Germany: The results of 'election' have been accidentally showed two day before. DNC can learn something from Merkel


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Biden can relax, like all another election thieves. Germany shows how election can be stolen (s.below). There is no control for votes counting system, so the DDR 2.0 regime can put any results as it pleases. By the way ARD is analogue CNN in Germany, the TV Chanel # 1. Observation of 'election' gives nothing because there is no control for summarizing of votes in computer systems. Just for remembrance the election in USA was stolen by usage of fishy servers in Frankfurt/Main which obviously Merkel uses for herself and her political band.Just imagine what would happen when a such 'glitch' happens somewhere in Russia, Belarus or another independent from the West countries.

Translation from German

Has ARD now already decided the outcome of the Bundestag election? Many citizens are irritated after "Das Erste" already showed a "projection" at 6:30 p.m. on Friday evening, according to which the AfD was supposed to get only 10.5% of the vote. Left-wing tax-funded NGOs can't decide whether election fraud is possible or not.
The fade-in occurred on the ticker tape of the quiz program "Gefragt, Gejagt" at 18:30, and showed a "projection" from 17:46 with 22.1% for the CDU, 22.7% for the SPD, 10.5% for the AfD and 13.2% for the FDP. "Before the results for the Left Party and the Greens were faded in, ARD already switched off the ticker tape," writes BILD.
According to ARD, it was just a glitch during a test run for election Sunday: "It was a technical test of the election crawl, which was supposed to be made in the inactive broadcasting area in preparation for election Sunday, but went on air due to a switching error. It was an oversight for which we apologize," the BILD newspaper quotes the head of the ARD broadcasting center Holger Lichtenthäler.
Even if it was just a mishap, the figures, which have been reduced for the AfD, show what kind of esprit de corps prevails at ARD, which is supposedly committed to party-political neutrality.
Also legally obligated to party-political neutrality, tax-funded NGOs like "Correctiv" and "Amadeu-Antonio-Stiftung" have been blatantly campaigning against the AfD for months, warning of allegedly dubious donations or influence from Russia that could influence the election.
At the same time, "Belltower News" warns the "Amadeu-Antonio-Stiftung" of the "great fairy tale of election fraud" that the AfD has allegedly been spreading for months. Do the possibly illegally tax-funded NGOs of "civil society" now already want to stigmatize any review of Sunday's election events as Fake News?
Even "Belltower News" has to concede: "Observation of the vote count, as opposed to observation of the vote itself, is permitted to all citizens."

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Angry over an election forecast. Wait until the results have been finalized. Projections is what they do and either they will be right or wrong. Which will decide if they will do it again.
Angry over an election forecast. Wait until the results have been finalized. Projections is what they do and either they will be right or wrong. Which will decide if they will do it again.

Almost a third of voters are highly dissatisfied with the united communists of CSU-CDU-SPD-FDP-Greens-Lefts ( there is no difference between them) and wanna vote for AFD.
But Germany isn't a country which allows free elections ( like Russia) so the results have been already cheated by fishy 'polls', voting software and MS presstitutes.
When AFD receives fewer as 25% all results are for the trash bin

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