British Parliament Asks Rumble to Take Down Russell Brand Videos, CEO Reminds Them Why We Rebelled

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023

Surely, I am not the only person to have noticed that the whole Russell Brand thing concerning recently alleged sexual assaults and rapes just became public, years after the allegedly occurred, only a very short time after Brand started criticizing the left. Brand, who has been churning after such videos, and appearing on talk shows such as Bill Maher's and Gutfeld's shows, recently has been "red pilled" and has been decrying the left ever since. He is not even a right winger. He simply is opining on what he views as the truth.

Then, suddenly, 4 women come forward, all at the same time, and make accusations that Brand sexually assaulted, and in one case raped, them several years ago. Is this just a coincidence? I don't know. However, I DO KNOW 2 things:

1. If these accusations have been know and they were simply disregarded or covered up until now, this shows a disturbing bias on the part of the left in favor of him and against starlets complaining about the conduct of big name stars. Would the left actually cover something like this up, only to reveal it when, and if, it becomes beneficial for them to do so?

2. Having all 4 of these women come up at one time requires coordination. If the left and media did not know of such allegations, or such allegations have not before been made, then someone went out digging for them. It is inescapable that these sudden accusations are connected to Brand's recent political talk.

Even if Brand did commit criminal sexual acts against the women (and he may have), notwithstanding his guilt it is still the case that the circumstances of these cases, especially the timing element, raises reasonable concern that the allegations were voiced in direct response to Brand's political speech. Such is a legitimate concern for people to have regardless of Brand's guilt or innocence, in my opinion.

It also raises some other concerns. Did the authorities and leftists, and MSM simply not care about these women until it was in THEIR interest to care about them? How genuine are these allegations (How were the allegations made (out of the blue, in response to questioning, why are the allegations being made public NOW rather than when they occurred)? Are these alleged victims being used as pawns?

Finally, and my God, why in the world is a consequential body such as the British Parliament asking a private American company to censor Brand's online material over allegations unrelated to said material when he has not been adjudicated of any wrongdoing?!? That is such an authoritarian and anti-democratic thing to do. It is almost as if the British government is trying to silence brand.
Why doesn't the Left also want to censor Harvey Weinstein's movies?
Is it because he is a Democrat?

Beautiful Girls

The English Patient


Good Will Hunting

She’s All That

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

Gangs of New York

Kill Bill

Scary Movie

Master and Commander

The Aviator

Keep in mind that there is no 1st Amendment freedom of speech, or any other guaranteed freedoms we enjoy here in the Colonies under the Bill of Rights, in place in the convoluted British quasi monarchy. King Chuck #2 might be able to have Brand beheaded.
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I note that when I post something with a strong argument it always sinks to the bottom.

Okay - two problems here.

1) Brand is CLEARLY being attacked because he's a leftist aligned with conservatives against liberals, and the DeepSwamp does NOT like that.

2) He is probably guilty of at least one sexual assault.

So he SHOULD be pilloried for 2, but it's only happening because of 1.

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