Bradley Manning's Typical Day

"PFC Manning is held in his cell for approximately 23 hours a day.

"The guards are required to check on PFC Manning every five minutes by asking him if he is okay. PFC Manning is required to respond in some affirmative manner.

"At night, if the guards cannot see PFC Manning clearly, because he has a blanket over his head or is curled up towards the wall, they will wake him in order to ensure he is okay.

"He receives each of his meals in his cell.

"He is not allowed to have a pillow or sheets.

"However, he is given access to two blankets and has recently been given a new mattress that has a built-in pillow.

He is not allowed to have any personal items in his cell.

He is only allowed to have one book or one magazine at any given time to read in his cell.

"The book or magazine is taken away from him at the end of the day before he goes to sleep.

"He is prevented from exercising in his cell.

"If he attempts to do push-ups, sit-ups, or any other form of exercise he will be forced to stop.

"He does receive one hour of 'exercise' outside of his cell daily.

"He is taken to an empty room and only allowed to walk. PFC Manning normally just walks figure eights in the room for the entire hour.

"If he indicates that he no long feels like walking, he is immediately returned to his cell."

Law Office of...

Looks like he's being treated very humanely. So far the system is working.

If he is in fact blowing the whistle on egregious and illegal acts by the former administration the truth will indeed set him free. The best way to approach this is by working the process as is currently being done.

Kinda strange that so far no smoking gun has been found though, if I were the one in possession of such information I'd open strong and put it out front. But since I don't know his strategy, all I can say is that a true patriot will accept the consequences of his actions in the pursuit of his end goal so that's what Manning should do. I'm glad his basic needs are being accommodated and I pray for him.
The closest thing to a smoking gun that I'm aware of that Manning's revealed was published last July in

"The Guardian provides a helpful interactive map, in which you click on a location and read the 'incident report.'

'Of course, you’re reading a selection of what the Guardian editors consider important, but it looks to me like their news judgment isn’t bad at all, because the first one I clicked on was an intelligence report detailing meetings of the Taliban with Osama bin Laden in Quetta, Pakistan, and in villages on the border with Afghanistan.

"So, bin Laden is not only alive, but they know where he is.

"I guess when Hillary was hectoring the Pakistanis about the whereabouts of bin Laden, the subtext was: 'If we know, then you must know, too!'”

Bradley Manning's Gift
People make choices in life every day.

This moron made a choice. I don't really care what his reasons were.

Choices have consequences. In his case it will probably be life at hard labor in Leavenworth.

Couldn't happen to a more deserving moron.
52 years if convicted.

If Manning deserves 52 years, how much time should the architects of the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars serve?

How many innocent humans have died from Manning's actions so far?

Both wars were approved by Congress.

According to your logic anyone who voted for these wars is a war criminal and should be prosecuted.

Civilians die in all wars. From the first war ever fought to present day.

Perhaps we should prosecute all leaders who are still alive after WWII. How many civilians were killed in that war?

Manning deliberatly released the intel. He didn't give a rats ass who could be killed or harmed because of his breach of security.

Here's hoping he spends the next 52 years behind bars. He can ponder his decision and the consequences of his decision. Hope he rots.
Both wars were approved by a congress that receives almost all its campaign funds from the US investor class. That class invests heavily in wars that kill civilians at a 10:1 ratio to armed combatants.

Since the US invasion of Iraq one in four Iraqis has been killed, maimed, displaced or incarcerated.

I would call that a war crime.

Would you?
The closest thing to a smoking gun that I'm aware of that Manning's revealed was published last July in

"The Guardian provides a helpful interactive map, in which you click on a location and read the 'incident report.'

'Of course, youÂ’re reading a selection of what the Guardian editors consider important, but it looks to me like their news judgment isnÂ’t bad at all, because the first one I clicked on was an intelligence report detailing meetings of the Taliban with Osama bin Laden in Quetta, Pakistan, and in villages on the border with Afghanistan.

"So, bin Laden is not only alive, but they know where he is.

"I guess when Hillary was hectoring the Pakistanis about the whereabouts of bin Laden, the subtext was: 'If we know, then you must know, too!'”

Bradley Manning's Gift


Whilst I commend your tenacity, on an agenda I have mixed feeling on, although I believe he should be sanctioned for exposing his country, you're quoting a far-right newspaper that, along with its sister paper, The Observer - both belong to Guardian Media Group - that's objected to the coalition offensive in both Iraq and Afghanistan since the invasion of Afghanistan. This blatantly bias material you're using as your source material could be construed as you skewing the argument by citing sources that present the argument in your favour.
The closest thing to a smoking gun that I'm aware of that Manning's revealed was published last July in

"The Guardian provides a helpful interactive map, in which you click on a location and read the 'incident report.'

'Of course, youÂ’re reading a selection of what the Guardian editors consider important, but it looks to me like their news judgment isnÂ’t bad at all, because the first one I clicked on was an intelligence report detailing meetings of the Taliban with Osama bin Laden in Quetta, Pakistan, and in villages on the border with Afghanistan.

"So, bin Laden is not only alive, but they know where he is.

"I guess when Hillary was hectoring the Pakistanis about the whereabouts of bin Laden, the subtext was: 'If we know, then you must know, too!'”

Bradley Manning's Gift

Knowing where someone was at some point in time is not the same as knowing where he is.
52 years if convicted.

If Manning deserves 52 years, how much time should the architects of the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars serve?

How many innocent humans have died from Manning's actions so far?

Both wars were approved by Congress.

According to your logic anyone who voted for these wars is a war criminal and should be prosecuted.

Civilians die in all wars. From the first war ever fought to present day.

Perhaps we should prosecute all leaders who are still alive after WWII. How many civilians were killed in that war?

Manning deliberatly released the intel. He didn't give a rats ass who could be killed or harmed because of his breach of security.

Here's hoping he spends the next 52 years behind bars. He can ponder his decision and the consequences of his decision. Hope he rots.
Both wars were approved by a congress that receives almost all its campaign funds from the US investor class. That class invests heavily in wars that kill civilians at a 10:1 ratio to armed combatants.

Since the US invasion of Iraq one in four Iraqis has been killed, maimed, displaced or incarcerated.

I would call that a war crime.

Would you?


Sorry. Ain't buying your investor class bs either.

Congress approved both wars. Don't think there are any war crime charges there at all.

Civilians have been killed in war since time immemorial and will continue to be killed in every war that comes down the pike.

Its a fact. No one likes it. But. It. Is. A. Fact.
The closest thing to a smoking gun that I'm aware of that Manning's revealed was published last July in

"The Guardian provides a helpful interactive map, in which you click on a location and read the 'incident report.'

'Of course, youÂ’re reading a selection of what the Guardian editors consider important, but it looks to me like their news judgment isnÂ’t bad at all, because the first one I clicked on was an intelligence report detailing meetings of the Taliban with Osama bin Laden in Quetta, Pakistan, and in villages on the border with Afghanistan.

"So, bin Laden is not only alive, but they know where he is.

"I guess when Hillary was hectoring the Pakistanis about the whereabouts of bin Laden, the subtext was: 'If we know, then you must know, too!'”

Bradley Manning's Gift


Whilst I commend your tenacity, on an agenda I have mixed feeling on, although I believe he should be sanctioned for exposing his country, you're quoting a far-right newspaper that, along with its sister paper, The Observer - both belong to Guardian Media Group - that's objected to the coalition offensive in both Iraq and Afghanistan since the invasion of Afghanistan. This blatantly bias material you're using as your source material could be construed as you skewing the argument by citing sources that present the argument in your favour.

"War is necrophilia."

I have never seen war.
I'm relying on Chris Hedges for the observation above and those that follow:

"War perverts and destroys you.

"It pushes you closer and closer to your own annihilation—spiritual, emotional and, finally, physical.

"It destroys the continuity of life, tearing apart all systems, economic, social, environmental and political, that sustain us as human beings.

"War is necrophilia.

"The essence of war is death.

"War is a state of almost pure sin with its goals of hatred and destruction.

"It is organized sadism. War fosters alienation and leads inevitably to nihilism.

"It is a turning away from the sanctity of life."

If Bradley Manning and the far right press can reveal war's true cost to those who blindly follow the flag they were born under, both deserve my full support and gratitude.

I hope you'll consider the "stark, dreadful and inescapable choice" that Einstein and Russell warned about 55 years ago:

"Shall we put an end to the human race; or shall mankind renounce war."

Bitter Memories
The closest thing to a smoking gun that I'm aware of that Manning's revealed was published last July in

"The Guardian provides a helpful interactive map, in which you click on a location and read the 'incident report.'

'Of course, youÂ’re reading a selection of what the Guardian editors consider important, but it looks to me like their news judgment isnÂ’t bad at all, because the first one I clicked on was an intelligence report detailing meetings of the Taliban with Osama bin Laden in Quetta, Pakistan, and in villages on the border with Afghanistan.

"So, bin Laden is not only alive, but they know where he is.

"I guess when Hillary was hectoring the Pakistanis about the whereabouts of bin Laden, the subtext was: 'If we know, then you must know, too!'”

Bradley Manning's Gift

Knowing where someone was at some point in time is not the same as knowing where he is.
At "some point in time" it "was known" where bin Laden "is."

Possibly at multiple times since 911 the US National Security State has known where to find bin Laden and chosen not to.

Maybe he's worth more alive than dead to those who profit from the War on Terror?
Both wars were approved by Congress.

According to your logic anyone who voted for these wars is a war criminal and should be prosecuted.

Civilians die in all wars. From the first war ever fought to present day.

Perhaps we should prosecute all leaders who are still alive after WWII. How many civilians were killed in that war?

Manning deliberatly released the intel. He didn't give a rats ass who could be killed or harmed because of his breach of security.

Here's hoping he spends the next 52 years behind bars. He can ponder his decision and the consequences of his decision. Hope he rots.
Both wars were approved by a congress that receives almost all its campaign funds from the US investor class. That class invests heavily in wars that kill civilians at a 10:1 ratio to armed combatants.

Since the US invasion of Iraq one in four Iraqis has been killed, maimed, displaced or incarcerated.

I would call that a war crime.

Would you?


Sorry. Ain't buying your investor class bs either.

Congress approved both wars. Don't think there are any war crime charges there at all.

Civilians have been killed in war since time immemorial and will continue to be killed in every war that comes down the pike.

Its a fact. No one likes it. But. It. Is. A. Fact.
Would your opinion of the US invasion of Iraq be any different if you had been born in that country?

You point out how civilians have always been killed in wars.

Can you explain why any investor class should profit from "sophisticated forms of industrial killing" that harvest civilian lives at a 10:1 ratio to actual combatants?

"War, once it begins, fuels new and bizarre perversities, innovative forms of death to ward off the boredom of routine death.

"This is why we would drive into towns in Bosnia and find bodies crucified on the sides of barns or decapitated, burned and mutilated.

"That is why those slain in combat are treated as trophies by their killers, turned into grotesque pieces of performance art.

"I met soldiers who carried in their wallets the identity cards of men they killed.

"They showed them to me with the imploring look of a lost child."

Bradley Manning for whatever reasons has chosen to reveal war to those who fund and support it.

For that reason alone, he's a hero.

Bitter Memories

I'm saying it's possible to prosecute him for his crime AND learn about the much greater crimes committed by our government.

You still don't get it do you? As much as *I* rail against government and thier misdeeds against Liberty?

The fact is? He was granted access to sensitive information with the precursor, that he was responsible for not divuldging the information by contract...agreement.

That is the LAW...he is accused of violating that contract...which has penalties he knew going this case the UCMJ.

Despite his feelings ...his quarrel with a lover...ill will toward his superior officers...he knew the price...regardless.

Want this practice ceased? Petition your Congresscritters. Until then? He has to pay the price no matter what his feelings are or how many assholes in Gubmint it exposes to your delight or anyone else's.

Get it yet?
It looks like they are trying to destroy him:

Brad Manning Has Rights! by Karen Kwiatkowski

Keeping secrets – shutting down critics and eliminating public dissent – is the lifeblood of the state, and a reliable marker of totalitarianism. The mistreatment of Brad Manning while in military custody continues. As with others before him, Manning may be permanently physically and psychologically damaged before it’s over. This calculated destruction of a real human being is no accident. It is a widely practiced technique of despotic government at any level – whether in a disturbed family, in a prison or mental hospital, or by a government ostensibly put in place through a democratic process. Despotic government is sustained by silence, by blindness, by fear. It is destroyed by shared truth, by open eyes, and by a few courageous souls to lead the way.

Thus, Brad Manning is made out to be a different kind of criminal, one far more deadly to the state than international spies, profiteers, murderers and cheats. He angered the state when he exposed a few of its many crimes. Instead of thanking Brad Manning for revealing weaknesses in their secret-keeping mechanisms – the state became enraged and violent, and now demands his moral and spiritual destruction. Inseparable from Washington’s call for Brad Manning’s continued torture and deprivation of rights is Washington’s public political cheerleading for the detention and death of Australian Julian Assange.

The state believes that Brad Manning’s death, though tragic, will save lives of those the state deems valuable. Washington believes that Julian Assange’s death, while unfortunate, is necessary to maintain good order and discipline among the ruled.

I guess if I believed in our Jewish mission in the Middle East, I'd seek his death.

Since I don't, I'm glad he's fucking things up.
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"Ellsberg said he frequently hears people praise his 1971 leak of the Pentagon's secret history of the Vietnam War while condemning the WikiLeaks disclosures.

"The 79-year-old former military analyst rejected that argument, calling Manning a 'brother' who, if he indeed provided the documents to WikiLeaks, committed 'a very admirable act.'

"And he said the government is wrong to pursue criminal charges against Assange, comparing him to New York Times and Washington Post journalists who have published information from classified documents.

"'Anybody who believes Julian Assange can be distinguished from The New York Times ... is on a fool's errand,' Ellsberg said.

"Ellsberg once faced criminal charges over his leak, but they were thrown out by a judge."

Daniel Ellsberg Defends

he needs to see his psychiatrist again...apples and oranges.

I'm saying it's possible to prosecute him for his crime AND learn about the much greater crimes committed by our government.

You still don't get it do you? As much as *I* rail against government and thier misdeeds against Liberty?

The fact is? He was granted access to sensitive information with the precursor, that he was responsible for not divuldging the information by contract...agreement.

That is the LAW...he is accused of violating that contract...which has penalties he knew going this case the UCMJ.

Despite his feelings ...his quarrel with a lover...ill will toward his superior officers...he knew the price...regardless.

Want this practice ceased? Petition your Congresscritters. Until then? He has to pay the price no matter what his feelings are or how many assholes in Gubmint it exposes to your delight or anyone else's.

Get it yet?
"We swiftly deform ourselves, our essence, in war. We give up individual conscience—maybe even consciousness—for the contagion of the crowd and the intoxication of violence."

Bitter Memories

Maybe you don't want to get it?

Your government is committing no greater misdeed than the deliberate murder of civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Bradley Manning has chosen to sacrifice his freedom by speaking out against our "intoxication with violence." If that violates a legal contract or agreement with those who direct the killing innocent civilians for money, his support of a Greater Law and individual conscience gives Manning the moral high ground, in my opinion.

"Shall we put an end to the human race; or shall mankind renounce war?" (Albert Einstein & Bertrand Russell, 1955)
It looks like they are trying to destroy him:

Brad Manning Has Rights! by Karen Kwiatkowski

Keeping secrets – shutting down critics and eliminating public dissent – is the lifeblood of the state, and a reliable marker of totalitarianism. The mistreatment of Brad Manning while in military custody continues. As with others before him, Manning may be permanently physically and psychologically damaged before it’s over. This calculated destruction of a real human being is no accident. It is a widely practiced technique of despotic government at any level – whether in a disturbed family, in a prison or mental hospital, or by a government ostensibly put in place through a democratic process. Despotic government is sustained by silence, by blindness, by fear. It is destroyed by shared truth, by open eyes, and by a few courageous souls to lead the way.

Thus, Brad Manning is made out to be a different kind of criminal, one far more deadly to the state than international spies, profiteers, murderers and cheats. He angered the state when he exposed a few of its many crimes. Instead of thanking Brad Manning for revealing weaknesses in their secret-keeping mechanisms – the state became enraged and violent, and now demands his moral and spiritual destruction. Inseparable from Washington’s call for Brad Manning’s continued torture and deprivation of rights is Washington’s public political cheerleading for the detention and death of Australian Julian Assange.

The state believes that Brad Manning’s death, though tragic, will save lives of those the state deems valuable. Washington believes that Julian Assange’s death, while unfortunate, is necessary to maintain good order and discipline among the ruled.

I guess if I believed in our Jewish mission in the Middle East, I'd seek his death.

Since I don't, I'm glad he's fucking things up.
Some of Manning's friends and visitors are reporting his failing health and also state harassment directed at themselves.

Bradley Manning's Health

"According to David House, a computer researcher from Boston who visits Manning twice a month, he is starting to deteriorate.

'"Over the last few weeks I have noticed a steady decline in his mental and physical wellbeing,' he said.

"'His prolonged confinement in a solitary holding cell is unquestionably taking its toll on his intellect; his inability to exercise due to [prison] regulations has affected his physical appearance in a manner that suggests physical weakness.'"

"House said many people were reluctant to talk about Manning's condition because of government harassment, including surveillance, warrantless computer seizures, and even bribes.

'"This has had such an intimidating effect that many are afraid to speak out on his behalf,' House said."

If that Jewish mission in the Middle East culminates with civil war in Israel, we're all fucked, I guess.
Care to respond to this opinion?

"Army Specialist Bradley Manning, the intelligence analyst who leaked the 'Collateral Murder' video of US pilots shooting down Iraqi civilians (including two Reuters photographers) in cold blood, is finally being charged.

"For revealing to the American people the truth about what’s going on in Iraq, Manning faces horrendous legal consequences – nearly sixty years in prison if convicted on all counts.

"One of the charges, incredibly, is espionage.

"He was a 'spy,' according to the US government – for letting Americans in on the 'secret' that we are committing war crimes in Iraq, and around the world."

Bradley Manning...
Sure. It's stupid America-hating moonbat horseshit.
The closest thing to a smoking gun that I'm aware of that Manning's revealed was published last July in

"The Guardian provides a helpful interactive map, in which you click on a location and read the 'incident report.'

'Of course, youÂ’re reading a selection of what the Guardian editors consider important, but it looks to me like their news judgment isnÂ’t bad at all, because the first one I clicked on was an intelligence report detailing meetings of the Taliban with Osama bin Laden in Quetta, Pakistan, and in villages on the border with Afghanistan.

"So, bin Laden is not only alive, but they know where he is.

"I guess when Hillary was hectoring the Pakistanis about the whereabouts of bin Laden, the subtext was: 'If we know, then you must know, too!'”

Bradley Manning's Gift


Whilst I commend your tenacity, on an agenda I have mixed feeling on, although I believe he should be sanctioned for exposing his country, you're quoting a far-right newspaper that, along with its sister paper, The Observer - both belong to Guardian Media Group - that's objected to the coalition offensive in both Iraq and Afghanistan since the invasion of Afghanistan. This blatantly bias material you're using as your source material could be construed as you skewing the argument by citing sources that present the argument in your favour.

"War is necrophilia."

I have never seen war.
I'm relying on Chris Hedges for the observation above and those that follow:

"War perverts and destroys you.

"It pushes you closer and closer to your own annihilation—spiritual, emotional and, finally, physical.

"It destroys the continuity of life, tearing apart all systems, economic, social, environmental and political, that sustain us as human beings.

"War is necrophilia.

"The essence of war is death.

"War is a state of almost pure sin with its goals of hatred and destruction.

"It is organized sadism. War fosters alienation and leads inevitably to nihilism.

"It is a turning away from the sanctity of life."

If Bradley Manning and the far right press can reveal war's true cost to those who blindly follow the flag they were born under, both deserve my full support and gratitude.

I hope you'll consider the "stark, dreadful and inescapable choice" that Einstein and Russell warned about 55 years ago:

"Shall we put an end to the human race; or shall mankind renounce war."

Bitter Memories
War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.

--John Stuart Mill​
Looks like Mill nailed your stupid coward moonbat ass to the wall.

I'm saying it's possible to prosecute him for his crime AND learn about the much greater crimes committed by our government.

You still don't get it do you? As much as *I* rail against government and thier misdeeds against Liberty?

The fact is? He was granted access to sensitive information with the precursor, that he was responsible for not divuldging the information by contract...agreement.

That is the LAW...he is accused of violating that contract...which has penalties he knew going this case the UCMJ.

Despite his feelings ...his quarrel with a lover...ill will toward his superior officers...he knew the price...regardless.

Want this practice ceased? Petition your Congresscritters. Until then? He has to pay the price no matter what his feelings are or how many assholes in Gubmint it exposes to your delight or anyone else's.

Get it yet?
"We swiftly deform ourselves, our essence, in war. We give up individual conscience—maybe even consciousness—for the contagion of the crowd and the intoxication of violence."

Bitter Memories

Maybe you don't want to get it?

Your government is committing no greater misdeed than the deliberate murder of civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Bradley Manning has chosen to sacrifice his freedom by speaking out against our "intoxication with violence." If that violates a legal contract or agreement with those who direct the killing innocent civilians for money, his support of a Greater Law and individual conscience gives Manning the moral high ground, in my opinion.

"Shall we put an end to the human race; or shall mankind renounce war?" (Albert Einstein & Bertrand Russell, 1955)

And you don't get The RULE OF LAW.

Don't like it? PRESS to CHANGE IT.

Get it?
"Ellsberg said he frequently hears people praise his 1971 leak of the Pentagon's secret history of the Vietnam War while condemning the WikiLeaks disclosures.

"The 79-year-old former military analyst rejected that argument, calling Manning a 'brother' who, if he indeed provided the documents to WikiLeaks, committed 'a very admirable act.'

"And he said the government is wrong to pursue criminal charges against Assange, comparing him to New York Times and Washington Post journalists who have published information from classified documents.

"'Anybody who believes Julian Assange can be distinguished from The New York Times ... is on a fool's errand,' Ellsberg said.

"Ellsberg once faced criminal charges over his leak, but they were thrown out by a judge."

Daniel Ellsberg Defends

he needs to see his psychiatrist again...apples and oranges.
Ellsberg pointed out the lies US elites told about the American invasion of South Vietnam in the same way Manning is showing our lies about Iraq and Afghanistan.

Care to respond to this opinion?

"Army Specialist Bradley Manning, the intelligence analyst who leaked the 'Collateral Murder' video of US pilots shooting down Iraqi civilians (including two Reuters photographers) in cold blood, is finally being charged.

"For revealing to the American people the truth about what’s going on in Iraq, Manning faces horrendous legal consequences – nearly sixty years in prison if convicted on all counts.

"One of the charges, incredibly, is espionage.

"He was a 'spy,' according to the US government – for letting Americans in on the 'secret' that we are committing war crimes in Iraq, and around the world."

Bradley Manning...
Sure. It's stupid America-hating moonbat horseshit.
Moonbats shit stupid American horses?

Who knew?

If you can get past your programmed reflex of instantly rejecting any criticism of America, let me hear your solution to Chris Hedges's struggle to find the words to describe war's reality.

"It is as if the wider culture sucked the words out from us and left us to sputter incoherencies.

"How can you speak meaningfully about organized murder?"

Bitter Memories
Care to respond to this opinion?

"Army Specialist Bradley Manning, the intelligence analyst who leaked the 'Collateral Murder' video of US pilots shooting down Iraqi civilians (including two Reuters photographers) in cold blood, is finally being charged.

"For revealing to the American people the truth about what’s going on in Iraq, Manning faces horrendous legal consequences – nearly sixty years in prison if convicted on all counts.

"One of the charges, incredibly, is espionage.

"He was a 'spy,' according to the US government – for letting Americans in on the 'secret' that we are committing war crimes in Iraq, and around the world."

Bradley Manning...
Sure. It's stupid America-hating moonbat horseshit.
Moonbats shit stupid American horses?

Who knew?

If you can get past your programmed reflex of instantly rejecting any criticism of America....
That's rich, coming from someone with a programmed reflex of instantly criticizing America.
...let me hear your solution to Chris Hedges's struggle to find the words to describe war's reality.

"It is as if the wider culture sucked the words out from us and left us to sputter incoherencies.

"How can you speak meaningfully about organized murder?"

Bitter Memories
My solution? Easy: "Learn the difference between killing and murder, you moron."

No charge.