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Another solution, I mean the Mississippi River is RIGHT THERE

And as I mentioned last night, I will never understand why this country doesn't use water cannon.

Because it reminds people of the 60s

I guarantee you if they dumped 10K gallons of water on that crowd, they'd go home. The Mississippi River is probably 40 degrees right now.
The scant few blacks around here are just shaking their heads. Then again, all of them are college students. Smarter than the average kid not there yet.
From what I gather last night was a few hundred idiots running around the streets. Sounds tonight like it's a couple dozen with the much more aggressive police force. All in all I think the authorities did well with what they could do.
Time to end the in-house terrrorism. By any means. And start arresting people!
I read somewhere but forget where, that 61 were arrested last night..ALL from Ferguson except 3. I think.
Grab the popcorn. Cool the beers.
Time to watch the Tree Dwellers do what they have done for centuries.

It's people with attitude like yours that are the cause of situations such as these. What have we, as white people done for centuries? I wonder if you would have done better if you would have had to suffer years of oppression such as they have? Your comment just shows how immature you are, or maybe you are not familiar with America's history. Or, maybe you're one of the ones that are proud of some our ancestors and their raunchy behavior?


Kerry M. writes:

Responding to your article, “We must face the fact of black racist violence against whites,” what seems to be missing in font size 18 point is that white men raped black women, men and children for over 400 years in this Caucasian dominated country. How can you write about something with such precision, yet overlook the blatant fact the white America perpetuated and inflicted this kind of humiliating violation on a people FIRST!
To remind white America of the systematic and physical lynching of the black man since he arrived on these shores and the intentional and mostly successful attempt to destroy the structure of the black family by mentally and/or physically castrating the black man would not only demand that white America be accountable and take responsibility for the monster they have created and now want to go away, but it would also demand white America’s silence.

What really pisses white America off, is that through every attempt they have made to sterilize, kill, imprison, etc., they cannot get rid of the black man and his kind. Black people built this country at the sacrifice of everything they knew to that point of crossing oceans in iron shackles… that debt has never been repaid.. not 1%. White Americans live a life of privilege and nondiscrimination in their day to day.

Amazing how they call out “Injustice” when they experience something that black America has lived with since they involuntarily set foot on American soil. They don’t understand that black people are not the problem. The problem is the self liberty of self entitled white America.

America s ongoing crimes against blacks and what it needs to do to make up for them
Grab the popcorn. Cool the beers.
Time to watch the Tree Dwellers do what they have done for centuries.

It's people with attitude like yours that are the cause of situations such as these. What have we, as white people done for centuries? I wonder if you would have done better if you would have had to suffer years of oppression such as they have? Your comment just shows how immature you are, or maybe you are not familiar with America's history. Or, maybe you're one of the ones that are proud of some our ancestors and their raunchy behavior?


Kerry M. writes:

Responding to your article, “We must face the fact of black racist violence against whites,” what seems to be missing in font size 18 point is that white men raped black women, men and children for over 400 years in this Caucasian dominated country. How can you write about something with such precision, yet overlook the blatant fact the white America perpetuated and inflicted this kind of humiliating violation on a people FIRST!
To remind white America of the systematic and physical lynching of the black man since he arrived on these shores and the intentional and mostly successful attempt to destroy the structure of the black family by mentally and/or physically castrating the black man would not only demand that white America be accountable and take responsibility for the monster they have created and now want to go away, but it would also demand white America’s silence.

What really pisses white America off, is that through every attempt they have made to sterilize, kill, imprison, etc., they cannot get rid of the black man and his kind. Black people built this country at the sacrifice of everything they knew to that point of crossing oceans in iron shackles… that debt has never been repaid.. not 1%. White Americans live a life of privilege and nondiscrimination in their day to day.

Amazing how they call out “Injustice” when they experience something that black America has lived with since they involuntarily set foot on American soil. They don’t understand that black people are not the problem. The problem is the self liberty of self entitled white America.

America s ongoing crimes against blacks and what it needs to do to make up for them
and you posted this inflammatory racist shit why?
Because you are an inflammatory racist piece of shit?
Sounds the party is starting to kick off again Ferguson. It's 11 PM there now correct? Looking at the feed and the pics, there can't be more than a few hundred rioters running around in this area. I imagine it would be easy to lock the area down when the alcohol starts peaking.

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