BREAKING: Special Counsel Mueller “deeply disturbed” by Pelosi accusations against AG Barr...

Hey pinhead, those clips are citing Barr's lies and NOT quotes from Mueller, but you knew that already.
The OP simply cited HIMSELF as the "source" of his BULLSHIT, and you knew that already, also!

No, Mueller is the source. The very same Mueller you praised not long ago.

Shocking, isn't it?

Curious, how many times can we possibly split a hair?
It says right in YOUR link from the third post, "a spokesman for the special council declined to comment."
And the OP's twitter link links to to his OWN article in the One America Network of lies.
Neither source has any quote from Mueller.
Can't you worthless lying scum ever stop lying?????

So, are you denying that Mueller ever wrote the letter to Barr expressing concerns over the initial release of the report?

Because the preceding paragraph states as quoted DIRECTLY from the letter:

"The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this Office's work and conclusions. We communicated that concern to the Department on the morning of March 25. There is now public confusion about critical aspects of the results of our investigation. This threatens to undermine a central purpose for which the Department appointed the Special Counsel: to assure full public confidence in the outcome of the investigations."

Did he or did he not say that?

Or are you discrediting Mueller as a source because he was in turn cited by a right wing news source and in turn by a right wing member of this board?

You funny. Oh man, you funny.
Man you are desperate!
Mueller did NOT express concerns about "the initial release of the report" because the report had not been released yet. But nice try at misrepresenting Mueller's letter to Barr about BARR's summary misrepresenting his report. And Mueller says it plainly in the part of the letter you cited, "The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this Office's work and conclusions."

"Mueller did NOT express concerns about "the initial release of the report" because the report had not been released yet"

Huh? Are you rage typing now? Oh, yeah, I can see the big bold underlined sentences now.
Hey dumb ass, Mueller gives dates in his letter, now look up the date Barr released the redacted report and compare. Or is that too hard for you?
No, Mueller is the source. The very same Mueller you praised not long ago.

Shocking, isn't it?

Curious, how many times can we possibly split a hair?
It says right in YOUR link from the third post, "a spokesman for the special council declined to comment."
And the OP's twitter link links to to his OWN article in the One America Network of lies.
Neither source has any quote from Mueller.
Can't you worthless lying scum ever stop lying?????

So, are you denying that Mueller ever wrote the letter to Barr expressing concerns over the initial release of the report?

Because the preceding paragraph states as quoted DIRECTLY from the letter:

"The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this Office's work and conclusions. We communicated that concern to the Department on the morning of March 25. There is now public confusion about critical aspects of the results of our investigation. This threatens to undermine a central purpose for which the Department appointed the Special Counsel: to assure full public confidence in the outcome of the investigations."

Did he or did he not say that?

Or are you discrediting Mueller as a source because he was in turn cited by a right wing news source and in turn by a right wing member of this board?

You funny. Oh man, you funny.
Man you are desperate!
Mueller did NOT express concerns about "the initial release of the report" because the report had not been released yet. But nice try at misrepresenting Mueller's letter to Barr about BARR's summary misrepresenting his report. And Mueller says it plainly in the part of the letter you cited, "The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this Office's work and conclusions."

"Mueller did NOT express concerns about "the initial release of the report" because the report had not been released yet"

Huh? Are you rage typing now? Oh, yeah, I can see the big bold underlined sentences now.
Hey dumb ass, Mueller gives dates in his letter, now look up the date Barr released the redacted report and compare. Or is that too hard for you?

Eh... Mueller submitted the unredacted report to Barr on March 22nd. The letter he wrote to Barr was submitted on the 27th. The redacted version of the report wasn't released until April 18th.

So uh, yeah, the report was already in Barr's hands when Mueller wrote that letter. It was in response to the four page summary Barr released on the 24th.

Meaning you are a blithering idiot.

Moving on.
It says right in YOUR link from the third post, "a spokesman for the special council declined to comment."
And the OP's twitter link links to to his OWN article in the One America Network of lies.
Neither source has any quote from Mueller.
Can't you worthless lying scum ever stop lying?????

So, are you denying that Mueller ever wrote the letter to Barr expressing concerns over the initial release of the report?

Because the preceding paragraph states as quoted DIRECTLY from the letter:

"The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this Office's work and conclusions. We communicated that concern to the Department on the morning of March 25. There is now public confusion about critical aspects of the results of our investigation. This threatens to undermine a central purpose for which the Department appointed the Special Counsel: to assure full public confidence in the outcome of the investigations."

Did he or did he not say that?

Or are you discrediting Mueller as a source because he was in turn cited by a right wing news source and in turn by a right wing member of this board?

You funny. Oh man, you funny.
Man you are desperate!
Mueller did NOT express concerns about "the initial release of the report" because the report had not been released yet. But nice try at misrepresenting Mueller's letter to Barr about BARR's summary misrepresenting his report. And Mueller says it plainly in the part of the letter you cited, "The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this Office's work and conclusions."

"Mueller did NOT express concerns about "the initial release of the report" because the report had not been released yet"

Huh? Are you rage typing now? Oh, yeah, I can see the big bold underlined sentences now.
Hey dumb ass, Mueller gives dates in his letter, now look up the date Barr released the redacted report and compare. Or is that too hard for you?

Eh... Mueller submitted the unredacted report to Barr on March 22nd. The letter he wrote to Barr was submitted on the 27th. The redacted version of the report wasn't released until April 18th.

So uh, yeah, the report was already in Barr's hands when Mueller wrote that letter. It was in response to the four page summary Barr released on the 24th.

Meaning you are a blithering idiot.

Moving on.
And there is another technique the lying scum Right use when they are CAUGHT lying. They pretend that what you proved to be true was what they claimed all along when they claimed the exact opposite.
They think everyone can be as easily confused as they are.
Jack Posobiec
John Michael Posobiec III is an American alt-right internet troll and conspiracy theorist known primarily for his controversial and pro-Donald Trump comments on Twitter.
You beat me to it. Good work. He's just another insane trump bootlicker just like purge
Curious... whose boots are you licking right now?
Unlike you, I don't lick anybody's boots, asshole.

Yeah, as if that couldn't be a more obvious lie. When you subscribe to that far left wing bullshit, you are licking boots. When you repeat their slogans and hashtags, you are licking their boots. A sheep in wolf's clothing.

You aren't unique. You're one of many on both sides blinded by pure bias and political hatred.

But I'm an asshole?

What "far left wing bullshit" are you saying that I subscribe to?
Ad hominem.

Cite a superior source then. One that can reliably contradict his.

Or stop insulting the OP.
'That which can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.'

- Christopher Hitchens

So you admit the witch hunt to frame Trump was Bullshit....
Now you are pulling a Barr!
I am admitting YOU are BULLSHIT!

You quoted Christopher Hitchens.

That which can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.

That describes the Trump witch hunt you Tards put on to a tee...........

You said it yourself...

You admitted You and all your nut job tard buds are full of Shit...….
No, it describes the OP and everything that comes out of the lying scum mouth of the POS Tramp.

You are soooo Butt Hurt...……..

I am loving it...….
You're pathetic bud. Barr has more integrity than you and all the Democrats in D.C., combined.

Now learn something about your justice department. POLICY is set by every AG who is approved to the post. This means that they can enforce or ignore any policy that is set internally.

The Special Council is directed on how to behave by an actual regulation, meaning a law.

Go back to doing whatever repulsive thing it is you do, and leave your betters alone.
So typical of the worthless lying scum Right, even after being exposed to the actual DOJ rules in detail, you lying scum POS just make up your own non existent rules and claiming it is a "LAW" that you can't cite.

But thank you for being STUPID enough to admit it is lying scum Barr's POLICY that prevents Tramp from being indicted.

So much Butt Hurt.....

This is why we love President Donald J. Trump....

He has shoved all of your lying resistance up your Tard asses...
Just as Donald Jackass Tramp loves you fools because you are sooooo STUPID!

You are Sooooo Butt Hurt.....

It makes me happy happy happy......

Trump has skunked you Tards at every turn....

Can't wait til 20..........
You are nothing but a dumb SUCKER to the worthless lying scum POS Tramp.

You're the sucker Butt Hurt......

Long live King Trump.....
Hey Jackass..

We noticed you tards are guilty and full of shit...

Barr is going to burn your ass.....
Again you haven't been able to cite a single word from the letter to support the poster's lie.
Thank you.


You have been proven to be full of shit.....
If that lie was true you could quote the words that back up the poster's lie.
If you notice he gave up when challenged, but you are too STUPID to realize you are proving my point with each post where you fail to cite the exact words from the Mueller letter that support the poster's lie.
Thank you.

Try and prove it's not true Tard...….

You can't...
I already did, :asshole:
I posted the actual Mueller letter and there was nothing in even remotely like what the poster claimed was in the last 2 paragraphs. That is why you lying scum assholes have not beed able to cite Mueller's EXACT words from the letter.

You lost Butt Hurt....

Trump has made a fool of you Tards yet again...….

Tic Toc til Tards are going to jail.....

You have been proven to be full of shit.....
If that lie was true you could quote the words that back up the poster's lie.
If you notice he gave up when challenged, but you are too STUPID to realize you are proving my point with each post where you fail to cite the exact words from the Mueller letter that support the poster's lie.
Thank you.

Try and prove it's not true Tard...….

You can't...
I already did, :asshole:
I posted the actual Mueller letter and there was nothing in even remotely like what the poster claimed was in the last 2 paragraphs. That is why you lying scum assholes have not beed able to cite Mueller's EXACT words from the letter.

Sure, the report was over 400 pages long.

Please don't lie. A partisan nitwit like you couldn't make it past the first paragraph of a news article much less a 400 page special counsel report on Russian interference and collusion.
Hey :asshole: the report was 400 pages, not Mueller's letter to the lying scum POS Barr, and it is the LETTER we are discussing.

Notice what the worthless lying scum Right do when they know they have been caught lying, they play dumb and pretend they were discussing something different to try to divert the thread.

You got it twisted you Butt Hurt Tard...

Your girl got her ass stomped by Trump

then you Tards made up this Russian bullshit.....

Now you have your tit caught in the ringer....

Tic Toc mother flucker:fu:

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