Brave White Couple Peacefully Paints Over Giant Black Lives Matter Lettering on California Street, Are Now Wanted By Police

With all the opportunities and necessities to actually lead, Trump is staking his election and legacy to saving confederate statues and calling Black Libes Matter a symbol of hate. And you idiots are applauding him.

Do you think this is a winning platform in 2020? Can his stance persuade?

BLM is a hate group. They are wrecking havoc----death and destruction in
my city out of "LOVE"? As to saving statues----I am all for it. Destruction of
art is what fascists do MLK committed adultery------should streets and parks and art devoted to him be smeared with dog shit? Malcolm X was a pimp. There is all kinds of stuff named for that dirty pimp in my town. There are lots of politicos prostituting themselves to the filth of BLM to the detriment of the entire city's population. The police department has been weakened in order to aid the filth of BLM. Of course the real issue is POPULIST POLITICS------BREAD AND CIRCUSES -----buy the gutter votes
Whataboutism indicates a moral equivalence and therefore no criticism is dismissible. It also does not excuse the actions of slave holding traitors.
Including Maryland slave owners during the civil war?
Slave holding was never right and cannot be rationalized by anyone with a shred of morality.
The Bible often referred to slavery as an accepted norm, a class thing.
Doesn’t make it right at all.
But intentionally excluding context per slavery for the purpose of a narrative is worse than excusing slavery itself.

depends on which bible. The slavery described in the OT was more like bonded servitude----limited to seven years. The slavery to which St Paul referred was the roman form----chattel slavery. -----there were some permutations. In the OT it was definitely not a "class" thing---ie ---there was no slave class
Exactly right. Biblical "slavery" to pay off a debt to the VICTIM is a far better system of justice than incarcerating MILLIONS for a time which accomplishes NOTHING but to harden criminals and make them an unemployable class.
With all the opportunities and necessities to actually lead, Trump is staking his election and legacy to saving confederate statues and calling Black Libes Matter a symbol of hate. And you idiots are applauding him.

Do you think this is a winning platform in 2020? Can his stance persuade?
Of course it's a winning platform.
You are claiming that BLM does not represent hate ? (against whites and police)
Better than 70% of all Americans agree with Black Lives Matter! Only racists see hatred in their message. Do you think that Black Lives should matter?

And confederate flags? Really? That's the hill to die on? The confederate flag is 2020's turd in the punch bowl! Do you think a candidate is served well by protecting confederate flags?
With all the opportunities and necessities to actually lead, Trump is staking his election and legacy to saving confederate statues and calling Black Libes Matter a symbol of hate. And you idiots are applauding him.

Do you think this is a winning platform in 2020? Can his stance persuade?
Of course it's a winning platform.
You are claiming that BLM does not represent hate ? (against whites and police)
Better than 70% of all Americans agree with Black Lives Matter! Only racists see hatred in their message. Do you think that Black Lives should matter?

And confederate flags? Really? That's the hill to die on? The confederate flag is 2020's turd in the punch bowl! Do you think a candidate is served well by protecting confederate flags?
Of course more than 70% agree with the statement that black lives matter. That doesn't mean that more than 70% of Americans agree with the Marxist anti-police group BLM. Do you believe that 70% of Americans want to defund the police? Do you believe it is racist to say "All lives matter"?
With all the opportunities and necessities to actually lead, Trump is staking his election and legacy to saving confederate statues and calling Black Libes Matter a symbol of hate. And you idiots are applauding him.

Do you think this is a winning platform in 2020? Can his stance persuade?
Of course it's a winning platform.
You are claiming that BLM does not represent hate ? (against whites and police)
Better than 70% of all Americans agree with Black Lives Matter! Only racists see hatred in their message. Do you think that Black Lives should matter?

And confederate flags? Really? That's the hill to die on? The confederate flag is 2020's turd in the punch bowl! Do you think a candidate is served well by protecting confederate flags?
Of course more than 70% agree with the statement that black lives matter. That doesn't mean that more than 70% of Americans agree with the Marxist anti-police group BLM. Do you believe that 70% of Americans want to defund the police? Do you believe it is racist to say "All lives matter"?
I believe it is telling that only racists want to discredit BLM as "Marxist" and "anti-police". Where'd you hear that? Talk radio or Fox?
Better than 70% of all Americans agree with Black Lives Matter! Only racists see hatred in their message. Do you think that Black Lives should matter?

And confederate flags? Really? That's the hill to die on? The confederate flag is 2020's turd in the punch bowl! Do you think a candidate is served well by protecting confederate flags?
FALSE! BLM is in favor of defunding police. You wanna talk about "70% of all Americans", do you ? They OPPOSE the defunding of police (perhaps BLM's most controversial issue)

BLM ARE racists, and only anti-white racists DO NOT see hatred in their messages (ex. Support for racist Affirmative Action, and reparations for blacks)

YES, I KNOW that "a candidate is served well by protecting confederate flags" That's because my brain has not been programmed into mush, by leftist BS media, like yours apparently is. It's also because I live in the South, and I see the Confederate flag 100 times everyday, on girls' bikinis, handbags, license plates, coffee mugs, hats, jackets, key chains, post cards, you name it. All having to do with southern identity pride and culture, not the confederacy ie slavery, as you have been brainwashed into belkieving.

Also, in the South we have hundreds of Confederate graveyards where 300,000 southern soldiers are buried who only did their job DEFENDING their homes and towns from attack. These graveyards are revered by southerners both black and white, all of whom wear the colors of the Confederate flag. In what ignorant state do YOU live in ?







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Better than 70% of all Americans agree with Black Lives Matter! Only racists see hatred in their message. Do you think that Black Lives should matter?

And confederate flags? Really? That's the hill to die on? The confederate flag is 2020's turd in the punch bowl! Do you think a candidate is served well by protecting confederate flags?
FALSE! BLM is in favor of defunding police. You wanna talk about "70% of all Americans", do you ? They OPPOSE the defunding of police (perhaps BLM's most controversial issue)

BLM ARE racists, and only anti-white racists DO NOT see hatred in their messages (ex. Support for racist Affirmative Action, and reparations for blacks)

YES, I KNOW that "a candidate is served well by protecting confederate flags" That's because my brain has not been programmed into mush, by leftist BS media, like yours apparently is. It's also because I live in the South, and I see the Confederate flag 100 times everyday, on girls' bikinis, handbags, license plates, coffee mugs, hats, jackets, key chains, post cards, you name it. All having to do with southern identity pride and culture, not the confederacy ie slavery, as you have been brainwashed into belkieving.

Also, in the South we have hundreds of Confederate graveyards where 300,000 southern soldiers are buried who only did their job DEFENDING their homes and towns from attack. These graveyards are revered by southerners both black and white, all of whom wear the colors of the Confederate flag. In what ignorant state do YOU live in ?

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70% of Americans aren't ignorant hillbilly knuckle dragging backwoods racists.
I believe it is telling that only racists want to discredit BLM as "Marxist" and "anti-police". Where'd you hear that? Talk radio or Fox?
Are you kidding ? Ha ha. Never ceases to amaze me how information-deprived liberals are, but then when they restrict themselves to liberal OMISSION media, that will always happen.

EARTH TO NK : BLM is a running dog dirty work group for the Democratic Party, you don't know ? Donations$$$$ to BLM get diverted straight to the Democratic Party.

I believe it is telling that only racists want to discredit BLM as "Marxist" and "anti-police". Where'd you hear that? Talk radio or Fox?
Are you kidding ? Ha ha. Never ceases to amaze me how information-deprived liberals are, but then when they restrict themselves to liberal OMISSION media, that will always happen.

EARTH TO NK : BLM is a running dog dirty work group for the Democratic Party, you don't know ? Donations$$$$ to BLM get diverted straight to the Democratic Party.

The first step is to minimalist and demonize minority groups. Racist minions are consistent.

Nobody is buying the klan line on the north bank of the Ohio.
70% of Americans aren't ignorant hillbilly knuckle dragging backwoods racists.
Whoever they are, they oppose BLM, their Democrat bosses, and their ludicrous policy of defunding police. Americans are for DEFENDING police, not defunding them.

They're not ignorant, CNN/MSNBC brainwashed, anthem-kneeling, Affirmative Action supporting, anti-white racist, robots. :biggrin:
This is disgusting! Defacing statues of heroic patriotic White men is okay but God forbid you paint over Black Lives Matter lettering on a public street gets you wanted by law enforcement.

Gateway Pundit. Almost certainly fake news.
The first step is to minimalist and demonize minority groups. Racist minions are consistent.

Nobody is buying the klan line on the north bank of the Ohio.
The first step is to minimalist and demonize whites and police. Racist minions are consistent.

Nobody is buying the BLM line anywhere in America, no matter how the leftist media tries to paint it up with their BS "polls"
I'm specifically addressing racists in my post. If you took umbrage, I'm sorry for the confusion.
YOU are the racist in this thread. You support BLM, and I'll bet you support Affirmative Action discrimination against whites, too. Betcha.
70% of Americans aren't ignorant hillbilly knuckle dragging backwoods racists.
Whoever they are, they oppose BLM, their Democrat bosses, and their ludicrous policy of defunding police. Americans are for DEFENDING police, not defunding them.

They're not ignorant, CNN/MSNBC brainwashed, anthem-kneeling, Affirmative Action supporting, anti-white racist, robots. :biggrin:
Of course you don't understand what defunding the olice means. All those banjos and fiddles droning on in that vacant skull makes new nformatin impossible.

Nobody is eager to put on a robe and hood, fire up a pos pickup truck and roar into the night as racist cowards do. The confederacy was treason, racism and cowardice. And losers! Not your heritage at all, unless you want to be associated with treasonous, racist losers!
I'm specifically addressing racists in my post. If you took umbrage, I'm sorry for the confusion.
YOU are the racist in this thread. You support BLM, and I'll bet you support Affirmative Action discrimination against whites, too. Betcha.
You're goddamn right I support BLM and AffirmatAction! I do NOT support the White Supremacy crap you espouse!
So let's review. Trump's presidency has exposed him as grossly incompetent and corrupt. He gets the Russians to help in his campaign, he fires the FBI Director for opening an investigation into that matter. His NSA Director lies to the FBI and admits such in court, then Trump puts him above the law, Trump cages kids, calls neo-Nazis 'very fine people, extorts Ukraine, ignores warnings of bounties on our troops, mismanaged a pandemic and gasses peaceful protesters for the sake of a photo op.

And, as a result, he is less popular than ever with four months till the election. What's he to do?

Double down on culture wars by being overtly racist.

And the racists eat it up by the spoonful. Black Lives Matter and you mouth breathing, hood wearing racist idiots take it as an insult.
I think you may have just set a USMB record for the most lies in a single post.
Because you live in an echo chamber you have NO IDEA how many people are chomping at the bit to rid our country of Trump and neuter the racists who support him.
BLM is a racist hate group that murders Policemen.
Mainstream Voters can't wait to vote the Dems out of power.
70% of Americans aren't ignorant hillbilly knuckle dragging backwoods racists.
Whoever they are, they oppose BLM, their Democrat bosses, and their ludicrous policy of defunding police. Americans are for DEFENDING police, not defunding them.

They're not ignorant, CNN/MSNBC brainwashed, anthem-kneeling, Affirmative Action supporting, anti-white racist, robots. :biggrin:
Of course you don't understand what defunding the olice means. All those banjos and fiddles droning on in that vacant skull makes new nformatin impossible.

Nobody is eager to put on a robe and hood, fire up a pos pickup truck and roar into the night as racist cowards do. The confederacy was treason, racism and cowardice. And losers! Not your heritage at all, unless you want to be associated with treasonous, racist losers!
Defunding the police means exactly what those words mean. Well, that was too honest an admission, so it had to be walked back. So some are now saying that "defunding the police" means shifting some funds from the police to other social services.......Give Me A Break!
So let's review. Trump's presidency has exposed him as grossly incompetent and corrupt. He gets the Russians to help in his campaign, he fires the FBI Director for opening an investigation into that matter. His NSA Director lies to the FBI and admits such in court, then Trump puts him above the law, Trump cages kids, calls neo-Nazis 'very fine people, extorts Ukraine, ignores warnings of bounties on our troops, mismanaged a pandemic and gasses peaceful protesters for the sake of a photo op.

And, as a result, he is less popular than ever with four months till the election. What's he to do?

Double down on culture wars by being overtly racist.

And the racists eat it up by the spoonful. Black Lives Matter and you mouth breathing, hood wearing racist idiots take it as an insult.
I think you may have just set a USMB record for the most lies in a single post.
Because you live in an echo chamber you have NO IDEA how many people are chomping at the bit to rid our country of Trump and neuter the racists who support him.
BLM is a racist hate group that murders Policemen.
Mainstream Voters can't wait to vote the Dems out of power.
Racists seek first to demonize anything in opposit.

Mainstream voters? Do you think the American mainstream voter is so stupid they will ignore or excuse the ineptitude and corruption of Trump and his complicit Republicans?

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