Breaking: The State Of Wisconsin Authorized An Audit Of The 2020 Election!

All you do is lie
The more audits the merrier. We spent years investigating imaginary Trump dealings with Russia and came up with nothing. It only took days to uncover election fraud. The American people deserve and demand fair elections and the 2020 election was far from fair.

There's been no widespread fraud "uncovered."

Your a no good liar. Why bother even saying anything.

Prove I lied......
When dont you lie?
Thanks, you just proved I didn't lie. Much appreciated.
. Your an anti American fool.

What about my anti American fool?
Another topic about an election audit, and, shockingly, we find faun shouting it down....

Faun is opposed to election audits not run by the Mossad or dominion resources.....
I know, I know, it is your job.

A man doing his job... Usually a good thing....
Yes, war, Gas prices, run over by illegal invaders, unemployment UP again....proving, once again that liberalism/communism is a mental disorder!
Your masters really did a number on your cult brain.

They keep you constantly hysterical for a reason. Keeping you hysterical keeps you obedient. Very, very obedient. That's how your masters like you.
Rush and newt showed them that fear-mongering is a great way to keep the weak minded cultists in line.
Talking big on your little political website eh, when in reality the two you named had or has more sense in their little pinky fingers than you have in your whole entire body. Just saying.
Just let us know what you stop crapping your pants about audits, m'kay buckwheat?
Aw. Your poor thing. You're terrified of more Republican corruption coming to light.

Too bad, komrade. We're not going to stop busting you and your commie pals just because it triggers you. If you criminals can't do the time, then don't do the crime.
LOL.. You are the political law now eh ?? Anyway if and when the tide turns, and it will, then we'll see who is more emersed in criminal activity than the other.
Yes, war, Gas prices, run over by illegal invaders, unemployment UP again....proving, once again that liberalism/communism is a mental disorder!
Your masters really did a number on your cult brain.

They keep you constantly hysterical for a reason. Keeping you hysterical keeps you obedient. Very, very obedient. That's how your masters like you.
Rush and newt showed them that fear-mongering is a great way to keep the weak minded cultists in line.
Talking big on your little political website eh, when in reality the two you named had or has more sense in their little pinky fingers than you have in your whole entire body. Just saying.
No, you're just blathering. I agree they were clever, they managed to brainwash the entire republican party and turn them into slobbering idiots.
Why the hell didn't the Supreme Court order an audit before the election was certified.
Because there was no evidence of massive voter fraud.
No, it's because the entire country is paralyzed by intimidating tactics used by partisan group's that wanted the result in which the election gave them while under their extreme pressure to get those results, and they will fight fight like hell to keep those results no matter how they were obtained if were obtained wrongfully.
You're correct, it will change nothing. But what is the harm in audits? Since the media assures us everything was a okay, audits should only verify that fact. I like the fact audits will take place. I have no expectations one way or other as to what they will reveal.
And like the recounts, what if the first audit reveals nothing? Do you then want a second audit? And then a third audit?

How many times to you want to count the same votes, and expect a different result?
Here's the deal, in case you've missed it, we are now living in 2021, so in other words, criminal activity isn't just being done using 1940s tactics or mentalities anymore, but instead it is being done by highly educated people that lust for power and control. It should take what it takes to get to the truth, and those who resist are highly suspect as to why they don't want to exhaust every avenue in order to make sure it was done right

Maybe you're one to think that everything is somehow Walt Disney world instead of living in the real world. Election fraud allegations is some serious stuff, because if true it could affect this country in some serious negative ways, and worse could leave us vulnerable to outside forces.
Your RWNJ fantasies are not reality. President Joe has excellent approval ratings. Things are improving at a tremendous rate, and accelerating.
The amazing part is how Bidens LOWEST job approval rating, beats Trumps HIGHEST job approval rating.
Probably rigged too... No one trust anything anymore. That's the result of this past election. If the Democrat's had integrity, they'd be pushing super strong to somehow win the hearts and minds of the American people over, but it's the opposite affect in their case. It's more like they are telling the American people to trust them without the people reading the bills. That's alright though, because the American people are getting the negative result's of the Democrat's bullcrap, and that will tell the people all that they need to know about them.
You think I trust humans? I trust my eyes and my eyes alone---biden lost. The election was clearly stolen. All involved in this fraud should be shot for treason.
I can see why you don't trust humans.
81 million of them voted for Biden.
And that false number is exactly why humans can't be trusted. If you believe that number, then I got some beachfront uh you know uhhhh the thing, that thing, uhhhhhhhh ummmmmmn time for my nap.
Your RWNJ fantasies are not reality. President Joe has excellent approval ratings. Things are improving at a tremendous rate, and accelerating.
The amazing part is how Bidens LOWEST job approval rating, beats Trumps HIGHEST job approval rating.
Probably rigged too... No one trust anything anymore. That's the result of this past election. If the Democrat's had integrity, they'd be pushing super strong to somehow win the hearts and minds of the American people over, but it's the opposite affect in their case. It's more like they are telling the American people to trust them without the people reading the bills. That's alright though, because the American people are getting the negative result's of the Democrat's bullcrap, and that will tell the people all that they need to know about them.
The above is just sad.

What can we do to reconnect these brainwashing victims to reality?
How is this a conspiracy theory? If Wisconsin is going to do an audit, that’s news. There’s no theory and there’s no conspiracy, it’s simply a thread stating a reported fact
How is this a conspiracy theory? If Wisconsin is going to do an audit, that’s news. There’s no theory and there’s no conspiracy, it’s simply a thread stating a reported fact
They call anything a conspiracy theory In which is something they don't like, even if it's not.
So, will as many Wisconsin frauditors end up in prison as Arizona frauditors? After all, they're breaking long lists of laws with their corruption.

And why are the Arizona frauditors so quiet? Oh, that's right. They found zilch. They haven't even found anything they can lie about. Their attention has switched to staying out of prison.

Hence the Trump cult weeping now. Trump cult fraud failed yet another time. It always does. It's a good thing the Trump cult is so inept at fraud. If they were competent fraudsters, their election-rigging attempts might have worked.
You mean be alledged fraudsters like the democrat's may have been ??? To bad the conservatives didn't live up to the expectations eh ?? Maybe next time they'll try harder to please you. NOT!!!!!!!!!!!
You mean be alledged fraudsters like the democrat's may have been ???
Any news from the fraudit?


It looks like your frauditors are trying to quietly slink away. I can see why.

If they lie, they go to prison and get sued into oblivion.

If they don't lie, the very violent and unstable Trump cult will murder them.
The audit can't change the election it can just show if anything is amiss...The fact that no one has found anything significant has not changed the Trumpbots fanatic setting on the emotive microchip.
NOT exactly true.....I have noticed that Schumer and Pelosi have suddenly gone totally silent on court packing,
I think they got a little 3 am Phone call from Roberts who is more than capable of treading new ground and reopening the 2020 election if he thinks the court is being attacked...wanna bet?


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