Breaking News November 5, 2012: More GOP Conservative Fraud Exposed

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Breaking News November 5, 2012: More GOP Conservative Fraud Exposed

Capitol Alert: FPPC says Arizona nonprofit laundered money to CA campaign

In a stunning reversal, an obscure Arizona nonprofit at the center of a legal battle over secret political contributions released on Monday morning the identity of its contributors, which it had been fighting tooth and nail to keep secret.

But the disclosure did little to shed light on who was behind the $11-million donation to a California campaign fund. The Arizona group, Americans for Responsible Leadership, identified its contributors only as other nonprofits.

The money was passed from Americans for Job Security to the Center to Protect Patient Rights to Americans for Responsible Leadership, according to state authorities. From there, the money was sent to a California campaign committee fighting Gov. Jerry Brown's tax-hike plan, Proposition 30, and pushing a separate ballot measure to curb unions' political influence, Proposition 32.

As of Sunday night, the Arizona nonprofit Americans for Responsible Leadership appeared ready to fight all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court to avoid disclosing any records to state authorities by election day on Tuesday.

The Fair Political Practices Commission has been trying for two weeks to audit the group to determine whether it is improperly shielding the identities of its donors. California regulations says contributors must be identified if they give to nonprofits with the intention of spending money on state campaigns.

Americans for Responsible Leadership reached an agreement with the commission to reveal its contributors on Monday morning, allowing state authorities to skip the audit process. However, the disclosure of more nonprofits did little to satisfy activists who were seeking contributors' true identities.
Controversial Arizona nonprofit releases name of contributors -- more nonprofits -

Money laundering again!!

November 5, 2012
FPPC says Arizona nonprofit laundered money to CA campaign

The state's campaign watchdog agency accused an Arizona nonprofit of "money laundering" to donate $11 million this month and announced that two other nonprofits - Americans for Job Security and The Center to Protect Patient Rights - routed the money.

The Americans for Job Security is a nonprofit "business league" that does not have to disclose its donors. The group has run millions of dollars in ads against President Barack Obama.

The Center to Protect Patient Rights also does not have to disclose its donors as a 501(c)4. The Center for Responsive Politics reported the group has spent millions of dollars attacking Democratic congressional candidates this year.

The Fair Political Practices Commission said in a release this morning that Americans for Responsible Leadership "sent a letter declaring itself to be the intermediary and not the true source of the contribution."

"Under California law, the failure to disclose this initially was campaign money laundering," FPPC wrote. "At $11 million, this is the largest contribution ever disclosed as campaign money laundering in California history."

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...and most of Obama's donations are from his fake Twitter followers or from overseas
poor frankie...

yeah, and sadder still is he has Infidel humping his leg


i think they're at the point where they don't even think or care about what they say.
yeah, even the noise machine is stumped on what to do...

Eight people predicting a Romney victory tomorrow

GOP Rally Round The Flag Boyos!!! :lol:

Eight people predicting a Romney victory tomorrow

Although many professional prognosticators see President Obama as the favorite tomorrow, some notable conservatives are dissenting. Their maps show everything from a slim win by Mitt Romney with 275 Electoral College votes to a 325-vote landslide, with some maps putting Wisconsin, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and even Michigan in play.

One thing these seven maps agree on, however, is a Romney win in Ohio. (Updated: Ben Domenech's map, added below, does not include Romney winning Ohio.)

Dick Morris: Romney 325, Obama 213

George F. Will: Romney 321, Obama 217

Michael Barone: Romney 315, Obama 223

Dean Chambers: Romney 311, Obama 227

Andrew Beyer: Romney 284, Obama 254

Karl Rove: Romney 279, Obama 259

Ben Domenech: Romney 278, Obama 260

Leslie Sanchez: Romney 275, Obama 263


Karl Rove’s Record Of Failed Predictions

Karl Rove: Romney 279, Obama 259
Breaking News November 5, 2012: More GOP Conservative Fraud Exposed

Capitol Alert: FPPC says Arizona nonprofit laundered money to CA campaign

In a stunning reversal, an obscure Arizona nonprofit at the center of a legal battle over secret political contributions released on Monday morning the identity of its contributors, which it had been fighting tooth and nail to keep secret.

But the disclosure did little to shed light on who was behind the $11-million donation to a California campaign fund. The Arizona group, Americans for Responsible Leadership, identified its contributors only as other nonprofits.

The money was passed from Americans for Job Security to the Center to Protect Patient Rights to Americans for Responsible Leadership, according to state authorities. From there, the money was sent to a California campaign committee fighting Gov. Jerry Brown's tax-hike plan, Proposition 30, and pushing a separate ballot measure to curb unions' political influence, Proposition 32.

As of Sunday night, the Arizona nonprofit Americans for Responsible Leadership appeared ready to fight all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court to avoid disclosing any records to state authorities by election day on Tuesday.

The Fair Political Practices Commission has been trying for two weeks to audit the group to determine whether it is improperly shielding the identities of its donors. California regulations says contributors must be identified if they give to nonprofits with the intention of spending money on state campaigns.

Americans for Responsible Leadership reached an agreement with the commission to reveal its contributors on Monday morning, allowing state authorities to skip the audit process. However, the disclosure of more nonprofits did little to satisfy activists who were seeking contributors' true identities.
Controversial Arizona nonprofit releases name of contributors -- more nonprofits -

Money laundering again!!

November 5, 2012
FPPC says Arizona nonprofit laundered money to CA campaign

The state's campaign watchdog agency accused an Arizona nonprofit of "money laundering" to donate $11 million this month and announced that two other nonprofits - Americans for Job Security and The Center to Protect Patient Rights - routed the money.

The Americans for Job Security is a nonprofit "business league" that does not have to disclose its donors. The group has run millions of dollars in ads against President Barack Obama.

The Center to Protect Patient Rights also does not have to disclose its donors as a 501(c)4. The Center for Responsive Politics reported the group has spent millions of dollars attacking Democratic congressional candidates this year.

The Fair Political Practices Commission said in a release this morning that Americans for Responsible Leadership "sent a letter declaring itself to be the intermediary and not the true source of the contribution."

"Under California law, the failure to disclose this initially was campaign money laundering," FPPC wrote. "At $11 million, this is the largest contribution ever disclosed as campaign money laundering in California history."

Read more here: Capitol Alert: FPPC says Arizona nonprofit laundered money to CA campaign

this is bigger news than many of the moonbats and wingnuts here @ USMB an imagine.

this will be cited in court cases and campaigns in the future. It's another chink in the armor of the conservative arguments that gave validity and credibility (false in my opinion ) to court cases
the republican party is in BIG trouble.

there are people watching them who can take hem to court.

they are going to get caugth this go arround

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