BREAKING: FDA to ban trans-fats

It's a good idea. That stuff is poison and should not be freely available in foods.

It makes no sense for trans-fat to be readily available for consumption while marijuana, which is totally benign, is banned.

The solution to prohibition is not more prohibition.

To a Statist is is. Intervention is absolutely an essential firearm in the arsenal. Statists are only against intervention when it produces the favoritism they long for.
It's a good idea. That stuff is poison and should not be freely available in foods.

It makes no sense for trans-fat to be readily available for consumption while marijuana, which is totally benign, is banned.

The solution to prohibition is not more prohibition.

To a Statist is is. Intervention is absolutely an essential firearm in the arsenal. Statists are only against intervention when it produces the favoritism they long for.

Better start arresting people who eat what the government tells us is unhealthy, even though their guidelines have led to rampant obesity and health issues.
Wise move.

It strikes me odd that a woman would vehemently demand that the government stay out of her body and leave her reproductive rights alone, but insist that it tell people what to do as far as their dietary habits are concerned. So what's with the double standard?

Integrity and principle aren't part of the LOLberal lexicon.

They simply base every decision on a feeling. Even if it leads to double standards or blatant hypocrisy.
dont use the federal government to decide people are not smart enough to take care of themselves.

They're not, that's why all these fat ass right wingers are driving insurance rates through the roof. If they choose not to have medical insurance and will not seek treatment for their conditions, so be it. But there is no reason why everyone has to pay for these dumbasses poor decisions.

You are a idiot.

African-American women have highest obesity rate: CDC says |

Fat black obama voters are driving rates through the roof.
Considering how fat America is, it's clear that people can't monitor what they eat. Of course what trans fats do to a person's body end up effecting the cost of healthcare for everybody because we all pay for other people's stupidity.
Next time your insurance premium goes up, go ahead and scratch your size 40 waist and bitch about the government!
You sure seem to have an obsession with gay sex. You tie it to completely unrelated things and events. WTF does it have to do with trans-fats and the FDA? Do you worry that there is a gay person behind every corner waiting to catch you unaware so he can fuck you in the ass?

Oh, you shoosh.

He dares to dream. Let the man dream!!!
Good. Trans fats are like glue in your arteries.

Then convince people not to buy products with them, dont use the federal government to decide people are not smart enough to take care of themselves.

I swear all progressive nanny-statists think we are all a bunch of fucking lemmings.

Good idea. Let's open the gates for arsenic and insecticides and diethylene glycol and e coli and salmonella and hell, let's toss narcotics in too. Let's find out what we've been missing. Expiration dates? Who needs 'em. Ingredients? Why would we not trust Big Food? What could possibly go wrong? Damn meat inspectors. Let the consumer take his chance. Then there's municipal water works-- what a waste of money.

Seriously, some of y'all cram your head WAY up your ass in the name of blind ideology.
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You mean the republican created FDA wants to ban trans fat? Yeah, there is another thread on it.
Well, the pt chosen to be ignored by the quasi-libertarians is that one really has little personal choice. You want a crisp, you're gonna get some transfat. So your market option is to not eat them. The food industry has modified to an extent, a large one at that, but there just isn't a market for people demand no trans fat. There's no market solution unless the result is to keep trans fat. And they do add to cholesterol. Our crisps and chips may suffer, however.
Considering how fat America is, it's clear that people can't monitor what they eat. Of course what trans fats do to a person's body end up effecting the cost of healthcare for everybody because we all pay for other people's stupidity.
Next time your insurance premium goes up, go ahead and scratch your size 40 waist and bitch about the government!

If you really think banning trans fat will make people thinner then you are totally delusional.
Good. Trans fats are like glue in your arteries.

Then convince people not to buy products with them, dont use the federal government to decide people are not smart enough to take care of themselves.

I swear all progressive nanny-statists think we are all a bunch of fucking lemmings.

Good idea. Let's open the gates for arsenic and insecticides and diethylene glycol and e coli and salmonella and hell, let's toss narcotics in too. Let's find out what we've been missing. Expiration dates? Who needs 'em. Ingredients? Why would we not trust Big Food? What could possibly go wrong? Damn meat inspectors. Let the consumer take his chance. Then there's municipal water works-- what a waste of money.

Seriously, some of y'all cram your head WAY up your ass in the name of blind ideology.

Nice argumentum ad abusrdum. I shouldn't waste my time responding but:

How do all those actual poisions compare to something the human body is more than capable of digesting, but MAY cause increases in heart disease risks in some people?

Making someone put ingridents on a box is not banning the item.

Meat inspection for classification is paid by the industry and helps them, doesnt hurt them.

but keep being a pompous snarky jackass, it does you wonders.
Well, the pt chosen to be ignored by the quasi-libertarians is that one really has little personal choice. You want a crisp, you're gonna get some transfat. So your market option is to not eat them. The food industry has modified to an extent, a large one at that, but there just isn't a market for people demand no trans fat. There's no market solution unless the result is to keep trans fat. And they do add to cholesterol. Our crisps and chips may suffer, however.


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