Breaking: (Bwa-hahaha) Sean Hannity is the mystery 3rd client of Cohen

Did the whore Daniels fuck Putin? I thought this was a “Russia Election Meddling” Investigation? Nope. Just a partisan witch hunt. That’s ok. Anybody with any common sense knows the DNC was hacked because of Hillary and her campaign staffs lack of internet security by individuals.

Trump learned ya new vernacular, no wonder you’re grateful. Deep state ... fake news ... alternative facts ...

Regardless ... all Republicans.

Democrats are just sittin’ Back with our feet up, tossing back kernels of popcorn — and laughing.

Whatever amuses you is fine with me..................

2016 election ....Dark money at over 3 Billion.................they spent all that money without wanting anything in return.......perhaps your dumb enough to believe that....................

Enjoy the show.............Your side will not like the next eat your popcorn like a good little liberal.
Democrats have flipped 40 Republican seats since twump became president. How many seats have Republicans flipped? Any??

Better hurry up and get more illegals that and it's in the bag for

Illegal aliens can’t vote. Trumps own commission proved that. those districts with 150% turn out...............Nothing to see there.......

Sell that Manure to someone else..............
Hey, it ain’t my fault you’re too ignorant to know that trump disbanded his own investigation team, looking for illegals who voted, when they couldn’t find evidence that any illegals voted.
It won't be long before you jokers start calling for any political opponents to be rounded up and put into Hillary's "fun camps".
Oops, I think maybe you are having a stroke. You see, it was you Trumpkins calling for people to be locked up...and your candidate joined in the chants...

Have we ever had a president advocate publicly to lock a private citizen up? No....but we have never had a president that admires Dictators, Authoritarians, and Strong Men.

Dictators advocate locking up their opponents. It started in the campaign and he is still pushing the Authoritarian stance.

He shouts and raves while waving his hands to bring his crowds to a euphoric peak of emotion. It seems I have seen a man do this 1930's Germany....
You know, while I don't really think that Hannity broke any laws, I'm still wondering why he had Cohen as a lawyer?

What's more, why does Hannity feel a need to proclaim his innocence about anything wrong? Does he have a guilty conscience?
It won't be long before you jokers start calling for any political opponents to be rounded up and put into Hillary's "fun camps".
Oops, I think maybe you are having a stroke. You see, it was you Trumpkins calling for people to be locked up...and your candidate joined in the chants...

Have we ever had a president advocate publicly to lock a private citizen up? No....but we have never had a president that admires Dictators, Authoritarians, and Strong Men.

Dictators advocate locking up their opponents. It started in the campaign and he is still pushing the Authoritarian stance.

He shouts and raves while waving his hands to bring his crowds to a euphoric peak of emotion. It seems I have seen a man do this 1930's Germany....

Obambi locked up the guy who made an anti-islam video.
What law did Sean Hannity break?
^^^ yet even more conservative brain rot.

Who said Hannity broke s law??
Then why is he the focus of conversation? What did he do wrong?
His actions were unethical.

You have to admit, for a Democrat to accuse anyone else of being unethical is hysterical!
Funny how that seems to escape those who do such things without thought of. The very term hipocrite is triggered everytime one hears such a thing knowing what the Demon-crats advocate for themselves in their policies, and within their actions during their reign of power given them..
I thought this was a “Russia Election Meddling” Investigation?
Then you haven't been paying attention. It is also an investigation into whether or not the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government, with the investigator having broad mandate to investigate any related criminal activity and to refer evidence of unrelated criminal activity to the justice department and stateslevel offices.
I thought this was a “Russia Election Meddling” Investigation?
Then you haven't been paying attention. It is also an investigation into whether or not the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government, with the investigator having broad mandate to investigate any related criminal activity and to refer evidence of unrelated criminal activity to the justice department and stateslevel offices.
Related -Is the key word. If conducting a witch hunt for unrelated material, then Mueller fails.
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Related -Is the key word. If conducting a witch hunt for unrelated material, then Mueller fails
Haha...this statement would imply that you are waiting for available evidence to make your determination, instead of the truth...
Which is that your mind has been made up from day one.

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