Brexit Passes.....Still Waiting On The End Of The World


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Jul 21, 2009
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Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Hollywood and Global Elitists are busy trying to reassure everyone that the world won't come to an end now that the British people have decided to leave the EU. From Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling, to the producers of Game of Thrones, and even Monty Python allum Eric Idle, the truth is beginning to sink in. Shenade O'Conner was rumored to be in preparations for jumping off of a bridge in Chicago...


The youth of the UK were tricked into believing a central government filled with global elitist billionaires should control their lives, but the working-class people of Britain decided that they'd had enough of the EU's brand of Socialism. The final catalyst was the Syrian refugee invasion. These elitists like putting people like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in charge of governments and letting their insane policies go to work destroying economies. Still....anyone who doesn't buy into the collective, in certain circles, is stupid.


The Global Elitist call it "Wealth Concentrations". Their rhetoric is designed to make us believe that the rich are hording their wealth and not giving it to the poor. So the collective creates conditions that steals wealth from one group and gives it to another......themselves. George Soros is set to make out like a bandit from Brexit. He's betting that the economic losses will give him something similar to the $6 billion he earned when the US economy crashed in 2008.

Global Elite

What is noticeable is the money that has been flowing into places that seem to be advocating for spreading the wealth. Washington DC is rolling in cash, and if you travel the power centers of Europe, they make D.C. look like Walmart when it comes to class and excess. These people aren't just rich.....they're stinking rich.

If you wonder why Obama thinks that the greatest threat to world peace isn't Islamic Terror but Global Climate Change.....this is why. Every new disaster doesn't seem to bother him one bit. He thinks that it's just part of the plan. Every event seems to be a natural event, but in fact was caused by the conditions he helped create.

"What is happening is undeniable.

We are steamrolling toward a one world government, a one world economy and a one world religion.

Of course we will not get there overnight. It is going to take some time, and there are going to be quite a few bumps along the way. In fact, I believe that our planet will experience an extreme amount of chaos before we actually get there.

But every major crisis will be used as an excuse to advance this agenda. Virtually every solution that the elite offer us will involve more globalization and more centralization. We will be told that all of our problems will be solved if humanity will just come together in unity.

For some, the goal of a “united planet” where we are all working together to eradicate things like poverty, war and disease makes all the sense in the world.

For others, a one world government, a one world economy and a one world religion would simply mean setting the stage for “one world tyranny”."​
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Now were that edited down to fit on a bumper strip there might be some hope of a liberal actually reading it. Not that it would neither help nor hinder her/his/its comprehension potential but it wold divert their eyes for a few seconds. Longer should they have to sound out each word.
It's so funny how brainwashed people think Britain's only hope is the E.U., when I can remember a Britain that was SUCH a better place before the advent thereof.

In the 60s, it was swinging London, baby -- Carnaby street, the British musical invasion, and hipness galore.

A mere 50 years later and London is now synonymous with Islamic radicalism and is a world-wide terrorist epicenter.
Now were that edited down to fit on a bumper strip there might be some hope of a liberal actually reading it. Not that it would neither help nor hinder her/his/its comprehension potential but it wold divert their eyes for a few seconds. Longer should they have to sound out each word.
Liberals will just ignore it till it bites them in the in Orlando.......then fall for the media and Democra'ts spin once again.
Well, we will see how the world judges this with the markets reactions in the coming week. Certainly the reaction Friday was not good.
George Soros is set to make out like a bandit from Brexit. He's betting that the economic losses will give him something similar to the $6 billion he earned when the US economy crashed in 2008
Is George anticipating 2016's Lehman Brothers moment?

"Great Britain’s decision to leave the European Union has wiped out many bankers and global speculators. They will turn, as they did in 2008, to governments to rescue them from default.

"Most governments, including ours, will probably comply.

"Will the American public passively permit another massive bailout of the banks?

"Will it accept more punishing programs of austerity to pay for this bailout?

"Will a viable socialism rise out of the economic chaos to halt further looting of the U.S. Treasury and the continued reconfiguration of the economy into neofeudalism?

"Or will a right-wing populism, with heavy undertones of fascism, ascend to power because of a failure on the part of the left to defend a population once again betrayed?

2008 All Over Again: Chris Hedges
George Soros is set to make out like a bandit from Brexit. He's betting that the economic losses will give him something similar to the $6 billion he earned when the US economy crashed in 2008
Is George anticipating 2016's Lehman Brothers moment?

"Great Britain’s decision to leave the European Union has wiped out many bankers and global speculators. They will turn, as they did in 2008, to governments to rescue them from default.

"Most governments, including ours, will probably comply.

"Will the American public passively permit another massive bailout of the banks?

"Will it accept more punishing programs of austerity to pay for this bailout?

"Will a viable socialism rise out of the economic chaos to halt further looting of the U.S. Treasury and the continued reconfiguration of the economy into neofeudalism?

"Or will a right-wing populism, with heavy undertones of fascism, ascend to power because of a failure on the part of the left to defend a population once again betrayed?

2008 All Over Again: Chris Hedges
That's rich.......the left accusing someone of being a fascist just because they're Republicans.

Let's face it......the left is a disaster. The only thing they are any good at is lying, destroying the economy, and making themselves rich. Brexit is a prime example of what happens when you let these Global Elitists run your government.
Let's face it......the left is a disaster. The only thing they are any good at is lying, destroying the economy, and making themselves rich. Brexit is a prime example of what happens when you let these Global Elitists run your government.
Brexit is what happens when conservatives practice neoliberal austerity politics for 99% of their citizens while enriching the 1% parasite class.

Are you ready?

Hollywood and Global Elitists are busy trying to reassure everyone that the world won't come to an end now that the British people have decided to leave the EU. From Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling, to the producers of Game of Thrones, and even Monty Python allum Eric Idle, the truth is beginning to sink in. Shenade O'Conner was rumored to be in preparations for jumping off of a bridge in Chicago...


The youth of the UK were tricked into believing a central government filled with global elitist billionaires should control their lives, but the working-class people of Britain decided that they'd had enough of the EU's brand of Socialism. The final catalyst was the Syrian refugee invasion. These elitists like putting people like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in charge of governments and letting their insane policies go to work destroying economies. Still....anyone who doesn't buy into the collective, in certain circles, is stupid.


The Global Elitist call it "Wealth Concentrations". Their rhetoric is designed to make us believe that the rich are hording their wealth and not giving it to the poor. So the collective creates conditions that steals wealth from one group and gives it to another......themselves. George Soros is set to make out like a bandit from Brexit. He's betting that the economic losses will give him something similar to the $6 billion he earned when the US economy crashed in 2008.

Global Elite

What is noticeable is the money that has been flowing into places that seem to be advocating for spreading the wealth. Washington DC is rolling in cash, and if you travel the power centers of Europe, they make D.C. look like Walmart when it comes to class and excess. These people aren't just rich.....they're stinking rich.

If you wonder why Obama thinks that the greatest threat to world peace isn't Islamic Terror but Global Climate Change.....this is why. Every new disaster doesn't seem to bother him one bit. He thinks that it's just part of the plan. Every event seems to be a natural event, but in fact was caused by the conditions he helped create.

"What is happening is undeniable.

We are steamrolling toward a one world government, a one world economy and a one world religion.

Of course we will not get there overnight. It is going to take some time, and there are going to be quite a few bumps along the way. In fact, I believe that our planet will experience an extreme amount of chaos before we actually get there.

But every major crisis will be used as an excuse to advance this agenda. Virtually every solution that the elite offer us will involve more globalization and more centralization. We will be told that all of our problems will be solved if humanity will just come together in unity.

For some, the goal of a “united planet” where we are all working together to eradicate things like poverty, war and disease makes all the sense in the world.

For others, a one world government, a one world economy and a one world religion would simply mean setting the stage for “one world tyranny”."​
The youth of the UK were tricked into believing a central government filled with global elitist billionaires should control their lives, but the working-class people of Britain decided that they'd had enough of the EU's brand of Socialism.

Where do you come up with this bullshit.

And this constant rant of the "elite". Who the fuck are they? And why do you only want losers?

England will now have tariffs on it's goods. Raw material will cost more. Many businesses are thinking of moving out. People will need passports to visit other countries in Europe. They will no longer be able to live anywhere they want in Europe. Their movement and where they live will be restricted. England will no longer get EU dollars for science and research. It's scientists will no longer be able to move about Europe without permission. And Scotland and Wales are talking about dissolving an agreement they've had for 300 years. That could mean that the English will need a passport to visit those countries.
George Soros is set to make out like a bandit from Brexit. He's betting that the economic losses will give him something similar to the $6 billion he earned when the US economy crashed in 2008
Is George anticipating 2016's Lehman Brothers moment?

"Great Britain’s decision to leave the European Union has wiped out many bankers and global speculators. They will turn, as they did in 2008, to governments to rescue them from default.

"Most governments, including ours, will probably comply.

"Will the American public passively permit another massive bailout of the banks?

"Will it accept more punishing programs of austerity to pay for this bailout?

"Will a viable socialism rise out of the economic chaos to halt further looting of the U.S. Treasury and the continued reconfiguration of the economy into neofeudalism?

"Or will a right-wing populism, with heavy undertones of fascism, ascend to power because of a failure on the part of the left to defend a population once again betrayed?

2008 All Over Again: Chris Hedges
That's rich.......the left accusing someone of being a fascist just because they're Republicans.

Let's face it......the left is a disaster. The only thing they are any good at is lying, destroying the economy, and making themselves rich. Brexit is a prime example of what happens when you let these Global Elitists run your government.
Like lying us into Iraq. Destroying the economy through Bush tax cuts and deregulation. And no one supports the rich more than the GOP.

Do catch up.
You can not enter the country without a passport, no? So where's all the influx of illegals muslims coming from? People like you thrive on yesterday bullshit, now git yo white ass over thar and tell em and sho em what to do next? LOLOLOLOLOL...the pound is droping so fast, you can now afford a ticket!!
George Soros is set to make out like a bandit from Brexit. He's betting that the economic losses will give him something similar to the $6 billion he earned when the US economy crashed in 2008
Is George anticipating 2016's Lehman Brothers moment?

"Great Britain’s decision to leave the European Union has wiped out many bankers and global speculators. They will turn, as they did in 2008, to governments to rescue them from default.

"Most governments, including ours, will probably comply.

"Will the American public passively permit another massive bailout of the banks?

"Will it accept more punishing programs of austerity to pay for this bailout?

"Will a viable socialism rise out of the economic chaos to halt further looting of the U.S. Treasury and the continued reconfiguration of the economy into neofeudalism?

"Or will a right-wing populism, with heavy undertones of fascism, ascend to power because of a failure on the part of the left to defend a population once again betrayed?

2008 All Over Again: Chris Hedges
That's rich.......the left accusing someone of being a fascist just because they're Republicans.

Let's face it......the left is a disaster. The only thing they are any good at is lying, destroying the economy, and making themselves rich. Brexit is a prime example of what happens when you let these Global Elitists run your government.
Yeah, it was the fuckin left that kept this sorry country and ingrates like you from falling off the fuckin clift, you idiot. Without Obama, white fucks like you would still be jumping out windows. Get on your knees you ungrateful white hick and thank God for the left!!
Let's face it......the left is a disaster. The only thing they are any good at is lying, destroying the economy, and making themselves rich. Brexit is a prime example of what happens when you let these Global Elitists run your government.
Brexit is what happens when conservatives practice neoliberal austerity politics for 99% of their citizens while enriching the 1% parasite class.

Are you ready?
All thanks to big unlimited centralized government and yet you want more big government expecting IT to fix the problem IT caused.
Let's face it......the left is a disaster. The only thing they are any good at is lying, destroying the economy, and making themselves rich. Brexit is a prime example of what happens when you let these Global Elitists run your government.
Brexit is what happens when conservatives practice neoliberal austerity politics for 99% of their citizens while enriching the 1% parasite class.

Are you ready?
All thanks to big unlimited centralized government and yet you want more big government expecting IT to fix the problem IT caused.
Big government to fix what? 5 trillion thus far we've spent fighting muslims......5 fuckin trillion dollars and you have the nerve to white about our tax dollars going to fix the very people that pay the shit....shut the fuck up, sit your sorry white ass down and die off!!
Let's face it......the left is a disaster. The only thing they are any good at is lying, destroying the economy, and making themselves rich. Brexit is a prime example of what happens when you let these Global Elitists run your government.
Brexit is what happens when conservatives practice neoliberal austerity politics for 99% of their citizens while enriching the 1% parasite class.

Are you ready?
All thanks to big unlimited centralized government and yet you want more big government expecting IT to fix the problem IT caused.
Actually, I would say 1% austerity policies practiced by both major US parties over the last generation have produced extreme economic inequality in the US and set the stage for USexit before November 8th.
Let's face it......the left is a disaster. The only thing they are any good at is lying, destroying the economy, and making themselves rich. Brexit is a prime example of what happens when you let these Global Elitists run your government.
Brexit is what happens when conservatives practice neoliberal austerity politics for 99% of their citizens while enriching the 1% parasite class.

Are you ready?
All thanks to big unlimited centralized government and yet you want more big government expecting IT to fix the problem IT caused.
Big government to fix what? 5 trillion thus far we've spent fighting muslims......5 fuckin trillion dollars and you have the nerve to white about our tax dollars going to fix the very people that pay the shit....shut the fuck up, sit your sorry white ass down and die off!!
Not sure WTF you are posting. Are you drunk or dumb?
Let's face it......the left is a disaster. The only thing they are any good at is lying, destroying the economy, and making themselves rich. Brexit is a prime example of what happens when you let these Global Elitists run your government.
Brexit is what happens when conservatives practice neoliberal austerity politics for 99% of their citizens while enriching the 1% parasite class.

Are you ready?
All thanks to big unlimited centralized government and yet you want more big government expecting IT to fix the problem IT caused.
Big government to fix what? 5 trillion thus far we've spent fighting muslims......5 fuckin trillion dollars and you have the nerve to white about our tax dollars going to fix the very people that pay the shit....shut the fuck up, sit your sorry white ass down and die off!!
You can not enter the country without a passport, no? So where's all the influx of illegals muslims coming from? People like you thrive on yesterday bullshit, now git yo white ass over thar and tell em and sho em what to do next? LOLOLOLOLOL...the pound is droping so fast, you can now afford a ticket!!
That's rich. You want to tell them how to live.

Why don't you get the fuck out of my country, you racist bastard.....
George Soros is set to make out like a bandit from Brexit. He's betting that the economic losses will give him something similar to the $6 billion he earned when the US economy crashed in 2008
Is George anticipating 2016's Lehman Brothers moment?

"Great Britain’s decision to leave the European Union has wiped out many bankers and global speculators. They will turn, as they did in 2008, to governments to rescue them from default.

"Most governments, including ours, will probably comply.

"Will the American public passively permit another massive bailout of the banks?

"Will it accept more punishing programs of austerity to pay for this bailout?

"Will a viable socialism rise out of the economic chaos to halt further looting of the U.S. Treasury and the continued reconfiguration of the economy into neofeudalism?

"Or will a right-wing populism, with heavy undertones of fascism, ascend to power because of a failure on the part of the left to defend a population once again betrayed?

2008 All Over Again: Chris Hedges
That's rich.......the left accusing someone of being a fascist just because they're Republicans.

Let's face it......the left is a disaster. The only thing they are any good at is lying, destroying the economy, and making themselves rich. Brexit is a prime example of what happens when you let these Global Elitists run your government.
Like lying us into Iraq. Destroying the economy through Bush tax cuts and deregulation. And no one supports the rich more than the GOP.

Do catch up.
I'm way ahead of you. If you're wondering why the Bush family is so close to the Clintons, you just answered your own question. GW told reporters that visited the WH it wasn't up to the president which direction this country goes anymore.
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