BREAKING: E-mails Show Lois Lerner Intentionally Sought to Hide Information from Cong

and watch it all fizzle out as they come up with nothing but evidence backing away from right wing conspiracies?

are you nuts!


Don't hold your breath.


Being cautious about what one says and warning others to do so is now a capital crime?


It's called "obstructing a congressional investigation."

Specifically since she mentioned "I was cautioning folks about email and how we have had several occasions where Congress has asked for emails and there has been an electronic search for responsive emails--so we need to be cautious about what we say in emails."

Do you read, or do you simply react?

Allen West? This the same guy who says he has a higher security clearance than the President/CinC? :eek:
The defenders of corruption and fraud continuously astound me! Sit there and watch recorded video of a legitimate investigation into lawlessness in their party administration and deny its content based on the presenter. No wonder the liberal side of life is so fucked up.

The Times? The Washington Times is hardly referred to by sane people as 'The Times'

....and your replies to this evidence of long suspected illegal activity in the present admin are hardly referred to by sane people as coming from one of our own.
Don't hold your breath.


Being cautious about what one says and warning others to do so is now a capital crime?


It's called "obstructing a congressional investigation."

Specifically since she mentioned "I was cautioning folks about email and how we have had several occasions where Congress has asked for emails and there has been an electronic search for responsive emails--so we need to be cautious about what we say in emails."

Do you read, or do you simply react?

There was NO congressional investigation at the time was there?

Allen West? This the same guy who says he has a higher security clearance than the President/CinC? :eek:
The defenders of corruption and fraud continuously astound me! Sit there and watch recorded video of a legitimate investigation into lawlessness in their party administration and deny its content based on the presenter. No wonder the liberal side of life is so fucked up.

The Times? The Washington Times is hardly referred to by sane people as 'The Times'

....and your replies to this evidence of long suspected illegal activity in the present admin are hardly referred to by sane people as coming from one of our own.

"long suspected" just like with birth certificates and citizenship?
I love this! Liberals are hanging themselves, in November when democrats lose big time. I cannot wait, Reid sounds like a little bitch. Anyway when republicans take over, even Obama won't be invincible anyone.
Being cautious about what one says and warning others to do so is now a capital crime?


It's called "obstructing a congressional investigation."

Specifically since she mentioned "I was cautioning folks about email and how we have had several occasions where Congress has asked for emails and there has been an electronic search for responsive emails--so we need to be cautious about what we say in emails."

Do you read, or do you simply react?

There was NO congressional investigation at the time was there?

Uhh, yeah, there was. If you would pull your head out of your posterior, you'd know that:

" we have had several occasions where Congress has asked for emails and there has been an electronic search for responsive emails"

Also, there have been Congressional investigations as far back as March of 2012, when a Congressional Committee subpoenaed Douglas Shulman over the IRS targeting of conservative groups. The investigations were in full swing by April of 2013. Congress launches preliminary investigations before convening a hearing. That's the part you don't see, and that's the part Lerner is referring to. A hearing was convened on May 22nd, 2013. Less than a month after she wrote that e-mail.

Wider Problems Found at IRS - WSJ

You fail.
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Allen West? This the same guy who says he has a higher security clearance than the President/CinC? :eek:

it doesn't matter to them. they're compulsive liars anyway, so why wouldn't they quote compulsive liars.

Oh please. This whole administration has given new meaning to the term pathological liar.
Being cautious about what one says and warning others to do so is now a capital crime?


It's called "obstructing a congressional investigation."

Specifically since she mentioned "I was cautioning folks about email and how we have had several occasions where Congress has asked for emails and there has been an electronic search for responsive emails--so we need to be cautious about what we say in emails."

Do you read, or do you simply react?

There was NO congressional investigation at the time was there?

Yeah there was. :cuckoo:
It's called "obstructing a congressional investigation."

Specifically since she mentioned "I was cautioning folks about email and how we have had several occasions where Congress has asked for emails and there has been an electronic search for responsive emails--so we need to be cautious about what we say in emails."

Do you read, or do you simply react?

There was NO congressional investigation at the time was there?

Yeah there was. :cuckoo:

As I just duly explained.
....and your replies to this evidence of long suspected illegal activity in the present admin are hardly referred to by sane people as coming from one of our own.

your mistake is in thinking this is evidence of anything other than being cautious about what you put in emails because it could end up in the congressional record and part of a witch hunt.

being cautious and conscious of what can happen with your emails is not illegal.
Allen West? Damn, it must be true...

I beg your pardon. I was under the mistaken impression that you gave oral favors to just ANY good looking Black man.

Apparently they have to be of the slick, Con Man variety and will lie to your face and make you like it in order to earn your approval, eh?
....and your replies to this evidence of long suspected illegal activity in the present admin are hardly referred to by sane people as coming from one of our own.

your mistake is in thinking this is evidence of anything other than being cautious about what you put in emails because it could end up in the congressional record and part of a witch hunt.

being cautious and conscious of what can happen with your emails is not illegal.

Yeeeeeah...okey dokey.:cuckoo:
....and your replies to this evidence of long suspected illegal activity in the present admin are hardly referred to by sane people as coming from one of our own.

your mistake is in thinking this is evidence of anything other than being cautious about what you put in emails because it could end up in the congressional record and part of a witch hunt.

being cautious and conscious of what can happen with your emails is not illegal.

:lol::lol::lol: Actually, yes it is. It's called "Obstruction of Justice"

18 U.S. Code Chapter 73 - OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE | LII / Legal Information Institute

And it was further aggravated by Conspiracy...

18 U.S. Code § 371 - Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States | LII / Legal Information Institute

Before you further make a fool of yourself I suggest you read the statutes. The Congressmen are building a very nice case in the Public Record that will see a whole bunch of Obama Admin people prosecuted.

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