Brilliant Fox News Host Totally Triggered Dr Fauci - LOL


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"In an interview Tuesday morning on CNN’s New Day, Dr. Anthony Fauci reacted to comments made Monday by Fox News Channel’s Jesse Watters, who used a violent metaphor to suggest that people should seek out and “ambush” Fauci on the street and deliver “a kill shot.” Watters made the comments not on Fox News, but at the Turning Point USA conference, where Watters urged attendees to confront Fauci in public and capture the encounter on video, which he said could then be broadcast on Fox News Channel shows like Tucker Carlson Tonight. Watters described these “ambush” confrontations as “the kill shot. Deadly. Because he doesn’t see it coming.”

Lol, Fauci is so triggered....and is calling for Watters to be fired, really?? Obviously, Jesse wasn't calling for people to actually kill Dr. Fauci --
Fauci is just lashing out because he knows his lies and actions has created countless amounts of suffering and death around the he knows that deep down, he truly deserves death...

However, what Jesse was saying is that reporters should ask Fauci tough questions and get it on tape...and when they expose the fact that he lied about creating COVID -- that admission on tape would be the kill shot, not actually killing him....but of course the lib media is taking out of context....Sometimes you have to use violent imagery like art showing you cut your political opponent's head off or saying shit like -- "the tree of liberty is washed with the blood of blah blah" -- just because you are pissed about wearing a mask to go in Starbucks -- and you do these things for the effect of grabs headlines and gets attention.....because speaking in nuance and context is boring.....

"In an interview Tuesday morning on CNN’s New Day, Dr. Anthony Fauci reacted to comments made Monday by Fox News Channel’s Jesse Watters, who used a violent metaphor to suggest that people should seek out and “ambush” Fauci on the street and deliver “a kill shot.” Watters made the comments not on Fox News, but at the Turning Point USA conference, where Watters urged attendees to confront Fauci in public and capture the encounter on video, which he said could then be broadcast on Fox News Channel shows like Tucker Carlson Tonight. Watters described these “ambush” confrontations as “the kill shot. Deadly. Because he doesn’t see it coming.”

Lol, Fauci is so triggered....and is calling for Watters to be fired, really?? Obviously, Jesse wasn't calling for people to actually kill Dr. Fauci --
Fauci is just lashing out because he knows his lies and actions has created countless amounts of suffering and death around the he knows that deep down, he truly deserves death...

However, what Jesse was saying is that reporters should ask Fauci tough questions and get it on tape...and when they expose the fact that he lied about creating COVID -- that admission on tape would be the kill shot, not actually killing him....but of course the lib media is taking out of context....Sometimes you have to use violent imagery like art showing you cut your political opponent's head off or saying shit like -- "the tree of liberty is washed with the blood of blah blah" -- just because you are pissed about wearing a mask to go in Starbucks -- and you do these things for the effect of grabs headlines and gets attention.....because speaking in nuance and context is boring.....


"In an interview Tuesday morning on CNN’s New Day, Dr. Anthony Fauci reacted to comments made Monday by Fox News Channel’s Jesse Watters, who used a violent metaphor to suggest that people should seek out and “ambush” Fauci on the street and deliver “a kill shot.” Watters made the comments not on Fox News, but at the Turning Point USA conference, where Watters urged attendees to confront Fauci in public and capture the encounter on video, which he said could then be broadcast on Fox News Channel shows like Tucker Carlson Tonight. Watters described these “ambush” confrontations as “the kill shot. Deadly. Because he doesn’t see it coming.”

Lol, Fauci is so triggered....and is calling for Watters to be fired, really?? Obviously, Jesse wasn't calling for people to actually kill Dr. Fauci --
Fauci is just lashing out because he knows his lies and actions has created countless amounts of suffering and death around the he knows that deep down, he truly deserves death...

However, what Jesse was saying is that reporters should ask Fauci tough questions and get it on tape...and when they expose the fact that he lied about creating COVID -- that admission on tape would be the kill shot, not actually killing him....but of course the lib media is taking out of context....Sometimes you have to use violent imagery like art showing you cut your political opponent's head off or saying shit like -- "the tree of liberty is washed with the blood of blah blah" -- just because you are pissed about wearing a mask to go in Starbucks -- and you do these things for the effect of grabs headlines and gets attention.....because speaking in nuance and context is boring.....
Fascist Fauci and The Globalist DemNazis are pushing The New Normal and it's here.


"In an interview Tuesday morning on CNN’s New Day, Dr. Anthony Fauci reacted to comments made Monday by Fox News Channel’s Jesse Watters, who used a violent metaphor to suggest that people should seek out and “ambush” Fauci on the street and deliver “a kill shot.” Watters made the comments not on Fox News, but at the Turning Point USA conference, where Watters urged attendees to confront Fauci in public and capture the encounter on video, which he said could then be broadcast on Fox News Channel shows like Tucker Carlson Tonight. Watters described these “ambush” confrontations as “the kill shot. Deadly. Because he doesn’t see it coming.”

Lol, Fauci is so triggered....and is calling for Watters to be fired, really?? Obviously, Jesse wasn't calling for people to actually kill Dr. Fauci --
Fauci is just lashing out because he knows his lies and actions has created countless amounts of suffering and death around the he knows that deep down, he truly deserves death...

However, what Jesse was saying is that reporters should ask Fauci tough questions and get it on tape...and when they expose the fact that he lied about creating COVID -- that admission on tape would be the kill shot, not actually killing him....but of course the lib media is taking out of context....Sometimes you have to use violent imagery like art showing you cut your political opponent's head off or saying shit like -- "the tree of liberty is washed with the blood of blah blah" -- just because you are pissed about wearing a mask to go in Starbucks -- and you do these things for the effect of grabs headlines and gets attention.....because speaking in nuance and context is boring.....
That's the part that dumb asses like you don't get. There is nothing obvious about what Watters said, or intended. It's the same code rhetoric from these cultists who think they can use words in a way that people can take in different ways. Everyone knows the game. Trump used the same tactic to inspire the attack on January 6th. These folks talk in code to try and get away with their true intentions. You don't talk in code unless you have some bad intentions.
Fauxi and his CCP co conspirators have killed more people than the Holocaust
The hoax man Trump is responsible for all the deaths, because they still call it a hoax. You yourself have called it a hoax in the past, but you blame Fauci on the deaths. How is that?
The cultists are fine with this stuff.

Must. Fight. Evil.
If they want to kill Fauci and not take vaccines fuck em. The Republican state of Indiana is overwhelmed in hospitals with the unvaccinated for political reasons. To hell with those people. I say admit those who have taken the vaccine who are sick, and the rest, we'll, they're on their own. It was their choice. I no longer give a shit about those ignorant ass holes.
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That's the part that dumb asses like you don't get. There is nothing obvious about what Watters said, or intended. It's the same code rhetoric from these cultists who think they can use words in a way that people can take in different ways. Everyone knows the game. Trump used the same tactic to inspire the attack on January 6th. These folks talk in code to try and get away with their true intentions. You don't talk in code unless you have some bad intentions.
Let's see if we have this straight. You don't go by what anyone says, you go by what you believe they actually mean, even if it's the complete opposite of what they said? That's a little odd.

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