British Leader NIGEL FARAGE ENDORSES Donald TRUMP! A President Trump would be good news for Britain


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Who? Alexander dugin endorsed him too but I am not sure I'd be bragging about that
Farage is the man. One of the few warriors in Europe fighting the NWO Globalist Elites. :thup:
I love watching Farage rip into the EU people. Those videos are always good for a chuckle and makes me wish we had politicians like him up on Capitol Hill.
Farage is a laughable buffoon, a drunk who heads a party and yet does not hold political office in the UK. His party has only one man who does hold political office (1 of the 600 and something political seats) in the UK and he is at war with him as the pair of them are as quarrelsome as one another.
Maybe he supports trump because like trump he aggitates xenophobic feeling whilst being married to a foreigner, maybe because they both lead cults of personality or maybe because they both have made so many idiotic pronouncements that satirists don't even need to write any material of their own.
Farage is a laughable buffoon, a drunk who heads a party and yet does not hold political office in the UK. His party has only one man who does hold political office (1 of the 600 and something political seats) in the UK and he is at war with him as the pair of them are as quarrelsome as one another.
Maybe he supports trump because like trump he aggitates xenophobic feeling whilst being married to a foreigner, maybe because they both lead cults of personality or maybe because they both have made so many idiotic pronouncements that satirists don't even need to write any material of their own.
UKIP would have won 83 seats had the UK a fair voting system. 4 million votes gaining 1 seat is not fair, it's an antiquated system that needs to go. Farage likes a pint, that does not make him an alcoholic. Stop misrepresenting him, his party and the U.K. voting system here.
Farage is a laughable buffoon, a drunk who heads a party and yet does not hold political office in the UK. His party has only one man who does hold political office (1 of the 600 and something political seats) in the UK and he is at war with him as the pair of them are as quarrelsome as one another.
Maybe he supports trump because like trump he aggitates xenophobic feeling whilst being married to a foreigner, maybe because they both lead cults of personality or maybe because they both have made so many idiotic pronouncements that satirists don't even need to write any material of their own.
UKIP would have won 83 seats had the UK a fair voting system. 4 million votes gaining 1 seat is not fair, it's an antiquated system that needs to go. Farage likes a pint, that does not make him an alcoholic. Stop misrepresenting him, his party and the U.K. voting system here.

Farage is the voice and face of british racism, his antics of appearing on panel comedy shows laughing and joking hide the fact that his appearance has killed the far more dark BNP and it's links to the dark side of politics as he hoovered up their followers. He may laugh and joke happily with a beer in his hand but he is dangerous, only his ineptitude keeps him from being a real threat.

And bitching and moaning about "fair" election systems is the whine of a loser. Yes Britain has lots of racists who read the Daily Mail (founded by a friend of Adolf Hitler) or the Daily Express (Daily Diana) and vote for his one policy party of xenophobic morons but they aren't a significant enough group in any one area to affect real politics thank god.

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