Book burning is back and it is left wing, democrat party brown shirts demanding the books be burned....of course.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Statues were the beginning...books will be next, then people.......mass graves got to be filled ..... the democrat party is just in dress rehearsal for what they will do if they get power back.......

Statues were the beginning...books will be next, then people.......mass graves got to be filled ..... the democrat party is just in dress rehearsal for what they will do if they get power back.......

I'm sorry, I read the article and nowhere did I see the words book burning. I got no problem banning a book that is based on a conspiracy theory designed to stoke hatred toward a race of people. Especially while we have more than 135K+ dead. We don't need misinformation and disinformation in addition to the abject lack of leadership we're getting now from the current administration. Get lost with this shit.
Honestly, you need some material.

EDIT - I forgot to ask, How do you burn a book you downloaded on Kindle? :)
Statues were the beginning...books will be next, then people.......mass graves got to be filled ..... the democrat party is just in dress rehearsal for what they will do if they get power back.......

I'm sorry, I read the article and nowhere did I see the words book burning. I got no problem banning a book that is based on a conspiracy theory designed to stoke hatred toward a race of people. Especially while we have more than 135K+ dead. We don't need misinformation and disinformation in addition to the abject lack of leadership we're getting now from the current administration. Get lost with this shit.
Honestly, you need some material.

Yes...anything that you disagree with is a conspiracy theory and will be banned.....good to know.

Trump has been awesome during this chinese flu.....he was praised by every governor he worked with, he managed to get so many respirators to New York the vast majority went unused...the military hospitals he put up went unused...

He just couldn't stop democrat party governors from putting infected patients in with senior citizens.....which killed 50% of the moron....

Cuome should be arrested for negligent manslaughter....
Statues were the beginning...books will be next, then people.......mass graves got to be filled ..... the democrat party is just in dress rehearsal for what they will do if they get power back.......

I'm sorry, I read the article and nowhere did I see the words book burning. I got no problem banning a book that is based on a conspiracy theory designed to stoke hatred toward a race of people. Especially while we have more than 135K+ dead. We don't need misinformation and disinformation in addition to the abject lack of leadership we're getting now from the current administration. Get lost with this shit.
Honestly, you need some material.

Yes...anything that you disagree with is a conspiracy theory and will be banned.....good to know.

Trump has been awesome during this chinese flu.....he was praised by every governor he worked with, he managed to get so many respirators to New York the vast majority went unused...the military hospitals he put up went unused...

He just couldn't stop democrat party governors from putting infected patients in with senior citizens.....which killed 50% of the moron....

Cuome should be arrested for negligent manslaughter....

Just stop with this bullshit. Trump wasn't praised by any governor except the ones that fellate him because they owe him their seat. How's that workin out for the governors of Arizona, Texas, Florida, Oklahoma, Georgia, and South Carolina right now? Cuomo has already admitted the mistake with the nursing home issue even though he was following guidelines set down by the feds and the state. You're like a broken record. But you feel free to wear that needle out. Right now, Trump owns the unmitigated disaster that is 135K+ dead and almost 15% unemployment. And there are several Republican governors (DeSantis and Kemp specifically) who's political careers and future may be completely destroyed by their response to the virus.
Statues were the beginning...books will be next, then people.......mass graves got to be filled ..... the democrat party is just in dress rehearsal for what they will do if they get power back.......

I'm sorry, I read the article and nowhere did I see the words book burning. I got no problem banning a book that is based on a conspiracy theory designed to stoke hatred toward a race of people. Especially while we have more than 135K+ dead. We don't need misinformation and disinformation in addition to the abject lack of leadership we're getting now from the current administration. Get lost with this shit.
Honestly, you need some material.

EDIT - I forgot to ask, How do you burn a book you downloaded on Kindle? :)

It's an undated book burning edition
Statues were the beginning...books will be next, then people.......mass graves got to be filled ..... the democrat party is just in dress rehearsal for what they will do if they get power back.......

I'm sorry, I read the article and nowhere did I see the words book burning. I got no problem banning a book that is based on a conspiracy theory designed to stoke hatred toward a race of people. Especially while we have more than 135K+ dead. We don't need misinformation and disinformation in addition to the abject lack of leadership we're getting now from the current administration. Get lost with this shit.
Honestly, you need some material.

Yes...anything that you disagree with is a conspiracy theory and will be banned.....good to know.

Trump has been awesome during this chinese flu.....he was praised by every governor he worked with, he managed to get so many respirators to New York the vast majority went unused...the military hospitals he put up went unused...

He just couldn't stop democrat party governors from putting infected patients in with senior citizens.....which killed 50% of the moron....

Cuome should be arrested for negligent manslaughter....

Just stop with this bullshit. Trump wasn't praised by any governor except the ones that fellate him because they owe him their seat. How's that workin out for the governors of Arizona, Texas, Florida, Oklahoma, Georgia, and South Carolina right now? Cuomo has already admitted the mistake with the nursing home issue even though he was following guidelines set down by the feds and the state. You're like a broken record. But you feel free to wear that needle out. Right now, Trump owns the unmitigated disaster that is 135K+ dead and almost 15% unemployment. And there are several Republican governors (DeSantis and Kemp specifically) who's political careers and future may be completely destroyed by their response to the virus.

You really are stupid....cuomo praised him, newsom praised him.....both democrat party governors who now complain about him.....when they no longer need him, you fucking dumb ass.

It wan't a disaster you moron, we bent the curve, hospitals weren't over run, we had more ICU beds than we needed...all because Trump took immediate action, unlike obama...........the democrats condemned him for banning travel with China.....and then Europe....... while he was saving the country pelosi was in China town telling people not to worry, as was Dr. fauci....

Their careers may be destroyed but it will be because of lies, not the truth, you dumb shit.
Statues were the beginning...books will be next, then people.......mass graves got to be filled ..... the democrat party is just in dress rehearsal for what they will do if they get power back.......

I'm sorry, I read the article and nowhere did I see the words book burning. I got no problem banning a book that is based on a conspiracy theory designed to stoke hatred toward a race of people. Especially while we have more than 135K+ dead. We don't need misinformation and disinformation in addition to the abject lack of leadership we're getting now from the current administration. Get lost with this shit.
Honestly, you need some material.

Yes...anything that you disagree with is a conspiracy theory and will be banned.....good to know.

Trump has been awesome during this chinese flu.....he was praised by every governor he worked with, he managed to get so many respirators to New York the vast majority went unused...the military hospitals he put up went unused...

He just couldn't stop democrat party governors from putting infected patients in with senior citizens.....which killed 50% of the moron....

Cuome should be arrested for negligent manslaughter....

Just stop with this bullshit. Trump wasn't praised by any governor except the ones that fellate him because they owe him their seat. How's that workin out for the governors of Arizona, Texas, Florida, Oklahoma, Georgia, and South Carolina right now? Cuomo has already admitted the mistake with the nursing home issue even though he was following guidelines set down by the feds and the state. You're like a broken record. But you feel free to wear that needle out. Right now, Trump owns the unmitigated disaster that is 135K+ dead and almost 15% unemployment. And there are several Republican governors (DeSantis and Kemp specifically) who's political careers and future may be completely destroyed by their response to the virus.

Governor party dumb ass...sell your lies to your fellow democrats...they are stupid enough to believe them....

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) offered praise for President Trump’s efforts to help the state amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Newsom, who has frequently clashed with the White House, credited Trump’s intervention in getting a Navy ship to California and expanding federal resources in the Golden State, which has grappled with a significant outbreak.

"We have the USNS Mercy in California because of [Trump's] direct intervention and support, 2,000 of these federal medical stations because of his direct support," Newsom said on CNN. "So I can only speak for myself, but I have to be complementary. Otherwise, I would be simply lying to you, misleading you, and that is a wonderful thing to be able to say, and I hope that continues."

Statues were the beginning...books will be next, then people.......mass graves got to be filled ..... the democrat party is just in dress rehearsal for what they will do if they get power back.......

I'm sorry, I read the article and nowhere did I see the words book burning. I got no problem banning a book that is based on a conspiracy theory designed to stoke hatred toward a race of people. Especially while we have more than 135K+ dead. We don't need misinformation and disinformation in addition to the abject lack of leadership we're getting now from the current administration. Get lost with this shit.
Honestly, you need some material.

Yes...anything that you disagree with is a conspiracy theory and will be banned.....good to know.

Trump has been awesome during this chinese flu.....he was praised by every governor he worked with, he managed to get so many respirators to New York the vast majority went unused...the military hospitals he put up went unused...

He just couldn't stop democrat party governors from putting infected patients in with senior citizens.....which killed 50% of the moron....

Cuome should be arrested for negligent manslaughter....

Just stop with this bullshit. Trump wasn't praised by any governor except the ones that fellate him because they owe him their seat. How's that workin out for the governors of Arizona, Texas, Florida, Oklahoma, Georgia, and South Carolina right now? Cuomo has already admitted the mistake with the nursing home issue even though he was following guidelines set down by the feds and the state. You're like a broken record. But you feel free to wear that needle out. Right now, Trump owns the unmitigated disaster that is 135K+ dead and almost 15% unemployment. And there are several Republican governors (DeSantis and Kemp specifically) who's political careers and future may be completely destroyed by their response to the virus.

Here, you dumb shit....Governor Cuomo, "The Incompetent."

But on Monday, Cuomo took to an unlikely venue -- The Howard Stern Show -- to offer genuine praise for the president's response to the coronavirus in his home state.

"He has delivered for New York. He has," Cuomo said of Trump, in response to a question from Stern about whether the president has really done anything of consequence to help.

"By and large it has worked," Cuomo said of the relationship.

He cited, as he has before, the sending of the Navy ship USNS Comfort and the construction of a military field hospital at the Javits Center as examples of the president responding quickly to the state's needs.

He also, surprisingly, noted the president has even had a kind word for his brother Chris Cuomo - the CNN anchor who has himself been battling COVID-19.

Statues were the beginning...books will be next, then people.......mass graves got to be filled ..... the democrat party is just in dress rehearsal for what they will do if they get power back.......

I'm sorry, I read the article and nowhere did I see the words book burning. I got no problem banning a book that is based on a conspiracy theory designed to stoke hatred toward a race of people. Especially while we have more than 135K+ dead. We don't need misinformation and disinformation in addition to the abject lack of leadership we're getting now from the current administration. Get lost with this shit.
Honestly, you need some material.

Yes...anything that you disagree with is a conspiracy theory and will be banned.....good to know.

Trump has been awesome during this chinese flu.....he was praised by every governor he worked with, he managed to get so many respirators to New York the vast majority went unused...the military hospitals he put up went unused...

He just couldn't stop democrat party governors from putting infected patients in with senior citizens.....which killed 50% of the moron....

Cuome should be arrested for negligent manslaughter....

Just stop with this bullshit. Trump wasn't praised by any governor except the ones that fellate him because they owe him their seat. How's that workin out for the governors of Arizona, Texas, Florida, Oklahoma, Georgia, and South Carolina right now? Cuomo has already admitted the mistake with the nursing home issue even though he was following guidelines set down by the feds and the state. You're like a broken record. But you feel free to wear that needle out. Right now, Trump owns the unmitigated disaster that is 135K+ dead and almost 15% unemployment. And there are several Republican governors (DeSantis and Kemp specifically) who's political careers and future may be completely destroyed by their response to the virus.

Hey.......your entire post is sell your lies to democrats because normal people know you are a lying piece of crap...

The Governor of New Jersey....last time I looked he was a member of the democrat party, you doofus...

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy gave the Trump administration a round of applause for helping his state combat the coronavirus. New Jersey has been one of the states hit hardest by the pandemic, with more than 120,000 confirmed cases and over 7,500 deaths. Murphy, a Democrat, joined Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday and praised President Trump and his team for helping the state.

Statues were the beginning...books will be next, then people.......mass graves got to be filled ..... the democrat party is just in dress rehearsal for what they will do if they get power back.......

I'm sorry, I read the article and nowhere did I see the words book burning. I got no problem banning a book that is based on a conspiracy theory designed to stoke hatred toward a race of people. Especially while we have more than 135K+ dead. We don't need misinformation and disinformation in addition to the abject lack of leadership we're getting now from the current administration. Get lost with this shit.
Honestly, you need some material.

Yes...anything that you disagree with is a conspiracy theory and will be banned.....good to know.

Trump has been awesome during this chinese flu.....he was praised by every governor he worked with, he managed to get so many respirators to New York the vast majority went unused...the military hospitals he put up went unused...

He just couldn't stop democrat party governors from putting infected patients in with senior citizens.....which killed 50% of the moron....

Cuome should be arrested for negligent manslaughter....

Just stop with this bullshit. Trump wasn't praised by any governor except the ones that fellate him because they owe him their seat. How's that workin out for the governors of Arizona, Texas, Florida, Oklahoma, Georgia, and South Carolina right now? Cuomo has already admitted the mistake with the nursing home issue even though he was following guidelines set down by the feds and the state. You're like a broken record. But you feel free to wear that needle out. Right now, Trump owns the unmitigated disaster that is 135K+ dead and almost 15% unemployment. And there are several Republican governors (DeSantis and Kemp specifically) who's political careers and future may be completely destroyed by their response to the virus.

Governor party dumb ass...sell your lies to your fellow democrats...they are stupid enough to believe them....

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) offered praise for President Trump’s efforts to help the state amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Newsom, who has frequently clashed with the White House, credited Trump’s intervention in getting a Navy ship to California and expanding federal resources in the Golden State, which has grappled with a significant outbreak.

"We have the USNS Mercy in California because of [Trump's] direct intervention and support, 2,000 of these federal medical stations because of his direct support," Newsom said on CNN. "So I can only speak for myself, but I have to be complementary. Otherwise, I would be simply lying to you, misleading you, and that is a wonderful thing to be able to say, and I hope that continues."

You do love cherry picking. I'm sure you'll come up with something ripe eventually. What do you think he's going to say being the governor of the largest state and needing assistance for a virus outbreak that was already more than two months in the making by the time the article you quoted was published. He played to Trump's vanity and ego to get his state the necessary help. He set aside political differences. Here's your explanation.

You might want to peddle your alt-right screed somewhere else.
Statues were the beginning...books will be next, then people.......mass graves got to be filled ..... the democrat party is just in dress rehearsal for what they will do if they get power back.......

I'm sorry, I read the article and nowhere did I see the words book burning. I got no problem banning a book that is based on a conspiracy theory designed to stoke hatred toward a race of people. Especially while we have more than 135K+ dead. We don't need misinformation and disinformation in addition to the abject lack of leadership we're getting now from the current administration. Get lost with this shit.
Honestly, you need some material.

Yes...anything that you disagree with is a conspiracy theory and will be banned.....good to know.

Trump has been awesome during this chinese flu.....he was praised by every governor he worked with, he managed to get so many respirators to New York the vast majority went unused...the military hospitals he put up went unused...

He just couldn't stop democrat party governors from putting infected patients in with senior citizens.....which killed 50% of the moron....

Cuome should be arrested for negligent manslaughter....

Just stop with this bullshit. Trump wasn't praised by any governor except the ones that fellate him because they owe him their seat. How's that workin out for the governors of Arizona, Texas, Florida, Oklahoma, Georgia, and South Carolina right now? Cuomo has already admitted the mistake with the nursing home issue even though he was following guidelines set down by the feds and the state. You're like a broken record. But you feel free to wear that needle out. Right now, Trump owns the unmitigated disaster that is 135K+ dead and almost 15% unemployment. And there are several Republican governors (DeSantis and Kemp specifically) who's political careers and future may be completely destroyed by their response to the virus.

Here, you dumb shit....Governor Cuomo, "The Incompetent."

But on Monday, Cuomo took to an unlikely venue -- The Howard Stern Show -- to offer genuine praise for the president's response to the coronavirus in his home state.

"He has delivered for New York. He has," Cuomo said of Trump, in response to a question from Stern about whether the president has really done anything of consequence to help.

"By and large it has worked," Cuomo said of the relationship.

He cited, as he has before, the sending of the Navy ship USNS Comfort and the construction of a military field hospital at the Javits Center as examples of the president responding quickly to the state's needs.

He also, surprisingly, noted the president has even had a kind word for his brother Chris Cuomo - the CNN anchor who has himself been battling COVID-19.

You're quoting Cuomo in a post after stating that you thought he should be locked up for manslaughter?
Damn, you're a cherry picking fraud. I can't count the number of times Cuomo has been critical of Trump. But like other governors,
he's between a rock and a hard place. Placate and soothe Trump's ego in order to get his state what he needed.
Statues were the beginning...books will be next, then people.......mass graves got to be filled ..... the democrat party is just in dress rehearsal for what they will do if they get power back.......

I'm sorry, I read the article and nowhere did I see the words book burning. I got no problem banning a book that is based on a conspiracy theory designed to stoke hatred toward a race of people. Especially while we have more than 135K+ dead. We don't need misinformation and disinformation in addition to the abject lack of leadership we're getting now from the current administration. Get lost with this shit.
Honestly, you need some material.

Yes...anything that you disagree with is a conspiracy theory and will be banned.....good to know.

Trump has been awesome during this chinese flu.....he was praised by every governor he worked with, he managed to get so many respirators to New York the vast majority went unused...the military hospitals he put up went unused...

He just couldn't stop democrat party governors from putting infected patients in with senior citizens.....which killed 50% of the moron....

Cuome should be arrested for negligent manslaughter....

Just stop with this bullshit. Trump wasn't praised by any governor except the ones that fellate him because they owe him their seat. How's that workin out for the governors of Arizona, Texas, Florida, Oklahoma, Georgia, and South Carolina right now? Cuomo has already admitted the mistake with the nursing home issue even though he was following guidelines set down by the feds and the state. You're like a broken record. But you feel free to wear that needle out. Right now, Trump owns the unmitigated disaster that is 135K+ dead and almost 15% unemployment. And there are several Republican governors (DeSantis and Kemp specifically) who's political careers and future may be completely destroyed by their response to the virus.

Here, you dumb shit....Governor Cuomo, "The Incompetent."

But on Monday, Cuomo took to an unlikely venue -- The Howard Stern Show -- to offer genuine praise for the president's response to the coronavirus in his home state.

"He has delivered for New York. He has," Cuomo said of Trump, in response to a question from Stern about whether the president has really done anything of consequence to help.

"By and large it has worked," Cuomo said of the relationship.

He cited, as he has before, the sending of the Navy ship USNS Comfort and the construction of a military field hospital at the Javits Center as examples of the president responding quickly to the state's needs.

He also, surprisingly, noted the president has even had a kind word for his brother Chris Cuomo - the CNN anchor who has himself been battling COVID-19.

You're quoting Cuomo in a post after stating that you thought he should be locked up for manslaughter?
Damn, you're a cherry picking fraud. I can't count the number of times Cuomo has been critical of Trump. But like other governors,
he's between a rock and a hard place. Placate and soothe Trump's ego in order to get his state what he needed.

Nice dodge asshole.....I stated that the very governors who no longer need Trump are now attacking him because of the election...but when he was bailing their sorry asses out of the fires they made with the Chinese Flu, they praised him for his help...

You were just owned and your post is crap, you doofus.
Statues were the beginning...books will be next, then people.......mass graves got to be filled ..... the democrat party is just in dress rehearsal for what they will do if they get power back.......

I'm sorry, I read the article and nowhere did I see the words book burning. I got no problem banning a book that is based on a conspiracy theory designed to stoke hatred toward a race of people. Especially while we have more than 135K+ dead. We don't need misinformation and disinformation in addition to the abject lack of leadership we're getting now from the current administration. Get lost with this shit.
Honestly, you need some material.

Yes...anything that you disagree with is a conspiracy theory and will be banned.....good to know.

Trump has been awesome during this chinese flu.....he was praised by every governor he worked with, he managed to get so many respirators to New York the vast majority went unused...the military hospitals he put up went unused...

He just couldn't stop democrat party governors from putting infected patients in with senior citizens.....which killed 50% of the moron....

Cuome should be arrested for negligent manslaughter....

Just stop with this bullshit. Trump wasn't praised by any governor except the ones that fellate him because they owe him their seat. How's that workin out for the governors of Arizona, Texas, Florida, Oklahoma, Georgia, and South Carolina right now? Cuomo has already admitted the mistake with the nursing home issue even though he was following guidelines set down by the feds and the state. You're like a broken record. But you feel free to wear that needle out. Right now, Trump owns the unmitigated disaster that is 135K+ dead and almost 15% unemployment. And there are several Republican governors (DeSantis and Kemp specifically) who's political careers and future may be completely destroyed by their response to the virus.

Hey....dumb ass....this is what you posted...

Trump wasn't praised by any governor except the ones that fellate him because they owe him their seat.

I gave you Cuomo, newsom and murphy.....3 democrat party governors who priased Trump for his help in dealing with the Chinese Flu....

You dumb ass...

‘He Has Delivered for New York': Cuomo Praises Trump's Coronavirus Response
But on Monday, Cuomo took to an unlikely venue -- The Howard Stern Show -- to offer genuine praise for the president's response to the coronavirus in his home state.

"He has delivered for New York. He has," Cuomo said of Trump, in response to a question from Stern about whether the president has really done anything of consequence to help.

"By and large it has worked," Cuomo said of the relationship.

He cited, as he has before, the sending of the Navy ship USNS Comfort and the construction of a military field hospital at the Javits Center as examples of the president responding quickly to the state's needs.
He also, surprisingly, noted the president has even had a kind word for his brother Chris Cuomo - the CNN anchor who has himself been battling COVID-19.

New Jersey..

'Extremely responsive': New Jersey governor praises Trump for coronavirus assistance | News Break
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy gave the Trump administration a round of applause for helping his state combat the coronavirus. New Jersey has been one of the states hit hardest by the pandemic, with more than 120,000 confirmed cases and over 7,500 deaths. Murphy, a Democrat, joined Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday and praised President Trump and his team for helping the state.

California governor praises Trump's efforts to help state amid coronavirus crisis

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) offered praise for President Trump’s efforts to help the state amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Newsom, who has frequently clashed with the White House, credited Trump’s intervention in getting a Navy ship to California and expanding federal resources in the Golden State, which has grappled with a significant outbreak.

"We have the USNS Mercy in California because of [Trump's] direct intervention and support, 2,000 of these federal medical stations because of his direct support," Newsom said on CNN. "So I can only speak for myself, but I have to be complementary. Otherwise, I would be simply lying to you, misleading you, and that is a wonderful thing to be able to say, and I hope that continues."
Statues were the beginning...books will be next, then people.......mass graves got to be filled ..... the democrat party is just in dress rehearsal for what they will do if they get power back.......

I'm sorry, I read the article and nowhere did I see the words book burning. I got no problem banning a book that is based on a conspiracy theory designed to stoke hatred toward a race of people. Especially while we have more than 135K+ dead. We don't need misinformation and disinformation in addition to the abject lack of leadership we're getting now from the current administration. Get lost with this shit.
Honestly, you need some material.

Yes...anything that you disagree with is a conspiracy theory and will be banned.....good to know.

Trump has been awesome during this chinese flu.....he was praised by every governor he worked with, he managed to get so many respirators to New York the vast majority went unused...the military hospitals he put up went unused...

He just couldn't stop democrat party governors from putting infected patients in with senior citizens.....which killed 50% of the moron....

Cuome should be arrested for negligent manslaughter....

Just stop with this bullshit. Trump wasn't praised by any governor except the ones that fellate him because they owe him their seat. How's that workin out for the governors of Arizona, Texas, Florida, Oklahoma, Georgia, and South Carolina right now? Cuomo has already admitted the mistake with the nursing home issue even though he was following guidelines set down by the feds and the state. You're like a broken record. But you feel free to wear that needle out. Right now, Trump owns the unmitigated disaster that is 135K+ dead and almost 15% unemployment. And there are several Republican governors (DeSantis and Kemp specifically) who's political careers and future may be completely destroyed by their response to the virus.

Here, you dumb shit....Governor Cuomo, "The Incompetent."

But on Monday, Cuomo took to an unlikely venue -- The Howard Stern Show -- to offer genuine praise for the president's response to the coronavirus in his home state.

"He has delivered for New York. He has," Cuomo said of Trump, in response to a question from Stern about whether the president has really done anything of consequence to help.

"By and large it has worked," Cuomo said of the relationship.

He cited, as he has before, the sending of the Navy ship USNS Comfort and the construction of a military field hospital at the Javits Center as examples of the president responding quickly to the state's needs.

He also, surprisingly, noted the president has even had a kind word for his brother Chris Cuomo - the CNN anchor who has himself been battling COVID-19.

You're quoting Cuomo in a post after stating that you thought he should be locked up for manslaughter?
Damn, you're a cherry picking fraud. I can't count the number of times Cuomo has been critical of Trump. But like other governors,
he's between a rock and a hard place. Placate and soothe Trump's ego in order to get his state what he needed.

Nice dodge asshole.....I stated that the very governors who no longer need Trump are now attacking him because of the election...but when he was bailing their sorry asses out of the fires they made with the Chinese Flu, they praised him for his help...

You were just owned and your post is crap, you doofus.

He didn't bail anyone's ass out. He grudgingly did the job he was supposdely elected to do. You know, the responsibility to get the whole ball rolling thing. And even that, Pence and the other adults had to step in on March 13th to stick the cattle prod up his butt to get him to act.

Feel free to keep picking.
Statues were the beginning...books will be next, then people.......mass graves got to be filled ..... the democrat party is just in dress rehearsal for what they will do if they get power back.......

I'm sorry, I read the article and nowhere did I see the words book burning. I got no problem banning a book that is based on a conspiracy theory designed to stoke hatred toward a race of people. Especially while we have more than 135K+ dead. We don't need misinformation and disinformation in addition to the abject lack of leadership we're getting now from the current administration. Get lost with this shit.
Honestly, you need some material.

Yes...anything that you disagree with is a conspiracy theory and will be banned.....good to know.

Trump has been awesome during this chinese flu.....he was praised by every governor he worked with, he managed to get so many respirators to New York the vast majority went unused...the military hospitals he put up went unused...

He just couldn't stop democrat party governors from putting infected patients in with senior citizens.....which killed 50% of the moron....

Cuome should be arrested for negligent manslaughter....

Just stop with this bullshit. Trump wasn't praised by any governor except the ones that fellate him because they owe him their seat. How's that workin out for the governors of Arizona, Texas, Florida, Oklahoma, Georgia, and South Carolina right now? Cuomo has already admitted the mistake with the nursing home issue even though he was following guidelines set down by the feds and the state. You're like a broken record. But you feel free to wear that needle out. Right now, Trump owns the unmitigated disaster that is 135K+ dead and almost 15% unemployment. And there are several Republican governors (DeSantis and Kemp specifically) who's political careers and future may be completely destroyed by their response to the virus.

Here, you dumb shit....Governor Cuomo, "The Incompetent."

But on Monday, Cuomo took to an unlikely venue -- The Howard Stern Show -- to offer genuine praise for the president's response to the coronavirus in his home state.

"He has delivered for New York. He has," Cuomo said of Trump, in response to a question from Stern about whether the president has really done anything of consequence to help.

"By and large it has worked," Cuomo said of the relationship.

He cited, as he has before, the sending of the Navy ship USNS Comfort and the construction of a military field hospital at the Javits Center as examples of the president responding quickly to the state's needs.

He also, surprisingly, noted the president has even had a kind word for his brother Chris Cuomo - the CNN anchor who has himself been battling COVID-19.

You're quoting Cuomo in a post after stating that you thought he should be locked up for manslaughter?
Damn, you're a cherry picking fraud. I can't count the number of times Cuomo has been critical of Trump. But like other governors,
he's between a rock and a hard place. Placate and soothe Trump's ego in order to get his state what he needed.

Nice dodge asshole.....I stated that the very governors who no longer need Trump are now attacking him because of the election...but when he was bailing their sorry asses out of the fires they made with the Chinese Flu, they praised him for his help...

You were just owned and your post is crap, you doofus.

He didn't bail anyone's ass out. He grudgingly did the job he was supposdely elected to do. You know, the responsibility to get the whole ball rolling thing. And even that, Pence and the other adults had to step in on March 13th to stick the cattle prod up his butt to get him to act.

Feel free to keep picking.

You were shown to be an you are dodging and ducking trying to cover your ass, you doofus....

Hey....dumb ass....this is what you posted...

Trump wasn't praised by any governor except the ones that fellate him because they owe him their seat.

I gave you Cuomo, newsom and murphy.....3 democrat party governors who priased Trump for his help in dealing with the Chinese Flu....

You dumb ass...

‘He Has Delivered for New York': Cuomo Praises Trump's Coronavirus Response

But on Monday, Cuomo took to an unlikely venue -- The Howard Stern Show -- to offer genuine praise for the president's response to the coronavirus in his home state.

"He has delivered for New York. He has," Cuomo said of Trump, in response to a question from Stern about whether the president has really done anything of consequence to help.

"By and large it has worked," Cuomo said of the relationship.

He cited, as he has before, the sending of the Navy ship USNS Comfort and the construction of a military field hospital at the Javits Center as examples of the president responding quickly to the state's needs.
He also, surprisingly, noted the president has even had a kind word for his brother Chris Cuomo - the CNN anchor who has himself been battling COVID-19.

New Jersey..

'Extremely responsive': New Jersey governor praises Trump for coronavirus assistance | News Break
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy gave the Trump administration a round of applause for helping his state combat the coronavirus. New Jersey has been one of the states hit hardest by the pandemic, with more than 120,000 confirmed cases and over 7,500 deaths. Murphy, a Democrat, joined Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday and praised President Trump and his team for helping the state.

California governor praises Trump's efforts to help state amid coronavirus crisis

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) offered praise for President Trump’s efforts to help the state amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Newsom, who has frequently clashed with the White House, credited Trump’s intervention in getting a Navy ship to California and expanding federal resources in the Golden State, which has grappled with a significant outbreak.

"We have the USNS Mercy in California because of [Trump's] direct intervention and support, 2,000 of these federal medical stations because of his direct support," Newsom said on CNN. "So I can only speak for myself, but I have to be complementary. Otherwise, I would be simply lying to you, misleading you, and that is a wonderful thing to be able to say, and I hope that continues."
Democrats are Marxist bigots. They're no different than Red China when it comes to selectively sensoring free speech they don't agree with. Can't let freedom loving Americans have a different opinion than them now can we? Democrats are insecure mental pussies..
Pretty sure Amazon does not sell books detailing how to make explosives and nerve gas even though I am sure such books exist somewhere. Is that censorship?

Also, your article links directly to a page where you can buy the book.

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