have no idea where he and his blonde whore are now, but he can keep her, as far as I'm concerned.

Men HAVE problems BECAUSE of nutjobs like you.
I wonder if the mods on this forum ever check for socks? You know, other avatars for a poster so they can fire up the forum?
Please don't be mean to me. I don't want to be sad.
You're not gonna like this site.
Unless you like being roasted.

And just to be clear on this............I'm a MAN and I like MEN, but I'm no fag, and I'm not woke piece of shit, hell-bent on peverting, brainwashing, and sexualizing little kids. And I am certainly not brain damaged enough to think I'm anything but a male human being.

Although, if you prefer........MY "pronoun" is GOD, YOUR MAJESTY, THE OMNIPOTENT ONE, or THE ALMIGHTY UNIVERSAL BEING.

Yep! That's my online BFF for sure. :D

You're mean to me.

Suck it up buttercup! If random people over the internet bother you then you really have issues. :rolleyes:

No, it's only 7:27 here.

And what your bedtime is somewhere between eight and nine?
That's a horrible thing to say about your President. You should be ashamed because Joe Biden has done more for African Americans than any other President.
I'm curious. . . what exactly HAS Biden done for the Black community?

I recall Trump doing quite a bit. Biden has done more? :eusa_think:
Tell me about that. . . .

Word for Word: Pres. Trump Signs Criminal Justice Reform Bills Into Law (C-SPAN)​

President Trump Signs the HBCU Executive Order​

President Trump signs new Investments In "Opportunity Zones"​

First Lady Melania Trump Hosts Sickle Cell Disease Roundtable at the White House​

On the Biden Plantation

". . . This columnist wrote those words in December 2020 before Joe Biden was inaugurated. His meeting with a group designated as Black leaders was as bad as one could expect, complete with dismissal, rudeness, and outright disrespect. It was vintage Biden, a man who was never the brightest and is now elderly and not fully in command of his faculties.

But the real Biden was always an unreconstructed racist, bragging about the 1992 Crime Bill which he said would, “Do everything but hang people for jaywalking.” Barack Obama chose him as a running mate precisely because of his credentials among conservative, race baiting democrats. Having run as a fake progressive Obama needed someone decidedly in the conservative camp to balance the ticket. . . "



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