Boy balls sucking Merkel regime annuls election using threats


Nov 14, 2012
Whether you are left or right leaning, you should always know that the regime of the boy fuckers and their "parties" are after your skin, they are after your hair, after your eyes. They also were after your asshole but since you learned to read, no longer.
In Thuringia, Germany, a new Prime Minister was elected. The drug and rapists´ lobby that rules the state was shocked. With a single vote ahead, the right-leaning camp of that lobby elected a new Prime Minister but that happened with the votes of the AfD,
That was too much for boy lovers. Although one of them was elected it happened with the votes of the "Nazis", the AfD, basically a CDU/FDP refresh, and when there is brown stuff dripping from the boy rosette, that doesn´t taste so good for the democraps.

"The poll was unforgivable. The result must be revoked. It was a bad day for the democracy."

The regime has activated its goons and the new Prime Minister Kemmerich (FDP) received hate mails and threatening letters. He resigned after three days.

Thüringen: Merkel fordert Annullierung der Wahlergebnisse
Nach Eklat in Thüringen: FDP-Politiker Thomas Kemmerich tritt nun doch zurück
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FDJ commie Merkel has extremely successfully transformed Germany to DDR 2.0
Anything is prohibited, 'medias' are more lying as DDR's ones, opposition to the new SED - CSUCDUFDPSPDGreensLefts can be beaten or murdered by Merkel's tonton macoutas - Antifa.
DDR 2.0 is finished politically and economically, 90% of Germans are dumb, most of sane folks flee from DDR 2.0 in droves

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