BREAKING: President Obama Turns Over Thousands of Fast and Furious Documents

People were held responsible. The people in charge of the operation have been fired.

Sacrificial lambs

I want Obama held accountable since he was going to use the gun walking news as proof of straw man buys. Then use that as justification to ban AR-15, SKS and M4 firearms. He got caught with his hand in the cookie jar



Did your crystal ball tell you that?

Or was it some gun fetishist blog?

No, because he and Holder got caught in a lie when they claimed the number of guns that were illegally exchanged when in fact they were not. It was all a lie... Just like a video


Would you care to elaborate? I can't even understand this post.

No doubt... that was Bud light lingo


For political context we now need to step back to April 16, 2009 — four or five months before we think Fast and Furious began. On this day President Barack Obama was visiting Mexico. While there he said, “This war is being waged with guns purchased not here but in the United States … more than 90% of the guns recovered in Mexico come from the United States, many from gun shops that lay in our shared border.”

This 90% statistic was, to be kind, math so shoddy a third grader should know better.

The figure was based only on guns the Mexican government sent to the ATF for tracing. On April 2, 2009, Fox News reported that, according to statistics from the Mexican government, only about a third of the guns recovered at crime scenes in Mexico are submitted to the ATF. The Mexicans, as it turns out, only send guns to the ATF they think came from the U.S. Also, many guns submitted to the ATF by the Mexicans cannot be traced. As a result, the reporters determined that only 17% of guns found at Mexican crime scenes have been traced by the ATF to the U.S.

Now, because President Obama used the made-up 90% figure to push political positions — he was using the statistic to argue that the U.S. needs more gun-control laws — it’s difficult not to sniff politics in what happened next.

'Fast And Furious' Just Might Be President Obama's Watergate

So, the fact that Obama used fudged numbers in a speech is "proof" of your wild conspiracy theory?

Take a look around, dude. Every politician in the history of this country has used bullshit statistics in speeches.
Sacrificial lambs

I want Obama held accountable since he was going to use the gun walking news as proof of straw man buys. Then use that as justification to ban AR-15, SKS and M4 firearms. He got caught with his hand in the cookie jar



Did your crystal ball tell you that?

Or was it some gun fetishist blog?

No, because he and Holder got caught in a lie when they claimed the number of guns that were illegally exchanged when in fact they were not. It was all a lie... Just like a video


Would you care to elaborate? I can't even understand this post.

No doubt... that was Bud light lingo


For political context we now need to step back to April 16, 2009 — four or five months before we think Fast and Furious began. On this day President Barack Obama was visiting Mexico. While there he said, “This war is being waged with guns purchased not here but in the United States … more than 90% of the guns recovered in Mexico come from the United States, many from gun shops that lay in our shared border.”

This 90% statistic was, to be kind, math so shoddy a third grader should know better.

The figure was based only on guns the Mexican government sent to the ATF for tracing. On April 2, 2009, Fox News reported that, according to statistics from the Mexican government, only about a third of the guns recovered at crime scenes in Mexico are submitted to the ATF. The Mexicans, as it turns out, only send guns to the ATF they think came from the U.S. Also, many guns submitted to the ATF by the Mexicans cannot be traced. As a result, the reporters determined that only 17% of guns found at Mexican crime scenes have been traced by the ATF to the U.S.

Now, because President Obama used the made-up 90% figure to push political positions — he was using the statistic to argue that the U.S. needs more gun-control laws — it’s difficult not to sniff politics in what happened next.

'Fast And Furious' Just Might Be President Obama's Watergate

So, the fact that Obama used fudged numbers in a speech is "proof" of your wild conspiracy theory?

Take a look around, dude. Every politician in the history of this country has used bullshit statistics in speeches.

Not to strip Americans of their civil rights they haven't

All of this is beside the point.

The "outrage" over Fast and Furious is so clearly pure partisanship that quibbling over who was fired is entirely irrelevant.

Fast and Furious was a fuck-up. They happen all the time. There was no "corruption" involved, no malicious intent. It was just a fuck-up - a completely retarded law enforcement operation - and it failed, horribly.

From my perspective, this is no different than the countless innocent people blown away by police serving no-knock warrents on the wrong house. It's a systematic fuck-up - a failure of the system - but there's no single person or group that can really be blamed for it.
In the military when a fuck-up occurs, you go up the chain till you reach the responsible party. Someone is always in charge. Not in Government though. Not in Obama's government.

I'll agree with you in saying that whoever came up with the operation should never be put in a position of command ever again - and I have no doubt that whoever that is, they won't. But political theater of witch-hunts throughout the department about this is just dumb.

This was stupidity, not evil.

Did your crystal ball tell you that?

Or was it some gun fetishist blog?

No, because he and Holder got caught in a lie when they claimed the number of guns that were illegally exchanged when in fact they were not. It was all a lie... Just like a video


Would you care to elaborate? I can't even understand this post.

No doubt... that was Bud light lingo


For political context we now need to step back to April 16, 2009 — four or five months before we think Fast and Furious began. On this day President Barack Obama was visiting Mexico. While there he said, “This war is being waged with guns purchased not here but in the United States … more than 90% of the guns recovered in Mexico come from the United States, many from gun shops that lay in our shared border.”

This 90% statistic was, to be kind, math so shoddy a third grader should know better.

The figure was based only on guns the Mexican government sent to the ATF for tracing. On April 2, 2009, Fox News reported that, according to statistics from the Mexican government, only about a third of the guns recovered at crime scenes in Mexico are submitted to the ATF. The Mexicans, as it turns out, only send guns to the ATF they think came from the U.S. Also, many guns submitted to the ATF by the Mexicans cannot be traced. As a result, the reporters determined that only 17% of guns found at Mexican crime scenes have been traced by the ATF to the U.S.

Now, because President Obama used the made-up 90% figure to push political positions — he was using the statistic to argue that the U.S. needs more gun-control laws — it’s difficult not to sniff politics in what happened next.

'Fast And Furious' Just Might Be President Obama's Watergate

So, the fact that Obama used fudged numbers in a speech is "proof" of your wild conspiracy theory?

Take a look around, dude. Every politician in the history of this country has used bullshit statistics in speeches.

Not to strip Americans of their civil rights they haven't


No one has come for my guns, or prevented me from buying more.

I just bought the Sig Sauer take on a 1911 a week or so ago. It's a fun little gun, and it looks great.
No, because he and Holder got caught in a lie when they claimed the number of guns that were illegally exchanged when in fact they were not. It was all a lie... Just like a video


Would you care to elaborate? I can't even understand this post.

No doubt... that was Bud light lingo


For political context we now need to step back to April 16, 2009 — four or five months before we think Fast and Furious began. On this day President Barack Obama was visiting Mexico. While there he said, “This war is being waged with guns purchased not here but in the United States … more than 90% of the guns recovered in Mexico come from the United States, many from gun shops that lay in our shared border.”

This 90% statistic was, to be kind, math so shoddy a third grader should know better.

The figure was based only on guns the Mexican government sent to the ATF for tracing. On April 2, 2009, Fox News reported that, according to statistics from the Mexican government, only about a third of the guns recovered at crime scenes in Mexico are submitted to the ATF. The Mexicans, as it turns out, only send guns to the ATF they think came from the U.S. Also, many guns submitted to the ATF by the Mexicans cannot be traced. As a result, the reporters determined that only 17% of guns found at Mexican crime scenes have been traced by the ATF to the U.S.

Now, because President Obama used the made-up 90% figure to push political positions — he was using the statistic to argue that the U.S. needs more gun-control laws — it’s difficult not to sniff politics in what happened next.

'Fast And Furious' Just Might Be President Obama's Watergate

So, the fact that Obama used fudged numbers in a speech is "proof" of your wild conspiracy theory?

Take a look around, dude. Every politician in the history of this country has used bullshit statistics in speeches.

Not to strip Americans of their civil rights they haven't


No one has come for my guns, or prevented me from buying more.

I just bought the Sig Sauer take on a 1911 a week or so ago. It's a fun little gun, and it looks great.

Sig is an awesome weapon. Just last year I got the old lady the P238 Scorpion. I also have the 226 in 40

Anyway, I don't trust Obama or Hillary. I want to leave my weapons to my kids..... Worried that might not be a legal option before I expire

-Geaux ^ | April 8, 2016 | Katie Pavlich

Just moments before Attorney General Eric Holder was voted in contempt of Congress by Republicans and Democrats in June 2012 , President Obama asserted executive privilege over thousands of documents related to Operation Fast and Furious. Holder was held in contempt for stonewalling and failing to turn over the documents to the House Oversight Committee. Obama granted the executive privilege request despite claiming to have no knowledge about Operation Fast and Furious when it was active from 2009-2010.

Now after years of court battles and a federal judge striking down the executive privilege assertion, Obama has finally agreed turned them over. From POLITICO:

Four years after asserting executive privilege to block Congress from obtaining documents relating to a controversial federal gun trafficking investigation, President Barack Obama relented Friday, turning over to lawmakers thousands of pages of records that led to unusual House votes holding Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt in 2012.

Justice Department spokesman Patrick Rodenbush confirmed that the administration does not plan to appeal. He argued that Jackson's ruling validated Obama's initial claim of privilege.

“The Department of Justice is pleased that the district court ... continued to recognize that the deliberative process component of the executive privilege exists and was a valid basis for the Department to withhold certain documents when requested by the House in 2011. Although the Department disagrees with the district court's conclusion that the privilege was overcome in this particular case by disclosures and statements made in other contexts, the Department has decided not to appeal the court’s judgment and has provided a production of documents to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform," Rodenbush said in a statement.

“As we've long asserted, the Committee requires and is entitled to these documents. They are critical to the Committee’s efforts to complete meaningful oversight. The Committee has a duty to understand and shine light on what was happening inside DOJ during the time of this irresponsible operation. Yet DOJ has obstructed our investigative work for years," House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz issued in a statement. "Today, under court order, DOJ turned over some of the subpoenaed documents. The Committee, however, is entitled to the full range of documents for which it brought this lawsuit. Accordingly, we have appealed the District Court’s ruling in order to secure those additional documents.”

Operation Fast and Furious was an ATF and Department of Justice program that purposely allowed the sale and trafficking of thousands of weapons to violent Mexican drug cartels. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed by Mexican bandits in December 2010 and guns from the operation were found at the murder scene. When Sinaloa cartel leader El Chapo Guzman was captured last year, guns from the operation, including a .50 caliber rifle that was used to shoot at a police helicopter, were found in his hideout. Hundreds of Mexican citizens have been killed as a result of the program and thousands of guns are still missing and being used to carry out violent crimes in Mexico and potentially in the United States.....
You do know most any President worth being called President would have claimed executive privilege on principle alone?
In order to claim executive privilege one would have to assume that communication on the subject occurred between the object of the investigation and the President. Yet the President has claimed all along he never knew anything about it. Exactly how is EP invoked if in fact the President was not involved at all?
Eric Holder beyond the shadow of any doubt was caught perpetrating 3 feliny counts of perjury in covering for this scandal. Obama and the DOJ ensured he was not pinished, even though a bi-partisan Congress voted to Censure him, making him the 1st US AG to ever be Censured.

Obama & his administration are currently also taking steps to intervene in the on-going FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton by seeking to limit the scope of questions the FBI can ask.

My point here is that even if anything criminal was to be found in the newly released documents absolutely no steps will be taken by this administration to hold anyone accountable. This is evident based on the fact that the Obama administration has not held anyone accountable...EVER.
Me thinks that after they pour through the mountain of meaningless information providef they will say, where is this and where is that. To which no one will know. Then after the stay of execution runs out they will be found on a table in Obama's Hawaiian mansion that was bought just for him. ^ | April 8, 2016 | Katie Pavlich

Just moments before Attorney General Eric Holder was voted in contempt of Congress by Republicans and Democrats in June 2012 , President Obama asserted executive privilege over thousands of documents related to Operation Fast and Furious. Holder was held in contempt for stonewalling and failing to turn over the documents to the House Oversight Committee. Obama granted the executive privilege request despite claiming to have no knowledge about Operation Fast and Furious when it was active from 2009-2010.

Now after years of court battles and a federal judge striking down the executive privilege assertion, Obama has finally agreed turned them over. From POLITICO:

Four years after asserting executive privilege to block Congress from obtaining documents relating to a controversial federal gun trafficking investigation, President Barack Obama relented Friday, turning over to lawmakers thousands of pages of records that led to unusual House votes holding Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt in 2012.

Justice Department spokesman Patrick Rodenbush confirmed that the administration does not plan to appeal. He argued that Jackson's ruling validated Obama's initial claim of privilege.

“The Department of Justice is pleased that the district court ... continued to recognize that the deliberative process component of the executive privilege exists and was a valid basis for the Department to withhold certain documents when requested by the House in 2011. Although the Department disagrees with the district court's conclusion that the privilege was overcome in this particular case by disclosures and statements made in other contexts, the Department has decided not to appeal the court’s judgment and has provided a production of documents to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform," Rodenbush said in a statement.

“As we've long asserted, the Committee requires and is entitled to these documents. They are critical to the Committee’s efforts to complete meaningful oversight. The Committee has a duty to understand and shine light on what was happening inside DOJ during the time of this irresponsible operation. Yet DOJ has obstructed our investigative work for years," House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz issued in a statement. "Today, under court order, DOJ turned over some of the subpoenaed documents. The Committee, however, is entitled to the full range of documents for which it brought this lawsuit. Accordingly, we have appealed the District Court’s ruling in order to secure those additional documents.”

Operation Fast and Furious was an ATF and Department of Justice program that purposely allowed the sale and trafficking of thousands of weapons to violent Mexican drug cartels. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed by Mexican bandits in December 2010 and guns from the operation were found at the murder scene. When Sinaloa cartel leader El Chapo Guzman was captured last year, guns from the operation, including a .50 caliber rifle that was used to shoot at a police helicopter, were found in his hideout. Hundreds of Mexican citizens have been killed as a result of the program and thousands of guns are still missing and being used to carry out violent crimes in Mexico and potentially in the United States.....
You do know most any President worth being called President would have claimed executive privilege on principle alone?
In order to claim executive privilege one would have to assume that communication on the subject occurred between the object of the investigation and the President. Yet the President has claimed all along he never knew anything about it. Exactly how is EP invoked if in fact the President was not involved at all?

Lord Obama will tell us what applies and what does not.
Another Meme Truism....
Fast-and-furious-holder-obama-610x400.jpg ^ | April 8, 2016 | Katie Pavlich

Just moments before Attorney General Eric Holder was voted in contempt of Congress by Republicans and Democrats in June 2012 , President Obama asserted executive privilege over thousands of documents related to Operation Fast and Furious. Holder was held in contempt for stonewalling and failing to turn over the documents to the House Oversight Committee. Obama granted the executive privilege request despite claiming to have no knowledge about Operation Fast and Furious when it was active from 2009-2010.

Now after years of court battles and a federal judge striking down the executive privilege assertion, Obama has finally agreed turned them over. From POLITICO:

Four years after asserting executive privilege to block Congress from obtaining documents relating to a controversial federal gun trafficking investigation, President Barack Obama relented Friday, turning over to lawmakers thousands of pages of records that led to unusual House votes holding Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt in 2012.

Justice Department spokesman Patrick Rodenbush confirmed that the administration does not plan to appeal. He argued that Jackson's ruling validated Obama's initial claim of privilege.

“The Department of Justice is pleased that the district court ... continued to recognize that the deliberative process component of the executive privilege exists and was a valid basis for the Department to withhold certain documents when requested by the House in 2011. Although the Department disagrees with the district court's conclusion that the privilege was overcome in this particular case by disclosures and statements made in other contexts, the Department has decided not to appeal the court’s judgment and has provided a production of documents to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform," Rodenbush said in a statement.

“As we've long asserted, the Committee requires and is entitled to these documents. They are critical to the Committee’s efforts to complete meaningful oversight. The Committee has a duty to understand and shine light on what was happening inside DOJ during the time of this irresponsible operation. Yet DOJ has obstructed our investigative work for years," House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz issued in a statement. "Today, under court order, DOJ turned over some of the subpoenaed documents. The Committee, however, is entitled to the full range of documents for which it brought this lawsuit. Accordingly, we have appealed the District Court’s ruling in order to secure those additional documents.”

Operation Fast and Furious was an ATF and Department of Justice program that purposely allowed the sale and trafficking of thousands of weapons to violent Mexican drug cartels. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed by Mexican bandits in December 2010 and guns from the operation were found at the murder scene. When Sinaloa cartel leader El Chapo Guzman was captured last year, guns from the operation, including a .50 caliber rifle that was used to shoot at a police helicopter, were found in his hideout. Hundreds of Mexican citizens have been killed as a result of the program and thousands of guns are still missing and being used to carry out violent crimes in Mexico and potentially in the United States.....
You do know most any President worth being called President would have claimed executive privilege on principle alone?
Wtf is an op ed contributor? Are you some kind of important pissant or what?
No one at the ATF was fired - but some of their bosses at the Justice Dept. were.

no one was fired cant you read

Your link doesn't change the fact that McMahon and Grindler were, in fact, "asked to resign" over F&F.

I don't know what McMahon is doing, but Gary Grindler is a lobbyist now. I've met him a few times.

When were they asked to resign?

In 2012, after the OIG report came out.

I'm April 2014 The ATF director testified, under oath that no one has been fired over Fast and Furious.

ATF director: No one fired for Fast and Furious

yes no one was fired
How long did he stall it from happening. He's almost out of office now. How surprising for that so called, most transparent administration EVA

Obama is the biggest POS to ever inherit the White House. A complete embarrassing representative of America. He should be exiled to Syria where he would be welcomed with open arms. Just another Bin Laden in my book

Will the President be held accountable? Will anyone be prosecuted? Will anyone even lose their job? The answer is no. A good man was murdered by scum with weapons his own Government supplied. And no one will be held acountable. What a fuckin shame.

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