BOYCOTT APPLE: Apple CEO Tim Cook Defends Globalization in China Speech

james bond

Gold Member
Oct 17, 2015
Apple is facing political pressure in the U.S. to bring back factories.

Apple is the richest corporation in California and in the top 5 richest in the United States. It keeps its cash in accounts offshore claiming it's a global corporation in order to avoid taxes. It's time Apple and Tim Cook helps his country and help their citizens by bringing manufacturing jobs back to his country. This was never the case for the past eight+ years because of Obama and the liberals claiming globalization will make everyone better off. It was a lie. They also wanted for a way to bring in illegal aliens and not account for them to vote for the Democrats. So why is Cook still defending globalization when it already has made he and his company rich beyond their wildest dreams? This was the mantra of the Democrats. Now we have a Republican as POTUS. It's time Apple starts supporting their country and bringing the jobs and Apple cash back here. The company has to pay their fair share in taxes.

This has affected me personally as I have seen American friends and co-workers who are legal citizens lose their jobs to green card contractors from India, Philippines and Russia. I'm usually not in favor of boycotts, but what else can legal citizens do when their leaders did not care about their well-being for nearly a decade?

"Apple Inc.’s Chief Executive Tim Cook defended globalization in a rare public speech in China, as his company faces political pressure in the U.S. to bring back factories.

Mr. Cook also said data privacy was one of the company’s values, although he stopped short Saturday of criticizing decryption demands from governments as Apple has previously in the U.S. It was his first time speaking at the China Development Forum, an annual conference sponsored by China’s central government. It came as part of a broader charm offensive in China as Apple announced two new research centers.

Mr. Cook said in his hourlong session that globalization “in general is great for the world,” but gains aren’t evenly distributed within countries. While he said this was a problem, he cautioned against countries retreating from globalization as a response.

“I think the worst thing would be to—because it didn’t help everyone—is to say it’s bad and do less of that,” said Mr. Cook. “I think the reality is you can see that countries in the world…that isolate themselves, it’s not good for their people.”

U.S. President Donald Trump has made American manufacturing revival a key goal and has called on Apple to bring back iPhone production. That has raised concerns in China, the main manufacturing base for Apple and many other global companies.

Mr. Cook didn’t directly address the issue of bringing production back to the U.S. Saturday, beyond his defense of globalization. Analysts have said it would be difficult to make iPhones in the U.S. in a cost-effective way, although it might be possible to move limited production of other Apple products back."

Hope you can read the full article:
Apple CEO Tim Cook Defends Globalization in China Speech
You can't boycott "Apple" any more than you can boycott electricity unless you prefer to move off the grid. The best you can do is to recognize how flawed these people are and keep it in mind when they promote a (democrat) candidate.
You can't boycott "Apple" any more than you can boycott electricity unless you prefer to move off the grid. The best you can do is to recognize how flawed these people are and keep it in mind when they promote a (democrat) candidate.

I'm not aware of any Apple monopoly. They have competition in everything they do. The only thing they seem to do well is keep their customers locked into their Apple systems once you buy an Apple product. Is that what you're talking about? Well, stop buying Apple products and eventually you'll see that other products and systems work just fine and you can move everything you have on their cloud to other clouds or hardware.
One of the horrid things Apple has done is claim that when your someone dies, then their ownership reverts to them. One cannot leave your account of media purchases such as music to an heir.
Apple is facing political pressure in the U.S. to bring back factories.

Apple is the richest corporation in California and in the top 5 richest in the United States. It keeps its cash in accounts offshore claiming it's a global corporation in order to avoid taxes. It's time Apple and Tim Cook helps his country and help their citizens by bringing manufacturing jobs back to his country. This was never the case for the past eight+ years because of Obama and the liberals claiming globalization will make everyone better off. It was a lie. They also wanted for a way to bring in illegal aliens and not account for them to vote for the Democrats. So why is Cook still defending globalization when it already has made he and his company rich beyond their wildest dreams? This was the mantra of the Democrats. Now we have a Republican as POTUS. It's time Apple starts supporting their country and bringing the jobs and Apple cash back here. The company has to pay their fair share in taxes.

This has affected me personally as I have seen American friends and co-workers who are legal citizens lose their jobs to green card contractors from India, Philippines and Russia. I'm usually not in favor of boycotts, but what else can legal citizens do when their leaders did not care about their well-being for nearly a decade?

"Apple Inc.’s Chief Executive Tim Cook defended globalization in a rare public speech in China, as his company faces political pressure in the U.S. to bring back factories.

Mr. Cook also said data privacy was one of the company’s values, although he stopped short Saturday of criticizing decryption demands from governments as Apple has previously in the U.S. It was his first time speaking at the China Development Forum, an annual conference sponsored by China’s central government. It came as part of a broader charm offensive in China as Apple announced two new research centers.

Mr. Cook said in his hourlong session that globalization “in general is great for the world,” but gains aren’t evenly distributed within countries. While he said this was a problem, he cautioned against countries retreating from globalization as a response.

“I think the worst thing would be to—because it didn’t help everyone—is to say it’s bad and do less of that,” said Mr. Cook. “I think the reality is you can see that countries in the world…that isolate themselves, it’s not good for their people.”

U.S. President Donald Trump has made American manufacturing revival a key goal and has called on Apple to bring back iPhone production. That has raised concerns in China, the main manufacturing base for Apple and many other global companies.

Mr. Cook didn’t directly address the issue of bringing production back to the U.S. Saturday, beyond his defense of globalization. Analysts have said it would be difficult to make iPhones in the U.S. in a cost-effective way, although it might be possible to move limited production of other Apple products back."

Hope you can read the full article:
Apple CEO Tim Cook Defends Globalization in China Speech

Can I be counted in the boycott if I've never bought an Apple product in my life and have no plans to do so?
The favored company of the liberals only cares about profit and keeping up slave labor wage rates in China.

What a surprise.
Apple is facing political pressure in the U.S. to bring back factories.

Apple is the richest corporation in California and in the top 5 richest in the United States. It keeps its cash in accounts offshore claiming it's a global corporation in order to avoid taxes. It's time Apple and Tim Cook helps his country and help their citizens by bringing manufacturing jobs back to his country. This was never the case for the past eight+ years because of Obama and the liberals claiming globalization will make everyone better off. It was a lie. They also wanted for a way to bring in illegal aliens and not account for them to vote for the Democrats. So why is Cook still defending globalization when it already has made he and his company rich beyond their wildest dreams? This was the mantra of the Democrats. Now we have a Republican as POTUS. It's time Apple starts supporting their country and bringing the jobs and Apple cash back here. The company has to pay their fair share in taxes.

This has affected me personally as I have seen American friends and co-workers who are legal citizens lose their jobs to green card contractors from India, Philippines and Russia. I'm usually not in favor of boycotts, but what else can legal citizens do when their leaders did not care about their well-being for nearly a decade?

"Apple Inc.’s Chief Executive Tim Cook defended globalization in a rare public speech in China, as his company faces political pressure in the U.S. to bring back factories.

Mr. Cook also said data privacy was one of the company’s values, although he stopped short Saturday of criticizing decryption demands from governments as Apple has previously in the U.S. It was his first time speaking at the China Development Forum, an annual conference sponsored by China’s central government. It came as part of a broader charm offensive in China as Apple announced two new research centers.

Mr. Cook said in his hourlong session that globalization “in general is great for the world,” but gains aren’t evenly distributed within countries. While he said this was a problem, he cautioned against countries retreating from globalization as a response.

“I think the worst thing would be to—because it didn’t help everyone—is to say it’s bad and do less of that,” said Mr. Cook. “I think the reality is you can see that countries in the world…that isolate themselves, it’s not good for their people.”

U.S. President Donald Trump has made American manufacturing revival a key goal and has called on Apple to bring back iPhone production. That has raised concerns in China, the main manufacturing base for Apple and many other global companies.

Mr. Cook didn’t directly address the issue of bringing production back to the U.S. Saturday, beyond his defense of globalization. Analysts have said it would be difficult to make iPhones in the U.S. in a cost-effective way, although it might be possible to move limited production of other Apple products back."

Hope you can read the full article:
Apple CEO Tim Cook Defends Globalization in China Speech

Can I be counted in the boycott if I've never bought an Apple product in my life and have no plans to do so?

I don't see why not.

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