Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church


Let me see he has a gun by his testicles and he has a Red neck flag must be a Liberal waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Yes...only a stupid lefty would use a gun like that........

he seems to be threatening those plants...
American conservatives are right wing racist bigots and frightened little ninnies....

sorry, you libs have demonstrated that you are the bigots here.

this one shooter is not representative of the American south and only a bigot would claim otherwise.
the same folks who scream that Democrats are coddling the Negro with "free shit" are also screaming that the preferred party of someone like the Right wing neo confederate goofy gun nut who slaughtered 9 Blacks is the Democratic party...I bet that beats all you all ever saw...

fringe racist white hate groups have no love for the gop.

and why should they?

the gop has been pro-civil rights the whole way back, and up to present day.
Odd that the NYTimes didn't identify the website or print any of the other pictures it describes. I don't doubt that the guy is a nut, but I can't imagine he was publicly display hat weapon in that manner.

Yeah they made it all shopped the deal..sure sure LOL

Such a proud southerner simply displaying the flag of southern culture.

if the unibomber didn't taint environmentalism with his murders, why should this guy taint the flag with his?

Let me see he has a gun by his testicles and he has a Red neck flag must be a Liberal waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Only a week ago, that picture would make him a rightwing hero
He still is a teaper hero....they are just pussies and wont admit it
The most they will say is that Blacks are killing whites a defense for the 9 homicides...

link, who is defending his homicides?
Odd that the NYTimes didn't identify the website or print any of the other pictures it describes. I don't doubt that the guy is a nut, but I can't imagine he was publicly display hat weapon in that manner.

Yeah they made it all shopped the deal..sure sure LOL

Such a proud southerner simply displaying the flag of southern culture.

if the unibomber didn't taint environmentalism with his murders, why should this guy taint the flag with his?
That is the flag of Slavers of white Supremacists ...what Environmentalist group was Unabomber with ?

Let me see he has a gun by his testicles and he has a Red neck flag must be a Liberal waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Only a week ago, that picture would make him a rightwing hero
He still is a teaper hero....they are just pussies and wont admit it
The most they will say is that Blacks are killing whites a defense for the 9 homicides...

link, who is defending his homicides?
This morning the killing of whites by Blacks was being used to deflect....its all over these threads
Dylann Storm Roof Photos Found on Website

COLUMBIA, S.C. — A website with a white supremacist manifesto features dozens of photos of Dylann Storm Roof, the man accused of killing nine people at a church in Charleston, S.C., posing with weapons, burning an American flag and visiting Southern historic sites and Confederate soldiers’ graves
He looks like one of those Duke boys, from The Dukes of Hazard

"Just a good ole boy, never doin no harm"

based on what?

his skin color?

the flag?

Let me see he has a gun by his testicles and he has a Red neck flag must be a Liberal waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Only a week ago, that picture would make him a rightwing hero
He still is a teaper hero....they are just pussies and wont admit it
The most they will say is that Blacks are killing whites a defense for the 9 homicides...

link, who is defending his homicides?
This morning the killing of whites by Blacks was being used to deflect....its all over these threads

this thread has wondered all over the place.

no one is defending this guy or his actions.

if you think they are, link to show it.

otherwise, you are the one who is reading in stuff that is not there.

it is part of your closed mind.

these people disagree with you, they must be evul.
American conservatives are right wing racist bigots and frightened little ninnies....

sorry, you libs have demonstrated that you are the bigots here.

this one shooter is not representative of the American south and only a bigot would claim otherwise.

Not so fast...

Council of Conservative Citizens

The manifesto refers to the council as a source of research into "black on White crime." The council is a conservative group with white supremacist leanings, considered by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) to be part of the "neo-confederate movement." It was founded by members of Citizens' Councils of America, also known as White Citizens Councils, a confederation of segregationist groups active until the 1970s. In more recent years, the Council of Conservative Citizens has made the news when it was revealed that former US Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott had given speeches to the group. It was also extremely active in the demonstrations to keep the Confederate battle flag flying over the state capitol of South Carolina between 1993 and 2000.

john hinkley was motived because he knew that he and jodie foster had something going.

sane people should not be held responsible for the delusions of the mad.
Except that the actions of Roof are rooted in a matrix of political beliefs that are shared by many such as conservative right wingers the backbone of the GOP...nobody shared any of the Hinkley beliefs about Jody Foster

think try to think
American conservatives are right wing racist bigots and frightened little ninnies....

sorry, you libs have demonstrated that you are the bigots here.

this one shooter is not representative of the American south and only a bigot would claim otherwise.

Not so fast...

Council of Conservative Citizens

The manifesto refers to the council as a source of research into "black on White crime." The council is a conservative group with white supremacist leanings, considered by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) to be part of the "neo-confederate movement." It was founded by members of Citizens' Councils of America, also known as White Citizens Councils, a confederation of segregationist groups active until the 1970s. In more recent years, the Council of Conservative Citizens has made the news when it was revealed that former US Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott had given speeches to the group. It was also extremely active in the demonstrations to keep the Confederate battle flag flying over the state capitol of South Carolina between 1993 and 2000.


find a more credible source to link senior gop leaders to organizations that are advocating violence right now, and i will look into it.

right now, to many times this turns out to be a complete lie for me to dig into it.

And that is what it comes down to

South Carolina fought to fly that flag to placate the racists in the state wishing to refight the Civil War. You can be sure the members of Emanuel AME opposed the flying of that flag

The little fucker had that wonderful flag on his license plate

the confederate flag has been a harmless symbol of southern regional pride for generations.

as demonstrated by the success of the dukes of hazzard tv show.

Yeah, those rednecks flying the confederate flag are all about history. lol

The simple fact is that the confederate flag, in addition to being a foreign flag of a nation that only existed in war against the US, has been co-opted by ignorant, redenck racists.

The swastika is an ancient simple, and is "holy" in some religious cultures. But since WWII it has been almost exclusively used as a symbol of hatred. That is what it has become. The confederate flag is the same thing.

Don't like that? Blame the KKKers who created the hatred that it has come to symbolize.
The White Supremacists use two loser flags, the Swastika & the Confederate flag .. pitiful.

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