Breaking: Election fraud put Obama on ballot in 2008


its one state and Obama is still president.

Now that you accepot court documents lets talk the decades of court documents wheich prove the republican party cheats to win elecctions by stopping Americans from voting

and truthmatters once again shows what a hack she is. when dems are what...but holy hellfire if this had been a republican

you're sad TM
is it decades long proof that the dems cheat from the very top down?

How is me saying Im fine with these people being prosicuted and convicted me being partisan?

I said that you fucking asshole.

Now you cant use this evidence in this story unless you accept all the evidence I have given you for years now and YOU have pretended wasnt real.

they are the same levels of evidence you fucking idiot
Yours, and the hyper-partisan article writers interjections are NOT evidence.. as stated... there was no conviction of anything about racism or fraud.. there was nothing that stated anything but ALLEGATIONS (you do know what alleged means, don't you?) and there was nothing that stated that the claim of intent was proven to be anything but what the REP officials said it was...

Your bullshit has been continually caught on this, bitch.... your insinuations are not 'court documented' convictions, truth, or fact.. they are simply your inane ramblings... your shit has continually been exposed....

Give it up skanktard
court documents you Idiot.

the evidence is in the court records

No.. I pointed out even where the judge used 'alleged' in their ruling....

The court documents did not disprove the stated intent of the REP officials in this... as stated, you ignorant twat, outcome does not inherently correlate to intent or motivation.... the intent was SPECIFICALLY explained as proving that a person registered to vote was indeed residing where they said they were

Now... go play in traffic you ignorant pigwhore

And now more splattercasting accusations...

Now ANY voter or voter registration fraud that is convicted and proven is WRONG.. and you will not see me state otherwise...

You harp on allegations and ignore convictions of actual felonies... because of your ignorant hyper-partisan agenda

Go choke on methhead weiner, bitch... your bullshit has been exposed yet again
see what the republican will do folks.

deny the very same evidence they want you to believe when it suits them.

They have no commitment to the truth
did they get arrested and convicted?

dude this is low level bullshit that was a primary petition.

YOur party cheats VOTERS out of their votes.

mountains of court documented evidence that spans decades

Did they get arrested and convicted?


Without the primary they cannot get elected to anything thanks to the system the two parties have set up to control everything. I remember all the complainst that Hillary filed about the way the Obama campaign railroaded the primaries and the caucus votes, do you?
not once has TM condemned this election fraud by members of her own party. nope...they get a freakin pass and all she can do is cut and paste her bullshit about pub cheating.

fuck you, you partisan hack

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