Breaking: Ray Epps charged by Biden's DOJ

There is no reason to believe him after seeing the tapes and his actions. I know you dumbasses are told not to believe your eyes. You are just one more who listens and obeys. One little turd in a giant pile of shit.

No it was YOUR Fat Orange Shit Giblet God/King that told YOU fools to not believe YOUR eyes and ears!
About cotton pickin time. But seriously, a misdemeanor? He is an agent provocateur. He was an organizer plain as day! Him taking a plea deal is just another part of the cover-up.

Epps was recruited as an asset by the Feds because he is a former Marine, an imposing man with a big voice. He was caught on video TWICE once the day before inciting the crowd to enter the Capitol and another ON THE STEPS of the Capitol leading the charge. Since he was doing the work of The Regime he gets a wrist slap, while others are getting 10, 15 and 20 year sentences. Welcome to Oceania 2023.

Another fraudulent hate hoaxer unmasked, as if this one wasn't clearly obvious the whole time...

James Beeks, Jacob Chansley, and Epps get off completely as a reward for participating in the Dykey Nancy/Chris Wray Zionist Fascist HATE HOAX...
Another fraudulent hate hoaxer unmasked, as if this one wasn't clearly obvious the whole time...

James Beeks, Jacob Chansley, and Epps get off completely as a reward for participating in the Dykey Nancy/Chris Wray Zionist Fascist HATE HOAX...
So it means you guys are gullible as gold fish...ok we agree.
Not even an attempt to be serious here. Just more phony Fed BS.

There are people who didn’t even go in the Capitol Building on January 6 who are currently rotting in the gulag. Grandmothers, veterans, and journalists are among those that the corrupt Department of Justice used as examples to dissuade patriots from invoking their rights and defending the nation.

Then, there’s Ray Epps. He did everything in his power to provoke people to storm the Capitol Building but was only hit with a minor misdemeanor charge, and only after it was clear nearly three years since the incident that patriots weren’t going to let it go.

As Charlie Kirk sarcastically noted, “Everything is on the level folks.”

Not suspicious at all!

“Disorderly or Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds.” Journalist Julie Kelly is not impressed.

According to The Post Millennial:

Epps has become an infamous figure after he told people at the Capitol in the lead-up to the January 6 riot that “We need to go into the Capitol” in addition to later stating over text that he was among those who had “orchestrated” the event. He has now been charged with one misdemeanor count of disorderly or disruptive conduct on restricted grounds, and is likely to take a plea deal, according to NBC.

In the recent past, Epps was accused of lying about his whereabouts at the Capitol on that fateful day. Since there were no official reported charges up until Sept. 19, whereas some other Jan. 6 defendants were incurring massive prison sentences, many speculated that Epps had struck some type of deal with the federal government and would often question if he may even be an agent of sorts.

The criminal information states that Epps “did knowingly, and with intent to impede and disrupt the orderly conduct of Government business and official functions, engage in disorderly and disruptive conduct in and within such proximity to, a restricted building and grounds—that is, any posted, cordoned-off, and otherwise restricted area within the United States Capitol and its grounds, where the Vice President was and would be temporarily visiting—when and so that such conduct did in fact impede and disrupt the orderly conduct of Government business and official functions, and attempted and conspired to do so.”
Epps said during an interview with the January 6 committee last year that he had embarked on a trip to Washington, DC in order to show his support for former President Trump.

They might as well not even charge him at all. Considering some of the political prisoners are facing decades in jail, these charges are an insult to our intelligence.

Let’s call it what it is. This is a fake charge that allows the corrupt Department of Justice to pretend like they’re doing something. They hope this will placate those of us who continue wondering why Ray Epps is free while grannies are imprisoned.

There are only two viable possibilities. Either Ray Epps was/is a Deep State agent or the Department of Justice is so insanely stupid, they can’t recognize the difference between real incitement and the mild curiosity that drove many to peacefully enter the Capitol Building on January 6, 2021.

Kabuki Theater in our post-truth society does little more than infuriate patriots. Perhaps that’s the point.


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