BOOYA! Republicans Declare D-SCHIFF Is Going To Have To Testify Under Oath!

"House Republicans plan to call Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff as one of their first witnesses in the impeachment inquiry against President Trump following the adoption of formal rules for the investigation, claiming he is a “fact witness” due to his office's early involvement with the whistleblower whose complaint sparked the proceedings."

D-Schiff and Democrats, of course, will REFUSE to allow Schiff to be called to testify, despite the fact that he is a KEY 'FACT WITNESS' in their 'Collusion Delusion 2.0' latest on-going coup attempt. They may be FORCED to have Schiff testify, but if this is the case they will demand that the other Un-Constitutional / SCAM provision of their obvious partisan coup attempt be upheld - dictating to Republicans what they can and what they can NOT ask Schiff during questioning.

My bet is that Schiff and the Democrats refuse to allow the GOP to call Schiff to testify. If Schiff is forced to testify they will DESTROY him and the Democrats' partisan Impeachment circus!

IF Schiff is forced to testify you can bet the GOP demands he answer:

1. Why did Schiff knowingly, intentionally LIE to both Congress and the American people for 2+ years by falsely, seditiously claiming he ad DIRECT evidence of crimes committed by the President...and why anyone should believe anything HE says after lying to both Congress and the American people for 2+ years...

2. Why he coached a convicted Perjurer for 10 hours in how to testify AGAIN to Congress - a repeat performance of his 1st attempt in which he committed the Perjury he was on the way to prison for...

3. Why he lied to Congress and America about his direct contact with the Deep State anti-Trump CIA Whistle Blower, making him a FACT Witness which legally disqualifies him from participating in any investigation let alone in leading such an investigation....

4. Why he attempted to present a fictitious account of the President's phone call that he authored himself as 'evidence' during a live, televised House Intel Committee hearing on Impeachment...and why anyone should believe anything he says now

5. Why he should NOT be indicted for admittedly leaking classified...or at the very minimum be immediately removed from the House Intel Committee altogether, not just as Chairman...

6. What his full connection is to a Russian-born arms dealer who did business with corrupt former Ukrainian govt officials who also donated a LARGWE amount of money to Schiff.....

And WHEN the Democrats refuse to allow Schiff to be called as a witness and / or WHEN the Democrats refuse to allow the GOP to ask any of these questions, Senate Majority Leader McConnell should Immediately hold a press conference and declare that upon receiving any\thing regarding Impeachment of the President from the House the Senate will begin its own investigation & their very 1st subpoenaed witness called to testify under oath before them will be D-ADAM SCHIFF!


House Republicans plan to call Adam Schiff to testify in impeachment inquiry, say he is 'fact witness'
I bet, unlike fat donnie, he's not afraid to go under oath.

I hope not. He should have an immunity for any official actions, and I thought the Bill Clinton thing was a disgrace to the office … by everyone.
What's to make up your mind about, ice? I heard his "transcript" and I've heard what others who have testified said, so what is to make your mind up about at this point?

1. Law Enforcement Assistance & Cooperation Treaty:
The existing treaty between other nations and the US that establishes a process through which nations assist each other in investigating corruption, crime, and terrorism, one that is initiated by the President contacting the leader of the other nation's leader and asking for this assistance.

- This is exactly what President Trump did. Democrats completely ignore any reference to this treaty in any and all discussions regarding the false accusations of 'Collusion Delusion 2.0: Ukraine' because they know its existence alone shreds their false narrative / coup.

2. H.R.2810 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018
Requires cost-benefit analysis and ensuring foreign govts we are giving military aid to are acting in a way that does not jeopardize our National Security .
- Text - H.R.2810 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018

In 2016 Democrats sent reps to collaborate with former corrupt Ukraine officials to collect 'dirt' on the Trump administration, thereby helping to interfere in US elections - something Democrats CLAIM they want to prevent in 220 although they engaged in such activity / collusion in 2016 by seeking both assistance from Ukraine and Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda from a foreign spy...who was working for Comey.

3. Repeat of Collusion Delusion 1.0 - No crime / No evidence of crime to initiate investigation

This is only a start, without talking about criminal Schiff, Constituional Rights violations,etc....

Asking the Ukraine PM for assurance that their govt is no longer attempting to interfere in US elections and assistance in helping find out about previous already-proven corruption is the President's duty / responsibility.

paid Russian ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Trumpbotfly looking for a turd to land on.

pay no attention.

Must have gotten him from some kind of bargain bin or discount store.
Okay stand accused of a crime and the jury the judge and prosecutor hate your guts and you know they hate you so you want them replaced...but they refuse your demands and proceed with a trial in a closed door room with out your legal team present....
How would you like it? this the kind of America you want to live in?....
It's not a trial
maybe not in the traditional sense, but it is being played out to us/the people as a trial and most have made up their mind before a word was said.

thats the sad part to me.
What's to make up your mind about, ice? I heard his "transcript" and I've heard what others who have testified said, so what is to make your mind up about at this point? Either you believe the facts as presented or you find a way to ignore them.
you either believe hillary deleted 33k mails to hide her actions and illegal activites, or you ignore them.

we can do this all day long.
Okay stand accused of a crime and the jury the judge and prosecutor hate your guts and you know they hate you so you want them replaced...but they refuse your demands and proceed with a trial in a closed door room with out your legal team present....
How would you like it? this the kind of America you want to live in?....
It's not a trial
maybe not in the traditional sense, but it is being played out to us/the people as a trial and most have made up their mind before a word was said.

thats the sad part to me.
What's to make up your mind about, ice? I heard his "transcript" and I've heard what others who have testified said, so what is to make your mind up about at this point? Either you believe the facts as presented or you find a way to ignore them.
you either believe hillary deleted 33k mails to hide her actions and illegal activites, or you ignore them.

we can do this all day long.

all day my Texas ass -

Okay stand accused of a crime and the jury the judge and prosecutor hate your guts and you know they hate you so you want them replaced...but they refuse your demands and proceed with a trial in a closed door room with out your legal team present....
How would you like it? this the kind of America you want to live in?....
It's not a trial
maybe not in the traditional sense, but it is being played out to us/the people as a trial and most have made up their mind before a word was said.

thats the sad part to me.
What's to make up your mind about, ice? I heard his "transcript" and I've heard what others who have testified said, so what is to make your mind up about at this point? Either you believe the facts as presented or you find a way to ignore them.
you either believe hillary deleted 33k mails to hide her actions and illegal activites, or you ignore them.

we can do this all day long.

all day my Texas ass -

And you will be a dumbass for at least as long.
Poor snowflakes - no serious response to my last post - none possible.
Poor snowflakes - no serious response to my last post - none possible.
We've read your posts and they ain't worth looking for no less responding to.

And Schiff has nothing to testify ABOUT.

The WB did everything by the book and the WHITE HOUSE broke the rules and sat on the complaint...illegally
Poor snowflakes - no serious response to my last post - none possible.
We've read your posts and they ain't worth looking for no less responding to.

And Schiff has nothing to testify ABOUT.

The WB did everything by the book and the WHITE HOUSE broke the rules and sat on the complaint...illegally
Well then it shouldnt take him long.

And you are one of the last ones to be talking about useless posts.
Okay stand accused of a crime and the jury the judge and prosecutor hate your guts and you know they hate you so you want them replaced...but they refuse your demands and proceed with a trial in a closed door room with out your legal team present....
How would you like it? this the kind of America you want to live in?....
It's not a trial
maybe not in the traditional sense, but it is being played out to us/the people as a trial and most have made up their mind before a word was said.

thats the sad part to me.
What's to make up your mind about, ice? I heard his "transcript" and I've heard what others who have testified said, so what is to make your mind up about at this point? Either you believe the facts as presented or you find a way to ignore them.
you either believe hillary deleted 33k mails to hide her actions and illegal activites, or you ignore them.

we can do this all day long.

Or you believe the investigators who found nothing, dope.

Investigation of Clinton emails ends, finding no 'deliberate mishandling'
Okay stand accused of a crime and the jury the judge and prosecutor hate your guts and you know they hate you so you want them replaced...but they refuse your demands and proceed with a trial in a closed door room with out your legal team present....
How would you like it? this the kind of America you want to live in?....
It's not a trial
maybe not in the traditional sense, but it is being played out to us/the people as a trial and most have made up their mind before a word was said.

thats the sad part to me.
What's to make up your mind about, ice? I heard his "transcript" and I've heard what others who have testified said, so what is to make your mind up about at this point? Either you believe the facts as presented or you find a way to ignore them.
you either believe hillary deleted 33k mails to hide her actions and illegal activites, or you ignore them.

we can do this all day long.

Or you believe the investigators who found nothing, dope.

Investigation of Clinton emails ends, finding no 'deliberate mishandling'
Funny that you can't use your own words to defend and declare Clinton's have to use the dummied up dishonest fake news media...well they have lost all credibility in this and most other issues....
Okay stand accused of a crime and the jury the judge and prosecutor hate your guts and you know they hate you so you want them replaced...but they refuse your demands and proceed with a trial in a closed door room with out your legal team present....
How would you like it? this the kind of America you want to live in?....
It's not a trial
maybe not in the traditional sense, but it is being played out to us/the people as a trial and most have made up their mind before a word was said.

thats the sad part to me.
What's to make up your mind about, ice? I heard his "transcript" and I've heard what others who have testified said, so what is to make your mind up about at this point? Either you believe the facts as presented or you find a way to ignore them.
you either believe hillary deleted 33k mails to hide her actions and illegal activites, or you ignore them.

we can do this all day long.

Or you believe the investigators who found nothing, dope.

Investigation of Clinton emails ends, finding no 'deliberate mishandling'
I believe you are a fucking moron and that's as far as i go with you.
It's not a trial
maybe not in the traditional sense, but it is being played out to us/the people as a trial and most have made up their mind before a word was said.

thats the sad part to me.
What's to make up your mind about, ice? I heard his "transcript" and I've heard what others who have testified said, so what is to make your mind up about at this point? Either you believe the facts as presented or you find a way to ignore them.
you either believe hillary deleted 33k mails to hide her actions and illegal activites, or you ignore them.

we can do this all day long.

Or you believe the investigators who found nothing, dope.

Investigation of Clinton emails ends, finding no 'deliberate mishandling'
Funny that you can't use your own words to defend and declare Clinton's have to use the dummied up dishonest fake news media...well they have lost all credibility in this and most other issues....

I used reality, dope.
It's not a trial
maybe not in the traditional sense, but it is being played out to us/the people as a trial and most have made up their mind before a word was said.

thats the sad part to me.
What's to make up your mind about, ice? I heard his "transcript" and I've heard what others who have testified said, so what is to make your mind up about at this point? Either you believe the facts as presented or you find a way to ignore them.
you either believe hillary deleted 33k mails to hide her actions and illegal activites, or you ignore them.

we can do this all day long.

Or you believe the investigators who found nothing, dope.

Investigation of Clinton emails ends, finding no 'deliberate mishandling'
I believe you are a fucking moron and that's as far as i go with you.

Tell us some more convoluted conspiracy stories, loser.
Yup. Republicans tearing apart the people in charge of the investigation instead of focusing on the President's actions.

Like the US IG recommending Comey, McCabe, and Strzok for indictment of crimes Democrats have refused to acknowledge / deal with....?! Way to completely avoid addressing all the lies and crimes Schiff has engaged in...some admittedly.


The IG did NOT recommend charging any of those people because they didn't commit "crimes". The only criminal here is your orange faced clown. Your only defence for Trump is to claim that those who investigated his crimes, did so improperly. "Yeah, you caught me but you cheated so it doesn't count". Even that's a lie but it's all you're left with.

When Republicans were whining about "secret testimony", I said then to be careful what you wish for. Now that the transcripts were made public, we see that Trump extorted the previous Ukrainian President to drop its investigation of the corruption of Paul Manafort.

That kinda puts the lie to the idea that Trump is interested in prosecuting corruption in the Ukraine. Another abuse of power.
maybe not in the traditional sense, but it is being played out to us/the people as a trial and most have made up their mind before a word was said.

thats the sad part to me.
What's to make up your mind about, ice? I heard his "transcript" and I've heard what others who have testified said, so what is to make your mind up about at this point? Either you believe the facts as presented or you find a way to ignore them.
you either believe hillary deleted 33k mails to hide her actions and illegal activites, or you ignore them.

we can do this all day long.

Or you believe the investigators who found nothing, dope.

Investigation of Clinton emails ends, finding no 'deliberate mishandling'
Funny that you can't use your own words to defend and declare Clinton's have to use the dummied up dishonest fake news media...well they have lost all credibility in this and most other issues....

I used reality, dope.
The reality that you are not informed but are brainwashed and can't speak for yourself?.....I have been asking what Trump did to deserve impeachment on this board for weeks without an I will place your name on the list of dems that do not know what he did but just want to just want to see him gone....but it won't happen...not now and not in 2020.....
The IG did NOT recommend charging any of those people because they didn't commit "crimes".
Sorry, I could NOT get past your very 1st sentence, which is a complete and utter bald-faced LIE!

Andrew McCabe: prosecutors recommend charges for former FBI official

"Federal prosecutors recommended seeking criminal charges against Andrew McCabe, the former deputy director of the FBI and a frequent target of criticism by President Donald Trump. McCabe was fired from the FBI just before his retirement in March 2018 after the Justice Department's internal watchdog concluded that he improperly authorized a leak about a federal investigation into the Clinton Foundation in the final weeks of the 2016 presidential campaign. Investigators concluded that he displayed a lack of candor when asked about the leak."

Inspector general recommends criminal investigation of Andrew McCabe

"The Justice Department's inspector general has recommended a criminal investigation into whether former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe lied to federal officials about a leak to a newspaper reporter. McCabe was fired in March, and last week a report from the inspector general concluded that he repeatedly lied when asked about the leak of information regarding the FBI's efforts to look into the finances of the Clinton Foundation in 2016."

Andrew McCabe: Criminal Charges Recommended by Inspector General | National Review

"The Department of Justice’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) has sent a criminal referral regarding former deputy director of the FBI Andrew McCabe to the U.S. attorney’s office in Washington, D.C"


What's to make up your mind about, ice? I heard his "transcript" and I've heard what others who have testified said, so what is to make your mind up about at this point? Either you believe the facts as presented or you find a way to ignore them.
you either believe hillary deleted 33k mails to hide her actions and illegal activites, or you ignore them.

we can do this all day long.

Or you believe the investigators who found nothing, dope.

Investigation of Clinton emails ends, finding no 'deliberate mishandling'
Funny that you can't use your own words to defend and declare Clinton's have to use the dummied up dishonest fake news media...well they have lost all credibility in this and most other issues....

I used reality, dope.
The reality that you are not informed but are brainwashed and can't speak for yourself?.....I have been asking what Trump did to deserve impeachment on this board for weeks without an I will place your name on the list of dems that do not know what he did but just want to just want to see him gone....but it won't happen...not now and not in 2020.....

I am speaking for myself and the reality I perceive, dope.

It is you who are in the weeds left holding your pud alone. Again.
you either believe hillary deleted 33k mails to hide her actions and illegal activites, or you ignore them.

we can do this all day long.

Or you believe the investigators who found nothing, dope.

Investigation of Clinton emails ends, finding no 'deliberate mishandling'
Funny that you can't use your own words to defend and declare Clinton's have to use the dummied up dishonest fake news media...well they have lost all credibility in this and most other issues....

I used reality, dope.
The reality that you are not informed but are brainwashed and can't speak for yourself?.....I have been asking what Trump did to deserve impeachment on this board for weeks without an I will place your name on the list of dems that do not know what he did but just want to just want to see him gone....but it won't happen...not now and not in 2020.....

I am speaking for myself and the reality I perceive, dope.

It is you who are in the weeds left holding your pud alone. Again.
Twilight zone pal....
"House Republicans plan to call Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff as one of their first witnesses in the impeachment inquiry against President Trump following the adoption of formal rules for the investigation, claiming he is a “fact witness” due to his office's early involvement with the whistleblower whose complaint sparked the proceedings."

D-Schiff and Democrats, of course, will REFUSE to allow Schiff to be called to testify, despite the fact that he is a KEY 'FACT WITNESS' in their 'Collusion Delusion 2.0' latest on-going coup attempt. They may be FORCED to have Schiff testify, but if this is the case they will demand that the other Un-Constitutional / SCAM provision of their obvious partisan coup attempt be upheld - dictating to Republicans what they can and what they can NOT ask Schiff during questioning.

My bet is that Schiff and the Democrats refuse to allow the GOP to call Schiff to testify. If Schiff is forced to testify they will DESTROY him and the Democrats' partisan Impeachment circus!

IF Schiff is forced to testify you can bet the GOP demands he answer:

1. Why did Schiff knowingly, intentionally LIE to both Congress and the American people for 2+ years by falsely, seditiously claiming he ad DIRECT evidence of crimes committed by the President...and why anyone should believe anything HE says after lying to both Congress and the American people for 2+ years...

2. Why he coached a convicted Perjurer for 10 hours in how to testify AGAIN to Congress - a repeat performance of his 1st attempt in which he committed the Perjury he was on the way to prison for...

3. Why he lied to Congress and America about his direct contact with the Deep State anti-Trump CIA Whistle Blower, making him a FACT Witness which legally disqualifies him from participating in any investigation let alone in leading such an investigation....

4. Why he attempted to present a fictitious account of the President's phone call that he authored himself as 'evidence' during a live, televised House Intel Committee hearing on Impeachment...and why anyone should believe anything he says now

5. Why he should NOT be indicted for admittedly leaking classified...or at the very minimum be immediately removed from the House Intel Committee altogether, not just as Chairman...

6. What his full connection is to a Russian-born arms dealer who did business with corrupt former Ukrainian govt officials who also donated a LARGWE amount of money to Schiff.....

And WHEN the Democrats refuse to allow Schiff to be called as a witness and / or WHEN the Democrats refuse to allow the GOP to ask any of these questions, Senate Majority Leader McConnell should Immediately hold a press conference and declare that upon receiving any\thing regarding Impeachment of the President from the House the Senate will begin its own investigation & their very 1st subpoenaed witness called to testify under oath before them will be D-ADAM SCHIFF!


House Republicans plan to call Adam Schiff to testify in impeachment inquiry, say he is 'fact witness'
/----/ Easy one to answer. Adam Shytface will declare the last 2 1/2 years a parody and no right-minded rational person took him seriously.


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maybe not in the traditional sense, but it is being played out to us/the people as a trial and most have made up their mind before a word was said.

thats the sad part to me.
What's to make up your mind about, ice? I heard his "transcript" and I've heard what others who have testified said, so what is to make your mind up about at this point? Either you believe the facts as presented or you find a way to ignore them.
you either believe hillary deleted 33k mails to hide her actions and illegal activites, or you ignore them.

we can do this all day long.

Or you believe the investigators who found nothing, dope.

Investigation of Clinton emails ends, finding no 'deliberate mishandling'
I believe you are a fucking moron and that's as far as i go with you.

Tell us some more convoluted conspiracy stories, loser.
Please see your next post.


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