BREAKING: Biden Almost Falls Down Air Force One Stairs Shortly After Report Reveals Secret Mission to Prevent Old Joe From Falling!

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
There are millions of people out there who are clearly either not mentally fit to vote or that exist entirely in a corporate TV bubble. You're not as cognizant as a housecat if you can look around this country, and even the world, and objectively conclude the potato's impact has been positive.

Or you're in on the crime and receive your sustainment in life from the nanny state and don't give a shit how much suffering the public has to endure because of your greed and egocentricity.

Guess who's going to suffer the most when we're tapped out and go Galt whether we like it or not? How much livestock you got? Hope your HOA lets you hunt squirrels. Imagine if Venezuelans were as armed as we are with half the people starving to death.

He is practicing for the stunt where he falls and breaks enough things that he has to withdraw from 2024.
If the walking dead and pedophilia mated....

And THAT (and Kumala) was the cream of the crop for the party that likes to fuck kids....

stolen election asterisk.jpg
Here we go again. This is pitiful. I think after Thanksgiving he's going to bow out. He's not mentally fit or physically fit to be president.

Those were the short stairs, too. The ones they use for loading wheelchairs and coffins.

Guess who's going to suffer the most when we're tapped out and go Galt whether we like it or not?
The inner cities will become so savage that people will have trouble escaping them. Those who are used to being fed, sheltered, and given cash each month will spread out into the exurbs, then the more rural areas. By the time they make their way to the sticks, only the most brutal of them will be left. Anyone who isn't ready by that time will be consumed by them like a crop taken by locusts.
The inner cities will become so savage that people will have trouble escaping them. Those who are used to being fed, sheltered, and given cash each month will spread out into the exurbs, then the more rural areas. By the time they make their way to the sticks, only the most brutal of them will be left. Anyone who isn't ready by that time will be consumed by them like a crop taken by locusts.
Cannibalism. No food stamps required.
Here is another one, wait......that's tuberville.
I suppose Tommy was just 'acting'. LLOLLOLLOLL

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That's not Tuberville. Nice try, though, dipshit.
Hey MM, quit being a PUSSY and come back and apologize for being wrong by calling me a liar by stating "That's not Tuberville"

Why are you dodging marvin martian ?
Cuz you're a TROLL that can't back up it's statements.

C'mon dude, A REAL Texan would man up.
That's not Tuberville. Nice try, though, dipshit.
Hey Troll.
Did you figure out who the person was in the video?
The one falling down the stairs.

Oh, it was Tommy Tuberville........ will you admit it and that you LIED?
You won't, your a >>>>>>>>>.

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