Brennan Traveled to The Ukraine with a Fake Identity to get "Dirt on Trump" for Obama & Clinton

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
BOOM THERE IT IS! As has been the case for 3 years, The Democrats are EVIL Lying Seditious and Traitorous Scumbags who will stop at nothing to gain power, right down to launching a COUP, and Committing Treason.

First Obama and Clinton beg Putin for help in beating Trump in 2016, and then Biden, Kerry, Brennan, Podesta, and Clinton beg The Ukraine for dirt and help in defeating Trump in 2016.

My thoughts on this was that they saw The MASSIVE TRUMP Crowds and they knew they were screwed.

That's why they needed Russian Dossiers from Putin, that's why they had to shut down criminal investigations in to Biden and Kerry in The Ukraine, and that is why they felt like they needed to pay criminals to assault voters who were attending Trump rallies. And that is why they did everything they could to sweep Clinton's crimes under the rug so she could continue to run against Trump and help to cover up The Corruption of The Obama Administration once she bought her way in to The White House with $1.5 Billion Dollars from her Globalist Puppet Masters and of Course PUTIN invested $145 Million in to Clinton Crime Inc.

Next to Obama & Clinton the three most Evil and Corrupt men in America appear below.

Obama’s (former) CIA Director John Brennan (communist) Traveled to Ukraine With Fake Passport — To Research Trump……. – The Tundra Tabloids…….
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Democrats are such assholes!
Their criminality started back during Bill Clinton's time, and had gradually gotten worse, especially under The Obama Administration which was so Corrupt, even countries like Venezuela and Cuba would be horrified.
First Obama and Clinton beg Putin for help in beating Trump in 2016

Prove it or stop dragging Putin into American internal crooked politics.
Democrats are so stupid. They always accuse others of what they do.

Don't be a Democrat. If you know one, know they are stupid.
First Obama and Clinton beg Putin for help in beating Trump in 2016

Prove it or stop dragging Putin into American internal crooked politics.
I'm sure you're just seeing the flexibility Obama promised Putin after he wins his last election.
BOOM THERE IT IS! As has been the case for 3 years, The Democrats are EVIL Lying Seditious and Traitorous Scumbags who will stop at nothing to gain power, right down to launching a COUP, and Committing Treason.

First Obama and Clinton beg Putin for help in beating Trump in 2016, and then Biden, Kerry, Brennan, Podesta, and Clinton beg The Ukraine for dirt and help in defeating Trump in 2016.

My thoughts on this was they saw the crowds and they knew they were screwed. That's why they needed Russian Dossiers from Putin, that's why they had to shut down criminal investigations in to Biden and Kerry in The Ukraine, and that is why they felt like they needed to pay criminals to assault voters who were attending Trump rallies. And that is why they did everything they could to sweep Clinton's crimes under the rug so she could continue to run against Trump and help to cover up The Corruption of The Obama Administration once she bought her way in to The White House with $1.5 Billion Dollars.

Next to Obama & Clinton the three most Evil and Corrupt men in America appear below.

Obama’s (former) CIA Director John Brennan (communist) Traveled to Ukraine With Fake Passport — To Research Trump……. – The Tundra Tabloids…….
Your source is some backwater crackpot web site?!?!?

First Obama and Clinton beg Putin for help in beating Trump in 2016

Prove it or stop dragging Putin into American internal crooked politics.
The Dirty Russian Dossier came from Russia. There is no Russian Dirty Clinton Dossier.

Clinton and Obama were Putin Puppets and paid Putin $13 Million dollars for his help in creating the Dirty Dossier, and trying to rig the 2016 election and when they lost they used that to launch a Failed COUP.


Oh but that wasn't enough, Obama & The Podesta Group had to interfere in Israel's election to try to take out Benji, and then they
interfered in Ukraine elections to keep Russian Backed and Mafia Backed corrupt leaders in Ukraine in power. When they lost they fled to Russia.

Want proof of that? Manafort worked for The Podesta Group, and was doing work on behalf of Obama, Clinton and Biden in The Ukraine for that very purpose. Manafort was arrested not for anything he did with The Trump Campaign, but to keep him silenced for work he did on behalf of Obama, Clinton and Biden primarily money laundering, and asking them to help interfere in US Elections.

And of course they paid Terrorists (Muslim Brotherhood, and Al Queda) in Egypt and Libya to start two COUPS and commit an Assassination because they did not like the heads of state there either. They failed at the COUPS in Turkey and Syria, but it's not like they didn't try that either.
Remember what dems say..."by any means necessary" and they mean it...the GOP could take a few pointers from them and fight the hell back....
First Obama and Clinton beg Putin for help in beating Trump in 2016

Prove it or stop dragging Putin into American internal crooked politics.
The Dirty Russian Dossier came from Russia. There is no Russian Dirty Clinton Dossier.

Clinton and Obama were Putin Puppets and paid Putin $13 Million dollars for his help in creating the Dirty Dossier, and trying to rig the 2016 election and when they lost they used that to launch a Failed COUP.


Oh but that wasn't enough, Obama & The Podesta Group had to interfere in Israel's election to try to take out Benji, and then they
interfered in Ukraine elections to keep Russian Backed and Mafia Backed corrupt leaders in Ukraine in power. When they lost they fled to Russia.

Want proof of that? Manafort worked for The Podesta Group, and was doing work on behalf of Obama, Clinton and Biden in The Ukraine for that very purpose. Manafort was arrested not for anything he did with The Trump Campaign, but to keep him silenced for work he did on behalf of Obama, Clinton and Biden primarily money laundering, and asking them to help interfere in US Elections.

And of course they paid Terrorists (Muslim Brotherhood, and Al Queda) in Egypt and Libya to start two COUPS and commit an Assassination because they did not like the heads of state there either. They failed at the COUPS in Turkey and Syria, but it's not like they didn't try that either.
The dirty so called Russian dossier was Ukrainian/British/American. It was intentionally called "Russian" to fool the people like you.
BOOM THERE IT IS! As has been the case for 3 years, The Democrats are EVIL Lying Seditious and Traitorous Scumbags who will stop at nothing to gain power, right down to launching a COUP, and Committing Treason.

First Obama and Clinton beg Putin for help in beating Trump in 2016, and then Biden, Kerry, Brennan, Podesta, and Clinton beg The Ukraine for dirt and help in defeating Trump in 2016.

My thoughts on this was they saw the crowds and they knew they were screwed. That's why they needed Russian Dossiers from Putin, that's why they had to shut down criminal investigations in to Biden and Kerry in The Ukraine, and that is why they felt like they needed to pay criminals to assault voters who were attending Trump rallies. And that is why they did everything they could to sweep Clinton's crimes under the rug so she could continue to run against Trump and help to cover up The Corruption of The Obama Administration once she bought her way in to The White House with $1.5 Billion Dollars.

Next to Obama & Clinton the three most Evil and Corrupt men in America appear below.

Obama’s (former) CIA Director John Brennan (communist) Traveled to Ukraine With Fake Passport — To Research Trump……. – The Tundra Tabloids…….
Your source is some backwater crackpot web site?!?!?

Why CIA Director Brennan Visited Kiev: In Ukraine The Covert War Has Begun

Brennan Went to Ukraine with Fake Passport

The Obama administration originally lied about Brennan’s visit, but they were forced later to admit the report was true after evidence of Brennan’s visit emerged. This is that guy, John Brennan, who over the weekend encouraged every deep stater to come forward and blow the whistle on Trump. (summarized) “There is no limit on the number of individuals who can use the whistleblower statute. If you think you were involved in unlawful activity as a result of Trump, now is the time to report it!”

Is Brennan gonna pay all of you whistleblowers? Is he gonna pay for your protection? This is a former director of the CIA asking the deep state to rise en mass and start blowing the whistle on Trump with a bunch of made-up lies! This guy’s fingers are as dirty as anybody’s on the dossier, including McCain’s people. He traveled to Ukraine under a fake passport. The Obama regime denied it until the news was undeniable. Then they had to admit it.

Democrats are so stupid. They always accuse others of what they do.

Don't be a Democrat. If you know one, know they are stupid.
That was not even Putin, it was Medvedev.

Even if Obama, the liar, promised something, that does not automatically mean Putin was helping Dems to win. In fact, it is absurd. Russians always say "It's easy to work with Republicans because Dems are clueless" .
First Obama and Clinton beg Putin for help in beating Trump in 2016

Prove it or stop dragging Putin into American internal crooked politics.
The Dirty Russian Dossier came from Russia. There is no Russian Dirty Clinton Dossier.

Clinton and Obama were Putin Puppets and paid Putin $13 Million dollars for his help in creating the Dirty Dossier, and trying to rig the 2016 election and when they lost they used that to launch a Failed COUP.


Oh but that wasn't enough, Obama & The Podesta Group had to interfere in Israel's election to try to take out Benji, and then they
interfered in Ukraine elections to keep Russian Backed and Mafia Backed corrupt leaders in Ukraine in power. When they lost they fled to Russia.

Want proof of that? Manafort worked for The Podesta Group, and was doing work on behalf of Obama, Clinton and Biden in The Ukraine for that very purpose. Manafort was arrested in a showy pre-dawn raid, not for anything he did with The Trump Campaign, but to keep him silenced for work he did on behalf of Obama, Clinton and Biden primarily money laundering, and asking them to help interfere in US Elections.

And of course they paid Terrorists (Muslim Brotherhood, and Al Queda) in Egypt and Libya to start two COUPS and commit an Assassination because they did not like the heads of state there either. They failed at the COUPS in Turkey and Syria, but it's not like they didn't try that either.
The dirty so called Russian dossier was Ukrainian/British/American. It was intentionally called "Russian" to fool the people like you.
Have you noticed that The Left is no longer even trying to debate The Facts. They just attack posters, or the source, or The President, or engage in deflection. Anyone with sense knew when Clinton and The Democrat Party announced they were going to impeach President Trump over whatever they could make up, that their Resistance Movement was actually a COUP.

The Evidence is piled a mile high, from Strozk to Biden, to Obama to Clinton, Brennan, Clapper, Comey McCabe and it just never ends.

This is what is meant by The Deep State. People placed in power not because of their expertise, but because of their Complete Corruption.
Democrats are so stupid. They always accuse others of what they do.

Don't be a Democrat. If you know one, know they are stupid.
That was not even Putin, it was Medvedev.

Even if Obama, the liar, promised something, that does not automatically mean Putin was helping Dems to win. In fact, it is absurd. Russians always say "It's easy to work with Republicans because Dems are clueless" .
Where is The Putin authored, Kremlin Approved, Clinton Dirty Dossier?

Russia only authored a Trump Dossier to take Trump down.

That is how I KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt who they were trying to help win.

Clinton and Obama.

Afterall Clinton and Obama sold out to Russia and gave them 25% of our Strategic Uranium and then sold out to Iran and gave them $150 Billion Dollars to Buy Russian Weapons and the American Uranium Russia now has control of. Obama "wink wink" allowed Putin to take over The Crimea without even a protest.
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I forgot to add
Afterall Clinton and Obama sold out to Russia and gave them 25% of our Strategic Uranium and then sold out to Iran and gave them $150 Billion Dollars to Buy Russian Weapons and the American Uranium Russia now has control of.

Obama "wink wink" allowed Putin to take over The Crimea without even a protest.
BOOM THERE IT IS! As has been the case for 3 years, The Democrats are EVIL Lying Seditious and Traitorous Scumbags who will stop at nothing to gain power, right down to launching a COUP, and Committing Treason.

First Obama and Clinton beg Putin for help in beating Trump in 2016, and then Biden, Kerry, Brennan, Podesta, and Clinton beg The Ukraine for dirt and help in defeating Trump in 2016.

My thoughts on this was that they saw The MASSIVE TRUMP Crowds and they knew they were screwed.

That's why they needed Russian Dossiers from Putin, that's why they had to shut down criminal investigations in to Biden and Kerry in The Ukraine, and that is why they felt like they needed to pay criminals to assault voters who were attending Trump rallies. And that is why they did everything they could to sweep Clinton's crimes under the rug so she could continue to run against Trump and help to cover up The Corruption of The Obama Administration once she bought her way in to The White House with $1.5 Billion Dollars from her Globalist Puppet Masters and of Course PUTIN invested $145 Million in to Clinton Crime Inc.

Next to Obama & Clinton the three most Evil and Corrupt men in America appear below.

Obama’s (former) CIA Director John Brennan (communist) Traveled to Ukraine With Fake Passport — To Research Trump……. – The Tundra Tabloids…….
Source: the tundra tabloids LOL
Democrats are so stupid. They always accuse others of what they do.

Don't be a Democrat. If you know one, know they are stupid.
That was not even Putin, it was Medvedev.

Even if Obama, the liar, promised something, that does not automatically mean Putin was helping Dems to win. In fact, it is absurd. Russians always say "It's easy to work with Republicans because Dems are clueless" .
Where is The Putin authored, Kremlin Approved, Clinton Dirty Dossier?

Russia only authored a Trump Dossier to take Trump down.

That is how I KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt who they were trying to help win.

Clinton and Obama.

Afterall Clinton and Obama sold out to Russia and gave them 25% of our Strategic Uranium and then sold out to Iran and gave them $150 Billion Dollars to Buy Russian Weapons and the American Uranium Russia now has control of. Obama "wink wink" allowed Putin to take over The Crimea without even a protest.
Who told you Putin had approved the dossier? Van we get a proof for it?

Haven't you noticed all strictly anti-Russian personages were behind the dossier like McCain, Steele (known for anti-Russian Litvinenko's case in UK). How do you think they could "work"with Putin.

Please, stop posting your nonsense about Russia.
BOOM THERE IT IS! As has been the case for 3 years, The Democrats are EVIL Lying Seditious and Traitorous Scumbags who will stop at nothing to gain power, right down to launching a COUP, and Committing Treason.

First Obama and Clinton beg Putin for help in beating Trump in 2016, and then Biden, Kerry, Brennan, Podesta, and Clinton beg The Ukraine for dirt and help in defeating Trump in 2016.

My thoughts on this was that they saw The MASSIVE TRUMP Crowds and they knew they were screwed.

That's why they needed Russian Dossiers from Putin, that's why they had to shut down criminal investigations in to Biden and Kerry in The Ukraine, and that is why they felt like they needed to pay criminals to assault voters who were attending Trump rallies. And that is why they did everything they could to sweep Clinton's crimes under the rug so she could continue to run against Trump and help to cover up The Corruption of The Obama Administration once she bought her way in to The White House with $1.5 Billion Dollars from her Globalist Puppet Masters and of Course PUTIN invested $145 Million in to Clinton Crime Inc.

Next to Obama & Clinton the three most Evil and Corrupt men in America appear below.

Obama’s (former) CIA Director John Brennan (communist) Traveled to Ukraine With Fake Passport — To Research Trump……. – The Tundra Tabloids…….
Source: the tundra tabloids LOL
I posted two other sources.

Why CIA Director Brennan Visited Kiev: In Ukraine The Covert War Has Begun

Brennan Went to Ukraine with Fake Passport

The Obama administration originally lied about Brennan’s visit, but they were forced later to admit the report was true after evidence of Brennan’s visit emerged. This is that guy, John Brennan, who over the weekend encouraged every deep stater to come forward and blow the whistle on Trump. (summarized) “There is no limit on the number of individuals who can use the whistleblower statute. If you think you were involved in unlawful activity as a result of Trump, now is the time to report it!”

Is Brennan gonna pay all of you whistleblowers? Is he gonna pay for your protection? This is a former director of the CIA asking the deep state to rise en mass and start blowing the whistle on Trump with a bunch of made-up lies! This guy’s fingers are as dirty as anybody’s on the dossier, including McCain’s people. He traveled to Ukraine under a fake passport. The Obama regime denied it until the news was undeniable. Then they had to admit it.

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