Britain, Balkan countries block EU from adopting Paris declaration


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
Jerusalem heaved a sigh of relief Monday when the 28 EU foreign ministers meeting in Brussels adjourned without issuing a statement adopting either UN Security Council resolution 2334 or the declaration that emerged from the Paris conference on Sunday.

The Council of the European Union met for a discussion on the Middle East Peace Process without releasing any conclusions. Israel has in recent days worked to prevent the council from issuing a final statement that would adopt the language of the Security Council's anti-settlement resolution or the Paris declaration.

The Jerusalem Post has learned that France was pressing inside the meeting for the EU to adopt the Paris declaration, but these efforts were rebuffed by Britain and some Balkan states keen on getting off on the “right foot” with US President-elect Donald Trump when he takes office on Friday.

The British Foreign Office gave voice to this sentiment on Sunday, when it refused to endorse the Paris declaration.

"We have particular reservations about an international conference intended to advance peace between the parties that does not involve them - indeed which is taking place against the wishes of the Israelis - and which is taking place just days before the transition to a new American President when the US will be the ultimate guarantor of any agreement," a Foreign Office statement said.

The Paris declaration reaffirmed support for a two-state solution, and called to stop violence and “ongoing settlement activity.” It also called on each side to “to refrain from unilateral steps that prejudge the outcome of negotiations on final-status issues, including, inter alia, on Jerusalem, borders, security, refugees and which they will not recognize.”

Britain, Balkan countries block EU from adopting Paris declaration

Trump has not even taken office yet but he is already changing the world for the better.
.The Balkan countries have lived under Islamic oppression, and know as well as anybody what it is like to live under the jack boot that is Islam.
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It was just more of the usual waste of time. Did anyone actually believe it would come to anything?
It's time that the UN implemented a forced solution, either that or begin sanctions on the rogue state

Which one Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and the whole host of other islamonazi states.There is already a forced solution in the archives, and it is one the islamonazi's put to the LoN in 1923. Cant see them accepting it now
It was just more of the usual waste of time. Did anyone actually believe it would come to anything?
Apparently Abbas had. He was so disappointed by the statement from the Paris conference, which was much, much weaker than the UN resolution, that he canceled a scheduled meeting with Hollande, and then to top it off, the EU refused to adopt either the Paris conference statement or the UN resolution.

They won't be handing out candy in Ramallah or Gaza City tonight.
It's time that the UN implemented a forced solution, either that or begin sanctions on the rogue state

“It's time that the UN implementx a forced solution, either that or begin sanctions on the “rogue state”

“Rogue State.”

I dunno, this “rogue state” terminology you use to refer to Israel.

I just don’t see it. Believe me, if even this much

i thought Israel had that “rogue” look ….I’d be right behind you saying the same thing…

Who (…besides Afghanistan) votes for “world-known-terrorists” to be their Government ?

Why are they even ‘recognized’ by…”people” as a "government." Why isn’t MistaMoon up in arms about it ?

this picture “ain’t” no joke.

He knows….


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