Breaking... Three Epstein lawyers challenge autopsy results mcc prison staff refuses to help invest

They turned the cameras off.
Truly? Turned them off? Then now I'm 100% certain I was right thinking the people who mocked others as "conspiracy loons" are every bit the smug stupid a-holes I thought they were.

There are way too many irregularities going on here.

They claim the 4 cameras all malfunctioned at the same time - but yeah, they turned them off.
Got any proof "they turned them off"? How about you conspiracy people actually present real evidence for once? "They did this, they did that", you people always make declarative statements without any proof at all.

Unproven Claim of 'Camera Malfunction' Before Epstein's Death -

Ohh, lefty "fact checkers" how convincing... :lmao:
My research shows that they have footage of the hall outside of his cell, so if anyone went in in his cell, its on tape, but you cant see what happened IN his cell.

If no one went in his cell, then he obviously killed himself. Case closed.
Unproven Claim of 'Camera Malfunction' Before Epstein's Death -
"We can’t yet verify what cameras at the New York City facility did and didn’t record in the lead-up to Epstein’s death, which officials have called an apparent suicide."
Fact Check plainly states they have no idea whether cameras were shut down or not.

"We reached out to Coudrey to ask him for the source of his claim. In an email to, Coudrey said that “this information was provided to me by a NYPD officer and close family friend, who’s best friend works in the MCC facility.” Coudrey said he would not comment further, “to protect the confidentiality of my sourcing.”
Michael Coudrey says he has inside information about the cameras being taken off line, which is frankly in keeping with the many security lapses and failures surrounding the death of Jeffery Epstein.

Hey! Why not publicly air the video footage of that evening and prove once and for all cameras were recording who, if anyone, went into the jail cell of Jeffery Epstein? Great idea, right?

Fact Check accepts information all the time, when it suits their interests, from unnamed inside sources. This time they change their standards and are working to uphold the whole unproven notion that Jeffery Epstein killed himself despite no evidence at all to support that claim. Who found Epstein's body with a bed sheet wrapped around his neck?
Who has a record of people in the vicinity of his cell that night? Why were guards sleeping while Epstein was under round the clock observation and security...supposedly?

You can't answer any of these questions and neither can the Metropolitan Correctional Center. So with all the anomalous information and Epstein's relatively upbeat state of mind why should we take the word of you or authorities who have no way to verify and prove their claim of a suicide (Look here are video tapes of Epstein's cell, look, here are the regular reports of trusted prison guards, look, here is photographic evidence of Epstein's body with his bed sheet noose).....

What is is about YOU and other quislings who simply accept whatever they are told and ask for no proof at all?
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My research shows that they have footage of the hall outside of his cell, so if anyone went in in his cell, its on tape, but you cant see what happened IN his cell.

If no one went in his cell, then he obviously killed himself. Case closed. are dismissed! Where is that footage you speak of? None exists, and if it did it isn't being released to the public
with time and date verification or anything else. So where did your "research" find this tape no one has seen?

Say goodbye to whatever credibility you think you used to have. You have none at all.
Unproven Claim of 'Camera Malfunction' Before Epstein's Death -
"We can’t yet verify what cameras at the New York City facility did and didn’t record in the lead-up to Epstein’s death, which officials have called an apparent suicide."
Fact Check plainly states they have no idea whether cameras were shut down or not.

"We reached out to Coudrey to ask him for the source of his claim. In an email to, Coudrey said that “this information was provided to me by a NYPD officer and close family friend, who’s best friend works in the MCC facility.” Coudrey said he would not comment further, “to protect the confidentiality of my sourcing.”
Michael Coudrey says he has inside information about the cameras being taken off line, which is frankly in keeping with the many security lapses and failures surrounding the death of Jeffery Epstein.

Hey! Why not have video footage of that evening and prove once and for all cameras were recording who, if anyone, went into the jail cell of Jeffery Epstein? Great idea, right?

Fact Check accepts information all the time, when it suits their interests, from unnamed inside sources. This time they change their standards and are working to uphold the whole unproven notion that Jeffery Epstein killed himself despite no evidence at all to support that claim. Who found Epstein's body with a bed sheet wrapped around his head? Who has a record of people in the vicinity of his cell that night? Why were guards sleeping while Epstein was under round the clock observation and security...supposedly?

You can't answer any of these questions and neither can the Metropolitan Correctional Center. So with all the anomalous information and Epstein's relatively upbeat state of mind why should we take the word of you or authorities who have no way to verify and prove their claim of a suicide (Look here are video tapes of Epstein's cell, look, here are the regular reports of trusted prison guards, look, here is photographic evidence of Epstein's body with his bed sheet noose).....

What is is about YOU and other quislings who simply accept whatever they are told and ask for no proof at all?

Exactly. Claims about the cameras are unverified. You haven’t offered any proof for your claims.

Something you might want to think about. Epstein isn’t the first suicide in jail and won’t be the last. He is no different than a thousand others.

Guards sleep, guards get lax, procedures aren’t adequately followed.

That happens all the time.
Exactly. Claims about the cameras are unverified. You haven’t offered any proof for your claims.
But Metropolitan Correctional Center officials, and whoever it is that they report to,
could offer proof if any existed. I don't have access to their video tape. They do.

Did you overlook that subtle distinction? I think you did.
So they are asking people to take it on faith that Jeffery Epstein killed himself and there were no nefarious actors behind the scenes able to access the prison and murder him and that they would get cover for this murder.

I don't buy it for a nano second and I wonder what sort of person would.

Something you might want to think about. Epstein isn’t the first suicide in jail and won’t be the last. He is no different than a thousand others.
No one has adequately demonstrated he is a suicide victim at all.
We are all being asked to just accept that Epstein was killed by his own hand.

I only need to know something is not right. We are all being told lies. It's up to the MCC
to provide a likely rational explanation for all these events.

Guards sleep, guards get lax, procedures aren’t adequately followed.

That happens all the time.
This wasn't just any prisoner and this is ominous that some monster like Epstein could be silenced to protect all sorts of powerful people who benefit by his death and amoral folks like you just nod your heads and go about your business. Probably because you know this will benefit powerful people on the left.
This is a textbook lesson in how evil flourishes.

Hopefully lawyers are already rushing in preserving what evidence there still may be.
OF COURSE! I love how these conspiracies dudes are 100% convinced just because one of their crackpot sources made up some bullshit. They need to settle the fuck down and act like adults.
Okay. Good points.
Let's see the MCC video security tape from that evening, asshole. Should be an easy thing for them to do.
My research shows that they have footage of the hall outside of his cell, so if anyone went in in his cell, its on tape, but you cant see what happened IN his cell.

If no one went in his cell, then he obviously killed himself. Case closed. are dismissed! Where is that footage you speak of? None exists, and if it did it isn't being released to the public
with time and date verification or anything else. So where did your "research" find this tape no one has seen?

Say goodbye to whatever credibility you think you used to have. You have none at all.
That is whats being reported by the police. If they dont have the footage, they are in deep shit, cuz im guessing some people are going to want to see it. Call it a hunch. :laugh:
Got any proof "they turned them off"? How about you conspiracy people actually present real evidence for once? "They did this, they did that", you people always make declarative statements without any proof at all.

Of course not, the official statement is the cameras "malfunctioned."

‘Camera Malfunction’ in Epstein’s Cell Prevented Recording of His Alleged Suicide

Cameras just happened to stop working.
Guards just happened to stop monitoring.
No prisoners saw or heard anything.
Records just happened to get falsified.
Prison just happened to put Epstein back into solitary cell without suicide watch.
Jeffrey just happened to pick that time to pick the exact way in which one could actually hang oneself off a bedpost with a paper sheet until the bones in your own throat broke.
Official medical story just happened to take a week to get straight.
Damn rat bastards are still holding to those silly conspiracy theories!

View attachment 274838
If its so obviously a murder, why didnt these evil masterminds plan it better?

Plan it better? They got away with it, didn't they?

If it is so obviously not a killing to you, you sure are prepared to accept a fantastic number of bizarre coincidences in your life.
No, apparently you internet conspiracy theorists figured it out instantly.
It is no "theory" that:
  1. There were a lot of strange circumstances and coincidences to Epstein's death. Here was a highest profile federal prisoner of highest interest to authorities, a key witness in numerous potential heinous crimes involving people at the highest levels who had apparently already tried to kill himself once, and they all but rolled out the red carpet for him to off himself.
  2. As a close friend of the Clintons, he is but the latest of about 126 people close to them with potentially damaging info to all die under strange circumstances.
You'd have to be an idiot not to want to ask questions and not wonder about that. Are you an idiot?
Of course not, the official statement is the cameras "malfunctioned."

‘Camera Malfunction’ in Epstein’s Cell Prevented Recording of His Alleged Suicide

Cameras just happened to stop working.
Guards just happened to stop monitoring.
No prisoners saw or heard anything.
Records just happened to get falsified.
Prison just happened to put Epstein back into solitary cell without suicide watch.
Jeffrey just happened to pick that time to pick the exact way in which one could actually hang oneself off a bedpost with a paper sheet until the bones in your own throat broke.
Official medical story just happened to take a week to get straight.
Damn rat bastards are still holding to those silly conspiracy theories!

View attachment 274838
If its so obviously a murder, why didnt these evil masterminds plan it better?

Plan it better? They got away with it, didn't they?

If it is so obviously not a killing to you, you sure are prepared to accept a fantastic number of bizarre coincidences in your life.
No, apparently you internet conspiracy theorists figured it out instantly.
It is no "theory" that:
  1. There were a lot of strange circumstances and coincidences to Epstein's death. Here was a highest profile federal prisoner of highest interest to authorities, a key witness in numerous potential heinous crimes involving people at the highest levels who had apparently already tried to kill himself once, and they all but rolled out the red carpet for him to off himself.
  2. As a close friend of the Clintons, he is but the latest of about 126 people close to them with potentially damaging info to all die under strange circumstances.
You'd have to be an idiot not to want to ask questions and not wonder about that. Are you an idiot?
"He already tried to kill himself"

Yet you think he was murdered? :cuckoo:
Unproven Claim of 'Camera Malfunction' Before Epstein's Death -
"We can’t yet verify what cameras at the New York City facility did and didn’t record in the lead-up to Epstein’s death, which officials have called an apparent suicide."
Fact Check plainly states they have no idea whether cameras were shut down or not.

"We reached out to Coudrey to ask him for the source of his claim. In an email to, Coudrey said that “this information was provided to me by a NYPD officer and close family friend, who’s best friend works in the MCC facility.” Coudrey said he would not comment further, “to protect the confidentiality of my sourcing.”
Michael Coudrey says he has inside information about the cameras being taken off line, which is frankly in keeping with the many security lapses and failures surrounding the death of Jeffery Epstein.

Hey! Why not publicly air the video footage of that evening and prove once and for all cameras were recording who, if anyone, went into the jail cell of Jeffery Epstein? Great idea, right?

Fact Check accepts information all the time, when it suits their interests, from unnamed inside sources. This time they change their standards and are working to uphold the whole unproven notion that Jeffery Epstein killed himself despite no evidence at all to support that claim. Who found Epstein's body with a bed sheet wrapped around his neck?
Who has a record of people in the vicinity of his cell that night? Why were guards sleeping while Epstein was under round the clock observation and security...supposedly?

You can't answer any of these questions and neither can the Metropolitan Correctional Center. So with all the anomalous information and Epstein's relatively upbeat state of mind why should we take the word of you or authorities who have no way to verify and prove their claim of a suicide (Look here are video tapes of Epstein's cell, look, here are the regular reports of trusted prison guards, look, here is photographic evidence of Epstein's body with his bed sheet noose).....

What is is about YOU and other quislings who simply accept whatever they are told and ask for no proof at all?

These "fact checker" are no better than CNN or the lying fucks over at NBC. They say whatever serves the party.

Politifraud just got caught flat out lying to promote Tlaib and Omar. They pretend to be "unbiased" when in fact they are the same old DNC hacks.
Cameras just happened to stop working.
Guards just happened to stop monitoring.
No prisoners saw or heard anything.
Records just happened to get falsified.
Prison just happened to put Epstein back into solitary cell without suicide watch.
Jeffrey just happened to pick that time to pick the exact way in which one could actually hang oneself off a bedpost with a paper sheet until the bones in your own throat broke.
Official medical story just happened to take a week to get straight.
Damn rat bastards are still holding to those silly conspiracy theories!

View attachment 274838
If its so obviously a murder, why didnt these evil masterminds plan it better?

Plan it better? They got away with it, didn't they?

If it is so obviously not a killing to you, you sure are prepared to accept a fantastic number of bizarre coincidences in your life.
No, apparently you internet conspiracy theorists figured it out instantly.
It is no "theory" that:
  1. There were a lot of strange circumstances and coincidences to Epstein's death. Here was a highest profile federal prisoner of highest interest to authorities, a key witness in numerous potential heinous crimes involving people at the highest levels who had apparently already tried to kill himself once, and they all but rolled out the red carpet for him to off himself.
  2. As a close friend of the Clintons, he is but the latest of about 126 people close to them with potentially damaging info to all die under strange circumstances.
You'd have to be an idiot not to want to ask questions and not wonder about that. Are you an idiot?
"He already tried to kill himself"

Yet you think he was murdered? :cuckoo:

The first "suicide attempt" was so suspicious that this entire board was speculating as to how the democrats would finish the job.

Also, since he "made" a first attempt, why would he be taken off suicide watch? And pretense that this isn't highly suspicious is absurd.
"Funny" is what people post when they have no answers or replies. I think you have put someone against a wall
with no other way out.
Cameras just happened to stop working.
Guards just happened to stop monitoring.
No prisoners saw or heard anything.
Records just happened to get falsified.
Prison just happened to put Epstein back into solitary cell without suicide watch.
Jeffrey just happened to pick that time to pick the exact way in which one could actually hang oneself off a bedpost with a paper sheet until the bones in your own throat broke.
Official medical story just happened to take a week to get straight.
Damn rat bastards are still holding to those silly conspiracy theories!

View attachment 274838
If its so obviously a murder, why didnt these evil masterminds plan it better?

Plan it better? They got away with it, didn't they?

If it is so obviously not a killing to you, you sure are prepared to accept a fantastic number of bizarre coincidences in your life.
No, apparently you internet conspiracy theorists figured it out instantly.
It is no "theory" that:
  1. There were a lot of strange circumstances and coincidences to Epstein's death. Here was a highest profile federal prisoner of highest interest to authorities, a key witness in numerous potential heinous crimes involving people at the highest levels who had apparently already tried to kill himself once, and they all but rolled out the red carpet for him to off himself.
  2. As a close friend of the Clintons, he is but the latest of about 126 people close to them with potentially damaging info to all die under strange circumstances.
You'd have to be an idiot not to want to ask questions and not wonder about that. Are you an idiot?
"He already tried to kill himself"

Yet you think he was murdered? :cuckoo:

That's the official story Goonboy, try to keep up. Epstein was found with marks around his neck 3 weeks prior to death. Officially ruled attempted suicide. No actual suicide device found or noted. Hmmm. Must have evaporated. Maybe the maid took it while cleaning up the room.
Let us know when you have evidence to support your murder theory.
I'm already there. There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever to support a conclusion of suicide.

No witnesses. No motive to commit suicide (quite the contrary) which is absolutely necessary in matters like this! In fact Epstein was removed from suicide watch by the powers that be at the Metropolitan Correction Center.
If they feared he might try again to kill himself (if he did indeed try a first time, which is questionable) they certainly hid it very well.

No guards or video cameras keeping watch on Epstein. So convenient for a person or two to slip into Epstein's cell, strangle him to death, and then slip out again.

Aside from a broken bone in the neck, which could have happened while being strangled, there is absolutely zero evidence of a suicide.

And in fact, there is good reason to believe Epstein was far from suicidal and his lawyer can attest to that. Epstein was to have met with him on Sunday (the day after he was killed) to discuss legal strategy they both felt would get new charges against him dismissed on double jeopardy grounds.

There is plenty of reason to doubt Jeffery Epstein killed himself and only the self serving assurances of the incompetent or complicit prison (depending on your view) that he did. Did Jeffrey Epstein Actually Commit Suicide, Was He “Suicided” Or Was His Death Faked? - DC Clothesline

What makes you think Epstein killed himself? What vital evidence sealed the deal for you? I'm fascinated to know. Or are you just one of those lemmings who don't think for yourself?
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That's the official story Goonboy, try to keep up. Epstein was found with marks around his neck 3 weeks prior to death. Officially ruled attempted suicide. No actual suicide device found or noted. Hmmm. Must have evaporated.
Wherever it went the bed sheet noose in this suicide went with it. Authorities have made no effort to produce it.
Maybe they are waiting for this all to go to court when they can produce the "noose" in a shocking Perry Mason moment.
If its so obviously a murder, why didnt these evil masterminds plan it better?

Plan it better? They got away with it, didn't they?

If it is so obviously not a killing to you, you sure are prepared to accept a fantastic number of bizarre coincidences in your life.
No, apparently you internet conspiracy theorists figured it out instantly.
It is no "theory" that:
  1. There were a lot of strange circumstances and coincidences to Epstein's death. Here was a highest profile federal prisoner of highest interest to authorities, a key witness in numerous potential heinous crimes involving people at the highest levels who had apparently already tried to kill himself once, and they all but rolled out the red carpet for him to off himself.
  2. As a close friend of the Clintons, he is but the latest of about 126 people close to them with potentially damaging info to all die under strange circumstances.
You'd have to be an idiot not to want to ask questions and not wonder about that. Are you an idiot?
"He already tried to kill himself"

Yet you think he was murdered? :cuckoo:

That's the official story Goonboy, try to keep up. Epstein was found with marks around his neck 3 weeks prior to death. Officially ruled attempted suicide. No actual suicide device found or noted. Hmmm. Must have evaporated. Maybe the maid took it while cleaning up the room.
Did epdtein report being attacked 3 weeks ago? Yeah, i didnt think so.
Let us know when you have evidence to support your murder theory.
I'm already there. There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever to support a conclusion of suicide.

No witnesses. No motive to commit suicide (quite the contrary) which is absolutely necessary in matters like this! In fact Epstein was removed from suicide watch by the powers that be at the Metropolitan Correction Center.
If they feared he might try again to kill himself (if he did indeed try a first time, which is questionable) they certainly hid it very well.

No guards or video cameras keeping watch on Epstein. So convenient for a person or two to slip into Epstein's cell, strangle him to death, and then slip out again.

Aside from a broken bone in the neck, which could have happened while being strangled, there is absolutely zero evidence of a suicide.

And in fact, there is good reason to believe Epstein was far from suicidal and his lawyer can attest to that. Epstein was to have met with him on Sunday (the day after he was killed) to discuss legal strategy they both felt would get new charges against him dismissed on double jeopardy grounds.

There is plenty of reason to doubt Jeffery Epstein killed himself and only the self serving assurances of the incompetent or complicit prison (depending on your view) that he did. Did Jeffrey Epstein Actually Commit Suicide, Was He “Suicided” Or Was His Death Faked? - DC Clothesline

What makes you think Epstein killed himself? What vital evidence sealed the deal for you? I'm fascinated to know. Or are you just one of those lemmings who don't think for yourself?
The police say so and so does the guy who did the autopsy. He was even being observed by that famous doctor who does high profile autopsies. Case closed.
Did epdtein report being attacked 3 weeks ago? Yeah, i didnt think so.
We had no access to Epstein. We don't know what he reported. We do know his cellmate was transferred out leaving Jeffery Epstein all by himself in his cell after this attack.

Why would you bring up something that only makes you look like a clown?
Plan it better? They got away with it, didn't they?

If it is so obviously not a killing to you, you sure are prepared to accept a fantastic number of bizarre coincidences in your life.
No, apparently you internet conspiracy theorists figured it out instantly.
It is no "theory" that:
  1. There were a lot of strange circumstances and coincidences to Epstein's death. Here was a highest profile federal prisoner of highest interest to authorities, a key witness in numerous potential heinous crimes involving people at the highest levels who had apparently already tried to kill himself once, and they all but rolled out the red carpet for him to off himself.
  2. As a close friend of the Clintons, he is but the latest of about 126 people close to them with potentially damaging info to all die under strange circumstances.
You'd have to be an idiot not to want to ask questions and not wonder about that. Are you an idiot?
"He already tried to kill himself"

Yet you think he was murdered? :cuckoo:

That's the official story Goonboy, try to keep up. Epstein was found with marks around his neck 3 weeks prior to death. Officially ruled attempted suicide. No actual suicide device found or noted. Hmmm. Must have evaporated. Maybe the maid took it while cleaning up the room.
Did epdtein report being attacked 3 weeks ago? Yeah, i didnt think so.
Pretty hard to report anything when you are unconscious, bubble boy. Then again, no one had any direct contact with Epstein through all of this, his lawyers were unable to reach him, so all we have are the words of 3rd parties, from the prison. I'm sure they are covering nothing up. You go right on believing everything the press tells you, they and the government never lie.

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