Breaking On Fox


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
There are no links yet, but Greta says FOX has emails proving that the WhiteHouse knew it was a terrorist attack as it was happening on the ground in Benghazi.
There are no links yet, but Greta says FOX has emails proving that the WhiteHouse knew it was a terrorist attack as it was happening on the ground in Benghazi.

gonna be hard for hillary to take the fall for that one.
Obamination is a criminal, he made fraudulent statements to the American public on this issue, Fast & Furious, Top Secret leaks to the NYTimes, etc.
There are no links yet, but Greta says FOX has emails proving that the WhiteHouse knew it was a terrorist attack as it was happening on the ground in Benghazi.

gonna be hard for hillary to take the fall for that one.

Supposedly terrorists were claiming credit while the attack was still happening.
You stupid pile of shit....there was nothing in the emails about a protest over a video.

The video was a fake story invented to cover up their mistakes of ignoring previous security breaches of the compound which eventually got the Ambassador killed. Also it was to cover up their REJECTION of his requests for more security.

Obamination and Hillary are criminals, and you are a fucking piece of shit.


Obama said it was an act of terror.
Urgent: Fox Exclusive: State Department mails declare al Qaeda-linked group claimed responsibility for Benghazi attack

Per Pergram-Capitol Hill

Fox has obtained a set of internal emails which declare that the group Ansar al Sharia claimed responsibility of the attack in Benghazi virtually as the raid played out on September 11th.

Ansar al Sharia has been declared by the State Department to be a an al Qaeda affiliated group. The emails were sent by the State Department to across a variety of redacted national security platforms including the White House Situation room, the Pentagon, the FBI, the Director of National Intelligence and the State Department. Fox is told that approximately 300-400 national security figures received these emails in real time almost as the raid was playing out and concluding. Fox is told that figures directly receiving these emails work directly underneath the nation’s top national security, military and diplomatic officials.

The first email indicates that Ambassador Chris Stevens and other personnel were “in the compound safe haven.”

Emails show the Obama administration knew Ansar al Sharia was behind the attack in Benghazi « Gretawire
If Obama tattooed W's on both his butt cheeks it would spell "WoW". If he stood on his head it would say "MoM".

Obama said it was an act of terror.

not quite....

now where did i hear him flat out say......

THIS was an act of terror.
THIS act was an attack of terror.

Obama did not say in his rose garden address.... THIS indecent is a terrorist attack.
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Conservative logic.

Attacking the wrong country as a result of a fully broadcasted terrorist attack which takes over a year to fully vette and kill close to 3000 Americans on American soil is okay..and in fact merits a second term for the President that presided over that disaster.

But, an attack that takes place way on the other side of the world, needs to be vetted instantly and evokes some sort of conspiracy theory for a President they don't like. In fact..during the attack..its okay for their candidate to score political points and put undue pressure on the situation.

You guys lack standards of any sort.
The CIA, British intel, etc all said Saddam had WMDs....but Bush gets blamed even today for the WMDs being not at the levels expected in Iraq.

Oh, but Obamination and his goons inventing a "video" cover story to lie about their mistakes in big deal to liberal scum.

Obama said it was an act of terror.

1) No he didn't. He was still refusing to call it a terrorist attack nearly two weeks later on the View when he was asked directly whether it was a terrorist attack or not.
2) It proves it wasn't a spontaneous act contrary to what the White House claimed
3) It proves it wasn't about a video contrary to what the White House claimed.

It proves there was as cover up
Yep....typical liberal scum.

Gotta throw out Buuuuuuush to cover for the black messiah.:eusa_whistle:

Obamination could run naked across a stage on live TV and scum like you would claim it didn't happen.

Conservative logic.

Attacking the wrong country as a result of a fully broadcasted terrorist attack which takes over a year to fully vette and kill close to 3000 Americans on American soil is okay..and in fact merits a second term for the President that presided over that disaster.

But, an attack that takes place way on the other side of the world, needs to be vetted instantly and evokes some sort of conspiracy theory for a President they don't like. In fact..during the attack..its okay for their candidate to score political points and put undue pressure on the situation.

You guys lack standards of any sort.

Obama said it was an act of terror.

So why the video story?

Could be that the intelligence at the time had the attack placed as coming from within the demonstration.

You do know that the Bush administration grabbed a guy from the Millenium Hotel who they initally thought was directing the 9/11 attacks, right? Held him for quite some time..until they got the story right.

They were wrong about the guy.

No problemo right?
Everyone knows Obama has brought a heretofore unimaginable debasement to the Office with his willingness to casually lie and mislead the American people at the drop of a hat.

The media won't challenge it because they largely created it, and his peeps just go along with it because they get them some free gubmint stuff.

Sad, really sad.

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