Boston Marathon Bombing

And hundreds of thousands of healthcare professionals are keeping quiet about this so called hoax?

I think not.........

yeah Ollie....but your opinion doesn't are paid to debunk this stuff and fall all over yourself trying to do it too!!!

Would love to know who writes your check though........

Oh....and the fake uniform only fools the hopelessly duped.

I'd like to know who writes that check too. Then i would know who to complain about for not receiving it...

And you get a neg for attacking my service....Fake uniform? Really?
And hundreds of thousands of healthcare professionals are keeping quiet about this so called hoax?

I think not.........

yeah Ollie....but your opinion doesn't are paid to debunk this stuff and fall all over yourself trying to do it too!!!

Would love to know who writes your check though........

Oh....and the fake uniform only fools the hopelessly duped.

I'd like to know who writes that check too. Then i would know who to complain about for not receiving it...

And you get a neg for attacking my service....Fake uniform? Really?

sorry s0n but nobody on this whole board is anywhere in your league when it comes to trying to refute anything that wanders from the established norm. Doesn't pass the smell fact, you are so all over peoples shit, one wonders if you get texts from somebody to get up in the middle of the fucking night to post up some rebuttals. Eots cant get out of bed in the morning and youre are already all over his shit.

Like I said......doesn't pass the smell test.

You never post in this forum......unless it is to refute a conspiracy theory s0n.

So please........I was born on a Monday but not this past Monday.:2up:

Youre a government payed hack.
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Really? I don't post in politics/ current events forum? You sure about that are you?

You are a damned fool is what you are...

And i told you before, I am damned certain not your son.....

Now get out of the basement on occasion and visit the real world....
I thought skooker would have stopped using the term s0n after he was owned in the elections forum last year but he has no shame.
My wife couldn't care less about politics or whats going on in the world, but as an ER nurse in a major local hospital ( 18 years), I showed her the photos of the blood ( seen above ) and she damn near split her sides laughing!! She even said, "gee.....that's quite an amount of hypertrophy to occur in 5 mintues!!" ( see the amputee's leg just below the knee = a previous amputation........assholes)
did it ever occur to you that your wife was humoring you?
You might actually be the STUPIDEST PERSON ALIVE TODAY, dude. I work with someone whose sister lost a leg...kindly fuck yourself with a railroad spike.

Oh GAWD!!!

How do these people navigate life getting hysterical over anything they come across? HOLY MOTHER OF many fucking ostriches hang in this forum anyway????

s0n.....buckle up your chinstrap!!!!!:up:

If I was your son, bitch, I would never admit it.

Are you on DRUGS, boy?
You might actually be the STUPIDEST PERSON ALIVE TODAY, dude. I work with someone whose sister lost a leg...kindly fuck yourself with a railroad spike.

Oh GAWD!!!

How do these people navigate life getting hysterical over anything they come across? HOLY MOTHER OF many fucking ostriches hang in this forum anyway????

s0n.....buckle up your chinstrap!!!!!:up:

If I was your son, bitch, I would never admit it.

Are you on DRUGS, boy?
don't you wish it was that simple...
This is the most laughable of all.......Ive actually seen people turn away not being able to view the pic.

The big boys are getting a good idea just how far they can push the fraud envelope on the sheep......and they get better at it every day. Expect a new false flag in the near future so as to make all the NSA monitoring stuff to go away.
It is real blood Son!
This is the most laughable of all.......Ive actually seen people turn away not being able to view the pic.

The big boys are getting a good idea just how far they can push the fraud envelope on the sheep......and they get better at it every day. Expect a new false flag in the near future so as to make all the NSA monitoring stuff to go away.
It is real blood Son!

to any dope on the streets who has never seen volumes of blood exposed to O2 it is!!!:2up:

Stupid morons......I'll believe that is the guys left leg if somebody can assure me that this guy was in a 2 foot by 2 foot cage every day of his life since birth or has been riding around in a wheelchair his whole life!! That is EXACTLY what a leg looks like years AFTER it has already been amputated. Dang.....if he was rolling around holding his nut sack in his hand, the stupid fucks on here would be saying, "Oh my God, look, the blast took his balls too!!! Look in his hand!!"
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This is the most laughable of all.......Ive actually seen people turn away not being able to view the pic.

The big boys are getting a good idea just how far they can push the fraud envelope on the sheep......and they get better at it every day. Expect a new false flag in the near future so as to make all the NSA monitoring stuff to go away.
It is real blood Son!

to any dope on the streets who has never seen volumes of blood exposed to O2 it is!!!:2up:

Stupid morons......I'll believe that is the guys left leg if somebody can assure me that this guy was in a 2 foot by 2 foot cage every day of his life since birth or has been riding around in a wheelchair his whole life!! That is EXACTLY what a leg looks like years AFTER it has already been amputated. Dang.....if he was rolling around holding his nut sack in his hand, the stupid fucks on here would be saying, "Oh my God, look, the blast took his balls too!!! Look in his hand!!"

Yeah, we already went over how silly this argument is. I ended that thread, killed it. Totally nailed it. Ended that debate and made the stupid sleeping trolls here shut up. But, as often happens with lots of my erudite posts, those threads. . . mysteriously. . . disappear. lol So, let's back up and gets some perspective, shall we? Sure, that is what fresh blood, in donated bags looks like. But how about blood on the streets? What about REAL pain? And REAL victims of a REAL terrorist bombing? How about we get a comparison? Not these silly paid government crisis actors? Can you conditioned Americans, so sleepy and doped handle reality? Or are you going to accept the lies they shove down our throats? Is it just too terrible, too awful to contemplate what it means that those FBI double agents they pegged as patsies weren't really guilty? I don't know. What does it mean when our intelligence agencies are pulling this shit to advance the policy agenda of the STATE? :eusa_shifty:

Let's compare, shall we?



THAT'S REAL pain, THAT'S REAL terror. THAT'S REAL tragedy. OK? See the color of real oxidized blood exposed to the air in the real world? See how these people have REAL emotions and REAL pain? WTF?! Have you people been watching too many television shows and movies that you can't tell the difference? Has fiction BECOME your reality? Can we please stop this silly bullshit bickering that is distracting us from who is doing real evil to the people? We have enough problems than to be arguing amongst ourselves.

This is a monumental problem. The security services are clearly out of control. The media elites, the financial elites, the intelligence elites, all of them, they are no longer in the hands of the people. Does anyone seriously believe their vote counts anymore if nobody did vote for either of the two major parties? Really? There is every indication that the initial primaries in the last presidential election were won by someone other than who the media told us who won. And once momentum was built, they told us that he could never win, when in fact, the whole time, he was the only one that could only ever defeat the global world order and this type of corruption.

And, if everyone didn't vote for who they gave us to vote for, how would we still know they didn't? Like Stalin once said, it isn't who votes, it's who counts the votes. And as we can now see, that's true, now more than ever.
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It is real blood Son!

to any dope on the streets who has never seen volumes of blood exposed to O2 it is!!!:2up:

Stupid morons......I'll believe that is the guys left leg if somebody can assure me that this guy was in a 2 foot by 2 foot cage every day of his life since birth or has been riding around in a wheelchair his whole life!! That is EXACTLY what a leg looks like years AFTER it has already been amputated. Dang.....if he was rolling around holding his nut sack in his hand, the stupid fucks on here would be saying, "Oh my God, look, the blast took his balls too!!! Look in his hand!!"

Yeah, we already went over how silly this argument is. I ended that thread, killed it. Totally nailed it. Ended that debate and made the stupid sleeping trolls here shut up. But, as often happens with lots of my erudite posts, those threads. . . mysteriously. . . disappear. lol So, let's back up and gets some perspective, shall we? Sure, that is what fresh blood, in donated bags looks like. But how about blood on the streets? What about REAL pain? And REAL victims of a REAL terrorist bombing? How about we get a comparison? Not these silly paid government crisis actors? Can you conditioned Americans, so sleepy and doped handle reality? Or are you going to accept the lies they shove down our throats? Is it just too terrible, too awful to contemplate what it means that those FBI double agents they pegged as patsies weren't really guilty? I don't know. What does it mean when our intelligence agencies are pulling this shit to advance the policy agenda of the STATE? :eusa_shifty:

Let's compare, shall we?



THAT'S REAL pain, THAT'S REAL terror. THAT'S REAL tragedy. OK? See the color of real oxidized blood exposed to the air in the real world? See how these people have REAL emotions and REAL pain? WTF?! Have you people been watching too many television shows and movies that you can't tell the difference? Has fiction BECOME your reality? Can we please stop this silly bullshit bickering that is distracting us from who is doing real evil to the people? We have enough problems than to be arguing amongst ourselves.

This is a monumental problem. The security services are clearly out of control. The media elites, the financial elites, the intelligence elites, all of them, they are no longer in the hands of the people. Does anyone seriously believe their vote counts anymore if nobody did vote for either of the two major parties? Really? There is every indication that the initial primaries in the last presidential election were won by someone other than who the media told us who won. And once momentum was built, they told us that he could never win, when in fact, the whole time, he was the only one that could only ever defeat the global world order and this type of corruption.

And, if everyone didn't vote for who they gave us to vote for, how would we still know they didn't? Like Stalin once said, it isn't who votes, it's who counts the votes. And as we can now see, that's true, now more than ever.

Indeed.....and the purveyors of fiction are laughing their balls off at how easy their task has become. Reality is engineered to those who bother looking closely enough......but it is and has always been a small % of the population. It is human nature to prefer to embrace the established narrative. Exceedingly difficult to break from.......

The individual vs. the illusion of consensus reality « Jon Rappoport's Blog

And make no mistake......the envelope on the level of absurd is pushed all the time, the Boston "terror attack" being an excellent example. That a vast majority can look at a photo of a guy, who just had his legs blown off less than 10 minutes earlier and looks fully prepared to go bar hopping in an hour.......and digest if fully as real, is testament to how truly deep into the matrix the majority is.
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on the "fables" and the public buying them hook, line and stinker......

Designing the mind: a fable « Jon Rappoport's Blog

A blog? Bwahahahahahaha! Even Al Qaeda knows it was real and wishes they had been responsible for it! You're the one that has swallowed the lie, hook, line and sinker. Don't choke on it.

Al Qaeda Mag Praises 'Great' Tsarnaev Brothers for Boston Marathon Bombing - ABC News

Interesting tidbit from your link. . .
Inspire magazine has historically been produced by al Qaeda's affiliate in Yemen, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). It's original editor, American Samir Khan, was killed in the same September 2011 drone strike that killed American al Qaeda cleric Anwar al-Awlaki.

Generally the best investigatige reporting comes from indepent NON-CORPORATE NON-ESTABLISISMENT journalists.

How reliable do you think the reporting was from "embedded" journalists during the Iraq war? Yeah, no bias there. Figure it out.

The US uses a drone to kill Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen, yet they let him leave the country to continue his activities to recruit domestic terrorists in America, from relative safety (or so he thought) over there? Wouldn't it have been a lot simpler to just arrest him in America before he left here to set up an on-line media and recruitment network and save the trouble and the death of his innocent son? Naww... then Magazines like Inspire wouldn't have been established. The security state needs and external foe to fight, don't they?

al CIAda’s Newest Rehash of Old Psyops – “Inspire” Magazine Publishes “Lone Gunman” Type How-To Booklet
UPDATE: Check out the video I added at the end of the article which exposes more fake scary homegrown “alQaeda” terrorists Adam Gadahn & Yousef al-Khattab a.k.a. Adam Pearlman & Joseph Cohen.


The REAL publishers and creators of “Inspire” Magazine need to be exposed and arrested.

NBC “news” is running with a new publication from the old “Inspire” magazine where they supposedly give Western audiences the tools needed to run “Lone Gunman” type attacks on civilian targets in a booklet of old ridiculous ideas pasted together in a hip, glossy, Facebook English manner. The booklet is called, laughably enough, the “Lone Mujahid Pocketbook” (careful clicking on that Scribd link. It will most assuredly be monitored)

“A new al-Qaida “guidebook” for extremists aims to incite homegrown “lone wolves” (lone gunman) into carrying out small-scale terrorist attacks inside the United States and other Western countries, using materials as easily obtainable as motor or cooking oil, sugar and matches to trigger massive traffic accidents, devastating fires and deadly explosions.” NBC “News”

That title itself should tell you that it was created by the CIA or some intelligence contractor. Clearly they are looking to create the “Lone Gunman” campaign here in the states in order to justify having their precious drones launching hellfire rockets in Montana or somewhere (Tampa? uh oh)

The al CIAda operation that published this psyop is the already exposed Inspire magazine, started and run by the CIA/FBI operative Samir Khan in Yemen after his honeypot operation in North Carolina was exposed by a local investigative blogger who tipped off the New York Times and the FBI and so he had to relocate.

“Just to clarify, I was specifically asked by more than one FBI agent, and on more than one occasion, not to publicly identify Inshallahshaheed as Samir Khan.” Jawa Report

Amazingly, this well known “al Qaeda” operative and recruiter was able to board international flights while he admits he was being monitored and tracked by the FBI. hmmm…. I wonder how that works.

Isn't it possible the current editors of Inspire are as gullible as the average American? Many independent journalists and researchers already know that Al Qaeda operatives are often times in bed with the FBI, CIA and the Mossad. So what's your beef? They all want one thing, power over the freedom of people's lives and their minds.
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