British magistrate attacked by gang, then arrested for attacking the gang, gang goes free...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This man tried to defend his family, he was held for attacking the criminals attacking him. This happened in Britain, but it shows what happens when the left is in charge and takes your guns..... you are always the aggressor, the criminal is the victim...

Magistrate Nigel Stringer defended himself in Morningthorpe Norwich burglary private justice | Daily Mail Online

A magistrate defending his family against an armed gang who stormed his home ended up being arrested himself – and accused of a racially aggravated assault.

Police detained Nigel Stringer for three hours and he remains under investigation while the gang – believed to have been armed with a gun, knives, metal bars and a crossbow – were allowed to leave.


He said police were uninterested in the injuries he suffered and told him the gang had simply entered his garden as civil trespassers and 'done nothing wrong'. Mr Stringer said he later discovered a discarded metal bar and three knives.

Within weeks he was informed that police had closed the file about the trespass.

Now, six months on, he has had to resign as a Norwich magistrate as he would have been unable to launch a private prosecution while sitting on the bench.

Yesterday Mr Stringer said: 'This should be a warning to all homeowners that not only are the police unable to protect us, they will actually arrest innocent homeowners who protect themselves, even against an armed and dangerous gang.'
*sigh* Oh joy, another OP on why we need guns to protect ourselves, “just look at the poor gun-less Europeans…blah, blah”

There are several issues I have with this story, not least of which is its source, the Daily Fail. Firstly, the report is one sided and appears to pursue an agenda along the lines of; “the police can’t protect us, so we need guns to defend ourselves”. It uses exaggerated and emotive language to instil unease or fear. Secondly there are questions that need to be answered:

Mr Stringer is a long serving Magistrate, and a property developer and landlord to boot, so you’d expect him to have a basic grasp of British Law and he’d be well aware of the law regarding Civil Trespass. He called the police, which was all he could do legally other than to ask the men to leave.

Let’s look at the sequence of events according to the article:
“Mr Stringer was enjoying a Sunday afternoon with his wife and three children aged 26, 24 and 22 at their £2million, 40-room home in Morningthorpe, near Norwich, when three cars pulled up at the gates and a group of men climbed into the grounds.

He rang 999. 'I told the operator we were under attack,' he said. 'I could see at least three men running between the trees. One had a weapon which looked like a crossbow. The others had steel bars.”

So far so good, it is daylight and there were five adults (not children; majority is 18 over here) present. They live in a large house where they could easily have taken refuge.

“When a fourth man armed with what appeared to be a handgun started banging on their glass front door, Mr Stringer said he was compelled to act. He grabbed a child's hockey stick and confronted the intruder. 'My son told me he had seen a gun,' he said. 'I went outside and I kept shouting loudly at him to leave and that the police were on the way.”

Oh OK, they were all in the house at the time. I’m curious how any normal rational person would react if told one of the men had a gun, would you A) tell your family to hide in the most secure room available while you called the police again to report that a firearm was present (this would cause a rapid response fire arms unit to be despatched immediately (roughly 10 minutes away). Or B) Grab a child’s hockey stick and open the door to confront the GUNMAN outside. Hmm, let me think about that one…:rolleyes-41:

“'I used my hands and the stick to push him away from the house. He kept punching and kicking me. I was by that time bruised, bleeding and utterly exhausted.' Mr Stringer said he was then horrified to see four other men on the other side of a hedge urging their companion with phrases such as: 'Go on my n*****, slog him.'

He said: 'I had no strength left, I only had my voice and I tried to find the most shocking words to shout, thinking that if they came through that hedge we could be killed. There was nobody there to save us, we were alone.”

Just curious here, what was his 22 year old son doing while his dad was being pummelled? If he hit or pushed the “gunman” first, Stringer would be guilty of assault, while the “gunman” would be merely defending himself; now there’s irony.

“The other men retreated to their cars by the gate, where they stood holding a crossbow, claimed Mr Stringer.

Moments before police arrived, the remaining intruder made a 999 call saying he had been attacked by two men, suffered numerous injuries and racially abused.

Five police cars then arrived and officers arrested Mr Stringer and his son on suspicion of a racially aggravated attack. Police briefly questioned the men at the gate but none was arrested.”

Not much of a “gang” really, failing to help their gun totting friend, are they? Even the one with the crossbow? Not an easy thing to hide when the police turn up. Oh, it’s standard police procedure to take statements from both sides in a “domestic” Any accusations of weapons present would result in a search of the area. Oh, it also looks like Stringer’s son took part in the assault on the trespasser.

So to summarise, there was no gun, no crossbow, and the police had to have been either blind or incompetent to miss 3 knives and/or iron bars at the scene at the time. So what if Mr Stringer was armed, pulled his gun and opened fire on the trespasser? Had he killed him he would have been convicted of manslaughter or even murder. So thanks anyway, I’ll leave it to the police to protect me, while I wait for the facts to emerge, perhaps in the civil suit Mr. Stringer will bring; I'm sure the Daily Mail will report on that with equal verve.
*sigh* Oh joy, another OP on why we need guns to protect ourselves, “just look at the poor gun-less Europeans…blah, blah”

There are several issues I have with this story, not least of which is its source, the Daily Fail. Firstly, the report is one sided and appears to pursue an agenda along the lines of; “the police can’t protect us, so we need guns to defend ourselves”. It uses exaggerated and emotive language to instil unease or fear. Secondly there are questions that need to be answered:

Mr Stringer is a long serving Magistrate, and a property developer and landlord to boot, so you’d expect him to have a basic grasp of British Law and he’d be well aware of the law regarding Civil Trespass. He called the police, which was all he could do legally other than to ask the men to leave.

Let’s look at the sequence of events according to the article:
“Mr Stringer was enjoying a Sunday afternoon with his wife and three children aged 26, 24 and 22 at their £2million, 40-room home in Morningthorpe, near Norwich, when three cars pulled up at the gates and a group of men climbed into the grounds.

He rang 999. 'I told the operator we were under attack,' he said. 'I could see at least three men running between the trees. One had a weapon which looked like a crossbow. The others had steel bars.”

So far so good, it is daylight and there were five adults (not children; majority is 18 over here) present. They live in a large house where they could easily have taken refuge.

“When a fourth man armed with what appeared to be a handgun started banging on their glass front door, Mr Stringer said he was compelled to act. He grabbed a child's hockey stick and confronted the intruder. 'My son told me he had seen a gun,' he said. 'I went outside and I kept shouting loudly at him to leave and that the police were on the way.”

Oh OK, they were all in the house at the time. I’m curious how any normal rational person would react if told one of the men had a gun, would you A) tell your family to hide in the most secure room available while you called the police again to report that a firearm was present (this would cause a rapid response fire arms unit to be despatched immediately (roughly 10 minutes away). Or B) Grab a child’s hockey stick and open the door to confront the GUNMAN outside. Hmm, let me think about that one…:rolleyes-41:

“'I used my hands and the stick to push him away from the house. He kept punching and kicking me. I was by that time bruised, bleeding and utterly exhausted.' Mr Stringer said he was then horrified to see four other men on the other side of a hedge urging their companion with phrases such as: 'Go on my n*****, slog him.'

He said: 'I had no strength left, I only had my voice and I tried to find the most shocking words to shout, thinking that if they came through that hedge we could be killed. There was nobody there to save us, we were alone.”

Just curious here, what was his 22 year old son doing while his dad was being pummelled? If he hit or pushed the “gunman” first, Stringer would be guilty of assault, while the “gunman” would be merely defending himself; now there’s irony.

“The other men retreated to their cars by the gate, where they stood holding a crossbow, claimed Mr Stringer.

Moments before police arrived, the remaining intruder made a 999 call saying he had been attacked by two men, suffered numerous injuries and racially abused.

Five police cars then arrived and officers arrested Mr Stringer and his son on suspicion of a racially aggravated attack. Police briefly questioned the men at the gate but none was arrested.”

Not much of a “gang” really, failing to help their gun totting friend, are they? Even the one with the crossbow? Not an easy thing to hide when the police turn up. Oh, it’s standard police procedure to take statements from both sides in a “domestic” Any accusations of weapons present would result in a search of the area. Oh, it also looks like Stringer’s son took part in the assault on the trespasser.

So to summarise, there was no gun, no crossbow, and the police had to have been either blind or incompetent to miss 3 knives and/or iron bars at the scene at the time. So what if Mr Stringer was armed, pulled his gun and opened fire on the trespasser? Had he killed him he would have been convicted of manslaughter or even murder. So thanks anyway, I’ll leave it to the police to protect me, while I wait for the facts to emerge, perhaps in the civil suit Mr. Stringer will bring; I'm sure the Daily Mail will report on that with equal verve.

You want the police to protect you?

You do know that the USSC has ruled that no police officer has any legal obligation whatsoever to come to your aid don't you?
*sigh* Oh joy, another OP on why we need guns to protect ourselves, “just look at the poor gun-less Europeans…blah, blah”

There are several issues I have with this story, not least of which is its source, the Daily Fail. Firstly, the report is one sided and appears to pursue an agenda along the lines of; “the police can’t protect us, so we need guns to defend ourselves”. It uses exaggerated and emotive language to instil unease or fear. Secondly there are questions that need to be answered:

Mr Stringer is a long serving Magistrate, and a property developer and landlord to boot, so you’d expect him to have a basic grasp of British Law and he’d be well aware of the law regarding Civil Trespass. He called the police, which was all he could do legally other than to ask the men to leave.

Let’s look at the sequence of events according to the article:
“Mr Stringer was enjoying a Sunday afternoon with his wife and three children aged 26, 24 and 22 at their £2million, 40-room home in Morningthorpe, near Norwich, when three cars pulled up at the gates and a group of men climbed into the grounds.

He rang 999. 'I told the operator we were under attack,' he said. 'I could see at least three men running between the trees. One had a weapon which looked like a crossbow. The others had steel bars.”

So far so good, it is daylight and there were five adults (not children; majority is 18 over here) present. They live in a large house where they could easily have taken refuge.

“When a fourth man armed with what appeared to be a handgun started banging on their glass front door, Mr Stringer said he was compelled to act. He grabbed a child's hockey stick and confronted the intruder. 'My son told me he had seen a gun,' he said. 'I went outside and I kept shouting loudly at him to leave and that the police were on the way.”

Oh OK, they were all in the house at the time. I’m curious how any normal rational person would react if told one of the men had a gun, would you A) tell your family to hide in the most secure room available while you called the police again to report that a firearm was present (this would cause a rapid response fire arms unit to be despatched immediately (roughly 10 minutes away). Or B) Grab a child’s hockey stick and open the door to confront the GUNMAN outside. Hmm, let me think about that one…:rolleyes-41:

“'I used my hands and the stick to push him away from the house. He kept punching and kicking me. I was by that time bruised, bleeding and utterly exhausted.' Mr Stringer said he was then horrified to see four other men on the other side of a hedge urging their companion with phrases such as: 'Go on my n*****, slog him.'

He said: 'I had no strength left, I only had my voice and I tried to find the most shocking words to shout, thinking that if they came through that hedge we could be killed. There was nobody there to save us, we were alone.”

Just curious here, what was his 22 year old son doing while his dad was being pummelled? If he hit or pushed the “gunman” first, Stringer would be guilty of assault, while the “gunman” would be merely defending himself; now there’s irony.

“The other men retreated to their cars by the gate, where they stood holding a crossbow, claimed Mr Stringer.

Moments before police arrived, the remaining intruder made a 999 call saying he had been attacked by two men, suffered numerous injuries and racially abused.

Five police cars then arrived and officers arrested Mr Stringer and his son on suspicion of a racially aggravated attack. Police briefly questioned the men at the gate but none was arrested.”

Not much of a “gang” really, failing to help their gun totting friend, are they? Even the one with the crossbow? Not an easy thing to hide when the police turn up. Oh, it’s standard police procedure to take statements from both sides in a “domestic” Any accusations of weapons present would result in a search of the area. Oh, it also looks like Stringer’s son took part in the assault on the trespasser.

So to summarise, there was no gun, no crossbow, and the police had to have been either blind or incompetent to miss 3 knives and/or iron bars at the scene at the time. So what if Mr Stringer was armed, pulled his gun and opened fire on the trespasser? Had he killed him he would have been convicted of manslaughter or even murder. So thanks anyway, I’ll leave it to the police to protect me, while I wait for the facts to emerge, perhaps in the civil suit Mr. Stringer will bring; I'm sure the Daily Mail will report on that with equal verve.

One word.....retard.
*sigh* Oh joy, another OP on why we need guns to protect ourselves, “just look at the poor gun-less Europeans…blah, blah”

There are several issues I have with this story, not least of which is its source, the Daily Fail. Firstly, the report is one sided and appears to pursue an agenda along the lines of; “the police can’t protect us, so we need guns to defend ourselves”. It uses exaggerated and emotive language to instil unease or fear. Secondly there are questions that need to be answered:

Mr Stringer is a long serving Magistrate, and a property developer and landlord to boot, so you’d expect him to have a basic grasp of British Law and he’d be well aware of the law regarding Civil Trespass. He called the police, which was all he could do legally other than to ask the men to leave.

Let’s look at the sequence of events according to the article:
“Mr Stringer was enjoying a Sunday afternoon with his wife and three children aged 26, 24 and 22 at their £2million, 40-room home in Morningthorpe, near Norwich, when three cars pulled up at the gates and a group of men climbed into the grounds.

He rang 999. 'I told the operator we were under attack,' he said. 'I could see at least three men running between the trees. One had a weapon which looked like a crossbow. The others had steel bars.”

So far so good, it is daylight and there were five adults (not children; majority is 18 over here) present. They live in a large house where they could easily have taken refuge.

“When a fourth man armed with what appeared to be a handgun started banging on their glass front door, Mr Stringer said he was compelled to act. He grabbed a child's hockey stick and confronted the intruder. 'My son told me he had seen a gun,' he said. 'I went outside and I kept shouting loudly at him to leave and that the police were on the way.”

Oh OK, they were all in the house at the time. I’m curious how any normal rational person would react if told one of the men had a gun, would you A) tell your family to hide in the most secure room available while you called the police again to report that a firearm was present (this would cause a rapid response fire arms unit to be despatched immediately (roughly 10 minutes away). Or B) Grab a child’s hockey stick and open the door to confront the GUNMAN outside. Hmm, let me think about that one…:rolleyes-41:

“'I used my hands and the stick to push him away from the house. He kept punching and kicking me. I was by that time bruised, bleeding and utterly exhausted.' Mr Stringer said he was then horrified to see four other men on the other side of a hedge urging their companion with phrases such as: 'Go on my n*****, slog him.'

He said: 'I had no strength left, I only had my voice and I tried to find the most shocking words to shout, thinking that if they came through that hedge we could be killed. There was nobody there to save us, we were alone.”

Just curious here, what was his 22 year old son doing while his dad was being pummelled? If he hit or pushed the “gunman” first, Stringer would be guilty of assault, while the “gunman” would be merely defending himself; now there’s irony.

“The other men retreated to their cars by the gate, where they stood holding a crossbow, claimed Mr Stringer.

Moments before police arrived, the remaining intruder made a 999 call saying he had been attacked by two men, suffered numerous injuries and racially abused.

Five police cars then arrived and officers arrested Mr Stringer and his son on suspicion of a racially aggravated attack. Police briefly questioned the men at the gate but none was arrested.”

Not much of a “gang” really, failing to help their gun totting friend, are they? Even the one with the crossbow? Not an easy thing to hide when the police turn up. Oh, it’s standard police procedure to take statements from both sides in a “domestic” Any accusations of weapons present would result in a search of the area. Oh, it also looks like Stringer’s son took part in the assault on the trespasser.

So to summarise, there was no gun, no crossbow, and the police had to have been either blind or incompetent to miss 3 knives and/or iron bars at the scene at the time. So what if Mr Stringer was armed, pulled his gun and opened fire on the trespasser? Had he killed him he would have been convicted of manslaughter or even murder. So thanks anyway, I’ll leave it to the police to protect me, while I wait for the facts to emerge, perhaps in the civil suit Mr. Stringer will bring; I'm sure the Daily Mail will report on that with equal verve.

You want the police to protect you?

You do know that the USSC has ruled that no police officer has any legal obligation whatsoever to come to your aid don't you?
...and as I'm from the UK, I should care about this because?
*sigh* Oh joy, another OP on why we need guns to protect ourselves, “just look at the poor gun-less Europeans…blah, blah”

There are several issues I have with this story, not least of which is its source, the Daily Fail. Firstly, the report is one sided and appears to pursue an agenda along the lines of; “the police can’t protect us, so we need guns to defend ourselves”. It uses exaggerated and emotive language to instil unease or fear. Secondly there are questions that need to be answered:

Mr Stringer is a long serving Magistrate, and a property developer and landlord to boot, so you’d expect him to have a basic grasp of British Law and he’d be well aware of the law regarding Civil Trespass. He called the police, which was all he could do legally other than to ask the men to leave.

Let’s look at the sequence of events according to the article:
“Mr Stringer was enjoying a Sunday afternoon with his wife and three children aged 26, 24 and 22 at their £2million, 40-room home in Morningthorpe, near Norwich, when three cars pulled up at the gates and a group of men climbed into the grounds.

He rang 999. 'I told the operator we were under attack,' he said. 'I could see at least three men running between the trees. One had a weapon which looked like a crossbow. The others had steel bars.”

So far so good, it is daylight and there were five adults (not children; majority is 18 over here) present. They live in a large house where they could easily have taken refuge.

“When a fourth man armed with what appeared to be a handgun started banging on their glass front door, Mr Stringer said he was compelled to act. He grabbed a child's hockey stick and confronted the intruder. 'My son told me he had seen a gun,' he said. 'I went outside and I kept shouting loudly at him to leave and that the police were on the way.”

Oh OK, they were all in the house at the time. I’m curious how any normal rational person would react if told one of the men had a gun, would you A) tell your family to hide in the most secure room available while you called the police again to report that a firearm was present (this would cause a rapid response fire arms unit to be despatched immediately (roughly 10 minutes away). Or B) Grab a child’s hockey stick and open the door to confront the GUNMAN outside. Hmm, let me think about that one…:rolleyes-41:

“'I used my hands and the stick to push him away from the house. He kept punching and kicking me. I was by that time bruised, bleeding and utterly exhausted.' Mr Stringer said he was then horrified to see four other men on the other side of a hedge urging their companion with phrases such as: 'Go on my n*****, slog him.'

He said: 'I had no strength left, I only had my voice and I tried to find the most shocking words to shout, thinking that if they came through that hedge we could be killed. There was nobody there to save us, we were alone.”

Just curious here, what was his 22 year old son doing while his dad was being pummelled? If he hit or pushed the “gunman” first, Stringer would be guilty of assault, while the “gunman” would be merely defending himself; now there’s irony.

“The other men retreated to their cars by the gate, where they stood holding a crossbow, claimed Mr Stringer.

Moments before police arrived, the remaining intruder made a 999 call saying he had been attacked by two men, suffered numerous injuries and racially abused.

Five police cars then arrived and officers arrested Mr Stringer and his son on suspicion of a racially aggravated attack. Police briefly questioned the men at the gate but none was arrested.”

Not much of a “gang” really, failing to help their gun totting friend, are they? Even the one with the crossbow? Not an easy thing to hide when the police turn up. Oh, it’s standard police procedure to take statements from both sides in a “domestic” Any accusations of weapons present would result in a search of the area. Oh, it also looks like Stringer’s son took part in the assault on the trespasser.

So to summarise, there was no gun, no crossbow, and the police had to have been either blind or incompetent to miss 3 knives and/or iron bars at the scene at the time. So what if Mr Stringer was armed, pulled his gun and opened fire on the trespasser? Had he killed him he would have been convicted of manslaughter or even murder. So thanks anyway, I’ll leave it to the police to protect me, while I wait for the facts to emerge, perhaps in the civil suit Mr. Stringer will bring; I'm sure the Daily Mail will report on that with equal verve.

One word.....retard.

I'm sure you are, as you've just admitted it in an open forum post. :)
*sigh* Oh joy, another OP on why we need guns to protect ourselves, “just look at the poor gun-less Europeans…blah, blah”

There are several issues I have with this story, not least of which is its source, the Daily Fail. Firstly, the report is one sided and appears to pursue an agenda along the lines of; “the police can’t protect us, so we need guns to defend ourselves”. It uses exaggerated and emotive language to instil unease or fear. Secondly there are questions that need to be answered:

Mr Stringer is a long serving Magistrate, and a property developer and landlord to boot, so you’d expect him to have a basic grasp of British Law and he’d be well aware of the law regarding Civil Trespass. He called the police, which was all he could do legally other than to ask the men to leave.

Let’s look at the sequence of events according to the article:
“Mr Stringer was enjoying a Sunday afternoon with his wife and three children aged 26, 24 and 22 at their £2million, 40-room home in Morningthorpe, near Norwich, when three cars pulled up at the gates and a group of men climbed into the grounds.

He rang 999. 'I told the operator we were under attack,' he said. 'I could see at least three men running between the trees. One had a weapon which looked like a crossbow. The others had steel bars.”

So far so good, it is daylight and there were five adults (not children; majority is 18 over here) present. They live in a large house where they could easily have taken refuge.

“When a fourth man armed with what appeared to be a handgun started banging on their glass front door, Mr Stringer said he was compelled to act. He grabbed a child's hockey stick and confronted the intruder. 'My son told me he had seen a gun,' he said. 'I went outside and I kept shouting loudly at him to leave and that the police were on the way.”

Oh OK, they were all in the house at the time. I’m curious how any normal rational person would react if told one of the men had a gun, would you A) tell your family to hide in the most secure room available while you called the police again to report that a firearm was present (this would cause a rapid response fire arms unit to be despatched immediately (roughly 10 minutes away). Or B) Grab a child’s hockey stick and open the door to confront the GUNMAN outside. Hmm, let me think about that one…:rolleyes-41:

“'I used my hands and the stick to push him away from the house. He kept punching and kicking me. I was by that time bruised, bleeding and utterly exhausted.' Mr Stringer said he was then horrified to see four other men on the other side of a hedge urging their companion with phrases such as: 'Go on my n*****, slog him.'

He said: 'I had no strength left, I only had my voice and I tried to find the most shocking words to shout, thinking that if they came through that hedge we could be killed. There was nobody there to save us, we were alone.”

Just curious here, what was his 22 year old son doing while his dad was being pummelled? If he hit or pushed the “gunman” first, Stringer would be guilty of assault, while the “gunman” would be merely defending himself; now there’s irony.

“The other men retreated to their cars by the gate, where they stood holding a crossbow, claimed Mr Stringer.

Moments before police arrived, the remaining intruder made a 999 call saying he had been attacked by two men, suffered numerous injuries and racially abused.

Five police cars then arrived and officers arrested Mr Stringer and his son on suspicion of a racially aggravated attack. Police briefly questioned the men at the gate but none was arrested.”

Not much of a “gang” really, failing to help their gun totting friend, are they? Even the one with the crossbow? Not an easy thing to hide when the police turn up. Oh, it’s standard police procedure to take statements from both sides in a “domestic” Any accusations of weapons present would result in a search of the area. Oh, it also looks like Stringer’s son took part in the assault on the trespasser.

So to summarise, there was no gun, no crossbow, and the police had to have been either blind or incompetent to miss 3 knives and/or iron bars at the scene at the time. So what if Mr Stringer was armed, pulled his gun and opened fire on the trespasser? Had he killed him he would have been convicted of manslaughter or even murder. So thanks anyway, I’ll leave it to the police to protect me, while I wait for the facts to emerge, perhaps in the civil suit Mr. Stringer will bring; I'm sure the Daily Mail will report on that with equal verve.

One word.....retard.

I'm sure you are, as you've just admitted it in an open forum post. :)

And we have a double!!.......retard.
*sigh* Oh joy, another OP on why we need guns to protect ourselves, “just look at the poor gun-less Europeans…blah, blah”

There are several issues I have with this story, not least of which is its source, the Daily Fail. Firstly, the report is one sided and appears to pursue an agenda along the lines of; “the police can’t protect us, so we need guns to defend ourselves”. It uses exaggerated and emotive language to instil unease or fear. Secondly there are questions that need to be answered:

Mr Stringer is a long serving Magistrate, and a property developer and landlord to boot, so you’d expect him to have a basic grasp of British Law and he’d be well aware of the law regarding Civil Trespass. He called the police, which was all he could do legally other than to ask the men to leave.

Let’s look at the sequence of events according to the article:
“Mr Stringer was enjoying a Sunday afternoon with his wife and three children aged 26, 24 and 22 at their £2million, 40-room home in Morningthorpe, near Norwich, when three cars pulled up at the gates and a group of men climbed into the grounds.

He rang 999. 'I told the operator we were under attack,' he said. 'I could see at least three men running between the trees. One had a weapon which looked like a crossbow. The others had steel bars.”

So far so good, it is daylight and there were five adults (not children; majority is 18 over here) present. They live in a large house where they could easily have taken refuge.

“When a fourth man armed with what appeared to be a handgun started banging on their glass front door, Mr Stringer said he was compelled to act. He grabbed a child's hockey stick and confronted the intruder. 'My son told me he had seen a gun,' he said. 'I went outside and I kept shouting loudly at him to leave and that the police were on the way.”

Oh OK, they were all in the house at the time. I’m curious how any normal rational person would react if told one of the men had a gun, would you A) tell your family to hide in the most secure room available while you called the police again to report that a firearm was present (this would cause a rapid response fire arms unit to be despatched immediately (roughly 10 minutes away). Or B) Grab a child’s hockey stick and open the door to confront the GUNMAN outside. Hmm, let me think about that one…:rolleyes-41:

“'I used my hands and the stick to push him away from the house. He kept punching and kicking me. I was by that time bruised, bleeding and utterly exhausted.' Mr Stringer said he was then horrified to see four other men on the other side of a hedge urging their companion with phrases such as: 'Go on my n*****, slog him.'

He said: 'I had no strength left, I only had my voice and I tried to find the most shocking words to shout, thinking that if they came through that hedge we could be killed. There was nobody there to save us, we were alone.”

Just curious here, what was his 22 year old son doing while his dad was being pummelled? If he hit or pushed the “gunman” first, Stringer would be guilty of assault, while the “gunman” would be merely defending himself; now there’s irony.

“The other men retreated to their cars by the gate, where they stood holding a crossbow, claimed Mr Stringer.

Moments before police arrived, the remaining intruder made a 999 call saying he had been attacked by two men, suffered numerous injuries and racially abused.

Five police cars then arrived and officers arrested Mr Stringer and his son on suspicion of a racially aggravated attack. Police briefly questioned the men at the gate but none was arrested.”

Not much of a “gang” really, failing to help their gun totting friend, are they? Even the one with the crossbow? Not an easy thing to hide when the police turn up. Oh, it’s standard police procedure to take statements from both sides in a “domestic” Any accusations of weapons present would result in a search of the area. Oh, it also looks like Stringer’s son took part in the assault on the trespasser.

So to summarise, there was no gun, no crossbow, and the police had to have been either blind or incompetent to miss 3 knives and/or iron bars at the scene at the time. So what if Mr Stringer was armed, pulled his gun and opened fire on the trespasser? Had he killed him he would have been convicted of manslaughter or even murder. So thanks anyway, I’ll leave it to the police to protect me, while I wait for the facts to emerge, perhaps in the civil suit Mr. Stringer will bring; I'm sure the Daily Mail will report on that with equal verve.

You want the police to protect you?

You do know that the USSC has ruled that no police officer has any legal obligation whatsoever to come to your aid don't you?
...and as I'm from the UK, I should care about this because?

Well that explains it.

Why don't you post to a British forum where you don't have first amendment protection of speech and you can all have a circle jerk to your pictures of the queen
*sigh* Oh joy, another OP on why we need guns to protect ourselves, “just look at the poor gun-less Europeans…blah, blah”

There are several issues I have with this story, not least of which is its source, the Daily Fail. Firstly, the report is one sided and appears to pursue an agenda along the lines of; “the police can’t protect us, so we need guns to defend ourselves”. It uses exaggerated and emotive language to instil unease or fear. Secondly there are questions that need to be answered:

Mr Stringer is a long serving Magistrate, and a property developer and landlord to boot, so you’d expect him to have a basic grasp of British Law and he’d be well aware of the law regarding Civil Trespass. He called the police, which was all he could do legally other than to ask the men to leave.

Let’s look at the sequence of events according to the article:
“Mr Stringer was enjoying a Sunday afternoon with his wife and three children aged 26, 24 and 22 at their £2million, 40-room home in Morningthorpe, near Norwich, when three cars pulled up at the gates and a group of men climbed into the grounds.

He rang 999. 'I told the operator we were under attack,' he said. 'I could see at least three men running between the trees. One had a weapon which looked like a crossbow. The others had steel bars.”

So far so good, it is daylight and there were five adults (not children; majority is 18 over here) present. They live in a large house where they could easily have taken refuge.

“When a fourth man armed with what appeared to be a handgun started banging on their glass front door, Mr Stringer said he was compelled to act. He grabbed a child's hockey stick and confronted the intruder. 'My son told me he had seen a gun,' he said. 'I went outside and I kept shouting loudly at him to leave and that the police were on the way.”

Oh OK, they were all in the house at the time. I’m curious how any normal rational person would react if told one of the men had a gun, would you A) tell your family to hide in the most secure room available while you called the police again to report that a firearm was present (this would cause a rapid response fire arms unit to be despatched immediately (roughly 10 minutes away). Or B) Grab a child’s hockey stick and open the door to confront the GUNMAN outside. Hmm, let me think about that one…:rolleyes-41:

“'I used my hands and the stick to push him away from the house. He kept punching and kicking me. I was by that time bruised, bleeding and utterly exhausted.' Mr Stringer said he was then horrified to see four other men on the other side of a hedge urging their companion with phrases such as: 'Go on my n*****, slog him.'

He said: 'I had no strength left, I only had my voice and I tried to find the most shocking words to shout, thinking that if they came through that hedge we could be killed. There was nobody there to save us, we were alone.”

Just curious here, what was his 22 year old son doing while his dad was being pummelled? If he hit or pushed the “gunman” first, Stringer would be guilty of assault, while the “gunman” would be merely defending himself; now there’s irony.

“The other men retreated to their cars by the gate, where they stood holding a crossbow, claimed Mr Stringer.

Moments before police arrived, the remaining intruder made a 999 call saying he had been attacked by two men, suffered numerous injuries and racially abused.

Five police cars then arrived and officers arrested Mr Stringer and his son on suspicion of a racially aggravated attack. Police briefly questioned the men at the gate but none was arrested.”

Not much of a “gang” really, failing to help their gun totting friend, are they? Even the one with the crossbow? Not an easy thing to hide when the police turn up. Oh, it’s standard police procedure to take statements from both sides in a “domestic” Any accusations of weapons present would result in a search of the area. Oh, it also looks like Stringer’s son took part in the assault on the trespasser.

So to summarise, there was no gun, no crossbow, and the police had to have been either blind or incompetent to miss 3 knives and/or iron bars at the scene at the time. So what if Mr Stringer was armed, pulled his gun and opened fire on the trespasser? Had he killed him he would have been convicted of manslaughter or even murder. So thanks anyway, I’ll leave it to the police to protect me, while I wait for the facts to emerge, perhaps in the civil suit Mr. Stringer will bring; I'm sure the Daily Mail will report on that with equal verve.

One word.....retard.

I'm sure you are, as you've just admitted it in an open forum post. :)

And we have a double!!.......retard.

Well there's no need to call Skull Pilot a "retard" just because he hadn't realised I was British, and you are only embarasing youself by continually admitting your own status as such.
*sigh* Oh joy, another OP on why we need guns to protect ourselves, “just look at the poor gun-less Europeans…blah, blah”

There are several issues I have with this story, not least of which is its source, the Daily Fail. Firstly, the report is one sided and appears to pursue an agenda along the lines of; “the police can’t protect us, so we need guns to defend ourselves”. It uses exaggerated and emotive language to instil unease or fear. Secondly there are questions that need to be answered:

Mr Stringer is a long serving Magistrate, and a property developer and landlord to boot, so you’d expect him to have a basic grasp of British Law and he’d be well aware of the law regarding Civil Trespass. He called the police, which was all he could do legally other than to ask the men to leave.

Let’s look at the sequence of events according to the article:
“Mr Stringer was enjoying a Sunday afternoon with his wife and three children aged 26, 24 and 22 at their £2million, 40-room home in Morningthorpe, near Norwich, when three cars pulled up at the gates and a group of men climbed into the grounds.

He rang 999. 'I told the operator we were under attack,' he said. 'I could see at least three men running between the trees. One had a weapon which looked like a crossbow. The others had steel bars.”

So far so good, it is daylight and there were five adults (not children; majority is 18 over here) present. They live in a large house where they could easily have taken refuge.

“When a fourth man armed with what appeared to be a handgun started banging on their glass front door, Mr Stringer said he was compelled to act. He grabbed a child's hockey stick and confronted the intruder. 'My son told me he had seen a gun,' he said. 'I went outside and I kept shouting loudly at him to leave and that the police were on the way.”

Oh OK, they were all in the house at the time. I’m curious how any normal rational person would react if told one of the men had a gun, would you A) tell your family to hide in the most secure room available while you called the police again to report that a firearm was present (this would cause a rapid response fire arms unit to be despatched immediately (roughly 10 minutes away). Or B) Grab a child’s hockey stick and open the door to confront the GUNMAN outside. Hmm, let me think about that one…:rolleyes-41:

“'I used my hands and the stick to push him away from the house. He kept punching and kicking me. I was by that time bruised, bleeding and utterly exhausted.' Mr Stringer said he was then horrified to see four other men on the other side of a hedge urging their companion with phrases such as: 'Go on my n*****, slog him.'

He said: 'I had no strength left, I only had my voice and I tried to find the most shocking words to shout, thinking that if they came through that hedge we could be killed. There was nobody there to save us, we were alone.”

Just curious here, what was his 22 year old son doing while his dad was being pummelled? If he hit or pushed the “gunman” first, Stringer would be guilty of assault, while the “gunman” would be merely defending himself; now there’s irony.

“The other men retreated to their cars by the gate, where they stood holding a crossbow, claimed Mr Stringer.

Moments before police arrived, the remaining intruder made a 999 call saying he had been attacked by two men, suffered numerous injuries and racially abused.

Five police cars then arrived and officers arrested Mr Stringer and his son on suspicion of a racially aggravated attack. Police briefly questioned the men at the gate but none was arrested.”

Not much of a “gang” really, failing to help their gun totting friend, are they? Even the one with the crossbow? Not an easy thing to hide when the police turn up. Oh, it’s standard police procedure to take statements from both sides in a “domestic” Any accusations of weapons present would result in a search of the area. Oh, it also looks like Stringer’s son took part in the assault on the trespasser.

So to summarise, there was no gun, no crossbow, and the police had to have been either blind or incompetent to miss 3 knives and/or iron bars at the scene at the time. So what if Mr Stringer was armed, pulled his gun and opened fire on the trespasser? Had he killed him he would have been convicted of manslaughter or even murder. So thanks anyway, I’ll leave it to the police to protect me, while I wait for the facts to emerge, perhaps in the civil suit Mr. Stringer will bring; I'm sure the Daily Mail will report on that with equal verve.

You want the police to protect you?

You do know that the USSC has ruled that no police officer has any legal obligation whatsoever to come to your aid don't you?
...and as I'm from the UK, I should care about this because?

Well that explains it.

Why don't you post to a British forum where you don't have first amendment protection of speech and you can all have a circle jerk to your pictures of the queen

Why don't you do us all a favour and scroll to the top of the page and read the OP. I'm merely supplying an alternative British perspective about a British story in the Europe part of this board, understand? Perhaps Herewegoagain is right when he calls you a "retard", possibly also one with an unhealthy obsession with group masturbation to boot.
*sigh* Oh joy, another OP on why we need guns to protect ourselves, “just look at the poor gun-less Europeans…blah, blah”

There are several issues I have with this story, not least of which is its source, the Daily Fail. Firstly, the report is one sided and appears to pursue an agenda along the lines of; “the police can’t protect us, so we need guns to defend ourselves”. It uses exaggerated and emotive language to instil unease or fear. Secondly there are questions that need to be answered:

Mr Stringer is a long serving Magistrate, and a property developer and landlord to boot, so you’d expect him to have a basic grasp of British Law and he’d be well aware of the law regarding Civil Trespass. He called the police, which was all he could do legally other than to ask the men to leave.

Let’s look at the sequence of events according to the article:
“Mr Stringer was enjoying a Sunday afternoon with his wife and three children aged 26, 24 and 22 at their £2million, 40-room home in Morningthorpe, near Norwich, when three cars pulled up at the gates and a group of men climbed into the grounds.

He rang 999. 'I told the operator we were under attack,' he said. 'I could see at least three men running between the trees. One had a weapon which looked like a crossbow. The others had steel bars.”

So far so good, it is daylight and there were five adults (not children; majority is 18 over here) present. They live in a large house where they could easily have taken refuge.

“When a fourth man armed with what appeared to be a handgun started banging on their glass front door, Mr Stringer said he was compelled to act. He grabbed a child's hockey stick and confronted the intruder. 'My son told me he had seen a gun,' he said. 'I went outside and I kept shouting loudly at him to leave and that the police were on the way.”

Oh OK, they were all in the house at the time. I’m curious how any normal rational person would react if told one of the men had a gun, would you A) tell your family to hide in the most secure room available while you called the police again to report that a firearm was present (this would cause a rapid response fire arms unit to be despatched immediately (roughly 10 minutes away). Or B) Grab a child’s hockey stick and open the door to confront the GUNMAN outside. Hmm, let me think about that one…:rolleyes-41:

“'I used my hands and the stick to push him away from the house. He kept punching and kicking me. I was by that time bruised, bleeding and utterly exhausted.' Mr Stringer said he was then horrified to see four other men on the other side of a hedge urging their companion with phrases such as: 'Go on my n*****, slog him.'

He said: 'I had no strength left, I only had my voice and I tried to find the most shocking words to shout, thinking that if they came through that hedge we could be killed. There was nobody there to save us, we were alone.”

Just curious here, what was his 22 year old son doing while his dad was being pummelled? If he hit or pushed the “gunman” first, Stringer would be guilty of assault, while the “gunman” would be merely defending himself; now there’s irony.

“The other men retreated to their cars by the gate, where they stood holding a crossbow, claimed Mr Stringer.

Moments before police arrived, the remaining intruder made a 999 call saying he had been attacked by two men, suffered numerous injuries and racially abused.

Five police cars then arrived and officers arrested Mr Stringer and his son on suspicion of a racially aggravated attack. Police briefly questioned the men at the gate but none was arrested.”

Not much of a “gang” really, failing to help their gun totting friend, are they? Even the one with the crossbow? Not an easy thing to hide when the police turn up. Oh, it’s standard police procedure to take statements from both sides in a “domestic” Any accusations of weapons present would result in a search of the area. Oh, it also looks like Stringer’s son took part in the assault on the trespasser.

So to summarise, there was no gun, no crossbow, and the police had to have been either blind or incompetent to miss 3 knives and/or iron bars at the scene at the time. So what if Mr Stringer was armed, pulled his gun and opened fire on the trespasser? Had he killed him he would have been convicted of manslaughter or even murder. So thanks anyway, I’ll leave it to the police to protect me, while I wait for the facts to emerge, perhaps in the civil suit Mr. Stringer will bring; I'm sure the Daily Mail will report on that with equal verve.

You want the police to protect you?

You do know that the USSC has ruled that no police officer has any legal obligation whatsoever to come to your aid don't you?
...and as I'm from the UK, I should care about this because?

Well that explains it.

Why don't you post to a British forum where you don't have first amendment protection of speech and you can all have a circle jerk to your pictures of the queen

Why don't you do us all a favour and scroll to the top of the page and read the OP. I'm merely supplying an alternative British perspective about a British story in the Europe part of this board, understand? Perhaps Herewegoagain is right when he calls you a "retard", possibly also one with an unhealthy obsession with group masturbation to boot.

Changing another posters message is against the rules.
Oh...and I encourage you to wait for the police to protect you.
*sigh* Oh joy, another OP on why we need guns to protect ourselves, “just look at the poor gun-less Europeans…blah, blah”

There are several issues I have with this story, not least of which is its source, the Daily Fail. Firstly, the report is one sided and appears to pursue an agenda along the lines of; “the police can’t protect us, so we need guns to defend ourselves”. It uses exaggerated and emotive language to instil unease or fear. Secondly there are questions that need to be answered:

Mr Stringer is a long serving Magistrate, and a property developer and landlord to boot, so you’d expect him to have a basic grasp of British Law and he’d be well aware of the law regarding Civil Trespass. He called the police, which was all he could do legally other than to ask the men to leave.

Let’s look at the sequence of events according to the article:
“Mr Stringer was enjoying a Sunday afternoon with his wife and three children aged 26, 24 and 22 at their £2million, 40-room home in Morningthorpe, near Norwich, when three cars pulled up at the gates and a group of men climbed into the grounds.

He rang 999. 'I told the operator we were under attack,' he said. 'I could see at least three men running between the trees. One had a weapon which looked like a crossbow. The others had steel bars.”

So far so good, it is daylight and there were five adults (not children; majority is 18 over here) present. They live in a large house where they could easily have taken refuge.

“When a fourth man armed with what appeared to be a handgun started banging on their glass front door, Mr Stringer said he was compelled to act. He grabbed a child's hockey stick and confronted the intruder. 'My son told me he had seen a gun,' he said. 'I went outside and I kept shouting loudly at him to leave and that the police were on the way.”

Oh OK, they were all in the house at the time. I’m curious how any normal rational person would react if told one of the men had a gun, would you A) tell your family to hide in the most secure room available while you called the police again to report that a firearm was present (this would cause a rapid response fire arms unit to be despatched immediately (roughly 10 minutes away). Or B) Grab a child’s hockey stick and open the door to confront the GUNMAN outside. Hmm, let me think about that one…:rolleyes-41:

“'I used my hands and the stick to push him away from the house. He kept punching and kicking me. I was by that time bruised, bleeding and utterly exhausted.' Mr Stringer said he was then horrified to see four other men on the other side of a hedge urging their companion with phrases such as: 'Go on my n*****, slog him.'

He said: 'I had no strength left, I only had my voice and I tried to find the most shocking words to shout, thinking that if they came through that hedge we could be killed. There was nobody there to save us, we were alone.”

Just curious here, what was his 22 year old son doing while his dad was being pummelled? If he hit or pushed the “gunman” first, Stringer would be guilty of assault, while the “gunman” would be merely defending himself; now there’s irony.

“The other men retreated to their cars by the gate, where they stood holding a crossbow, claimed Mr Stringer.

Moments before police arrived, the remaining intruder made a 999 call saying he had been attacked by two men, suffered numerous injuries and racially abused.

Five police cars then arrived and officers arrested Mr Stringer and his son on suspicion of a racially aggravated attack. Police briefly questioned the men at the gate but none was arrested.”

Not much of a “gang” really, failing to help their gun totting friend, are they? Even the one with the crossbow? Not an easy thing to hide when the police turn up. Oh, it’s standard police procedure to take statements from both sides in a “domestic” Any accusations of weapons present would result in a search of the area. Oh, it also looks like Stringer’s son took part in the assault on the trespasser.

So to summarise, there was no gun, no crossbow, and the police had to have been either blind or incompetent to miss 3 knives and/or iron bars at the scene at the time. So what if Mr Stringer was armed, pulled his gun and opened fire on the trespasser? Had he killed him he would have been convicted of manslaughter or even murder. So thanks anyway, I’ll leave it to the police to protect me, while I wait for the facts to emerge, perhaps in the civil suit Mr. Stringer will bring; I'm sure the Daily Mail will report on that with equal verve.

You want the police to protect you?

You do know that the USSC has ruled that no police officer has any legal obligation whatsoever to come to your aid don't you?
...and as I'm from the UK, I should care about this because?

Well that explains it.

Why don't you post to a British forum where you don't have first amendment protection of speech and you can all have a circle jerk to your pictures of the queen

Why don't you do us all a favour and scroll to the top of the page and read the OP. I'm merely supplying an alternative British perspective about a British story in the Europe part of this board, understand? Perhaps Herewegoagain is right when he calls you a "retard", possibly also one with an unhealthy obsession with group masturbation to boot.

Changing another posters message is against the rules.
Oh...and I encourage you to wait for the police to protect you.
Too funny for words. Where exactly have I "changed another poster's message"? Feel free to report me, I'll happily take my chances with the Moderators, assuming their level of literacy exceeds yours.
You want the police to protect you?

You do know that the USSC has ruled that no police officer has any legal obligation whatsoever to come to your aid don't you?
...and as I'm from the UK, I should care about this because?

Well that explains it.

Why don't you post to a British forum where you don't have first amendment protection of speech and you can all have a circle jerk to your pictures of the queen

Why don't you do us all a favour and scroll to the top of the page and read the OP. I'm merely supplying an alternative British perspective about a British story in the Europe part of this board, understand? Perhaps Herewegoagain is right when he calls you a "retard", possibly also one with an unhealthy obsession with group masturbation to boot.

Changing another posters message is against the rules.
Oh...and I encourage you to wait for the police to protect you.
Too funny for words. Where exactly have I "changed another poster's message"? Feel free to report me, I'll happily take my chances with the Moderators, assuming their level of literacy exceeds yours.

Doubling down on the retard I see.....damn there are a lot of misspelled words in your post.

"Well there's no need to call Skull Pilot a "retard" just because he hadn't realised I was British, and you are only embarasing youself by continually admitting your own status as such."
...and as I'm from the UK, I should care about this because?

Well that explains it.

Why don't you post to a British forum where you don't have first amendment protection of speech and you can all have a circle jerk to your pictures of the queen

Why don't you do us all a favour and scroll to the top of the page and read the OP. I'm merely supplying an alternative British perspective about a British story in the Europe part of this board, understand? Perhaps Herewegoagain is right when he calls you a "retard", possibly also one with an unhealthy obsession with group masturbation to boot.

Changing another posters message is against the rules.
Oh...and I encourage you to wait for the police to protect you.
Too funny for words. Where exactly have I "changed another poster's message"? Feel free to report me, I'll happily take my chances with the Moderators, assuming their level of literacy exceeds yours.

Doubling down on the retard I see.....damn there are a lot of misspelled words in your post.

"Well there's no need to call Skull Pilot a "retard" just because he hadn't realised I was British, and you are only embarasing youself by continually admitting your own status as such."
Wow, two typos; that all you got? Since you have nothing of substance to contribute, I'll move on, bored now.
Well that explains it.

Why don't you post to a British forum where you don't have first amendment protection of speech and you can all have a circle jerk to your pictures of the queen

Why don't you do us all a favour and scroll to the top of the page and read the OP. I'm merely supplying an alternative British perspective about a British story in the Europe part of this board, understand? Perhaps Herewegoagain is right when he calls you a "retard", possibly also one with an unhealthy obsession with group masturbation to boot.

Changing another posters message is against the rules.
Oh...and I encourage you to wait for the police to protect you.
Too funny for words. Where exactly have I "changed another poster's message"? Feel free to report me, I'll happily take my chances with the Moderators, assuming their level of literacy exceeds yours.

Doubling down on the retard I see.....damn there are a lot of misspelled words in your post.

"Well there's no need to call Skull Pilot a "retard" just because he hadn't realised I was British, and you are only embarasing youself by continually admitting your own status as such."
Wow, two typos; that all you got? Since you have nothing of substance to contribute, I'll move on, bored now.

Actually three...
And I see you still failed to address the changing of my post.
*sigh* Oh joy, another OP on why we need guns to protect ourselves, “just look at the poor gun-less Europeans…blah, blah”

There are several issues I have with this story, not least of which is its source, the Daily Fail. Firstly, the report is one sided and appears to pursue an agenda along the lines of; “the police can’t protect us, so we need guns to defend ourselves”. It uses exaggerated and emotive language to instil unease or fear. Secondly there are questions that need to be answered:

Mr Stringer is a long serving Magistrate, and a property developer and landlord to boot, so you’d expect him to have a basic grasp of British Law and he’d be well aware of the law regarding Civil Trespass. He called the police, which was all he could do legally other than to ask the men to leave.

Let’s look at the sequence of events according to the article:
“Mr Stringer was enjoying a Sunday afternoon with his wife and three children aged 26, 24 and 22 at their £2million, 40-room home in Morningthorpe, near Norwich, when three cars pulled up at the gates and a group of men climbed into the grounds.

He rang 999. 'I told the operator we were under attack,' he said. 'I could see at least three men running between the trees. One had a weapon which looked like a crossbow. The others had steel bars.”

So far so good, it is daylight and there were five adults (not children; majority is 18 over here) present. They live in a large house where they could easily have taken refuge.

“When a fourth man armed with what appeared to be a handgun started banging on their glass front door, Mr Stringer said he was compelled to act. He grabbed a child's hockey stick and confronted the intruder. 'My son told me he had seen a gun,' he said. 'I went outside and I kept shouting loudly at him to leave and that the police were on the way.”

Oh OK, they were all in the house at the time. I’m curious how any normal rational person would react if told one of the men had a gun, would you A) tell your family to hide in the most secure room available while you called the police again to report that a firearm was present (this would cause a rapid response fire arms unit to be despatched immediately (roughly 10 minutes away). Or B) Grab a child’s hockey stick and open the door to confront the GUNMAN outside. Hmm, let me think about that one…:rolleyes-41:

“'I used my hands and the stick to push him away from the house. He kept punching and kicking me. I was by that time bruised, bleeding and utterly exhausted.' Mr Stringer said he was then horrified to see four other men on the other side of a hedge urging their companion with phrases such as: 'Go on my n*****, slog him.'

He said: 'I had no strength left, I only had my voice and I tried to find the most shocking words to shout, thinking that if they came through that hedge we could be killed. There was nobody there to save us, we were alone.”

Just curious here, what was his 22 year old son doing while his dad was being pummelled? If he hit or pushed the “gunman” first, Stringer would be guilty of assault, while the “gunman” would be merely defending himself; now there’s irony.

“The other men retreated to their cars by the gate, where they stood holding a crossbow, claimed Mr Stringer.

Moments before police arrived, the remaining intruder made a 999 call saying he had been attacked by two men, suffered numerous injuries and racially abused.

Five police cars then arrived and officers arrested Mr Stringer and his son on suspicion of a racially aggravated attack. Police briefly questioned the men at the gate but none was arrested.”

Not much of a “gang” really, failing to help their gun totting friend, are they? Even the one with the crossbow? Not an easy thing to hide when the police turn up. Oh, it’s standard police procedure to take statements from both sides in a “domestic” Any accusations of weapons present would result in a search of the area. Oh, it also looks like Stringer’s son took part in the assault on the trespasser.

So to summarise, there was no gun, no crossbow, and the police had to have been either blind or incompetent to miss 3 knives and/or iron bars at the scene at the time. So what if Mr Stringer was armed, pulled his gun and opened fire on the trespasser? Had he killed him he would have been convicted of manslaughter or even murder. So thanks anyway, I’ll leave it to the police to protect me, while I wait for the facts to emerge, perhaps in the civil suit Mr. Stringer will bring; I'm sure the Daily Mail will report on that with equal verve.

You want the police to protect you?

You do know that the USSC has ruled that no police officer has any legal obligation whatsoever to come to your aid don't you?
...and as I'm from the UK, I should care about this because?

Well that explains it.

Why don't you post to a British forum where you don't have first amendment protection of speech and you can all have a circle jerk to your pictures of the queen

Why don't you do us all a favour and scroll to the top of the page and read the OP. I'm merely supplying an alternative British perspective about a British story in the Europe part of this board, understand? Perhaps Herewegoagain is right when he calls you a "retard", possibly also one with an unhealthy obsession with group masturbation to boot.
He was actually calling you a retard

So go kneel for your queen like a good little serf
So go kneel for your queen like a good little serf

I seriously doubt that he kneels to the queen. Now, had you said "the local Imam", that would have been a different story.

You see, this is a news article about native British people trying to turn down the cultural enrichment being offered them, and like all good emasculated British boys, he has been trained to roll on his back and pee on his belly in abject humiliation in such a situation.

They have already given up their once great country. The death will be gradual, but they have already capitulated to their masters.

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