BREAKING: India, China, Russia do not recognize Jerusalem as the capital of 'Palestine'

I do know that using is a biased source
That's your first problem.

but the fact remains. You bit.
I showed your fake news to be fake. It was easy and took only seconds.

So, in my mind, I did win.

Every time you post fake news and obvious lies, I will try to point it out to you so you can just keep on winning. You might want to actually verify your sources and beliefs prior to posting, but that's up to you.
Oh and by the way, if you are a real Jew, why are you posting during shabbat?
I obviously do not follow all of the 613 commandments, do you? And you just showed some pretty serious bias as I was posting back and forth with Shusha. The obvious point, why did you not question her Jewishness for posting on the sabbath as well?

Or is this a distraction for your failed thread that was debunked in seconds as fake news? It's funny that you still have not updated the title of this thread to reflect reality, but I'm not surprised.

I am going to bring this over to the appropriate thread for further discussion.
I am not nor have I ever claimed to be Jewish.

You, however, have claimed to be yet stand opposed to everything the majority of Jews stand for.

And that is all.
I am a Christian. To discuss the depths of it and how it relates to the I/P situation would be for the religion section of this board.

Shusha displays plenty of traits that make me not feel the need to question her Jewishness.

You do not.
Shusha displays plenty of traits that make me not feel the need to question her Jewishness.
But your bias showed that you felt one cannot be Jewish and post on the sabbath. Are you backtracking from this claim or should you now interrogate Shusha as well?

East Jerusalem was not the Capital of “ Palestine” before 1967 and will never be. The “67 Borders” weren’t recognized then. Why should Israel recognize them now? Israel is never going to make ALL the concessions.
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I am not nor have I ever claimed to be Jewish.

You, however, have claimed to be yet stand opposed to everything the majority of Jews stand for.

And that is all.
Oh, are you Christian or Atheist? I would love you thoughts here:
This will make you go 'Hm.' Bush and Churchill, the original zionists?

And is Shusha's Jewishness in question by you as well?
Oh a Jew who quotes from a joke of an orthodox cult called "real Torah Jews", that doesn't observe Shabbat! Ha ha ha ho ho ho hee hee hee.

Ya gotta love it! Thanks for the laughs, Achmed.

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