Brittney Griner Is Getting What She Deserves

First, she doesn't respect our country enough to even stand for our flag and national anthem and even encourages others to do the same and then she goes to play basketball with one of our biggest enemies, where she probably stood and respected the Russian flag. Then she lies to the Russians claiming that when she broke the law it was not intentional, it was an accident. Yeah, right. Ignorance of the law is no excuse in the US, let alone a dictatorship like Putin's Russia. Now, she says the following and if she doesn't get released anytime soon, she will blame the US like it is our fault. If we do get her home soon, will she then be grateful enough to start standing for our flag and national anthem?

“Like, y’all don’t see the need to get me back home? Am I just nothing?” Cherelle Griner quoted her wife as saying.

She and the 1/6 crowd are getting what they deserve.
No, I'm saying that YOU'RE fully prepared to throw the book at this woman who had trace amounts of cannabis in her luggage, which had been prescribed for her, but are fully prepared to dismiss charges against Trump, and all of the convicted Republican criminals he pardoned, for far greater crimes that did actual harm to the nation.

He broke their laws now he must face the consequences.
No, I'm saying that YOU'RE fully prepared to throw the book at this woman who had trace amounts of cannabis in her luggage, which had been prescribed for her, but are fully prepared to dismiss charges against Trump, and all of the convicted Republican criminals he pardoned, for far greater crimes that did actual harm to the nation.
He broke the law.
You certainly have a very warped sense of patriotism. You want someone to stand to respect the flag, but you don't want the country to respect her life. You have it backwards. If the country doesn't respect the lives of it's people, the flag is worthless.
It is you who have it backwards. She did well being a black woman in America. Even so, she spat on our flag and anthem and now she wants the very country she despises to help her get out of a place she should have never been in the first place. She has no right asking for help from a country she despised first.
She and the 1/6 crowd are getting what they deserve.
Depends on what you mean by the 1/6 crowd. Some are indeed getting what they deserve but to jail people just for being there is going too far. They don't do that with the BLM crowd, jailing people just for being there. In fact, many of the BLM crowd are bailed out and set free, for just being there, if they were ever arrested in the first place.
She messed up. You need to be really careful about following rules in a foreign country, especially in places like Russia.

With that said, the punishment doesn’t fit the crime and it’s pretty clear that Russia is intentionally going overboard for political reasons.

Sucks for her. Not much we can do for her at the moment. People need to stay out of Russia.
First, she doesn't respect our country enough to even stand for our flag and national anthem and even encourages others to do the same and then she goes to play basketball with one of our biggest enemies, where she probably stood and respected the Russian flag. Then she lies to the Russians claiming that when she broke the law it was not intentional, it was an accident. Yeah, right. Ignorance of the law is no excuse in the US, let alone a dictatorship like Putin's Russia. Now, she says the following and if she doesn't get released anytime soon, she will blame the US like it is our fault. If we do get her home soon, will she then be grateful enough to start standing for our flag and national anthem?

“Like, y’all don’t see the need to get me back home? Am I just nothing?” Cherelle Griner quoted her wife as saying.

Awwwwww. Looks like Putin is not inclined to do Biden a favor before the midterms. :)

Putin aide warns freeing weed-smuggler WNBA player Brittney Griner from Russian prison 'is NOT a priority for us,' and claims Biden only wants athlete released to make him look good ahead of midterm elections​

  • Yury Ushakov, an advisor to Putin and former Russian ambassador to the US, believes Biden wants to boost his grim-looking midterm election prospects
  • 'However, it's not the main issue that we are concerned about,' Ushakov told Russian TV on Sunday
  • Griner, 31, a two-time Olympic basketball gold medalist, was sentenced to nine years in a Russian prison on August 4 after pleading guilty to drug charges
  • The Kremlin aide's comments come days after Griner's lawyer, Alexandr D. Boykov, said in an interview his client is struggling in prison

Awwwwww. Looks like Putin is not inclined to do Biden a favor before the midterms. :)

Putin aide warns freeing weed-smuggler WNBA player Brittney Griner from Russian prison 'is NOT a priority for us,' and claims Biden only wants athlete released to make him look good ahead of midterm elections​

  • Yury Ushakov, an advisor to Putin and former Russian ambassador to the US, believes Biden wants to boost his grim-looking midterm election prospects
  • 'However, it's not the main issue that we are concerned about,' Ushakov told Russian TV on Sunday
  • Griner, 31, a two-time Olympic basketball gold medalist, was sentenced to nine years in a Russian prison on August 4 after pleading guilty to drug charges
  • The Kremlin aide's comments come days after Griner's lawyer, Alexandr D. Boykov, said in an interview his client is struggling in prison

Imagine that. Biden badmouths Saudi Arabia to their faces and then begs them to increase oil production and they tell him to take a flying leap and now Biden presses for war against Russia, badmouths Putin, and expects Putin to release Griner just before the midterms? Is there some kind of stupidity at play here? Biden really doesn't know how to suck up and kiss ass, accept to the socialist lefties.
Dear Americans,

Being an American abroad does not mean you can do anything you want, can ignore other nation's laws. Being an American doesn't mean shit ... except to potentially make you a political target / tool. You 'star' status only means you could potentially be a more high profile political target / tool.

Also, Barry had to pay a plane-load of cash to get Americans out of an enemy nation. Biden can't even do that. Trump got Americans out through negotiation. With Biden in office for 2 more years, Griner will remain in Russia for at least 2 more years.
Russia cares even less about transgender homosexuals than they do about Ukrainians. Karma is a bitch. Why would any American care about someone who hated America despite all America had given her? Enjoy your long vacation away from The American Flag, Griner.
Funny how you people think that someone excersing their First Amendment RIGHT to take a knee during the National Anthem in protest of police brutality is in some way "un-American."

It is actually as American as it gets.

Unless of course you secretely hate the freedoms enshrined in the U.S. Constitution?

In which case maybe you'd be happier in some other country (China, Iran, Russia maybe) where they don't have a pesky First Amendment to offend sensitive snowflakes like you.

The problem with the "take a knee approach" to social injustice though is innefective for the most part.
All it does is elicit mock pseudo-patriotic outrage from dullards like you.

You don't really pay much attention to it beyond whining about it.

That's why people have to take to the streets and riot once in a while.
Nothing draws more attention to the issue than the occasional street violence.
Burning, breaking and looting.
Like the summer of 2020.
Because you people don't pay attention to the non violent forms of protest.

Unfortunately all this young lady is guilty of is stupidity.
Heck, she shares that quality with most of the people commenting on this thread about her!

Just dumb and clueless.

Unfortunately though a Russian airport is probably way up there near the top of all the places one should NOT be dumb and clueless.

She may not get out of this.

APPEAL DENIED: Brittney Griner will begin nine-year sentence in a Russian penal colony on drug charges after Moscow court rejected her pleas for leniency... as Joe Biden's White House blasts 'sham judicial proceeding' and demands her immediate release​

  • Brittney Griner's appeal of her nine-year prison sentence on drug charges was rejected by a Moscow court
  • Griner did 'not expect miracles' at her appeal hearing, her lawyers said, but did hope to see her sentence cut
  • She's been sentenced to nine years in a Russian penal colony, but has been staying in a Moscow prison
  • There remains hope that Griner could return to the United States as part of a prisoner swap with Russia

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