Boomerang Dung-Flinging at the President


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2020
The GOP slime factory would love to have images of Biden goons attacking Congress to work with, but the decent, Average Joe never even had a fixer to pay off bimbos with whom he rutted behind the backs of trophy wives. The American People's urgent need for a return to normalcy was amply satisfied, and the desperate attempts to smear Biden that got Cry Baby Loser impeached proved not only futile, but monumentally counterproductive.

The snivelers will still mewl, but it serves no purpose beyond their personal need to pleasure themselves.

When the National Republican Senatorial Committee sought to attack four vulnerable Senate Democrats in a series of new ads this spring, President Joe Biden was nowhere to be found.
It’s a phenomenon that’s becoming increasingly pronounced as the outline of the 2022 midterm election comes into focus... the standard opposition-party playbook is to make every down-ballot race about the sitting president...
Biden’s elusiveness as a target is forcing Republicans to rethink the traditional strategy. Interviews with more than 25 GOP strategists and party officials depict a president whose avuncular style and genial bearing make him a less-than-ideal foil. He doesn’t induce anger or rage, and at the moment, his White House is relatively drama-free.
“Biden is not a good bad guy,” said Ed Rogers, the veteran Republican lobbyist and strategist. “Obama was a haughty professor … The Uncle Joe life story that he has — the tragedy, the losses, the obvious empathy the man has, I think that’s all legit. So, it’s hard to demonize him.”...
Biden’s public approval rating is hardly off the charts, hovering in the low 50s. But it’s also unusually sticky, holding steady since the opening of his term. In addition, the lesson of last year’s election is still fresh in Republicans’ minds. From the Democratic primaries through the general election, they saw firsthand how difficult it was to drag Biden down, with their efforts to depict him as mentally unfit or corrupt largely falling flat. Even Trump seemed stung by Biden’s imperviousness, mocking his successor as “Saintly Joe Biden.”

"Oh, yeah! Well, Biden would have caravans of rapists
and drug dealers streaming across the border if it weren't
for the God/Emperor buildin' his big, beautiful 'Trump Wall',
'n makin' Mexico pay fer it!"
Screen Shot 2020-04-12 at 8.06.18 AM.png
I will build the greatest wall that you've ever seen!...
Politicians that are running against me : 'You can't get Mexico to pay for the wall! '
Of course you can!... I'm a great builder....
Your infrastructure is crumbling. Isn't it nice to have a builder? A real builder!...
I want it to be so beautiful because maybe someday they'll call it
The Trump Wall!...
And you put that plank up and you dig your footings. And you put that plank up --
there's no ladder going over that. If they ever go up there, they're in trouble,
because here's no way to get down...
Maybe a rope."

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The GOP slime factory would love to have images of Biden goons attacking Congress to work with, but the decent, Average Joe never even had a fixer to pay off bimbos with whom he rutted behind the backs of trophy wives. The American People's urgent need for a return to normalcy was amply satisfied, and the desperate attempts to smear Biden that got Cry Baby Loser impeached proved not only futile, but monumentally counterproductive.

The snivelers will still mewl, but it serves no purpose beyond their personal need to pleasure themselves.

When the National Republican Senatorial Committee sought to attack four vulnerable Senate Democrats in a series of new ads this spring, President Joe Biden was nowhere to be found.
It’s a phenomenon that’s becoming increasingly pronounced as the outline of the 2022 midterm election comes into focus... the standard opposition-party playbook is to make every down-ballot race about the sitting president...
Biden’s elusiveness as a target is forcing Republicans to rethink the traditional strategy. Interviews with more than 25 GOP strategists and party officials depict a president whose avuncular style and genial bearing make him a less-than-ideal foil. He doesn’t induce anger or rage, and at the moment, his White House is relatively drama-free.
“Biden is not a good bad guy,” said Ed Rogers, the veteran Republican lobbyist and strategist. “Obama was a haughty professor … The Uncle Joe life story that he has — the tragedy, the losses, the obvious empathy the man has, I think that’s all legit. So, it’s hard to demonize him.”...
Biden’s public approval rating is hardly off the charts, hovering in the low 50s. But it’s also unusually sticky, holding steady since the opening of his term. In addition, the lesson of last year’s election is still fresh in Republicans’ minds. From the Democratic primaries through the general election, they saw firsthand how difficult it was to drag Biden down, with their efforts to depict him as mentally unfit or corrupt largely falling flat. Even Trump seemed stung by Biden’s imperviousness, mocking his successor as “Saintly Joe Biden.”
"Oh, yeah! Well, Biden would have caravans of rapists
and drug dealers streaming across the border if it weren't
for the Emperor/God buildin' his big, beautiful 'Trump Wall',
'n makin' Mexico pay fer it!"
I will build the greatest wall that you've ever seen!...
Politicians that are running against me : 'You can't get Mexico to pay for the wall! '
Of course you can!... I'm a great builder....
Your infrastructure is crumbling. Isn't it nice to have a builder? A real builder!...
I want it to be so beautiful because maybe someday they'll call it
The Trump Wall!...
And you put that plank up and you dig your footings. And you put that plank up --
there's no ladder going over that. If they ever go up there, they're in trouble,
because here's no way to get down...
Maybe a rope."

I will always remember Joe lying in a fetal position after he fell 3 times climbing an airplane. That was the funniest thing I ever saw.

BTW. Do you crush beer cans and walnuts with that forehead of yours?.
The GOP slime factory would love to have images of Biden goons attacking Congress to work with, but the decent, Average Joe never even had a fixer to pay off bimbos with whom he rutted behind the backs of trophy wives. The American People's urgent need for a return to normalcy was amply satisfied, and the desperate attempts to smear Biden that got Cry Baby Loser impeached proved not only futile, but monumentally counterproductive.

The snivelers will still mewl, but it serves no purpose beyond their personal need to pleasure themselves.

When the National Republican Senatorial Committee sought to attack four vulnerable Senate Democrats in a series of new ads this spring, President Joe Biden was nowhere to be found.
It’s a phenomenon that’s becoming increasingly pronounced as the outline of the 2022 midterm election comes into focus... the standard opposition-party playbook is to make every down-ballot race about the sitting president...
Biden’s elusiveness as a target is forcing Republicans to rethink the traditional strategy. Interviews with more than 25 GOP strategists and party officials depict a president whose avuncular style and genial bearing make him a less-than-ideal foil. He doesn’t induce anger or rage, and at the moment, his White House is relatively drama-free.
“Biden is not a good bad guy,” said Ed Rogers, the veteran Republican lobbyist and strategist. “Obama was a haughty professor … The Uncle Joe life story that he has — the tragedy, the losses, the obvious empathy the man has, I think that’s all legit. So, it’s hard to demonize him.”...
Biden’s public approval rating is hardly off the charts, hovering in the low 50s. But it’s also unusually sticky, holding steady since the opening of his term. In addition, the lesson of last year’s election is still fresh in Republicans’ minds. From the Democratic primaries through the general election, they saw firsthand how difficult it was to drag Biden down, with their efforts to depict him as mentally unfit or corrupt largely falling flat. Even Trump seemed stung by Biden’s imperviousness, mocking his successor as “Saintly Joe Biden.”
"Oh, yeah! Well, Biden would have caravans of rapists
and drug dealers streaming across the border if it weren't
for the Emperor/God buildin' his big, beautiful 'Trump Wall',
'n makin' Mexico pay fer it!"
I will build the greatest wall that you've ever seen!...
Politicians that are running against me : 'You can't get Mexico to pay for the wall! '
Of course you can!... I'm a great builder....
Your infrastructure is crumbling. Isn't it nice to have a builder? A real builder!...
I want it to be so beautiful because maybe someday they'll call it
The Trump Wall!...
And you put that plank up and you dig your footings. And you put that plank up --
there's no ladder going over that. If they ever go up there, they're in trouble,
because here's no way to get down...
Maybe a rope."’s May of 2021. Election season doesn’t even start for another year.
The GOP slime factory would love to have images of Biden goons attacking Congress to work with, but the decent, Average Joe never even had a fixer to pay off bimbos with whom he rutted behind the backs of trophy wives. The American People's urgent need for a return to normalcy was amply satisfied, and the desperate attempts to smear Biden that got Cry Baby Loser impeached proved not only futile, but monumentally counterproductive.

The snivelers will still mewl, but it serves no purpose beyond their personal need to pleasure themselves.

When the National Republican Senatorial Committee sought to attack four vulnerable Senate Democrats in a series of new ads this spring, President Joe Biden was nowhere to be found.
It’s a phenomenon that’s becoming increasingly pronounced as the outline of the 2022 midterm election comes into focus... the standard opposition-party playbook is to make every down-ballot race about the sitting president...
Biden’s elusiveness as a target is forcing Republicans to rethink the traditional strategy. Interviews with more than 25 GOP strategists and party officials depict a president whose avuncular style and genial bearing make him a less-than-ideal foil. He doesn’t induce anger or rage, and at the moment, his White House is relatively drama-free.
“Biden is not a good bad guy,” said Ed Rogers, the veteran Republican lobbyist and strategist. “Obama was a haughty professor … The Uncle Joe life story that he has — the tragedy, the losses, the obvious empathy the man has, I think that’s all legit. So, it’s hard to demonize him.”...
Biden’s public approval rating is hardly off the charts, hovering in the low 50s. But it’s also unusually sticky, holding steady since the opening of his term. In addition, the lesson of last year’s election is still fresh in Republicans’ minds. From the Democratic primaries through the general election, they saw firsthand how difficult it was to drag Biden down, with their efforts to depict him as mentally unfit or corrupt largely falling flat. Even Trump seemed stung by Biden’s imperviousness, mocking his successor as “Saintly Joe Biden.”
"Oh, yeah! Well, Biden would have caravans of rapists
and drug dealers streaming across the border if it weren't
for the God/Emperor buildin' his big, beautiful 'Trump Wall',
'n makin' Mexico pay fer it!"

I will build the greatest wall that you've ever seen!...
Politicians that are running against me : 'You can't get Mexico to pay for the wall! '
Of course you can!... I'm a great builder....
Your infrastructure is crumbling. Isn't it nice to have a builder? A real builder!...
I want it to be so beautiful because maybe someday they'll call it
The Trump Wall!...
And you put that plank up and you dig your footings. And you put that plank up --
there's no ladder going over that. If they ever go up there, they're in trouble,
because here's no way to get down...
Maybe a rope."

Have you ever seen a shrink about your flaming TDS?
007 said:
Have you ever seen a shrink about your flaming TDS?

It's amusing how folks who worshipped the Cry Baby Loser are now in a rage when someone talks about him.
007 said:
Have you ever seen a shrink about your flaming TDS?

It's amusing how folks who worshipped the Cry Baby Loser are now in a rage when someone talks about him.
It's very amusing how folks that claim there was no election cheat are now doing everything in their power to hide any attempt to prove it.
They should welcome it so they can mock us because they are so so sure.riiighhtt?????.LOLOLOL

Momma caught them in the cookie jar....lolol
I will always remember Joe lying in a fetal position after he fell 3 times climbing an airplane.
That wasn't real.
Could you imagine Trump doing this.BAWWWWHAHAHA.................I love this and look forward to him breaking a hip next time.BAWWWWWHAHA

One slip, no fetal position.

You lied.

What a surprise.

Don't worry. Jesus fell 3 times before crucifiction........lololol
It's very amusing how folks that claim there was no election cheat are now doing everything in their power to hide any attempt to prove it.

That vast, nefarious, bipartisan conspiracy that stole a "Landslide!" in which Republican governors, attorneys general, secretaries of state, election supervisors, and judged were all in cahoots, yet not a single suspect among the thousands of masterminds, coordinators, collaborators, etc. can be identified?

What's to stop all the Trump bum kissers - including Trumpy media and Trumpy investigative reporters - from contriving a modicum of evidence against someone?
The GOP slime factory would love to have images of Biden goons attacking Congress to work with, but the decent, Average Joe never even had a fixer to pay off bimbos with whom he rutted behind the backs of trophy wives. The American People's urgent need for a return to normalcy was amply satisfied, and the desperate attempts to smear Biden that got Cry Baby Loser impeached proved not only futile, but monumentally counterproductive.

The snivelers will still mewl, but it serves no purpose beyond their personal need to pleasure themselves.

When the National Republican Senatorial Committee sought to attack four vulnerable Senate Democrats in a series of new ads this spring, President Joe Biden was nowhere to be found.
It’s a phenomenon that’s becoming increasingly pronounced as the outline of the 2022 midterm election comes into focus... the standard opposition-party playbook is to make every down-ballot race about the sitting president...
Biden’s elusiveness as a target is forcing Republicans to rethink the traditional strategy. Interviews with more than 25 GOP strategists and party officials depict a president whose avuncular style and genial bearing make him a less-than-ideal foil. He doesn’t induce anger or rage, and at the moment, his White House is relatively drama-free.
“Biden is not a good bad guy,” said Ed Rogers, the veteran Republican lobbyist and strategist. “Obama was a haughty professor … The Uncle Joe life story that he has — the tragedy, the losses, the obvious empathy the man has, I think that’s all legit. So, it’s hard to demonize him.”...
Biden’s public approval rating is hardly off the charts, hovering in the low 50s. But it’s also unusually sticky, holding steady since the opening of his term. In addition, the lesson of last year’s election is still fresh in Republicans’ minds. From the Democratic primaries through the general election, they saw firsthand how difficult it was to drag Biden down, with their efforts to depict him as mentally unfit or corrupt largely falling flat. Even Trump seemed stung by Biden’s imperviousness, mocking his successor as “Saintly Joe Biden.”
"Oh, yeah! Well, Biden would have caravans of rapists
and drug dealers streaming across the border if it weren't
for the Emperor/God buildin' his big, beautiful 'Trump Wall',
'n makin' Mexico pay fer it!"
I will build the greatest wall that you've ever seen!...
Politicians that are running against me : 'You can't get Mexico to pay for the wall! '
Of course you can!... I'm a great builder....
Your infrastructure is crumbling. Isn't it nice to have a builder? A real builder!...
I want it to be so beautiful because maybe someday they'll call it
The Trump Wall!...
And you put that plank up and you dig your footings. And you put that plank up --
there's no ladder going over that. If they ever go up there, they're in trouble,
because here's no way to get down...
Maybe a rope."

I will always remember Joe lying in a fetal position after he fell 3 times climbing an airplane. That was the funniest thing I ever saw.

BTW. Do you crush beer cans and walnuts with that forehead of yours?.
Of course you would remember that.....even tho it didn't happen. That's how trump cultists roll....Fake news and fantasies.
I will always remember Joe lying in a fetal position after he fell 3 times climbing an airplane.
That wasn't real.

Biden falling down the steps of AF1? :eek:

You Nazis are pathetic, Chang.
Look at that total fucking stupid dumb fuck salute.LOLOL.I just hope he falls down from the top step next time...lololol.Stupid dead ass holes who voted this total child sniffing weirdo
^ This is a classic trump cultist, folks.
I will always remember Joe lying in a fetal position after he fell 3 times climbing an airplane.
That wasn't real.
Could you imagine Trump doing this.BAWWWWHAHAHA.................I love this and look forward to him breaking a hip next time.BAWWWWWHAHA

One slip, no fetal position.

You lied.

What a surprise.

Don't worry. Jesus fell 3 times before crucifiction........lololol

This is the good one...

The GOP slime factory would love to have images of Biden goons attacking Congress to work with, but the decent, Average Joe never even had a fixer to pay off bimbos with whom he rutted behind the backs of trophy wives. The American People's urgent need for a return to normalcy was amply satisfied, and the desperate attempts to smear Biden that got Cry Baby Loser impeached proved not only futile, but monumentally counterproductive.

The snivelers will still mewl, but it serves no purpose beyond their personal need to pleasure themselves.

When the National Republican Senatorial Committee sought to attack four vulnerable Senate Democrats in a series of new ads this spring, President Joe Biden was nowhere to be found.
It’s a phenomenon that’s becoming increasingly pronounced as the outline of the 2022 midterm election comes into focus... the standard opposition-party playbook is to make every down-ballot race about the sitting president...
Biden’s elusiveness as a target is forcing Republicans to rethink the traditional strategy. Interviews with more than 25 GOP strategists and party officials depict a president whose avuncular style and genial bearing make him a less-than-ideal foil. He doesn’t induce anger or rage, and at the moment, his White House is relatively drama-free.
“Biden is not a good bad guy,” said Ed Rogers, the veteran Republican lobbyist and strategist. “Obama was a haughty professor … The Uncle Joe life story that he has — the tragedy, the losses, the obvious empathy the man has, I think that’s all legit. So, it’s hard to demonize him.”...
Biden’s public approval rating is hardly off the charts, hovering in the low 50s. But it’s also unusually sticky, holding steady since the opening of his term. In addition, the lesson of last year’s election is still fresh in Republicans’ minds. From the Democratic primaries through the general election, they saw firsthand how difficult it was to drag Biden down, with their efforts to depict him as mentally unfit or corrupt largely falling flat. Even Trump seemed stung by Biden’s imperviousness, mocking his successor as “Saintly Joe Biden.”
"Oh, yeah! Well, Biden would have caravans of rapists
and drug dealers streaming across the border if it weren't
for the God/Emperor buildin' his big, beautiful 'Trump Wall',
'n makin' Mexico pay fer it!"

I will build the greatest wall that you've ever seen!...
Politicians that are running against me : 'You can't get Mexico to pay for the wall! '
Of course you can!... I'm a great builder....
Your infrastructure is crumbling. Isn't it nice to have a builder? A real builder!...
I want it to be so beautiful because maybe someday they'll call it
The Trump Wall!...
And you put that plank up and you dig your footings. And you put that plank up --
there's no ladder going over that. If they ever go up there, they're in trouble,
because here's no way to get down...
Maybe a rope."

except im betting most of the dung is located in Obiden's depends

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