Bowman gets $1000 fine and 3 months probation for pulling false fire alarm to subvert Democracy…maybe some are above the law.

Let's not lose sight of WHY Bowman pulled that alarm, kiddies! He was one of the Democrats that wanted to see the Government shut down happen because he was going to blame it on the Republicans. All that hot air about how it was the GOP that didn't care about people on Social Security or in the military that wouldn't get paid? Then McCarthy manages to get a bill through to fund the government and Bowman was so desperate to stop it that he pulled a fire alarm! Remember that the next time AOC or one of the other idiots tells you that it's the GOP that's to blame for shutdowns!
Neither of these were insurrections.
Ok, so just to be sure…it’s NOT an insurrection right? So, tomorrow, we’ll not be back to callling it an insurrection? Are you sure?…because the left is still calling it an insurrection…
When did liberals decide they don't want equal justice in America?... better be real careful the shoe will not always be on the other foot...
When did conservatives decide that violence and criminality was the proper response to losing an election?

He was charged and convicted. He admitted his error. He apologised...when we get to anything any MAGAT did let me know.
When did conservatives decide that violence and criminality was the proper response to losing an election?

He was charged and convicted. He admitted his error. He apologised...when we get to anything any MAGAT did let me know.
When did he admit to what he did, Dado? When did he apologize for his actions?
Was a stupid thing to do, Did anyone get up or try and leave?. at least he did not lie & say he did not do it.
He did lie at first. Claimed it was "mistaken identity" of the alarm.
But he came clean and admitted his error. Apologised and accepted his punishment.
An offender that continues to lie about what he did?
As does your blob.
You must know different judges than I do, Candy!
You don’t seem to know your ass from a hole in the ground so yep, I probably do.
The ones I've dealt with deal harshly with people who lie to them.
Folks who plea innocent when they know they are guilty lie to them all the time. Few (if any) judges go out of their way to enforce harsher sentences because of a plea. But hell...the guy was put on probation and fined $1,000.

Your bloodlust is making your crazy.
He did lie at first. Claimed it was "mistaken identity" of the alarm.
But he came clean and admitted his error. Apologised and accepted his punishment.
"What I did was against DC law. As I said from the very beginning, I was not trying to disrupt any congressional proceedings," Bowman told reporters on Thursday ahead of his arraignment.

What he did was admit to what it was OBVIOUS that he did...deliberately pull the alarm...but at the same time he lies and says that he didn't do it to disrupt any congressional proceedings! Of course that's why he did it. One look at that video and you know that! He hasn't apologized for THAT at all!

Seems light based on what he did.

Knowingly pulled a false fire alarm in a federal building to delay a House vote.

Seems like an insurrection….attempting to block a vote?
Insurrection requires violence or the threat of violence or a conspiracy to commit violence. Pulling a fire alarm while illegal is not considered insurrection.
Insurrection requires violence or the threat of violence or a conspiracy to commit violence. Pulling a fire alarm while illegal is not considered insurrection.
Is it considered interrupting a governmental procedure, Leviticus? Jan. 6th protesters that did nothing other than enter the Capitol that day have served jail time under that statute, a charge brought by the same Washington DC District Attorney that gave Bowman probation.
Let's be honest here. Bowman's goal was stopping the passage of that stop gap measure to fund the Federal Government! He was committing a crime which if he'd been successful would have affected millions of people.
"What I did was against DC law. As I said from the very beginning, I was not trying to disrupt any congressional proceedings," Bowman told reporters on Thursday ahead of his arraignment.

What he did was admit to what it was OBVIOUS that he did...deliberately pull the alarm...but at the same time he lies and says that he didn't do it to disrupt any congressional proceedings! Of course that's why he did it. One look at that video and you know that! He hasn't apologized for THAT at all!
Perhaps you should review the court transcript and relax.
1000 dollar fine!! I bet we taxpayers pay that for him. Meanwhile he's making millions under the table at our expense.
Yup, terrible isn't it.

When will US Americans be able to convince Congress to pass a law that Greatly fits the American Tax Payers agenda, but somehow doesn't fit the agenda of the lawmakers.
Yup, terrible isn't it.

When will US Americans be able to convince Congress to pass a law that Greatly fits the American Tax Payers agenda, but somehow doesn't fit the agenda of the lawmakers.
Good to know at the next critical vote in Congress we can just pull fire alarms to stop votes and just pay $1K.

Jan 2024!
When did conservatives decide that violence and criminality was the proper response to losing an election?

He was charged and convicted. He admitted his error. He apologised...when we get to anything any MAGAT did let me know.
I guess when Trump won in 2016 and the lefties protests and riots started...

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