Brutal 'police' animals severly beat the 60 years old woman today in Berlin


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
So-called Merkel 'police' aren't humans, they are wild lawless animals,. Only idiots can't believe NWO fascists didn't want to kill humanity by usage of deadly 'vaccine'-
Even in Russia, Belarus, Saudi Arabia, India police isn't so brutal as Merkel thugs.

Warning: don't see the video on the web-page if you have a week heart.

Also today many citizens gathered in front of the Victory Column and at the Brandenburg Gate to protest against the Corona measures. These demos were dissolved because they were not authorized. Citizens can gather peacefully at any time and without permission. This video shows the brutality with which the police act against citizens. The woman is said to be 60 years old. The video was taken today at 12:30 pm at the Siegessäule.

She's not black. What is this about?

This is about 99% of humanity must accept 'vaccine' and die.
Today 'police' severly beat you, tomorrow it will kill you, your life is nothing, because we all must die.
Even Hitler ( btw a socialist ) and Stalin didn't knew a such cop brutality as modern Corona fascists.
So-called Merkel 'police' aren't humans, they are wild lawless animals. ...

The zoo in which your thoughts live is really astonishing, Russian. I had to laugh a lot now. But indeed you show here very clear what an unbelievable nonsense this few brain amputated people demostrated for in Berlin yesterday and the day before yesterday. It exists no human right to infect others. Unfortunatelly were also many people from criminal organisations under them. Nazs are by the way not socialists - never were - what doesn't mean Stalinists are not criminals too. And I heard also a famous politician from the USA - a black sheep so I don't like to blame his family by saying his name - spoke stupid nonsense about vaccinations there. Vaccinations are not any reason for autism for example. Never were. Also Trump siad once this nonsense.
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