Breaking:Take note Conservatives. Snopes run by fraudster. Staff include porn stars and escorts

I looked it up. I found about 3 references - that all go to Infowars. No details, nothing. The fact that it also alludes to FB's recent assertion that it was going to use Snopes to factcheck stories (and Infowars stories would certainly fail quite often) makes me think this is just a made up story.

It sounds like a spino off of this hoax: Hoax Alert: CEO NOT Arrested On Charges Of Fraud And Corruption | Lead Stories

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Facebook 'fact checker' accused of defrauding website to pay for prostitutes | Daily Mail Online

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Ok, sounds like a bitter divorce with accusations flying both ways. Has nothing to do though with their fact checking business.

What qualifications do the escorts and porn stars have to bring to a fact checking site? I'd say that's a very valid question.

Considering the ladies of the night are now going to be working for Facebook to determine whether an article or not is Fake News.
I looked it up. I found about 3 references - that all go to Infowars. No details, nothing. The fact that it also alludes to FB's recent assertion that it was going to use Snopes to factcheck stories (and Infowars stories would certainly fail quite often) makes me think this is just a made up story.

It sounds like a spino off of this hoax: Hoax Alert: CEO NOT Arrested On Charges Of Fraud And Corruption | Lead Stories

View attachment 103229

Facebook 'fact checker' accused of defrauding website to pay for prostitutes | Daily Mail Online

View attachment 103230

Ok, sounds like a bitter divorce with accusations flying both ways. Has nothing to do though with their fact checking business.

What qualifications do the escorts and porn stars have to bring to a fact checking site? I'd say that's a very valid question.

Considering the ladies of the night are now going to be working for Facebook to determine whether an article or not is Fake News.

How do you know what their qualifications are or aren't? Kind of a big assumption isn't it? They've already been working for Snopes and, Snopes reputation continues to be good.
Conservatives get their "news" from British gossip rags -- LOL

DM is excellent when they are hunting a news story down.The tabloid shit is just their version of People magazine.

The story they broke on Miss Universe's lies was outstanding. On a more serious note they busted the NHS big time for paying hospital executives big bonuses for putting patients on the Liverpool Pathway. AKA starving a patient to death to free up more bed space. Quite a few other excellent exposes.

Now if you actually read the article you would discover that all the facts are spot on. Snopes is run by hookers and porn stars.
I looked it up. I found about 3 references - that all go to Infowars. No details, nothing. The fact that it also alludes to FB's recent assertion that it was going to use Snopes to factcheck stories (and Infowars stories would certainly fail quite often) makes me think this is just a made up story.

It sounds like a spino off of this hoax: Hoax Alert: CEO NOT Arrested On Charges Of Fraud And Corruption | Lead Stories

View attachment 103229

Facebook 'fact checker' accused of defrauding website to pay for prostitutes | Daily Mail Online

View attachment 103230

Ok, sounds like a bitter divorce with accusations flying both ways. Has nothing to do though with their fact checking business.

What qualifications do the escorts and porn stars have to bring to a fact checking site? I'd say that's a very valid question.

Considering the ladies of the night are now going to be working for Facebook to determine whether an article or not is Fake News.

How do you know what their qualifications are or aren't? Kind of a big assumption isn't it? They've already been working for Snopes and, Snopes reputation continues to be good.

I'm certain that someone at Snopes will be forthcoming with the ladies of the night resumes.
Conservatives get their "news" from British gossip rags -- LOL

DM is excellent when they are hunting a news story down.The tabloid shit is just their version of People magazine.

The story they broke on Miss Universe's lies was outstanding. On a more serious note they busted the NHS big time for paying hospital executives big bonuses for putting patients on the Liverpool Pathway. AKA starving a patient to death to free up more bed space. Quite a few other excellent exposes.

Now if you actually read the article you would discover that all the facts are spot on. Snopes is run by hookers and porn stars.

No, it isn't. It was founded and run by David Mikkelson. Wild ass speculation from some fucking tabloid rag is not reliable.
Once again the US Senate sold us out! Well, someone figured out why Obama nominated Elana Kagan for the Supreme Court…. Pull up the Supreme Courts website, go to the docket and search for Obama. Kagan was the Solicitor General for all the suits against him filed with the Supreme Court to show proof of natural born citizenship. He owed her big time. All of the requests were denied of course. They were never heard! It just keeps getting deeper and deeper, doesn’t it? The American people mean nothing any longer. It all comes down to payback time for those who compromised themselves to elect someone that really has no true right to even be there.

Here are some websites of the Supreme Court Docket: When you look up some of these hearings and guess what?? Elana Kagan is the attorney representing Obama!!!
Check out these examples:

upload_2016-12-21_19-58-11.png is a secret tool of the Democratic party to promote Barack Obama-Fiction!
Once again the US Senate sold us out! Well, someone figured out why Obama nominated Elana Kagan for the Supreme Court…. Pull up the Supreme Courts website, go to the docket and search for Obama. Kagan was the Solicitor General for all the suits against him filed with the Supreme Court to show proof of natural born citizenship. He owed her big time. All of the requests were denied of course. They were never heard! It just keeps getting deeper and deeper, doesn’t it? The American people mean nothing any longer. It all comes down to payback time for those who compromised themselves to elect someone that really has no true right to even be there.

Here are some websites of the Supreme Court Docket: When you look up some of these hearings and guess what?? Elana Kagan is the attorney representing Obama!!!
Check out these examples:

View attachment 103243 is a secret tool of the Democratic party to promote Barack Obama-Fiction!


Oh well sooner or later SNOPES will be shut down bank on it.

Given that they have an extremely high reliability from a number of different sources - I doubt it.

Why is it you guys HATE truth so much?

All of these self-appointed "fact-checkers" are taken WAY too literally. LARGELY, it's a matter of what spin you want to apply to a story. If the basic facts ARE SOUND and you still want to meddle, you can always take issue with a word or phrase and decide that word or phrase wasn't used correctly in reporting the story. I've seen it a THOUSAND times. OK -- maybe a couple hundred. :oops:
Oh well sooner or later SNOPES will be shut down bank on it.

Given that they have an extremely high reliability from a number of different sources - I doubt it.

Why is it you guys HATE truth so much?

All of these self-appointed "fact-checkers" are taken WAY too literally. LARGELY, it's a matter of what spin you want to apply to a story. If the basic facts ARE SOUND and you still want to meddle, you can always take issue with a word or phrase and decide that word or phrase wasn't used correctly in reporting the story. I've seen it a THOUSAND times. OK -- maybe a couple hundred. :oops:

I think some are good and worthwhile because sometimes you don't know if the basic facts are sound...
Conservatives get their "news" from British gossip rags -- LOL

DM is excellent when they are hunting a news story down.The tabloid shit is just their version of People magazine.

The story they broke on Miss Universe's lies was outstanding. On a more serious note they busted the NHS big time for paying hospital executives big bonuses for putting patients on the Liverpool Pathway. AKA starving a patient to death to free up more bed space. Quite a few other excellent exposes.

Now if you actually read the article you would discover that all the facts are spot on. Snopes is run by hookers and porn stars.

No, it isn't. It was founded and run by David Mikkelson. Wild ass speculation from some fucking tabloid rag is not reliable.

First off it was Mikkelson and his wife who founded Snopes. It's been discovered by interviews with the wife's lawyers that he embezzeled company cash for his hookers.

Did you read the article? Oh and the DM is excellent. They tackle very difficult subject matters and do not cease until they get justice.

So you can keep your smarmy tabloid comments to yourself. Snopes now has a scandal on its hands.

A fact checker for fake news run by hookers and porn stars.


Hospitals bribed to put patients on pathway to death: Cash incentive for NHS trusts that meet targets on Liverpool Care Pathway
  • Some hospitals set target of two thirds of all deaths should be on LCP
  • At least £30m in extra money handed to hospitals to achieve these goals
  • Critics warn financial incentives could influence the work of doctors
Hospitals bribed to put patients on pathway to death: Cash incentive for NHS trusts that meet targets on Liverpool Care Pathway | Daily Mail Online

Here's another biggie that they broke years ago and helped drive the prosecution in the case.

Jailed, the last of the four Asian brothers who were the most notorious abusers of teenage girls in Rotherham where 1,400 children were groomed

Last of the Rotherham sex gang are jailed | Daily Mail Online
I looked it up. I found about 3 references - that all go to Infowars. No details, nothing. The fact that it also alludes to FB's recent assertion that it was going to use Snopes to factcheck stories (and Infowars stories would certainly fail quite often) makes me think this is just a made up story.

It sounds like a spino off of this hoax: Hoax Alert: CEO NOT Arrested On Charges Of Fraud And Corruption | Lead Stories

View attachment 103229

Facebook 'fact checker' accused of defrauding website to pay for prostitutes | Daily Mail Online

View attachment 103230

Ok, sounds like a bitter divorce with accusations flying both ways. Has nothing to do though with their fact checking business.

What qualifications do the escorts and porn stars have to bring to a fact checking site? I'd say that's a very valid question.

Considering the ladies of the night are now going to be working for Facebook to determine whether an article or not is Fake News.

How do you know what their qualifications are or aren't? Kind of a big assumption isn't it? They've already been working for Snopes and, Snopes reputation continues to be good.
Only if you're a fucked up progressive...

Christmas came early today. Check this out and make certain all your conservative friends and relatives learn that Facebook's fact checker Snopes is a fraud. that what we suspected for a long time is true. Snopes is not unbiased.

Unreal. Eat this Facebook!

EXCLUSIVE: Facebook 'fact checker' who will arbitrate on 'fake news' is accused of defrauding website to pay for prostitutes - and its staff includes an escort-porn star and 'Vice Vixen domme'
Facebook has announced plans to check for 'fake news' using a series of

    • organizations to assess whether stories are true One of them is a website called which claims to be one of the web's 'essential resources' and 'painstaking, scholarly and reliable'
  • It was founded by husband-and-wife Barbara and David Mikkelson, who used a letterhead claiming they were a non-existent society to start their research

  • Now they are divorced - with Barbara claiming in legal documents he embezzled $98,000 of company money and spent it on 'himself and prostitutes'
  • In a lengthy and bitter legal dispute he is claiming to be underpaid and demanding 'industry standard' or at least $360,000 a year

  • The two also dispute what are basic facts of their case - despite saying its 'ownership' is committed to 'accuracy and impartiality'
  • founder David Mikkelson's new wife Elyssa Young is employed by the website as an administrator

  • She has worked as an escort and porn actress and despite claims website is non-political ran as a Libertarian for Congress on a 'Dump Bush' platform

  • Its main 'fact checker' is Kimberly LaCapria, whose blog 'ViceVixen' says she is in touch with her 'domme side' and has posted on while smoking pot
Bwahahahahaha! Merry Christmas! Happy Birthday! Happy New Year!

Facebook 'fact checker' accused of defrauding website to pay for prostitutes | Daily Mail Online
Be sure to let the forum know when you find an article they evaluated wrong.

I think some are good and worthwhile because sometimes you don't know if the basic facts are sound...
Snopes and Wikipedia are sound 99% of the time, but if whatever you are looking for is related to liberalism or religion, then *poof* their credibility and reliability vanishes.

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