Border chief says Wall is a waste of money .

He's retiring and no longer has to play politics .

He's right . If you really want to control illegal immigration the money is better spent on more Ice agents or more immigration courts and judges .

Retiring Border Chief Calls Trump's Wall a Waste of Time, Money
He was appointed by Obama and the border has been a sieve so sounds like he was a waste of money.
- The number of undocumented aliens in the US stopped growing under Obama's administration and has remained relatively constant - something that hasn't been the case in the USA since modern immigration law.

- nearly half those here without documentation came here LEGALLY. And, that means that a PERFECT wall would not have stopped them.

There are too many reasons that spending tens of billions on a wall is just stupid.
The wall isn't for legal immigration, why bring that up? There's a steady stream of illegals coming in, that's why liberals have created sanctuary cities. They cost us money in many different ways but it isn't your call, or some liberal border appointee.
What can you do but laugh at the pathetic Obama appointee who failed in such a spectacular way? Does anyone in their right mind really think his opinion is relevant?
Under his watch the number of undocumented aliens in the USA has not increased.

That is a MONUMENTAL achievement, unequaled under modern US immigration law going back way before Reagan.

Up to the end of the Bush era, the number of undocumented aliens in the US had climbed at a constant and steady pace for decades.

This certainly was not only because of this one guy's contribution.

But, your idea that he failed would need monumental support to protect it from being laughed at.
He's retiring and no longer has to play politics .

He's right . If you really want to control illegal immigration the money is better spent on more Ice agents or more immigration courts and judges .

Retiring Border Chief Calls Trump's Wall a Waste of Time, Money
He was appointed by Obama and the border has been a sieve so sounds like he was a waste of money.
- The number of undocumented aliens in the US stopped growing under Obama's administration and has remained relatively constant - something that hasn't been the case in the USA since modern immigration law.

- nearly half those here without documentation came here LEGALLY. And, that means that a PERFECT wall would not have stopped them.

There are too many reasons that spending tens of billions on a wall is just stupid.
The wall isn't for legal immigration, why bring that up? There's a steady stream of illegals coming in, that's why liberals have created sanctuary cities. They cost us money in many different ways but it isn't your call, or some liberal border appointee.
The interesting thing about the number of undocumented aliens who arrived legally is that it is a serious weakness in the idea that building a wall will is some sort of key solution to having more undocumented aliens in the US.

I don't mind the goal. Nobody is in favor of open borders.

But, spending tens of billions on a solution that can't claim to even be HALF the problem is really just plain nutty.

Plus, it's important to remember that the number of undocumented aliens is not increasing. Think about that!

There are problems at the border with Mexico - agreed.

But, "sanctuary cities" really has nothing to do with it. If they were coming in and going to those cities, we would seen the number of undocumented aliens in the US rise - but, we don't.

The bottom line is that we're just not seeing adequate justification for spending tens of billions. Too much of the argument is fake. The problems aren't well enough identified.
I don't care if Trump runs the Debt up to $50 Trillion. They've spent us into a $20 Trillion Debt, and i've seen nothing from it. I realize many others have benefited from all the spending, but i haven't. So it's my turn now. Spend whatever it takes on securing our border and ending Illegal Immigration. It's time for me to get something from all the spending. I want border security. And i want it now. Get on it President Trump!
I don't care if Trump runs the Debt up to $50 Trillion. They've spent us into a $20 Trillion Debt, and i've seen nothing from it. I realize many others have benefited from all the spending, but i haven't. So it's my turn now. Spend whatever it takes on securing our border and ending Illegal Immigration. It's time for me to get something from all the spending. I want border security. And i want it now. Get on it President Trump!
Since the number of undocumented aliens staying in the US is not growing, and since nearly half those here came by legal means (thus not affected by a wall), I just have to ask:

What do you think the wall will achieve?

You say it is "your turn", so I want to know what you think you are getting.
I don't care if Trump runs the Debt up to $50 Trillion. They've spent us into a $20 Trillion Debt, and i've seen nothing from it. I realize many others have benefited from all the spending, but i haven't. So it's my turn now. Spend whatever it takes on securing our border and ending Illegal Immigration. It's time for me to get something from all the spending. I want border security. And i want it now. Get on it President Trump!
Since the number of undocumented aliens staying in the US is not growing, and since nearly half those here came by legal means (thus not affected by a wall), I just have to ask:

What do you think the wall will achieve?

You say it is "your turn", so I want to know what you think you are getting.

I think i've made myself pretty clear. I don't care how much it costs. Millions & Millions of Americans have benefited from the $20 Trillion in over-spending. But i'm not one of em. I didn't support most of the things they spent the $Trillions on. I've seen nothing from it. So it is now my turn to get what i want. Spend whatever it takes. Get the border secured and end Illegal Immigration. I hope and pray Trump does that.
He's retiring and no longer has to play politics .

He's right . If you really want to control illegal immigration the money is better spent on more Ice agents or more immigration courts and judges .

Retiring Border Chief Calls Trump's Wall a Waste of Time, Money
He was appointed by Obama and the border has been a sieve so sounds like he was a waste of money.
- The number of undocumented aliens in the US stopped growing under Obama's administration and has remained relatively constant - something that hasn't been the case in the USA since modern immigration law.

- nearly half those here without documentation came here LEGALLY. And, that means that a PERFECT wall would not have stopped them.

There are too many reasons that spending tens of billions on a wall is just stupid.
The wall isn't for legal immigration, why bring that up? There's a steady stream of illegals coming in, that's why liberals have created sanctuary cities. They cost us money in many different ways but it isn't your call, or some liberal border appointee.
The interesting thing about the number of undocumented aliens who arrived legally is that it is a serious weakness in the idea that building a wall will is some sort of key solution to having more undocumented aliens in the US.

I don't mind the goal. Nobody is in favor of open borders.

But, spending tens of billions on a solution that can't claim to even be HALF the problem is really just plain nutty.

Plus, it's important to remember that the number of undocumented aliens is not increasing. Think about that!

There are problems at the border with Mexico - agreed.

But, "sanctuary cities" really has nothing to do with it. If they were coming in and going to those cities, we would seen the number of undocumented aliens in the US rise - but, we don't.

The bottom line is that we're just not seeing adequate justification for spending tens of billions. Too much of the argument is fake. The problems aren't well enough identified.
They are "undocumented" so you have no goddamn clue how many are coming in. They undercut jobs and cost us resources and once a kid is born here we are obligated to care for it.
Countries cease to exist without a border.
I don't care if Trump runs the Debt up to $50 Trillion. They've spent us into a $20 Trillion Debt, and i've seen nothing from it. I realize many others have benefited from all the spending, but i haven't. So it's my turn now. Spend whatever it takes on securing our border and ending Illegal Immigration. It's time for me to get something from all the spending. I want border security. And i want it now. Get on it President Trump!
Since the number of undocumented aliens staying in the US is not growing, and since nearly half those here came by legal means (thus not affected by a wall), I just have to ask:

What do you think the wall will achieve?

You say it is "your turn", so I want to know what you think you are getting.

I think i've made myself pretty clear. I don't care how much it costs. Millions & Millions of Americans have benefited from the $20 Trillion in over-spending. But i'm not one of em. I didn't support most of the things they spent the $Trillions on. I've seen nothing from it. So it is now my turn to get what i want. Spend whatever it takes. Get the border secured and end Illegal Immigration. I hope and pray Trump does that.
It will cost American taxpayers little or nothing. If Mexico refuses to cooperate with the cost, a 10% surcharge on the $24 billion a month in money transfers to Mexico will pay for it very quickly.
I don't care if Trump runs the Debt up to $50 Trillion. They've spent us into a $20 Trillion Debt, and i've seen nothing from it. I realize many others have benefited from all the spending, but i haven't. So it's my turn now. Spend whatever it takes on securing our border and ending Illegal Immigration. It's time for me to get something from all the spending. I want border security. And i want it now. Get on it President Trump!
Since the number of undocumented aliens staying in the US is not growing, and since nearly half those here came by legal means (thus not affected by a wall), I just have to ask:

What do you think the wall will achieve?

You say it is "your turn", so I want to know what you think you are getting.

I think i've made myself pretty clear. I don't care how much it costs. Millions & Millions of Americans have benefited from the $20 Trillion in over-spending. But i'm not one of em. I didn't support most of the things they spent the $Trillions on. I've seen nothing from it. So it is now my turn to get what i want. Spend whatever it takes. Get the border secured and end Illegal Immigration. I hope and pray Trump does that.
It will cost American taxpayers little or nothing. If Mexico refuses to cooperate with the cost, a 10% surcharge on the $24 billion a month in money transfers to Mexico will pay for it very quickly.

I'm at the point where i just don't care about how much it costs. I've been forced to contribute to several $Trillions in spending on things i didn't support. I've seen nothing from it whatsoever. So now it's my turn to get something out of all the spending. Trump can run the Debt up to $50 Trillion for all i care. Just get the border secured and end Illegal Immigration once and for all. That's why i supported him.
He's retiring and no longer has to play politics .

He's right . If you really want to control illegal immigration the money is better spent on more Ice agents or more immigration courts and judges .

Retiring Border Chief Calls Trump's Wall a Waste of Time, Money

The retiring border chief is an Obama appointee.

That said, I agree with more border agents, sharpshootin' guys who can hit a refried bean at 1000 yards.
right wing fantasy?
He's retiring and no longer has to play politics .

He's right . If you really want to control illegal immigration the money is better spent on more Ice agents or more immigration courts and judges .

Retiring Border Chief Calls Trump's Wall a Waste of Time, Money
why spend all that money on agents and judges when the leadership of major cities will not cooperate?

We need to secure our border.

What does that do for illegals who are not south border jumpers ? Something like 40% of illegals come in legally.

And cities are fine wh busting dangerous illegals . They don't want to round up people caught on minor shit .
the right loves socialism on a national basis; they just lie about it, in public.
He's retiring and no longer has to play politics .

He's right . If you really want to control illegal immigration the money is better spent on more Ice agents or more immigration courts and judges .

Retiring Border Chief Calls Trump's Wall a Waste of Time, Money
why spend all that money on agents and judges when the leadership of major cities will not cooperate?

We need to secure our border.

What does that do for illegals who are not south border jumpers ? Something like 40% of illegals come in legally.

And cities are fine wh busting dangerous illegals . They don't want to round up people caught on minor shit .

and 60% don't so which is the larger problem? And all these cities and counties do not cooperate with the federal government on immigration enforcement
Map: Sanctuary Cities, Counties, and States
States have no authority over immigration since 1808.

We should be solving this federal problem at the federal borders with the federal powers already delegated in our federal Constitution.
He's retiring and no longer has to play politics .

He's right . If you really want to control illegal immigration the money is better spent on more Ice agents or more immigration courts and judges .

Retiring Border Chief Calls Trump's Wall a Waste of Time, Money
why spend all that money on agents and judges when the leadership of major cities will not cooperate?

We need to secure our border.

Something like 40% of illegals come in legally.

What? LMAO You're too stupid Timmy

You are ignorant . You think all illegals just walk over the rio grande when no one is looking ?
Out southern border is one of the most porous borders in the hemisphere if you think that's not a problem I won't waste my time trying to convince you otherwise

but tell me to you have doors and windows with locks on them?
We have a border patrol; what is that, chopped liver?
I'm sure they can find a couple Democrat border patrol officials to oppose Trump's plans. But Trump's got it right. It's time to secure our border and end Illegal Immigration. And i don't care how much it costs.

Our Government has spent several $Trillions on things i never supported. So many have gotten what they wanted. And now it's my turn. I want border security now. I want my Government to spend whatever it takes to get that done. It's time for me to get what i want for once. Do it now President Trump!
National Socialism, all the way?

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