Breitbart: We obtained an exclusive copy of the 2,700-page Trojan Horse Democrat “infrastructure” it here!

Your ignorance and partisanship crap once again hurts you, it was a strong Bipartisan approved bill with 367-109 in the House and 80-19 in the Senate, that passed the Border Fence bill back in 2006.

H.R.6061 - Secure Fence Act of 2006

What ae you saying...

Both sides agreed to a fence along certain areas (more built up), not a wall across 2000 miles.. By the way to show how idiotic the whole thing was, the Border Security said a wall (rather than a fence) who make it less secure (this shows they didn't actually speak to BHS before)

By the way when did Mexico send the money... Just explain how Trump ever thought Mexico was paying for it...
Democrats agreed to fix fences and maintain the existing fences (not a wall Border Security don't want a wall, they want fences) with a little expansion...
Democrats are opposed to borders and to legal immigration. The border was the safest and most secure that it had ever been and then the Biden Regime destroyed it. I saw a projection that 800,000 immigrants have walked across the border, many of them with Covid.

The Democratic Party doesn't care about average Americans nor about the spread of Covid. They only care about their power and wealth.
Americans used to depend on the NYT and WAPO for such investigative reporting . What happened?
Truth got in the way...

Just take an example, Mexico is paying the wall...

Mexico was never paying for the wall, I mean ever... NYT and WAPO had to report that, Trump got angry and called them fake news.

Inauguration Crowd, it was less than Obama... Plain to see.. NYT and WAPO had to report that, Trump got angry and called them fake news.

Trump hid the truth about COVID at he start saying ti was going in a week. Trump admitted he lied later on tape. NYT and WAPO had to report that, Trump got angry and called them fake news.

If NYT or WAPO make a mistake they take it back and in a number cases people employment was terminated... Show the same behaviour from the Trump Administration.

So lets go back to the wall paid for by Mexico.. Trump supporters ignore they have been lied too... They don't want to admit they were fooled (on just wall thing) as this could mean he lied in other areas... So they run a narrative that NYT and WAPO are fake news and point out to critical articles.

Yes NYT and WAPO are critical, mainly due to Trump moves away from reality especially during COVID response... The COVID response will be the defining moment of the last Admin, those tapes with Bob Woodward will leave a damning condemnation of incompetence...
Democrats are opposed to borders and to legal immigration. The border was the safest and most secure that it had ever been and then the Biden Regime destroyed it. I saw a projection that 800,000 immigrants have walked across the border, many of them with Covid.

The Democratic Party doesn't care about average Americans nor about the spread of Covid. They only care about their power and wealth.

Great, can you point any of that out in Democratic or Biden official documents?

I please do that.... We know what you have been told by the RW media bubble... Now please show it in reality...

We want you to show what major immigration legislation Biden has brought in which caused this...

This is the truth... A lot of this has been led by COVID and Biden has a far more humane way of treating people... Trump was pretty clueless and thought having military there was going to work... That is idiotic and dangerous... Trump didn't know international agreements US had signed up too...
The leftists want to make the illegal migrant red carpet more efficient and increase the flow.
From a guy who has in his signature:



Sorry I don't believe my wife is subordinate to me...

Probably think you are but that is more from your actions...


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i think i'm the only one who will read it in full...i deserve a vote on it...i'm a "No"

When does having to read what the fuckers are voting on ever stop any of these butt pirates from supporting it?

Just look at Obamacare. Terrible bill that the Democrats passed along partisan lines without reading it.

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