BREAKING: House Republicans to Begin Impeachment Proceedings Against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas Over Border Crisis

Sounds like he can't make up his mind.
The video has him saying “we surge the border”… meaning the government not illegals

Yea… he stumbles over words sometimes but don’t believe ignorant lies about him
It's about cotton pickin time to impeach of this anti-White Cuban national who's hell bent on destroying the country through this invasion of third worlders, like himself. This is why we should have nothing but pure American natural born Citizens born of US Citizen parents elected to office.

When are Republicans going to vote for an appropriations bill? You know, the shit that actually increases funding for DHS, CBP, immigration officers...

You fuckers can't even agree on a Speaker, you can't agree on spending bills, but it's somehow Biden's fault the 'boardar's' open.
When are Republicans going to vote for an appropriations bill? You know, the shit that actually increases funding for DHS, CBP, immigration officers...

You fuckers can't even agree on a Speaker, you can't agree on spending bills, but it's somehow Biden's fault the 'boardar's' open.
It is Biden's fault.

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