Breaking: Senate Votes Down Broad Obamacare Repeal (57-43 vote)

Only in Bizzaro Trump Worshippers World could you blame a 57-43 vote against repeal on the Democrats.



Did every single Dem vote against it? Yes they sure did, Dem's the party of No, the party who ignores the will of the people, the party who gave us the Obamacare nightmare.

Republicans control everything and you are blaming the Democrats.



It's so much easier to tweet than it is to govern.

:itsok: adults are talking go outside and play.
Dick riding sycophants will never blame the governing party that controls the House, the Senate, and the White House for their failure to repeal and/or replace the ACA. It's very easy to claim to be the party of personal responsibility when you never believe you are responsible for anything.
What is going on, don't care if its a left plan or a right plan, why are we not willing to help each other, every one should pay into it, yes some should pay more, but no one should go bankrupt over health insurance. why don't you want insurance ? your telling me the good money we pay those people to work part time and they cant get together and find some thing that works? you have to know that nothing will ever be perfect for all, we just need some thing that works for most. why does the new bills put up keep asking for huge tax breaks for the big guys.
Only in Bizzaro Trump Worshippers World could you blame a 57-43 vote against repeal on the Democrats.



Did every single Dem vote against it? Yes they sure did, Dem's the party of No, the party who ignores the will of the people, the party who gave us the Obamacare nightmare.

Republicans control everything and you are blaming the Democrats.



It's so much easier to tweet than it is to govern.

:itsok: adults are talking go outside and play.
The fact is that the GOP won and can't govern.
Only in Bizzaro Trump Worshippers World could you blame a 57-43 vote against repeal on the Democrats.



Did every single Dem vote against it? Yes they sure did, Dem's the party of No, the party who ignores the will of the people, the party who gave us the Obamacare nightmare.

Republicans control everything and you are blaming the Democrats.



It's so much easier to tweet than it is to govern.

:itsok: adults are talking go outside and play.
The fact is that the GOP won and can't govern.

Trump has already signed 40 bills into law, I'm sorry what was your point?
Oh boy, seven Senators will be declared dead by Trump because they did not vote to fuck a bunch of Americans out of their insurance.

"Their" health insurance? I'm paying for the deadbeats its mine.

And I'm paying for yours. Welcome to the world of how insurance works, jackass.

Here let me rate your post :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

So you don't know how the concept of insurance works? I mean, I'm not surprised.
Only in Bizzaro Trump Worshippers World could you blame a 57-43 vote against repeal on the Democrats.



Did every single Dem vote against it? Yes they sure did, Dem's the party of No, the party who ignores the will of the people, the party who gave us the Obamacare nightmare.

Republicans control everything and you are blaming the Democrats.



It's so much easier to tweet than it is to govern.

:itsok: adults are talking go outside and play.
The fact is that the GOP won and can't govern.

Trump has already signed 40 bills into law, I'm sorry what was your point?

They are almost all simply repealing existing legislation, except broadly supported Veterans Affairs reform, Trump got little to nothing positive done.

Here is a sample of what Trump has been "busy" with:

March 27, 2017: H.J. Res. 58 - "Joint Resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to teacher preparation issues"

This resolution strikes down another Obama-era Education Department regulation that established definitions and requirements for states and higher education institution to develop ways to assess teacher preparation.
Oh boy, seven Senators will be declared dead by Trump because they did not vote to fuck a bunch of Americans out of their insurance.

"Their" health insurance? I'm paying for the deadbeats its mine.

And I'm paying for yours. Welcome to the world of how insurance works, jackass.

Here let me rate your post :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

So you don't know how the concept of insurance works? I mean, I'm not surprised.

Your version is I pay double so you can gift insurance to deadbeats to buy their votes. Your lib bull shit is hip deep fool.
Did every single Dem vote against it? Yes they sure did, Dem's the party of No, the party who ignores the will of the people, the party who gave us the Obamacare nightmare.

Republicans control everything and you are blaming the Democrats.



It's so much easier to tweet than it is to govern.

:itsok: adults are talking go outside and play.
The fact is that the GOP won and can't govern.

Trump has already signed 40 bills into law, I'm sorry what was your point?

They are almost all simply repealing existing legislation, except broadly supported Veterans Affairs reform, Trump got little to nothing positive done.

Here is a sample of what Trump has been "busy" with:

March 27, 2017: H.J. Res. 58 - "Joint Resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to teacher preparation issues"

This resolution strikes down another Obama-era Education Department regulation that established definitions and requirements for states and higher education institution to develop ways to assess teacher preparation.

Translation :crybaby: Blues debunked our liberal talking point again :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:
Oh boy, seven Senators will be declared dead by Trump because they did not vote to fuck a bunch of Americans out of their insurance.

"Their" health insurance? I'm paying for the deadbeats its mine.

And I'm paying for yours. Welcome to the world of how insurance works, jackass.

Here let me rate your post :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

So you don't know how the concept of insurance works? I mean, I'm not surprised.

Your version is I pay double so you can gift insurance to deadbeats to buy their votes. Your lib bull shit is hip deep fool.

Or reality, we all pay a little more so kids, disabled and elderly don't have to "suck it up" when they get sick.

And you never thanked me for helping to pay your medical costs. You're welcome.
Republicans control everything and you are blaming the Democrats.



It's so much easier to tweet than it is to govern.

:itsok: adults are talking go outside and play.
The fact is that the GOP won and can't govern.

Trump has already signed 40 bills into law, I'm sorry what was your point?

They are almost all simply repealing existing legislation, except broadly supported Veterans Affairs reform, Trump got little to nothing positive done.

Here is a sample of what Trump has been "busy" with:

March 27, 2017: H.J. Res. 58 - "Joint Resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to teacher preparation issues"

This resolution strikes down another Obama-era Education Department regulation that established definitions and requirements for states and higher education institution to develop ways to assess teacher preparation.

Translation :crybaby: Blues debunked our liberal talking point again :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:

Why do all the Trumpsters behave like silly adolescents?

What has Turmp delivered legislatively that you were hoping for when you voted for him? Name one.

And while we are in this thread lets point out that it isn't repeal of ACA.
"Their" health insurance? I'm paying for the deadbeats its mine.

And I'm paying for yours. Welcome to the world of how insurance works, jackass.

Here let me rate your post :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

So you don't know how the concept of insurance works? I mean, I'm not surprised.

Your version is I pay double so you can gift insurance to deadbeats to buy their votes. Your lib bull shit is hip deep fool.

Or reality, we all pay a little more so kids, disabled and elderly don't have to "suck it up" when they get sick.

And you never thanked me for helping to pay your medical costs. You're welcome.

What are you huffing, the truly needy are but a small fraction, the majority are lazy deadbeats who prefer to live on welfare and hand outs. Granted Dem's do all they can to keep the poor, poor and encourage this.

As for your lies about paying for my medical costs sorry you are too dumb to work where I work.
And I'm paying for yours. Welcome to the world of how insurance works, jackass.

Here let me rate your post :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

So you don't know how the concept of insurance works? I mean, I'm not surprised.

Your version is I pay double so you can gift insurance to deadbeats to buy their votes. Your lib bull shit is hip deep fool.

Or reality, we all pay a little more so kids, disabled and elderly don't have to "suck it up" when they get sick.

And you never thanked me for helping to pay your medical costs. You're welcome.

What are you huffing, the truly needy are but a small fraction, the majority are lazy deadbeats who prefer to live on welfare and hand outs. Granted Dem's do all they can to keep the poor, poor and encourage this.

As for your lies about paying for my medical costs sorry you are too dumb to work where I work.

You of course have some sort of evidence for this claim? Or is this just one of those "gut feelings" that seems to be all the rage with Trump supporters?

And believe me, if I wanted to wear a name tag to work like you do. I'm pretty sure I could pass the requirements threshold of having at least 3 teeth and my own transportation to get there.
:itsok: adults are talking go outside and play.
The fact is that the GOP won and can't govern.

Trump has already signed 40 bills into law, I'm sorry what was your point?

They are almost all simply repealing existing legislation, except broadly supported Veterans Affairs reform, Trump got little to nothing positive done.

Here is a sample of what Trump has been "busy" with:

March 27, 2017: H.J. Res. 58 - "Joint Resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to teacher preparation issues"

This resolution strikes down another Obama-era Education Department regulation that established definitions and requirements for states and higher education institution to develop ways to assess teacher preparation.

Translation :crybaby: Blues debunked our liberal talking point again :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:

Why do all the Trumpsters behave like silly adolescents?

What has Turmp delivered legislatively that you were hoping for when you voted for him? Name one.

He crushed Hillary embarrassing her, the Dem party, and the liberal media now that's a win!! :eusa_dance: Then you Demwits bragged that Trump couldn't put a conservative on the SCOTUS and we used the nuke option on your ass and did :eusa_dance: I'd go on but the mods say I'm too mean to you poor libs.
Oh boy, seven Senators will be declared dead by Trump tomorrow because they did not vote to fuck a bunch of Americans out of their insurance.
Obamacare cannot be afforded by the country… It's bankrupt
Oh boy, seven Senators will be declared dead by Trump because they did not vote to fuck a bunch of Americans out of their insurance.

"Their" health insurance? I'm paying for the deadbeats its mine.
There is no way to avoid paying for "deadbeats" in any western health system.
. True, but was Obama's care the answer ?? Think about that one, and then let it sink in. We need a bipartisan bill, and we need it yesterday. The government not coming together on this is just outright crazy, but it just shows us about the dam war that's taking place, and we are caught in the middle of it. Time for the government to work for us again, and the swamp needs drained quick fast and in a hurry.

ACA reform IS bipartisan.

1. Republicans at Heritage conceived the framework in the 90s as an alternative to Clinton's healthcare reform.
2. Republican Mitt Romney signed and implemented it into law in his state while guys like Gingrich touted it as a blueprint for the country.
3. Democrats delivered that very blueprint to the country.

Let those facts sink in.
Mitt Romney was never a Republican he was just a Mormon piece of fucking shit…

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