BREAKING: The UN concludes that Israel has established an APARTHEID REGIME...

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I could convert to judasim

Yes you could, but you would never be considered a true Jew.

as much cut my dick off, run around in dresses an be a woman.

Yes you could!

Yup you are an indoctrinated snowflake so now science can mutate the body even more and insert a uterus in a guy?

Sorry no matter how much tranny's want to pretent they are still a guy and a white guy like me can never ever be black.

And once again Jews are not a race, blacks are a race

You are an ignorant neanderthal still living in the 19th century!

A bit homophobic are you :CryingCow:

Once again, please don't try and tell me what I already know, tell it to Team Israel here who will happily argue with you until you die of boredom that Jew is a race!
I could convert to judasim

Yes you could, but you would never be considered a true Jew.

as much cut my dick off, run around in dresses an be a woman.

Yes you could!

Yup you are an indoctrinated snowflake so now science can mutate the body even more and insert a uterus in a guy?

Sorry no matter how much tranny's want to pretent they are still a guy and a white guy like me can never ever be black.

And once again Jews are not a race, blacks are a race

You are an ignorant neanderthal still living in the 19th century!

A bit homophobic are you :CryingCow:

Once again, please don't try and tell me what I already know, tell it to Team Israel here who will happily argue with you until you die of boredom that Jew is a race!
Stop to talk about "Team Israel" that only in your head you invention...
RE: BREAKING: The UN concludes that Israel has established an APARTHEID REGIME...
※→ Humanity, Shazoomx4, et al,

The Jewish People, living in Israel or anywhere else, have known all along that to be Jewish has nothing to do with race. Why, you might ask, do I say this? (RHETORICAL) Because there is more than one race within the culture of Jews.

Again... you said it from experience of living in Israel?

I don't need to be run over by a car to know it's going to hurt!!

No, I don't live in Israel, though I have visited Israel a few times. Your point is what exactly?

At least you are clear in your denial of Jew being a race! As previously mentioned, those thoughts will not sit well with Team Israel but hey, you will have to sort it out with them!

The "bulk" (not all) of the confusion in the late 20th Century come from this very allegation about "racism" and "apartheid." As I have already mentioned recently, the key element of "apartheid" is that it includes the systematic oppression and domination by "one racial group" over any "another racial group." The allegation becomes false when compared one comes to understand the true meaning of "racism" and its impact on "apartheid."

A/RES/46/86 Revokes the determination (zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination) contained in A/RES/3379 (XXX)... Whoever, it was never the case that the Jewish People needed a political body, such as the UN, to define them. They have always known who they are.

Most Respectfully,
There's no way to claim Israel is an apartheid without practicing the same racial discrimination
against Israelis that they're being accused of.
The Apartheid accusation works only when the anti-Israeli activists use racial profiling against any Jew, Arab, Armenian or Yazidi with an Israeli citizenship, trying to lump them into one racial category.

That would be convenient for the demands of a Jew-free Palestine.
Here we go, folks. Not that I don't enjoy "I told ya sos," but...

This report concludes that Israel has established an apartheid regime that dominates the Palestinian people as a whole. Aware of the seriousness of this allegation, the authors of the report conclude that available evidence establishes beyond a reasonable doubt that Israel is guilty of policies and practices that constitute the crime of apartheid as legally defined in instruments of international law...
After careful consideration...Nah. Palestinians could, now, (now, perhaps I am wrong here, but stop using violence and extremism) and be, like the kids say, open minded and tolerant of diversity? Could it hurt? Has that ever occurred to these geniuses? Instead of fanning the flames of hatred, accept move on and THAT might do more than the intifada ever could have accomplished. Shh, instead of blowing up people, co-exist with them. Could that be the secret of peace in the middle east?
Here we go, folks. Not that I don't enjoy "I told ya sos," but...

This report concludes that Israel has established an apartheid regime that dominates the Palestinian people as a whole. Aware of the seriousness of this allegation, the authors of the report conclude that available evidence establishes beyond a reasonable doubt that Israel is guilty of policies and practices that constitute the crime of apartheid as legally defined in instruments of international law...
After careful consideration...Nah. Palestinians could, now, (now, perhaps I am wrong here, but stop using violence and extremism) and be, like the kids say, open minded and tolerant of diversity? Could it hurt? Has that ever occurred to these geniuses? Instead of fanning the flames of hatred, accept move on and THAT might do more than the intifada ever could have accomplished. Shh, instead of blowing up people, co-exist with them. Could that be the secret of peace in the middle east?
Shh, instead of blowing up people, co-exist with them. Could that be the secret of peace in the middle east?
Not really. The Zionist goal has always been, and continues to be, all of Palestine without the Palestinians. This goal is pursued with or without Palestinian activities.
Here we go, folks. Not that I don't enjoy "I told ya sos," but...

This report concludes that Israel has established an apartheid regime that dominates the Palestinian people as a whole. Aware of the seriousness of this allegation, the authors of the report conclude that available evidence establishes beyond a reasonable doubt that Israel is guilty of policies and practices that constitute the crime of apartheid as legally defined in instruments of international law...
After careful consideration...Nah. Palestinians could, now, (now, perhaps I am wrong here, but stop using violence and extremism) and be, like the kids say, open minded and tolerant of diversity? Could it hurt? Has that ever occurred to these geniuses? Instead of fanning the flames of hatred, accept move on and THAT might do more than the intifada ever could have accomplished. Shh, instead of blowing up people, co-exist with them. Could that be the secret of peace in the middle east?
Shh, instead of blowing up people, co-exist with them. Could that be the secret of peace in the middle east?
Not really. The Zionist goal has always been, and continues to be, all of Palestine without the Palestinians. This goal is pursued with or without Palestinian activities.

You keep saying that, while officially demanding a Jew-free territory.
Apartheid is exactly what Arabs demand for their future state.
The facts speak for themselves. Israel is clearly not exclusively Jewish.

You need to tell that to your beloved leader!

Netanyahu at Cabinet Meeting: Israel is the National State of the Jewish People, Exclusively

Netanyahu at Cabinet Meeting: Israel is the National State of the Jewish People, Exclusively

But in actuality, everyone in Israel has the same right... if you Arabic or Jewish

But in actuality, they don't!

Catch up with the thread and see quite clearly that not everyone is equal in Israel.

The prime minister declaring Israel exclusively Jewish is EXACTLY the same as declaring South Africa exclusively black! Imagine what reaction that would have!

"exclusively black....."

there's so many "exclusively black" countries on the face of the earth. the HORRORS coming out of all these black countries [and neighborhoods] in the 21st century:

"...imagine the "reaction"

you live in one of them? LoL. (hypocrite).
Here we go, folks. Not that I don't enjoy "I told ya sos," but...

This report concludes that Israel has established an apartheid regime that dominates the Palestinian people as a whole. Aware of the seriousness of this allegation, the authors of the report conclude that available evidence establishes beyond a reasonable doubt that Israel is guilty of policies and practices that constitute the crime of apartheid as legally defined in instruments of international law...
After careful consideration...Nah. Palestinians could, now, (now, perhaps I am wrong here, but stop using violence and extremism) and be, like the kids say, open minded and tolerant of diversity? Could it hurt? Has that ever occurred to these geniuses? Instead of fanning the flames of hatred, accept move on and THAT might do more than the intifada ever could have accomplished. Shh, instead of blowing up people, co-exist with them. Could that be the secret of peace in the middle east?
Shh, instead of blowing up people, co-exist with them. Could that be the secret of peace in the middle east?
Not really. The Zionist goal has always been, and continues to be, all of Palestine without the Palestinians. This goal is pursued with or without Palestinian activities.

"..with or without Palestinian activities.."

you mean, the terrorist activities. plenty of peace-offerings have been made.

terrorists can't have their own state.

how about all the peaceful palestinians separate themselves from their terrorist regime that governs them ? Go live in Gaza....and hamass and in the west bank ? no protests from the theatre group people or the face-painting/dancing festival folks against having a terrorist government.

the uprising needs to be against hamass, i.j.....and abbass...
Not really. The Zionist goal has always been, and continues to be, all of Palestine without the Palestinians. This goal is pursued with or without Palestinian activities.

Slander. There is absolutely no evidence that this is true, and quite a bit to the contrary. In other words, its an intentional lie fabricated so Arabs can continue to justify "resistance" (aka the mass murder of innocent people).
Here we go, folks. Not that I don't enjoy "I told ya sos," but...

This report concludes that Israel has established an apartheid regime that dominates the Palestinian people as a whole. Aware of the seriousness of this allegation, the authors of the report conclude that available evidence establishes beyond a reasonable doubt that Israel is guilty of policies and practices that constitute the crime of apartheid as legally defined in instruments of international law...
After careful consideration...Nah. Palestinians could, now, (now, perhaps I am wrong here, but stop using violence and extremism) and be, like the kids say, open minded and tolerant of diversity? Could it hurt? Has that ever occurred to these geniuses? Instead of fanning the flames of hatred, accept move on and THAT might do more than the intifada ever could have accomplished. Shh, instead of blowing up people, co-exist with them. Could that be the secret of peace in the middle east?
Shh, instead of blowing up people, co-exist with them. Could that be the secret of peace in the middle east?
Not really. The Zionist goal has always been, and continues to be, all of Palestine without the Palestinians. This goal is pursued with or without Palestinian activities.

You keep saying that, while officially demanding a Jew-free territory.
Apartheid is exactly what Arabs demand for their future state.
I never said that.
Not really. The Zionist goal has always been, and continues to be, all of Palestine without the Palestinians. This goal is pursued with or without Palestinian activities.

Slander. There is absolutely no evidence that this is true, and quite a bit to the contrary. In other words, its an intentional lie fabricated so Arabs can continue to justify "resistance" (aka the mass murder of innocent people).
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